自分でset upしたOpenGrokと、他の人が作ったやつとを同時に見てる時に、混乱しないように背景色とかfaviconを変えて簡単に見分けられるようにしたかった。
README.txtを読む限り、source.war を作りなおせばいろんなことができるっぽい。
ちょっと手がかかりそうなので他の方法はないかと探してみると、CHANGES.txtに、v0.3から look and feelをcustomizeできるように実装されている、とある。
February 2006 update 0.3
New Features:
Support for Subversion.
A cscope like GUI for search.
A GUI wizard for creating or updating search index.
New option that supports webapps with different context URLs.
Better display of matched context
A new CSS style sheet with offwhite theme.
December 2005 update: 0.2.1
New Features:
Now runs on Microsoft Windows
a new CSS theme (polished)
Interim support for PHP and OpenSolaris Assembler code.
Single distributable file to keep things simple
その実装のcommit message:
Create webapp as part of the normal build step
The webapp will also include the various configurations, so the user may
select the look'n'feel without rebuilding the application. By default the
webapp will use the look'n'feel (css-files and icons) located in the folder
named default. You may alter the content in this directory, or specify the
look'n'feel to use by using the -L option and create a configuration file
to OpenGrok.
java -jar opengrok.jar -R configuration.xml -W configuration.xml
-U localhost:2424 -L offwhite -n
will read the current configuration, set the look'n'feel to "offwhite" and
store the new configuration. The -U option I specified here was to update
the webapplicaton that listens to configuration changes on localhost:2424