Programming in Haskell という書籍で Haskell の勉強をしています(日本語版はこちら).
この本の Part II の部分の練習問題を実装してみました
(Part I はこちら Programming in Haskell の練習問題の実装例 Part. 1 )
8. Declaring types and classes
Exercise 1
putStr :: String -> IO ()
putStr xs = sequence_ [putChar x | x <- xs]
Exercise 2
type Board = [Int]
putRow' :: Board -> Int -> IO ()
putRow' [] _ = return ()
putRow' (b : bs) row = do
putStr (show row)
putStr ": "
putStrLn (concat (replicate b "* "))
putRow' bs (row + 1)
putBoard :: Board -> IO ()
putBoard b = putRow' b 1
Exercise 3
type Board = [Int]
putRow :: Int -> Int -> IO ()
putRow row num = do
putStr (show row)
putStr ": "
putStrLn (concat (replicate num "* "))
putBoard :: Board -> IO ()
putBoard b = sequence_ [putRow r n | (r, n) <- zip [1 ..] b
Exercise 4
import System.IO
getIntegers :: Int -> Int -> IO Int
getIntegers t n = do
if n == 0
then return t
else do
xs <- getLine
getIntegers (t + (read xs :: Int)) (n - 1)
adder :: IO ()
adder = do
putStr "How many numbers? "
n <- getLine
t <- getIntegers 0 (read n :: Int)
putStrLn ("The total is " ++ show t)
Exercise 5
import System.IO
adder' :: IO ()
adder' = do
putStr "How many numbers? "
n <- getLine
res <- sequence (replicate (read n :: Int) getLine)
putStrLn ("The total is " ++ show (sum (map (read :: String -> Int) res)))
Exercise 6
こんな感じに書いてはみたものの,delete と backspace を押しても \DEL
と \b
import System.IO
getCh :: IO Char
getCh = do
hSetEcho stdin False
x <- getChar
hSetEcho stdin True
return x
clearLine :: IO ()
clearLine = putStr "\ESC[2K"
clearEnd :: IO ()
clearEnd = putStr "\ESC[0K"
backCursor :: IO ()
backCursor = putStr "\ESC[1D"
getChars :: Int -> String -> IO String
getChars n xs = do
x <- getChar
if x == '\n'
then do
putChar x
return (xs ++ [x])
if x == '\b'
then do
getChars (max 0 (n - 1)) xs
if x == '\DEL'
then do
putStr (drop n xs)
getChars n (take (n - 1) xs ++ drop n xs)
else do
putChar x
getChars (n + 1) (xs ++ [x])
readLine :: IO String
readLine = getChars 0 ""
main = do
xs <- readLine
print xs
11 Unbeatable tic-tac-toe
Exercise 1
cntNodes :: Tree a -> Int
cntNodes (Node x []) = 1
cntNodes (Node x ts) = 1 + sum [cntNodes t | t <- ts]
cntDepth :: Tree a -> Int
cntDepth (Node x []) = 0
cntDepth (Node x ts) = 1 + maximum [cntDepth t | t <- ts]
main :: IO ()
main = do
let t = gametree empty O
print (cntNodes t) -- 549946
print (cntDepth t) -- 9
Exercise 2
import Data.Char
import Data.List
import System.IO
import System.Random
bestmove :: Grid -> Player -> IO Grid
bestmove g p = do
putStr "number: "
x <- (randomRIO :: (Int, Int) -> IO Int) (0, length xs - 1)
return (xs !! x)
tree = prune depth (gametree g p)
Node (_, best) ts = minimax tree
xs = [g' | Node (g', p') _ <- ts, p' == best]
play' :: Grid -> Player -> IO ()
play' g p
| wins O g = putStrLn "Player O wins!\n"
| wins X g = putStrLn "Player X wins!\n"
| full g = putStrLn "It's a draw!\n"
| p == O = do
i <- getNat (prompt p)
case move g i p of
[] -> do
putStrLn "ERROR: Invalid move"
play' g p
[g'] -> play g' (nxt p)
| p == X = do
putStr "Player X is thinking... "
g' <- bestmove g p
play g' (nxt p)
Exercise 3
cntDepth :: Tree (Grid, Player) -> Int
cntDepth (Node (_, _) []) = 0
cntDepth (Node (g, p) ts) = 1 + maximum [cntDepth t | t <- ts]
minTree :: Tree (Grid, Player) -> [Tree (Grid, Player)] -> Tree (Grid, Player)
minTree t [] = t
minTree t (x : xs)
| n < n' = minTree t xs
| otherwise = minTree x xs
n = cntDepth t
