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Build a Complex Transaction

Last updated at Posted at 2024-12-23

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Next >> Sign a Transaction

Simple Transactions

Flow CLI を使用してトランザクションを送信するには、ここに記載されているsendコマンドを使用するだけで実現できます。

Complex Transactions

より複雑なトランザクションを構築したい場合は、Flow CLIが提供するコマンドを使用して、トランザクションの構築、署名、送信を行うことができます。これにより、異なる承認者、署名者、提案者を指定することができます。


  1. build a transaction
  2. sign the built transaction
  3. send signed transaction



ここでは、複雑なトランザクションの一般的な例を説明します。すべての例は、example configurationを使用しています。

Single payer, proposer and authorizer

最もシンプルなFlow トランザクションでは、単一のアカウントを提案者、支払者、承認者として宣言します。

Build the transaction:

> flow transactions build tx.cdc 
  --proposer alice 
  --payer alice 
  --authorizer alice 
  --filter payload --save tx1

Sign the transaction:

> flow transactions sign tx1 --signer alice 
  --filter payload --save tx2

Submit the signed transaction:

> flow transactions send-signed tx2

Transaction content (tx.cdc):

transaction {
    prepare(signer: &Account) {}
    execute { ... }

Single payer and proposer, multiple authorizers


Build the transaction:

> flow transactions build tx.cdc 
  --proposer alice
  --payer alice
  --authorizer bob
  --authorizer charlie 
  --filter payload --save tx1

Sign the transaction with authorizers:

> flow transactions sign tx1 --signer bob
  --filter payload --save tx2
> flow transactions sign tx2 --signer charlie
  --filter payload --save tx3

Sign the transaction with payer:

> flow transactions sign tx3 --signer alice
  --filter payload --save tx4

Submit the signed transaction:

> flow transactions send-signed tx4

Transaction content (tx.cdc):

transaction {
    prepare(bob: &Account, charlie: &Account) {}
    execute { ... }

Different payer, proposer and authorizer


Build the transaction:

> flow transactions build tx.cdc 
  --proposer alice 
  --payer bob 
  --authorizer charlie 
  --filter payload --save tx1

Sign the transaction with proposer:

> flow transactions sign tx1 --signer alice 
  --filter payload --save tx2

Sign the transaction with authorizer:

> flow transactions sign tx2 --signer charlie 
  --filter payload --save tx3

Sign the transaction with payer:

> flow transactions sign tx3 --signer bob 
  --filter payload --save tx4

Submit the signed transaction:

> flow transactions send-signed tx4

Transaction content (tx.cdc):

transaction {
    prepare(charlie: &Account) {}
    execute { ... }

Single payer, proposer and authorizer but multiple keys


Build the transaction:

> flow transactions build tx.cdc 
  --proposer dylan1 
  --payer dylan1
  --authorizer dylan1 
  --filter payload --save tx1

Sign the transaction with the first key:

> flow transactions sign tx1 --signer dylan1 
  --filter payload --save tx2

Sign the transaction with the second key:

> flow transactions sign tx2 --signer dylan2 
  --filter payload --save tx3

Submit the signed transaction:

> flow transactions send-signed tx3

Transaction content (tx.cdc):

transaction {
    prepare(signer: &Account) {}
    execute { ... }



    "accounts": {
        "alice": {
            "address": "0x1",
            "key": "111...111"
        "bob": {
            "address": "0x2",
            "key": "222...222"
        "charlie": {
            "address": "0x3",
            "key": "333...333"
        "dylan1": {
            "address": "0x4",
            "key": "444...444"
        "dylan2": {
            "address": "0x4",
            "key": "555...555"

Last updated on Dec 11, 2024 by Chase Fleming


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Flow blockchain / Cadence version1.0ドキュメント (Build a Complex Transaction)

Next >> Sign a Transaction


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