
More than 1 year has passed since last update.


Last updated at Posted at 2022-04-23





コマンド名 説明
u2f-host Yubico Universal 2nd Factor (U2F) Host Tool
uare-accountaliascreate Create an alias for an account, a.k.a. an
uare-accountaliasdelete Delete an account's alias, a.k.a. its
uare-accountaliaslist List your account's aliases
uare-accountcreate [Eucalyptus cloud admin only] Create a new
uare-accountdel [Eucalyptus cloud admin only] Delete an account
uare-accountdelpolicy [Eucalyptus cloud admin only] Remove a policy
uare-accountgetpolicy [Eucalyptus cloud admin only] Display an
uare-accountgetsummary Display account-level information about
uare-accountlist [Eucalyptus cloud admin only] List all of the
uare-accountlistpolicies [Eucalyptus only] List one or all policies
uare-accountuploadpolicy [Eucalyptus cloud admin only] Attach a pol‐
uare-assumerole Assume an IAM role
uare-getcallerid Show information about the currently-active creden‐
uare-getldapsyncstatus [Eucalyptus cloud admin only] Show the status
uare-groupaddpolicy Add a new policy to a group. To add more complex
uare-groupadduser Add a user to a group
uare-groupcreate Create a new group
uare-groupdel Delete a group
uare-groupdelpolicy Remove a policy from a group
uare-groupgetpolicy Display a group's policy
uare-grouplistbypath List your account's groups
uare-grouplistpolicies List one or all policies attached to a group
uare-grouplistusers List all the users in a group
uare-groupmod Change the name and/or path of a group
uare-groupremoveuser Remove a user from a group
uare-groupuploadpolicy Attach a policy to a group
uare-instanceprofileaddrole Add a role to an instance profile
uare-instanceprofilecreate Create a new instance profile
uare-instanceprofiledel Delete an instance profile
uare-instanceprofilegetattributes Display an instance profile's ARN
uare-instanceprofilelistbypath List your account's instance profiles
uare-instanceprofilelistforrole List all instance profiles that use
uare-instanceprofileremoverole Remove a role from an instance pro‐
uare-oidcprovideraddclientid Add a client ID to an OpenID Connect
uare-oidcproviderchangethumbprint Replace an OpenID Connect
uare-oidcprovidercreate Create a new OpenID Connect provider
uare-oidcproviderdel Delete an OpenID Connect provider
uare-oidcproviderdelclientid Remove a client ID from an OpenID Con‐
uare-oidcprovidergetattributes Describe an OpenID Connect provider
uare-oidcproviderlist List your account's OpenID Connect providers
uare-releaserole Release IAM role credentials
uare-roleaddpolicy Add a new policy to a role. To add more complex
uare-rolecreate Create a new role
uare-roledel Delete a role
uare-roledelpolicy Remove a policy from a role
uare-rolegetattributes Display a role's ARN, GUID, and trust policy
uare-rolegetpolicy Display a role's policy
uare-rolelistbypath List your account's roles
uare-rolelistpolicies List one or all policies attached to a role
uare-roleupdateassumepolicy Update a role's trust policy, the policy
uare-roleuploadpolicy Attach a policy to a role
uare-servercertdel Delete a server certificate
uare-servercertgetattributes Show the ARN and GUID of a server cer‐
uare-servercertlistbypath List your account's server certificates
uare-servercertmod Change the name and/or path of a server certifi‐
uare-servercertupload Upload a server certificate
uare-useraddcert Upload a signing certificate
uare-useraddkey Create a new access key for a user
uare-useraddloginprofile Create a password for the specified user
uare-useraddpolicy Add a new policy to a user. To add more complex
uare-usercreate Create a new user
uare-usercreatecert [Eucalyptus only] Create a new signing certifi‐
uare-userdeactivatemfadevice Deactivate an MFA device
uare-userdel Delete a user
uare-userdelcert Delete a signing certificate
uare-userdelkey Delete an access key
uare-userdelloginprofile Delete a user's password
uare-userdelpolicy Remove a policy from a user
uare-userenablemfadevice Enable an MFA device
uare-usergetattributes Display a user's ARN and GUID
uare-usergetinfo [Eucalyptus only] Display information about a user
uare-usergetloginprofile Verify that a user has a password
uare-usergetpolicy Display a user's policy
uare-userlistbypath List your account's users
uare-userlistcerts List a user's signing certificates
uare-userlistgroups List all groups a user is a member of
uare-userlistkeys List a user's access keys
uare-userlistmfadevices List a user's MFA devices
uare-userlistpolicies List one or all policies attached to a user
uare-usermod Change the name and/or path of a user