n' = cntDepth x
bestmove :: Grid -> Player -> Grid
bestmove g p = g''
tree = prune depth (gametree g p)
Node (_, best) ts = minimax tree
xs = [Node (g', p') t | Node (g', p') t <- ts, p' == best]
Node (g'', _) ts'' = minTree (head xs) xs
Exercise 4
import Data.Char
import Data.List
import System.IO
data Player = O | B | X
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
type Grid = [[Player]]
next :: Player -> Player
next O = X
next B = B
next X = O
empty :: Int -> Grid
empty size = replicate size (replicate size B)
full :: Grid -> Bool
full = all (/= B) . concat
turn :: Grid -> Player
turn g = if os <= xs then O else X
os = length (filter (== O) ps)
xs = length (filter (== X) ps)
ps = concat g
diag :: Int -> Grid -> [Player]
diag size g = [g !! n !! n | n <- [0 .. size - 1]]
wins :: Int -> Player -> Grid -> Bool
wins size p g = any line (rows ++ cols ++ dias)
line = all (== p)
rows = g
cols = transpose g
dias = [diag size g, diag size (map reverse g)]
won :: Int -> Grid -> Bool
won size g = wins size O g || wins size X g
showPlayer :: Player -> [String]
showPlayer O = [" ", " O ", " "]
showPlayer B = [" ", " ", " "]
showPlayer X = [" ", " X ", " "]
interleave :: a -> [a] -> [a]
interleave x [] = []
interleave x [y] = [y]
interleave x (y : ys) = y : x : interleave x ys
showRow :: [Player] -> [String]
showRow = beside . interleave bar . map showPlayer
beside = foldr1 (zipWith (++))
bar = replicate 3 "|"
putGrid :: Int -> Grid -> IO ()
putGrid size = putStrLn . unlines . concat . interleave bar . map showRow
bar = [replicate ((size * 4) - 1) '-']
valid :: Int -> Grid -> Int -> Bool
valid size g i = 0 <= i && i < size ^ 2 && concat g !! i == B
chop :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
chop n [] = []
chop n xs = take n xs : chop n (drop n xs)
move :: Int -> Grid -> Int -> Player -> [Grid]
move size g i p = [chop size (xs ++ [p] ++ ys) | valid size g i]
(xs, B : ys) = splitAt i (concat g)
nxtTree :: Grid -> Tree Grid -> Tree Grid
nxtTree g (Node g' ts') = head [Node g'' ts'' | Node g'' ts'' <- ts', g'' == g]
cls :: IO ()
cls = putStr "\ESC[2J"
type Pos = (Int, Int)
goto :: Pos -> IO ()
goto (x, y) = putStr ("\ESC[" ++ show y ++ ";" ++ "H")
prompt :: Player -> String
prompt p = "Player" ++ show p ++ ", enter your move: "
getNat :: String -> IO Int
getNat prompt = do
putStr prompt
xs <- getLine
if xs /= [] && all isDigit xs
then return (read xs)
else do
putStrLn "ERROR: Invalid number"
getNat prompt
run' :: Int -> Grid -> Player -> IO ()
run' size g p
| wins size O g = putStrLn "Player O wins!\n"
| wins size X g = putStrLn "Player X wins!\n"
| full g = putStrLn "It's a draw!\n"
| otherwise = do
i <- getNat (prompt p)
case move size g i p of
[] -> do
putStrLn "ERROR: Invalid move"
run' size g p
[g'] -> run size g' (next p)
run :: Int -> Grid -> Player -> IO ()
run size g p = do
goto (1, 1)
putGrid size g
run' size g p
tictactoe :: IO ()
tictactoe = do
size <- getSize
run size (empty size) O
data Tree a = Node a [Tree a]
deriving (Show)
moves :: Int -> Grid -> Player -> [Grid]
moves size g p
| won size g = []
| full g = []
| otherwise = concat [move size g i p | i <- [0 .. ((size ^ 2) - 1)]]
gametree :: Int -> Grid -> Player -> Tree Grid
gametree size g p = Node g [gametree size g' (next p) | g' <- moves size g p]
prune :: Int -> Tree a -> Tree a
prune 0 (Node x _) = Node x []
