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Last updated at Posted at 2020-04-27




  • GASのモダン開発をしている(TypeScriptでやっている)
  • クライアントサイドのコードにもビルドプロセス(Webpack等)を適用している。


Definitely Typed では提供されていませんが、個人で作成されたものが Gist

この Gist に UP されてる d.ts を見てみると google.script.run で呼び出す関数の定義は以下のように [serverSideFunction: string]: Function; と定義されています。

namespace google {
    namespace script {
        interface IRun {
            [serverSideFunction: string]: Function;
             * Sets a callback function to run if the server-side function throws an exception. Without a failure handler, failures are logged to the JavaScript console. To override this, call withFailureHandler(null) or supply a failure handler that does nothing.
             * @param callback a client-side callback function to run if the server-side function throws an exception; the Error object is passed to the function as the first argument, and the user object (if any) is passed as a second argument
            withFailureHandler(callback: (error: Error, object?: any)=>void): IRun;
             * Sets a callback function to run if the server-side function returns successfully.
             * @param callback a client-side callback function to run if the server-side function returns successfully; the server's return value is passed to the function as the first argument, and the user object (if any) is passed as a second argument
            withSuccessHandler(callback: (value: any, object?: any)=>void): IRun;
             * Sets an object to pass as a second parameter to the success and failure handlers.
             * @param {Object} object an object to pass as a second parameter to the success and failure handlers; because user objects are not sent to the server, they are not subject to the restrictions on parameters and return values for server calls. User objects cannot, however, be objects constructed with the new operator
            withUserObject(object: object): IRun;

google.script.run でサーバサイドのmyFunctionと言うサーバサイドの関数を呼び出す場合は google.script.run.myFunction() と書く必要があり、各開発者が自由に実装(定義)するサーバサイドのGASの関数を事前にd.tsに定義することはできないので仕方ないですね。


サーバサイドをTypeScriptで書いているのであれば、その型の情報からクライアントサイドの型定義(d.ts)を生成すればいいのでは?と思い google-script-dts-generator 生成ツールを作成しました。


npm install google-script-dts-generator --save-dev
yarn add google-script-dts-generator -D



google-script-dts-generator -s <サーバサイドのソースコードのディレクトリのパス> -o <生成するd.tsを出力するディレクトリのパス>


global.echo = (message: string) => {
  return message;

google-script-dts-generator を実行すると次のような型定義(google.script.d.ts)ファイルが生成されます。

declare namespace google {
     * Methods available to Google Apps Script
    namespace script {
        interface IRun {
            echo(message: string): void;
             * Sets a callback function to run if the server-side function throws an exception. Without a failure handler, failures are logged to the JavaScript console. To override this, call withFailureHandler(null) or supply a failure handler that does nothing.
             * @param callback a client-side callback function to run if the server-side function throws an exception; the Error object is passed to the function as the first argument, and the user object (if any) is passed as a second argument
            withFailureHandler(callback: (error: Error, object?: any)=>void): IRun;
             * Sets a callback function to run if the server-side function returns successfully.
             * @param callback a client-side callback function to run if the server-side function returns successfully; the server's return value is passed to the function as the first argument, and the user object (if any) is passed as a second argument
            withSuccessHandler(callback: (value: any, object?: any)=>void): IRun;
             * Sets an object to pass as a second parameter to the success and failure handlers.
             * @param {Object} object an object to pass as a second parameter to the success and failure handlers; because user objects are not sent to the server, they are not subject to the restrictions on parameters and return values for server calls. User objects cannot, however, be objects constructed with the new operator
            withUserObject(object: object): IRun;


    .withSuccessHandler(v => {})
    .withFailureHandler(e => console.error(e))
    .echo("hello gas");
// OK (No Error)
    .withSuccessHandler(v => {})
    .withFailureHandler(e => console.error(e))
// index.ts:4:11 - error TS2345: Argument of type '123' is not assignable to parameter of type 'string'.
// 4     .echo(123);;
//            ~~~
// Found 1 error.
    .withSuccessHandler(v => {})
    .withFailureHandler(e => console.error(e))
    .echoo("hello gas");
// index.ts:4:6 - error TS2551: Property 'echoo' does not exist on type 'IRun'. Did you mean 'echo'?
// 4     .echoo("hello gas");;
//        ~~~~~
//  google.script.d.ts:7:13
//    7             echo(message: string): void;
//                  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
//    'echo' is declared here.
// Found 1 error.

このサンプルコードの全ては GitHubのリポジトリ で確認できます。


google-script-dts-generator を使うとクライアントサイドの型定義(google.script.d.ts)ファイルを生成できます。生成した型定義ファイルでクライアントサイドの関数呼び出し時にも型のチェックもできるようになります。


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