uare-usermodcert Change the status of a signing certificate from
uare-usermodkey Change the status of an access key from Active to
uare-usermodloginprofile Update a user's password
uare-userresyncmfadevice Re-synchronize an MFA device with the
uare-userupdateinfo [Eucalyptus only] Update a user's information
uare-useruploadpolicy Attach a policy to a user
uberftp GridFTP-enabled client
uca-accept-vpc-peering-connection Accept a request for a VPC peering
uca-allocate-address Allocate a public IP address
uca-assign-private-ip-addresses Assign one or more private IP
uca-associate-address Associate an elastic IP address with a running
uca-associate-dhcp-options Associate a DHCP option set with a VPC
uca-associate-route-table Associate a VPC route table with a subnet
uca-attach-internet-gateway Attach an Internet gateway to a VPC
uca-attach-network-interface Attach a VPC network interface to an
uca-attach-volume Attach an EBS volume to an instance
uca-attach-vpn-gateway Attach a virtual private gateway to a VPC
uca-authorize Add a rule to a security group that allows traffic to
uca-bundle-and-upload-image Prepare and upload an image for use in
uca-bundle-image Prepare an image for use in the cloud
uca-bundle-instance Bundle an S3-backed Windows instance
uca-bundle-vol Prepare this machine's filesystem for use in the
uca-cancel-bundle-task Cancel an instance bundling operation
uca-cancel-conversion-task Cancel an import task
uca-confirm-product-instance Verify if a product code is associated
uca-copy-image Copy an image from another region
uca-create-customer-gateway Create a VPN customer gateway
uca-create-dhcp-options Create a VPC DHCP option set
uca-create-group Create a new security group
uca-create-image Create an EBS image from a running or stopped EBS
uca-create-internet-gateway Create a new VPC Internet gateway
uca-create-keypair Create a new SSH key pair for use with instances
uca-create-nat-gateway Create a new VPC NAT gateway
uca-create-network-acl Create a new VPC network ACL
uca-create-network-acl-entry Create a new entry in a VPC network ACL
uca-create-network-interface Create a new VPC network interface
uca-create-route Add a route to a VPC route table
uca-create-route-table Create a new VPC route table
uca-create-snapshot Create a snapshot of a volume
uca-create-subnet Create a new VPC subnet
uca-create-tags Add or overwrite tags for one or more resources
uca-create-volume Create a new volume
uca-create-vpc Create a new VPC
uca-create-vpc-peering-connection Request a peering connection
uca-create-vpn-connection Create a VPN connection between a virtual
uca-create-vpn-connection-route Create a static route that sends
uca-create-vpn-gateway Create a virtual private gateway
uca-delete-bundle Delete a previously-uploaded bundle
uca-delete-customer-gateway Delete a VPN customer gateway
uca-delete-dhcp-options Delete a VPC DHCP option set
uca-delete-disk-image Delete a disk image used for an import task
uca-delete-group Delete a security group
uca-delete-internet-gateway Delete a VPC Internet gateway
uca-delete-keypair Delete a key pair
uca-delete-nat-gateway Delete a VPC NAT gateway
uca-delete-network-acl Delete a VPC network ACL
uca-delete-network-acl-entry Delete a network acl rule
uca-delete-network-interface Delete a VPC network interface
uca-delete-route Delete a route from a VPC route table
uca-delete-route-table Delete a VPC route table
uca-delete-snapshot Delete a snapshot
uca-delete-subnet Delete a VPC subnet
uca-delete-tags Delete tags from one or more resources
uca-delete-volume Delete a volume
uca-delete-vpc Delete a VPC
uca-delete-vpc-peering-connection Delete a VPC peering connection
uca-delete-vpn-connection Delete a VPN connection
uca-delete-vpn-connection-route Delete a static route from a virtual
uca-delete-vpn-gateway Delete a virtual private gateway
uca-deregister De-register an image. After you de-register an image
uca-describe-account-attributes Show information about your account
uca-describe-addresses Show information about elastic IP addresses
uca-describe-availability-zones Display availability zones within
uca-describe-bundle-tasks Describe current instance-bundling tasks
uca-describe-conversion-tasks Show information about import opera‐
uca-describe-customer-gateways Show information about VPN customer
uca-describe-dhcp-options Show information about VPC DHCP option
uca-describe-group Show information about security groups
uca-describe-groups Show information about security groups
uca-describe-image-attribute Show information about an attribute of