prune n (Node x ts) = Node x [prune (n - 1) t | t <- ts]
depth :: Int
depth = 9
minimax :: Int -> Tree Grid -> Tree (Grid, Player)
minimax size (Node g [])
| wins size O g = Node (g, O) []
| wins size X g = Node (g, X) []
| otherwise = Node (g, B) []
minimax size (Node g ts)
| turn g == O = Node (g, minimum ps) ts'
| turn g == X = Node (g, maximum ps) ts'
ts' = map (minimax size) ts
ps = [p | Node (_, p) _ <- ts']
min' :: Int
min' = -2
max' :: Int
max' = 2
bestTree :: Player -> (Int, Grid) -> (Int, Grid) -> (Int, Grid)
bestTree p res now
| p == O =
if fst res < fst now
then res
else now
| otherwise =
if fst res > fst now
then res
else now
alphaBetaPrune' :: Int -> Player -> Int -> Int -> (Int, Grid) -> [Tree Grid] -> (Int, Grid)
alphaBetaPrune' _ _ _ _ best [] = best
alphaBetaPrune' size p a b best ts
| a >= b = best
| p == O = alphaBetaPrune' size p a b' best' (tail ts)
| otherwise = alphaBetaPrune' size p a' b best' (tail ts)
Node g' ts' = head ts
res = alphaBetaPrune size a b (Node g' ts')
best' = bestTree p (fst res, g') best
a' = max a (fst best')
b' = min b (fst best')
alphaBetaPrune :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Tree Grid -> (Int, Grid)
alphaBetaPrune size a b (Node g [])
| wins size O g = (-1, g)
| wins size X g = (1, g)
| otherwise = (0, g)
alphaBetaPrune size a b (Node g ts)
| turn g == O = alphaBetaPrune' size O a b (max', g) ts
| turn g == X = alphaBetaPrune' size X a b (min', g) ts
bestmove :: Int -> Tree Grid -> Player -> Grid
bestmove size (Node g ts) p = snd (alphaBetaPrune size min' max' (Node g ts))
play' :: Int -> Tree Grid -> Player -> IO ()
play' size (Node g ts) p
| wins size O g = putStrLn "Player O wins!\n"
| wins size X g = putStrLn "Player X wins!\n"
| full g = putStrLn "It's a draw!\n"
| p == O = do
i <- getNat (prompt p)
case move size g i p of
[] -> do
putStrLn "ERROR: Invalid move"
play' size (Node g ts) p
[g'] -> play size (nxtTree g' (Node g ts)) (next p)
| p == X = do
putStr "Player X is thinking... "
(play size $! nxtTree (bestmove size (Node g ts) p) (Node g ts)) (next p)
play :: Int -> Tree Grid -> Player -> IO ()
play size (Node g ts) p = do
goto (1, 1)
putGrid size g
play' size (Node g ts) p
fstPlayer :: IO Player
fstPlayer = do
putStr "First Player: "
x <- getLine
if x == "O"
then return O
if x == "X"
then return X
else do
print "ERROR: Invalid player"
getSize :: IO Int
getSize = do
putStr "Length of winning line: "
xs <- getLine
if all isDigit xs
then return (read xs)
else do
print "ERROR: Invalid length"
main :: IO ()
main = do
hSetBuffering stdout NoBuffering
p <- fstPlayer
size <- getSize
play size (gametree size (empty size) p) p
12 Monads and more
Exercise 1
data Tree a = Leaf | Node (Tree a) a (Tree a)
deriving (Show)
instance Functor Tree where
-- fmap :: (a -> b) -> Tree a -> Tree b
fmap g Leaf = Leaf
fmap g (Node l x r) = Node (fmap g l) (g x) (fmap g r)
Exercise 2
instance Functor ((->) a) where
-- fmap :: (a -> b) -> (r -> a) -> (r -> b)
fmap g h = g . h
Exercise 3
instance Applicative ((->) a) where
-- pure :: a -> (r -> a)
pure x = \_ -> x
-- (<*>) :: (r -> (a -> b)) -> (r -> a) -> (r -> b)
g <*> h = \x -> g x (h x)
Exercise 4
newtype ZipList a = Z [a] deriving (Show)
instance Functor ZipList where
-- fmap :: (a -> b) -> ZipList a -> ZipList b
fmap g (Z xs) = Z (map g xs)
instance Applicative ZipList where
-- pure :: a -> ZipList a
pure xs = Z xs
