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Staking Table

Last updated at Posted at 2024-12-26

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Flow Staking Contract Reference



Source: FlowIDTableStaking.cdc

Network Contract Address
Emulator 0xf8d6e0586b0a20c7
Cadence Testing Framework 0x0000000000000001
Testnet 0x9eca2b38b18b5dfe
Mainnet 0x8624b52f9ddcd04a

Transactions and Scripts

ステーキングコントラクトのトランザクションは、flow-core-contractsレポジトリにあります。開発者およびユーザーは、テスト用に用意されている基本トランザクションではなく、ステーキングコレクショントランザクション(the staking collection transactions)を使用してトークンをステークすることが推奨されます。

Getting Staking Info with Scripts


ID Name Source
SC.01 Get Delegation Cut Percentage idTableStaking/get_cut_percentage.cdc
SC.02 Get Minimum Stake Requirements dTableStaking/get_stake_requirements.cdc
SC.03 Get Total Weekly Reward Payout idTableStaking/get_weekly_payout.cdc
SC.04 Get Current Staked Node Table idTableStaking/get_current_table.cdc
SC.05 Get Proposed Staked Node Table idTableStaking/get_proposed_table.cdc
SC.06 Get Total Flow Staked idTableStaking/get_total_staked.cdc
SC.07 Get Total Flow Staked by Node Type idTableStaking/get_total_staked_by_type.cdc
SC.08 Get All Info about a single NodeID idTableStaking/get_node_info.cdc
SC.09 Get a node's total Commitment (delegators) idTableStaking/get_node_total_commitment.cdc
SC.10 Get All Info about a single Delegator idTableStaking/delegation/get_delegator_info.cdc
SC.11 Get a node's total Commitment idTableStaking/get_node_total_commitment_without_delegators.cdc

Delegator Transactions




    /** Epoch */
    access(all) event NewEpoch(
        totalStaked: UFix64,
        totalRewardPayout: UFix64,
        newEpochCounter: UInt64
    access(all) event EpochTotalRewardsPaid(
        total: UFix64,
        fromFees: UFix64,
        minted: UFix64,
        feesBurned: UFix64,
        epochCounterForRewards: UInt64

    /** Node */
    access(all) event NewNodeCreated(nodeID: String, role: UInt8, amountCommitted: UFix64)
    access(all) event TokensCommitted(nodeID: String, amount: UFix64)
    access(all) event TokensStaked(nodeID: String, amount: UFix64)
    access(all) event NodeTokensRequestedToUnstake(nodeID: String, amount: UFix64)
    access(all) event TokensUnstaking(nodeID: String, amount: UFix64)
    access(all) event TokensUnstaked(nodeID: String, amount: UFix64)
    access(all) event NodeRemovedAndRefunded(nodeID: String, amount: UFix64)
    access(all) event RewardsPaid(nodeID: String, amount: UFix64, epochCounter:  UInt64)
    access(all) event UnstakedTokensWithdrawn(nodeID: String, amount: UFix64)
    access(all) event RewardTokensWithdrawn(nodeID: String, amount: UFix64)
    access(all) event NetworkingAddressUpdated(nodeID: String, newAddress: String)
    access(all) event NodeWeightChanged(nodeID: String, newWeight: UInt64)

    /** Delegator */
    access(all) event NewDelegatorCreated(nodeID: String, delegatorID: UInt32)
    access(all) event DelegatorTokensCommitted(nodeID: String, delegatorID: UInt32, amount: UFix64)
    access(all) event DelegatorTokensStaked(nodeID: String, delegatorID: UInt32, amount: UFix64)
    access(all) event DelegatorTokensRequestedToUnstake(nodeID: String, delegatorID: UInt32, amount: UFix64)
    access(all) event DelegatorTokensUnstaking(nodeID: String, delegatorID: UInt32, amount: UFix64)
    access(all) event DelegatorTokensUnstaked(nodeID: String, delegatorID: UInt32, amount: UFix64)
    access(all) event DelegatorRewardsPaid(nodeID: String, delegatorID: UInt32, amount: UFix64, epochCounter:  UInt64)
    access(all) event DelegatorUnstakedTokensWithdrawn(nodeID: String, delegatorID: UInt32, amount: UFix64)
    access(all) event DelegatorRewardTokensWithdrawn(nodeID: String, delegatorID: UInt32, amount: UFix64)

    /** Contract Fields */
    access(all) event NewDelegatorCutPercentage(newCutPercentage: UFix64)
    access(all) event NewWeeklyPayout(newPayout: UFix64)
    access(all) event NewStakingMinimums(newMinimums: {UInt8: UFix64})
    access(all) event NewDelegatorStakingMinimum(newMinimum: UFix64)

Last updated on Dec 17, 2024 by j pimmel


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