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16-bit addition in Z80 assembly

Last updated at Posted at 2015-12-08

Lesson 2: [simulated 16 bit addition]

Have you ever been programming and needed to add one of the 8 bit
registers, to a 16 bit register pair? For example, you set hl to
point to the first byte of a table. Then you want the A-th byte (the
byte at HL+A). So one way to do this is to ld c,a \ ld b,0 \ add hl,bc
Now this way works fine. But this destroys bc and if you need the other
register pair, you'll have to push it to the stack, 11 clockcycles
for each push and pop! But if you are doing this, and speed is of the
essense, (like in a findpixel routine) then you might want to use the
"simulated 16 bit addition". Or if you see this used, and wonder what
is going on, here is a short explanation. Please note, i am not a
teacher or a genius, so give me a break if stuff is incorrect or not
said properly.

Okay, lets look at the basic concept of the simulated 16 bit addition.
Since you will always be adding 8 or less bits to the 16 bit register
pair, you will never need more than 9 bits (unless its negative, in
which case i dont know if this works cause it doesnt change bit 15 of
the register pair. Can someone tell me maybe?) If when you add the 8
bit register to the lower 8 bit register of the pair, if it is greater
than 255 a carry will result acting as the ninth bit. The answer could
never exceed 9 bits, %111111111 = 511 (nine bits), %11111111+%11111111
=510 (8 bits plus 8 bits). So no problem there.

ex. 1:
L= 100 A=100
adc a,l

result: 8 bit answer 9th bit is the carry
L=100 A=200 c=0 -------> %011001000=200

ex. 2:
L=156 A=100
adc a,l
result: lower 8 bits are A 9th bit, the carry
L=100 A=0 c=1--------> %100000000=256

So according to these conclusions, if we add A to L (lower byte of the
register pair, HL in this case), and then add the carry to H, (the real
9th bit of the 16 bit register pair) then we have added A to HL
"Why the shit would i want to do that?", youre thinking. Its all for the
extra speed. Its not that complicated and it is faster by 2 clockcycles.
Plus if you dont want to destroy another register pair, you would have to
push them and pop them back, totaling in 22 clockcylces to push and pop
alone!! Its just better.
"2 clockcycles, big deal!" youre thinking. Well two here and two there,
after a while, if you have a lot, you may save 20-30 clockcylces, plus if
youre looping 20 times a second in your game, thats 2 clockcycles times
20 loops a second, 40 clockcycles a second faster!!!

Now we'll take a look at the clock cycles for the different algorithms.

Cycles Code ==== cycles Code
4 ld e,a ==== 4 add a,l
7 ld d,0 ==== 4 ld l,a
11 add hl,de ==== 4 adc a,h
==== 4 sub l
==== 4 ld h,a
22 total ==== 20 total

2 clockcycles faster

Okay thats it for this lesson, now i'll just show a quick example. Please
send comments, ideas, or corrections to ephesus@gmail.com. They will be
corrected immediately.

EX. 1:
Pretend we are making a game where there is a gravity table. When your
man just started jumping, he will go up more pixels than when he is at the
peak of his jump, to create the illusion of gravity, right?

jdist = _textShadow ;this is going to be how far into the jump your man is

  ld hl,gravitytable
  ld a,(jdist)      ;how far should we go into the table
  add a,l           ;add the 8 bit number to the lower 8 bits of the    
  ld l,a            ;register pair, store any overflow in the carry
                    ;the result is stored in A, but we want it in L
                    ;so...  ld l,a
  adc a,h           ;add any over flow into h. We want adc h but that
                    ;isnt allowed, so we do this.
  sub l             ;all we want is the carry added, not the contents of
                    ;A too, so we subtract L (L=value of A that was added
  ld h,a            ;before, a has changed since then) .
  ld a,(hl)         ;load into A the byte pointed to by HL, voila!!

  ;Do something with that number whatever you want

        .db 3,3,3,3,2,2,2,2,2,1,1,1,1,0,0

James Rubingh


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