-- (<*>) :: ZipList (a -> b) -> ZipList a -> ZipList b
(Z gs) <*> (Z xs) = Z [g x | (g, x) <- zip (gs xs)]
Exercise 6
instance Monad ((->) a) where
-- return :: a -> (r -> a)
return = pure
-- (>>=) :: (r -> a) -> (a -> (r -> b)) -> (r -> b)
g >>= h = \x -> h (g x) x
Exercise 7
data Expr a = Var a | Val Int | Add (Expr a) (Expr a)
deriving (Show)
instance Functor Expr where
-- fmap :: (a -> b) -> Expr a -> Expr b
fmap g (Var a) = Var (g a)
fmap _ (Val x) = Val x
fmap g (Add x y) = Add (fmap g x) (fmap g y)
instance Applicative Expr where
-- pure :: a -> Expr a
pure = Var
-- (<*>) :: Expr (a -> b) -> Expr a -> Expr b
_ <*> Val x = Val x
(Val x) <*> _ = Val x
(Var g) <*> ex = fmap g ex
(Add eg eh) <*> ex = Add (eg <*> ex) (eh <*> ex)
instance Monad Expr where
-- return :: a -> Expr a
return = pure
-- (>>=) :: Expr a -> (a -> Expr b) -> Expr b
(Val x) >>= f = Val x
(Var x) >>= f = f x
(Add ex ey) >>= f = Add (ex >>= f) (ey >>= f)
ec :: Expr Char
ec = Add (Add (Var 'a') (Var 'b')) (Val 3)
vars :: Char -> Expr Int
vars 'a' = Val 1
vars 'b' = Val 2
subst :: Expr a -> (a -> Expr b) -> Expr b
subst ex vs = ex >>= vs
eval :: Expr a -> Int
eval (Val x) = x
eval (Add x y) = eval x + eval y
main = do
print (eval (subst ec vars)) --
Exercise 8
type State = Int
newtype ST a = S (State -> (a, State))
app :: ST a -> State -> (a, State)
app (S st) = st
instance Functor ST where
-- fmap :: (a -> b) -> ST a -> ST b
fmap g st = g <$> st
instance Applicative ST where
-- pure :: a -> ST a
pure x = S (\s -> (x, s))
-- (<*>) :: ST (a -> b) -> ST a -> ST b
stf <*> stx = do
g <- stf
s <- stx
return (g s)
instance Monad ST where
-- (>>=) :: ST a -> (a -> ST b) -> ST b
st >>= f = S (\s -> let (x, s') = app st s in app (f x) s')
13. Monadic parsing
Exercise 1
comment :: Parser ()
comment = do
symbol "--"
many (sat (/= '\n'))
char '\n'
return ()
Exercise 5
data Expr = Val Int | Add Expr Expr | Mul Expr Expr
blak (Val n) = "(Val " ++ show n ++ ")"
blak e = "(" ++ show e ++ ")"
instance Show Expr where
show (Val n) = "Val " ++ show n
show (Add l r) = "Add " ++ blak l ++ blak r
show (Mul l r) = "Mul " ++ blak l ++ blak r
expr' :: Parser Expr
expr' = do
t <- term'
symbol "+"
e <- expr'
return (Add t e)
<|> return t
term' :: Parser Expr
term' = do
f <- factor'
symbol "*"
t <- term'
return (Mul f t)
<|> return f
factor' :: Parser Expr
factor' =
symbol "("
e <- expr'
symbol ")"
return e
<|> do
n <- natural
return (Val n)
Exercise 6
expr :: Parser Int
expr = do
t <- term
symbol "+"
e <- expr
return (t + e)
<|> do
symbol "-"
e <- expr
return (t - e)
<|> return t
term :: Parser Int
term = do
f <- factor
symbol "*"
t <- term
return (f * t)
<|> do
symbol "/"
t <- term
if t == 0
then empty
else return (f `div` t)
<|> return f
factor :: Parser Int
factor =
symbol "("
e <- expr
symbol ")"
return e
<|> integer
Exercise 7
expr :: Parser Int
expr = do
t <- term
symbol "+"
e <- expr
return (t + e)
<|> do
symbol "-"
e <- expr
return (t - e)
<|> return t
term :: Parser Int
term = do
p <- pow
symbol "*"
t <- term
return (p * t)
<|> do
symbol "/"
t <- term
if t == 0
then empty
else return (p `div` t)
<|> return p
pow :: Parser Int
pow = do
f <- factor
symbol "^"
p <- pow
return (f ^ p)
<|> return f
factor :: Parser Int
factor =
symbol "("
e <- expr
symbol ")"
return e
<|> integer
Exercise 8
expr :: Parser Int
expr = do
n <- natural
ns <-
( do
symbol "-"
return (foldl (-) n ns)
