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More than 3 years have passed since last update.


Last updated at Posted at 2020-06-16



<<<<<<< HEAD
This is an apple.      # mergeする側の変更(masterブランチの編集)
This is an orange.     # mergeされる側の変更(testブランチの編集)
>>>>>>> test



$ git checkout master

$ git rebase -i 2a87bbe

$ vim {file_name}

<<<<<<< HEAD
This is an apple.      # masterブランチの編集
This is an orange.     # testブランチの編集
>>>>>>> test

$ git add {file_name}      # conflictを解消したファイルの名前をgitに教えてあげる

$ git rebase --continue    # これ以上conflictしているファイルがなければコミットされる


* 82ca154 - edit an apple (HEAD -> master) (3 seconds ago:2020-06-16 15:19:36 +0900) <Erika>
| * 2a87bbe - edit an orange (test) (60 seconds ago:2020-06-16 15:18:39 +0900) <Erika>
* 41ab24c - add test.txt (3 minutes ago:2020-06-16 15:16:46 +0900) <Erika>
* 5f09f67 - initial commit (origin/master) (4 hours ago:2020-06-16 11:10:42 +0900) <Erika>


* 5825464 - edit conflicts (rebase an apple and an orange) (HEAD -> master) (36 seconds ago:2020-06-16 15:56:16 +0900) <Erika>
* 2a87bbe - edit an orange (test) (38 minutes ago:2020-06-16 15:18:39 +0900) <Erika>
* 41ab24c - add test.txt (40 minutes ago:2020-06-16 15:16:46 +0900) <Erika>
* 5f09f67 - initial commit (origin/master) (5 hours ago:2020-06-16 11:10:42 +0900) <Erika>

merge --squash時のconflictの解消方法


$ git merge --squash test
Auto-merging test.txt
CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in test.txt
Squash commit -- not updating HEAD
Automatic merge failed; fix conflicts and then commit the result.

$ git st

$ vim test.txt

<<<<<<< HEAD
This is an apple.      # masterブランチの編集
This is an orange.     # testブランチの編集
>>>>>>> test

$ git add test.txt

$ git commit -m ''


* 82ca154 - edit an apple (HEAD -> master) (3 seconds ago:2020-06-16 15:19:36 +0900) <Erika>
| * 2a87bbe - edit an orange (test) (60 seconds ago:2020-06-16 15:18:39 +0900) <Erika>
* 41ab24c - add test.txt (3 minutes ago:2020-06-16 15:16:46 +0900) <Erika>
* 5f09f67 - initial commit (origin/master) (4 hours ago:2020-06-16 11:10:42 +0900) <Erika>


* 95a1712 - edit conflicts (HEAD -> master) (3 seconds ago:2020-06-16 15:36:43 +0900) <Erika>
* 82ca154 - edit an apple (17 minutes ago:2020-06-16 15:19:36 +0900) <Erika>
| * 2a87bbe - edit an orange (test) (18 minutes ago:2020-06-16 15:18:39 +0900) <Erika>
* 41ab24c - add test.txt (20 minutes ago:2020-06-16 15:16:46 +0900) <Erika>
* 5f09f67 - initial commit (origin/master) (4 hours ago:2020-06-16 11:10:42 +0900) <Erika>



$ git merge test
Auto-merging test.txt
CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in test.txt
Automatic merge failed; fix conflicts and then commit the result.

$ git st

$ vim test.txt

<<<<<<< HEAD
This is an apple.      # masterブランチの編集
This is an orange.     # testブランチの編集
>>>>>>> test

$ git add test.txt

$ git commit -m ''


* 82ca154 - edit an apple (HEAD -> master) (3 seconds ago:2020-06-16 15:19:36 +0900) <Erika>
| * 2a87bbe - edit an orange (test) (60 seconds ago:2020-06-16 15:18:39 +0900) <Erika>
* 41ab24c - add test.txt (3 minutes ago:2020-06-16 15:16:46 +0900) <Erika>
* 5f09f67 - initial commit (origin/master) (4 hours ago:2020-06-16 11:10:42 +0900) <Erika>


*   f4c1675 - edit conflicts (HEAD -> master) (3 seconds ago:2020-06-16 15:29:26 +0900) <Erika>
| * 2a87bbe - edit an orange (test) (11 minutes ago:2020-06-16 15:18:39 +0900) <Erika>
* | 82ca154 - edit an apple (10 minutes ago:2020-06-16 15:19:36 +0900) <Erika>
* 41ab24c - add test.txt (13 minutes ago:2020-06-16 15:16:46 +0900) <Erika>
* 5f09f67 - initial commit (origin/master) (4 hours ago:2020-06-16 11:10:42 +0900) <Erika>

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Delete article

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