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More than 5 years have passed since last update.


Last updated at Posted at 2017-04-10



afconvert -hf

afconvert -hf
Audio file and data formats:
    '3gpp' = 3GP Audio (.3gp)
               data_formats: 'Qclp' 'aac ' 'aace' 'aacf' 'aach' 'aacl'
                             'aacp' 'samr'
    '3gp2' = 3GPP-2 Audio (.3g2)
               data_formats: 'Qclp' 'aac ' 'aace' 'aacf' 'aach' 'aacl'
                             'aacp' 'samr'
    'adts' = AAC ADTS (.aac, .adts)
               data_formats: 'aac ' 'aach' 'aacp'
    'ac-3' = AC3 (.ac3)
               data_formats: 'ac-3'
    'AIFC' = AIFC (.aifc, .aiff, .aif)
               data_formats: I8 BEI16 BEI24 BEI32 BEF32 BEF64 UI8 'ulaw'
                             'alaw' 'MAC3' 'MAC6' 'ima4' 'QDMC' 'QDM2'
                             'Qclp' 'agsm'
    'AIFF' = AIFF (.aiff, .aif)
               data_formats: I8 BEI16 BEI24 BEI32
    'amrf' = AMR (.amr)
               data_formats: 'samr' 'sawb'
    'm4af' = Apple MPEG-4 Audio (.m4a, .m4r)
               data_formats: 'aac ' 'aace' 'aacf' 'aach' 'aacl' 'aacp'
                             'ac-3' 'alac' 'ec-3' 'paac' 'pac3' 'qec3'
    'm4bf' = Apple MPEG-4 AudioBooks (.m4b)
               data_formats: 'aac ' 'aace' 'aacf' 'aach' 'aacl' 'aacp'
    'caff' = CAF (.caf)
               data_formats: '.mp1' '.mp2' '.mp3' 'QDM2' 'QDMC' 'Qclp'
                             'Qclq' 'aac ' 'aace' 'aacf' 'aach' 'aacl'
                             'aacp' 'ac-3' 'alac' 'alaw' 'dvi8' 'ec-3'
                             'ilbc' 'ima4' I8 BEI16 BEI24 BEI32 BEF32
                             BEF64 LEI16 LEI24 LEI32 LEF32 LEF64 'ms\x00\x02'
                             'ms\x00\x11' 'ms\x001' 'paac' 'pac3' 'pec3'
                             'qaac' 'qac3' 'qach' 'qacp' 'qec3' 'samr'
                             'ulaw' 'zaac' 'zac3' 'zach' 'zacp' 'zec3'
    'ec-3' = EC3 (.ec3)
               data_formats: 'ec-3'
    'MPG1' = MPEG Layer 1 (.mp1, .mpeg, .mpa)
               data_formats: '.mp1'
    'MPG2' = MPEG Layer 2 (.mp2, .mpeg, .mpa)
               data_formats: '.mp2'
    'MPG3' = MPEG Layer 3 (.mp3, .mpeg, .mpa)
               data_formats: '.mp3'
    'mp4f' = MPEG-4 Audio (.mp4)
               data_formats: 'aac ' 'aace' 'aacf' 'aach' 'aacl' 'aacp'
                             'ac-3' 'ec-3' 'qec3' 'zec3'
    'NeXT' = NeXT/Sun (.snd, .au)
               data_formats: I8 BEI16 BEI24 BEI32 BEF32 BEF64 'ulaw'
    'Sd2f' = Sound Designer II (.sd2)
               data_formats: I8 BEI16 BEI24 BEI32
    'WAVE' = WAVE (.wav)
               data_formats: UI8 LEI16 LEI24 LEI32 LEF32 LEF64 'ulaw'


afconvert -f [出力フォーマット] -d [入力のbitdepth] 入力ファイル 出力ファイル

Ex. ビッグエンディアン16ビットのファイル(bei16input.m4a)をaiff(output.aiff)に変換

afconvert -f AIFF -d BEI16 bei16input.m4a output.aiff

※ 解像度は afinfo で確認できる

afinfo bei16input.m4a


afplay output.aiff

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