Exercise 9
eval' :: String -> IO ()
eval' xs = case parse expr xs of
[(n, [])] -> calc (show n)
[(_, out)] -> calc (show "Invalid: " ++ out)
_ -> do
calc xs
14. Foldables and friends
Exercise 1
instance (Monoid a, Monoid b) => Monoid (a, b) where
-- mempty :: (a, b)
mempty = (mempty, mempty)
-- mappend :: (a, b) -> (a, b) -> (a, b)
(x1, y1) `mappend` (x2, y2) = (x1 `mappend` x2, y1 `mappend` y2)
Exercise 2
instance Monoid b => Monoid (a -> b) where
-- mempty :: a -> b
mempty = \_ -> mempty
-- mappend :: (a -> b) -> (a -> b) -> (a -> b)
f `mappend` g = \x -> f x `mappend` g x
Exercise 3
import Data.Foldable
instance Foldable Maybe where
-- fold :: Monoid a => Maybe a -> a
fold Nothing = mempty
fold (Just x) = x
-- foldMap :: Monoid b => (a -> b) -> Maybe a -> b
foldMap _ Nothing = mempty
foldMap f (Just x) = f x
-- foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> Maybe a -> b
foldr _ v Nothing = v
foldr f v (Just x) = f x v
-- foldl :: (a -> b -> a) -> a -> Myabe b -> a
foldl _ v Nothing = v
foldl f v (Just x) = f v x
instance Traversable Maybe where
-- traverse :: Applicative f => (a -> f b) -> Maybe a -> f (Maybe b)
traverse _ Nothing = pure Nothing
traverse g (Just x) = fmap g x
Exercise 4
import Data.Foldable
data Tree a = Leaf | Node (Tree a) a (Tree a)
deriving (Show)
instance Foldable Tree where
-- fold :: Monoid a => Tree a -> a
fold Leaf = mempty
fold (Node l x r) = fold l `mappend` fold r `mappend` x
-- foldMap :: Monoid b => (a -> b) -> Tree a -> b
foldMap _ Leaf = mempty
foldMap f (Node l x r) = foldMap f l `mappend` foldMap f r `mappend` f x
-- foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> Tree a -> b
foldr f v Leaf = v
foldr f v (Node l x r) = f x (foldr f (foldr f v r) l)
-- foldl :: (a -> b -> a) -> a -> Tree b -> a
foldl f v Leaf = v
foldl f v (Node l x r) = f (foldl f (foldl f v l) r) x
instance Traversable Tree where
-- traverse :: Applicative f => (a -> f b) -> Tree a -> f (Tree a)
traverse _ Leaf = pure Leaf
traverse g (Node l x r) = pure Node <*> traverse g l <*> g x <*> traverse g r
Exercise 5
filterF :: Foldable t => (a -> Bool) -> t a -> [a]
filterF g = foldMap (\x -> [x | g x])
15. Lazy evaluation
Exercise 4
fibs :: [Integer]
fibs = 0 : 1 : [x + y | (x, y) <- zip fibs (tail fibs)]
Exercise 5
data Tree a = Leaf | Node (Tree a) a (Tree a)
deriving (Show)
repeat' :: a -> Tree a
repeat' x = Node t x t
t = Node t x t
take' :: Int -> Tree a -> Tree a
take' 0 _ = Leaf
take' _ Leaf = Leaf
take' n (Node l x r) = Node (take' (n - 1) l) x (take' (n - 1) r)
replicate' :: Int -> a -> Tree a
replicate' n = take' n . repeat'
main = do
print (replicate' 3 'a')
-- Node (
-- Node (
-- Node Leaf 'a' Leaf)
-- 'a' (
-- Node Leaf 'a' Leaf)
-- )
-- 'a' (
-- Node (
-- Node Leaf 'a' Leaf)
-- 'a' (
-- Node Leaf 'a' Leaf)
-- )
Exercise 6
sqroot :: Double -> Double
sqroot n = head [y| (x, y) <- zip xs ys, abs (x - y) <= dist]
a0 = 1.0
dist = 0.00001
next = \x -> (x + n / x) / 2
xs = iterate next a0
ys = iterate next (head (tail xs))
16. Reasoning about programs
Exercise 1
data Nat = Zero | Succ Nat
add :: Nat -> Nat -> Nat
add Zero m = m
add (Succ n) m = Succ (add n m)
Induction hypothesis: add n (Succ m) = Succ (add n m)
Base case:
add Zero (Succ m)
= { applying add }
Succ m
= { unapplying add }
Succ (add Zero m)
Inductive case:
add (Succ n) (Succ m)
= { applying add }
Succ (add n (Succ m))
