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How to raise the future Formidable Excelist?

Last updated at Posted at 2018-12-18

It's been a while guys, how are you doing these days?

This article is totally unrelated to the company which I belong to, and only expresses my personal thought. Of course, this work has been done on weekends, and off-time.

Anyway, now, let's start the story.

GOD's Excel

"Dad, I hate Excel! These rectangles are pretty boring! I never want to see this thingy again!"

You have heard this sad complaining, haven't you? As long as they don't know the secret potential of Excel, this tragedy will happen. Even though you want those little geniuses to be the greatest Excelist, they won't touch Excel anymore.

There is a critical problem behind this. Before you get them to play with Excel, you have to understand this important mechanism.

Let's take a look at this screen shot.


What did you think when you saw this? I'm sure that you were able to get nothing.

As the fact, in order to stimulate your/their unlimited imagination, you need to make the shape of cells into squares like below.


How did you feel this time?

From the moment you saw these beautiful squares, you must have started to imagine various enterprise Excel applications as if you got struck by divine lightning, in an instant.

This Excellent innovation is widely known as Excel Graph Paper or GOD's Excel.

Excel and Entertainment

So, what is the best way to get them have interest in Excel after all? Okay, now I'll tell you one of Excellent solutions.

You might not believe but, while Excel is the greatest platform, it's also the invincible entertainment platform.

Not only Excel and Enterprise, but also Excel and Entertainment... Hold on, let's get one thing straight. You should not abbreviate this like EE. If you think of this idea immediately, you might have a Java Enterprise sickness. By the way, Java is pretty strong language, so... Forget it, let's get back on track.

Now, it's a great opportunity to build something joyful together on Excel to let them get aware of the importance of Excel. You might have seen the game which has these cells...


As you noticed, the game means that. This looks pretty suitable in this situation.

The winter vacation will begin soon. The thing only you have to do is just get Excel to the little geniuses, and share your enterprisability with them through making an awesome game program together.

After this vacation, they will have strong interest in not only Excel itself, but also programming, dirty workarounds to avoid absurd language specifications, and enterprise technique.

You know, some companies have a Take Your Child To Work Day. In order to get the future great excelists to feel like working for your company, you need to have mastered this Excel platform as if you are a demonic wizard.

So, where is your workbook of that?

Unfortunately, I've completely forgot the fatal thing until now. The problem is about its license, and I couldn't publish this workbook because of it.

This is really sad story, but I can't help.


Even though I have sacrificed my weekends and off time to complete this work, I had no choice but to give up making it open.


  • Excel is fun
  • You should check license-related things before you do something
  • If you would like to play this closed workbook, please let me know

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