= { induction hypothesis }
Succ (Succ (add n m))
= { unapplying add }
Succ (add (Succ n) m)
Exercise 2
Induction hypothesis: add n m = add m n
Base case:
add Zero m
= { applying add }
= { using add n Zero = n }
add m Zero
Inductive case:
add (Succ n) m
= { applying add }
Succ (add n m)
= { induction hypothesis }
Succ (add m n)
= { unapplying add }
add m (Succ n)
Exercise 3
replicate :: Int -> a -> [a]
replicate 0 _ = []
replicate n x = x : replicate (n - 1) x
all p [] = True
all p (x : xs) = p x && all p xs
Induction hypothesis: all (== x) (replicate n xs) = True
Base case:
all (== x) (replicate 0 xs)
= { applying replicate }
all (== x) []
= { applying all }
= True
Inductive case:
all (== x) (replicate (n + 1) xs)
= { applying replicate }
all (== x) (x : replicate n xs)
= { applying all }
(x == x) && (all (== x) (replicate n xs))
= { induction hypothesis }
Exercise 4
[] ++ ys = ys
(x : xs) ++ ys = x : (xs ++ ys)
xs ++ [] = xs
xs ++ (ys ++ zs) = (xs ++ ys) ++ zs
Induction hypothesis: xs ++ [] = xs
Base case:
[] ++ []
= { using [] ++ ys = ys }
Inductive case
(x : xs) ++ []
= { using (x : xs) ++ ys = x : (xs ++ ys) }
x : (xs ++ [])
= { induction hypothesis }
x : xs
Induction hypothesis: xs ++ (ys ++ zs) = (xs ++ ys) ++ zs
Base case:
[] ++ (ys ++ zs)
= { using [] ++ ys = ys }
ys ++ zs
= { using [] ++ ys = ys }
([] ++ ys) ++ zs
Inductive case:
(x : xs) ++ (ys ++ zs)
= { using (x : xs) ++ ys = x : (xs ++ ys) }
x : (xs ++ (ys ++ zs))
= { induction hypothesis }
x : ((xs ++ ys) ++ zs)
= { using (x : xs) ++ ys = x : (xs ++ ys) }
x : (xs ++ ys) ++ zs
= { using (x : xs) ++ ys = x : (xs ++ ys) }
(x : xs ++ ys) ++ zs
Exercise 5
Induction hypothesis: take n xs ++ drop n xs = xs
Base case on integer n:
take 0 xs ++ drop 0 xs
= { applying take and drop }
[] ++ xs
= { using [] ++ ys = ys }
Base case on list xs:
take _ [] ++ drop _ []
= { applying take and drop }
[] ++ []
= { applying [] ++ ys }
Inductive case:
take (n + 1) (x : xs) ++ drop (n + 1) (x : xs)
= { applying take and drop }
(x : take n xs) ++ drop n xs
= { using (x : xs) ++ ys = x : (xs ++ ys) }
x : (take n xs ++ drop n xs)
= { induction hypothesis }
x : xs
Exercise 6
data Tree = Leaf Int | Node Tree Tree
-- return (m, n)
count :: Tree -> (Int, Int)
count (Leaf _) = (0, 1)
count (Node l r) = (fst cl + fst cr + 1, snd cl + snd cr)
cl = count l
cr = count r
Induction hypothesis: count tree = (m, m + 1)
Base case:
count (Leaf _) = (0, 1)
Inductive case:
count (Node l r)
= (fst cl + fst cr + 1, snd cl + snd cr)
= (fst (ml, ml + 1) + fst (mr, mr + 1) + 1, snd (ml, ml + 1) + snd (mr, mr + 1))
= (ml + mr + 1, (ml + 1) + (mr + 1))
= (ml + mr + 1, (ml + mr + 1) + 1)
Exercise 7
instance Functor Maybe where
fmap _ Nothing = Nothing
fmap g (Just x) = Just (g x)
-- functor laws
fmap id = id
fmap (g . h) = fmap g . fmap h
Proof of fmap id = id
case 1:
fmap id Nothing
= { applying fmap }
= { unapplying id }
id Nothing
case 2:
fmap id (Just x)
= { applying fmap }
Just (id x)
= { applying id }
Just x
= { unapplying id }
id (Just x)
Proof of fmap (g . h) = fmap g . fmap h
case 1:
fmap (g . h) Nothing
= { applying fmap }
= { unapplying fmap }
fmap h Nothing
= { unapplying fmap }
fmap g (fmap h Nothing)
= { using (g . h) x = g (h (x)) }
fmap g . fmap h Nothing
case 2:
fmap (g . h) (Just x)
= { applying fmap }
Just ((g . h) x)
= { using (g . h) x = g (h (x)) }
Just (g (h (x)))
= { unapplying fmap }
fmap g (Just (h (x)))
= { unapplying fmap }
fmap g (fmap h (Just x))
= { using (g . h) x = g (h (x)) }
fmap g . fmap h (Just x)
Exercise 8
data Tree a = Leaf a | Node (Tree a) (Tree a)
instance Functor Tree where
-- fmap :: (a -> b) -> Tree a -> Tree b
fmap g (Leaf x) = Leaf (g x)
fmap g (Node l r) = Node (fmap g l) (fmap g r)
-- functor laws
fmap id = id
fmap (g . h) = fmap g . fmap h
Induction hypothesis: fmap id = id
case 1:
fmap id (Leaf x)
= { applying fmap }
Leaf (id x)
= { applying id }
Leaf x
= { unapplying id }
id (Leaf x)
case 2:
fmap id (Node l r)
= { applying fmap }
Node (fmap id l) (fmap id r)
= { inductive hypothesis }
Node l r
= { unapplying id }
id (Node l r)
Induction hypothesis: fmap (g . h) = fmap g . fmap h
case 1:
fmap (g . h) (Leaf x)
= { applying fmap }
Leaf ((g . h) x)
= { using (g . h) x = g (h (x)) }
Leaf (g (h (x)))
= { unapplying fmap }
fmap g (Leaf (h (x)))
= { unapplying fmap }
fmap g (fmap h (Leaf x))
= { using (g . h) x = g (h (x)) }
fmap g . fmap h (Leaf x)
case 2:
fmap (g . h) (Node l r)
= { applying fmap }
Node (fmap (g . h) l) (fmap (g . h) r)
= { induction hypothesis }
Node (fmap g . fmap h l) (fmap g . fmap h r)
= { unapplying fmap }
fmap g (Node (fmap h l) (fmap h r))
= { unapplying fmap }
fmap g (fmap h (Node l r))
= { using (g . h) x = g (h (x)) }
fmap g . fmap h (Node l r)
Exercise 9
instance Applicative Maybe where
-- pure :: a -> Maybe a
pure = Just
-- (<*>) :: Maybe (a -> b) -> Maybe a -> Maybe b
Nothing <*> _ = Nothing
(Just g) <*> mx = fmap g mx
-- applicative laws
pure id <*> x = x
pure (g x) = pure g <*> pure x
x <*> pure y = pure (\g -> g y) <*> x
x <*> (y <*> z) = (pure (.) <*> x <*> y) <*> z
Proof of pure id <*> x = x
case 1:
pure id <*> Nothing
= { applying pure }
Just id <*> Nothing
= { applying <*> }
fmap id Nothing
= { applying fmap }
case 2:
pure id <*> Just x
= { applying pure }
Just id <*> Just x
= { applying <*> }
fmap id (Just x)
= { applying fmap }
Just x
Proof of pure (g x) = pure g <*> pure x
case 1:
pure (g Nothing)
= { applying pure }
Just (g Nothing)
= { unapplying fmap }
fmap g Just (Nothing)
= { unapplying <*> }
(Just g) <*> Just (Nothing)
= { unapplying pure }
pure g <*> pure Nothing
case 2:
pure (g (Just x))
= { applying pure }
Just (g (Just x))
= { unapplying fmap }
fmap g (Just (Just x))
= { applying <*> }
(Just g) <*> (Just x)
= { unapplying pure }
pure g <*> pure x
Proof of x <*> pure y = pure (\g -> g y) <*> x
case 1:
pure (\g -> g y) <*> Nothing
= { applying pure }
Just (\g -> g y)
= { applying <*> }
fmap (\g -> g y) Nothing
= { applying fmap }
= { applying <*> }
Nothing <*> pure y
case 2:
pure (\g -> g y) <*> Just x
= { applying pure }
Just (\g -> g y) <*> Just x
= { applying <*> }
fmap (\g -> g y) (Just x)
= { applying fmap }
Just (x y)
= { unapplying pure }
pure (x y)
= { using pure (g x) = pure g <*> pure y }
pure x <*> pure y
= { applying pure }
Just x <*> pure y
Proof of x <*> (y <*> z) = (pure (.) <*> x <*> y) <*> z
case 1 (show only a case where y = Nothing):
Just x <*> (Nothing <*> Just z)
= { applying the second <*> }
Just x <*> Nothing
= { applying <*> }
fmap x Nothing
= { applying fmap }
case 2 (show only a case where x, y and z are Just x, Just y, and Just z respectively)
Just x <*> (Just y <*> Just z)
= { unapplying pure }
Just x <*> (pure y <*> pure z)
= { using pure (x y) <*> pure x <*> pure y }
Just x <*> pure (y z)
= { unapplying pure }
pure x <*> pure (y z)
= { using pure (x y) <*> pure x <*> pure y }
pure (x (y z))
= { using f . g x = f (g (x)) }
pure (x . y z)
= { using pure (x y) <*> pure x <*> pure y }
pure (x . y) <*> pure z
= { applying pure }
Just (x . y) <*> Just z
= { unapplying fmap }
fmap ((.) x) (Just y) <*> Just z
= { unapplying <*> }
(Just ((.) x) <*> Just y) <*> Just z
= { unapplying fmap }
(fmap (.) (Just x) <*> Just y) <*> Just z
= { unapplying <*> }
(Just (.) <*> Just x <*> Just y) <*> Just z
= { unapplying first Just }
(pure (.) <*> Just x <*> Just y) <*> Just z
Exercise 10
instance Monad [] where
-- return :: a -> [a]
return = pure
-- (>>=) :: m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
xs >>= f = [y | x <- xs, y <- f x]
-- monad laws
return x >>= f = f x
mx >>= return = mx
(mx >>= f) >>= g = mx >= (\x -> (f x >>= g))
Proof of return x >>= f = f x
return x >>= f
= { applying return }
pure x >>= f
= { applying pure }
[x] >>= f
= { applying >>= }
[z | y <- [x], y <- f y]
= { applying the first generator }
[z | z <- f x]
= { unusing list comprehension }
f x
Proof of mx >>= return = mx
[x] >>= return
= { applying >>= }
[z | y <- [x], z <- return y]
= { applying the first generator }
[z | z <- return x]
= { applying return }
[z | z <- pure x]
= { applying pure }
[z | z <- [x]]
= { unusing list comprehension }
Proof of (mx >>= f) >>= g = mx >>= (\x -> (f x >>= g))
([x] >>= f) >>= g
= { applying the second >>= }
[z | y <- ([x] >>= f), z <- g y]
= { applying >>= }
[z | y <- [z' | y' <- [x], z' <- f y'], z <- g y]
= { applying the second generator }
[z | y <- [z' | z' <- f x], z <- g y]
= { unusing inner list comprehension }
[z | y <- f x, z <- g y]
= { unapplying >>= }
f x >>= g
= { using list comprehension }
[z | z <- (f x >>= g)]
= { unapplying generator }
[z | y <- [x], z <- (\x -> (f x >>= g)) y]
= { unapplying >>= }
[x] >>= (\x -> (f x >>= g))
Exercise 11
given: comp' e c = comp e ++ c
Base case:
comp' (Val x) c
= { specification of comp' }
comp (Val x) ++ c
= { applying comp }
[PUSH n] ++ c
= { applying comp }
PUSH n : c
Inductive case:
comp' (Add x y) c
= { specification of comp' }
comp (Add x y) ++ c
= { applying comp }
(comp x ++ comp y ++ [ADD]) ++ c
= { associativity o+ ++ }
comp x ++ (comp y ++ [ADD] ++ c)
= { induction hypothesis for x }
comp' x (comp y ++ [ADD] ++ c)
= { induction hypothesis for y }
comp' x (comp' y ([ADD] ++ c))
= { applying ++ }
comp' x (comp' y (ADD : c))
17. Calculating compilers
Exercise 1
data Expr
= Val Int
| Add Expr Expr
| Throw
| Catch Expr Expr
eval :: Expr -> Maybe Int
eval (Val n) = Just n
eval (Add x y) = case eval x of
Just n -> case eval y of
Just m -> Just (n + m)
Nothing -> Nothing
Nothing -> Nothing
eval Throw = Nothing
eval (Catch x h) = case eval x of
Just n -> Just n
Nothing -> eval h
type Stack = [Maybe Int]
data Code = HALT | PUSH (Maybe Int) Code | ADD Code | IF Code Code
deriving (Show)
exec :: Code -> Stack -> Stack
exec HALT s = s
exec (PUSH n c) s = exec c (n : s)
exec (ADD c) (m : n : s) = exec c (((+) <$> n <*> m) : s)
exec (IF h c) (mx : s) = case mx of
Nothing -> exec c (exec h s)
Just _ -> exec c s
comp :: Expr -> Code
comp e = comp' e HALT
comp' :: Expr -> Code -> Code
comp' (Val n) c = PUSH (Just n) c
comp' (Add x y) c = comp' x (comp' y (ADD c))
comp' Throw c = PUSH Nothing c
comp' (Catch x h) c = comp' x (IF (comp' h HALT) c)