uca-describe-images Show information about images
uca-describe-instance-attribute Show one of an instance's
uca-describe-instance-status Show information about instance status
uca-describe-instance-types [Eucalyptus only] Show information about
uca-describe-instances Show information about instances
uca-describe-internet-gateways Describe one or more VPC Internet
uca-describe-keypairs Display information about available key pairs
uca-describe-nat-gateways Describe one or more VPC NAT gateways
uca-describe-network-acls Describe one or more network ACLs
uca-describe-network-interface-attribute Show an attribute of a VPC
uca-describe-network-interfaces Show information about VPC network
uca-describe-regions Display information about regions
uca-describe-route-tables Describe one or more VPC route tables
uca-describe-snapshot-attribute Show information about an attribute
uca-describe-snapshots Show information about snapshots
uca-describe-subnets Show information about one or more VPC subnets
uca-describe-tags List tags associated with your account's resources
uca-describe-volumes Display information about volumes
uca-describe-vpc-attribute Show an attribute of a VPC
uca-describe-vpc-peering-connections Show information about VPC
uca-describe-vpcs Show information about VPCs
uca-describe-vpn-connections Show information about VPN connections
uca-describe-vpn-gateways Show information about virtual private
uca-detach-internet-gateway Detach an Internet gateway from a VPC
uca-detach-network-interface Detach a VPC network interface from an
uca-detach-volume Detach a volume from an instance
uca-detach-vpn-gateway Detach a virtual private gateway from a VPC
uca-disable-vgw-route-propagation Make a VPC route table stop
uca-disassociate-address Disassociate an elastic IP address from an
uca-disassociate-route-table Disassociate a VPC subnet from a route
uca-download-and-unbundle Download and unbundle a bundled image from
uca-download-bundle Download a bundled image from the cloud
uca-enable-vgw-route-propagation Allow a VPC route table to obtain
uca-fingerprint-key Show the fingerprint of a private key as it
uca-generate-environment-config Read environment variables and
uca-get-console-output Retrieve console output for the specified
uca-get-password Retrieve the administrator password for an instance
uca-get-password-data Retrieve the encrypted administrator password
uca-import-instance Import an instance into the cloud
uca-import-keypair Import a public RSA key as a new key pair
uca-import-volume Import a file to a volume in the cloud
uca-install-image Bundle, upload and register an image into the
uca-modify-image-attribute Modify an attribute of an image
uca-modify-instance-attribute Modify an attribute of an instance
uca-modify-instance-type [Eucalyptus cloud admin only] Modify an
uca-modify-network-interface-attribute Modify an attribute of a VPC
uca-modify-snapshot-attribute Modify an attribute of a snapshot
uca-modify-subnet-attribute Modify an attribute of a subnet
uca-modify-vpc-attribute Modify an attribute of a VPC
uca-monitor-instances Enable monitoring for one or more instances
uca-reboot-instances Reboot one or more instances
uca-register Register a new image
uca-reject-vpc-peering-connection Reject a request for a VPC peering
uca-release-address Release an elastic IP address
uca-replace-network-acl-association Associate a new VPC network ACL
uca-replace-network-acl-entry Replace an entry in a VPC network ACL
uca-replace-route Replace a route in a VPC route table
uca-replace-route-table-association Change the route table associ‐
uca-reset-image-attribute Reset an attribute of an image to its
uca-reset-instance-attribute Reset an attribute of an instance to
uca-reset-network-interface-attribute Reset an attribute of a VPC
uca-reset-snapshot-attribute Reset an attribute of a snapshot to its
uca-resume-import Perform the upload step of an import task
uca-revoke Remove a rule from a security group
uca-run-instances Launch instances of a machine image
uca-start-instances Start one or more stopped instances
uca-stop-instances Stop one or more running instances
uca-terminate-instances Terminate one or more instances
uca-unassign-private-ip-addresses Remove one or more private IP
uca-unbundle Recreate an image from its bundled parts
uca-unbundle-stream Recreate an image solely from its combined bun‐
uca-unmonitor-instances Disable monitoring for one or more instances
uca-upload-bundle Upload a bundle prepared by euca-bundle-image to
uca-version Display the euca2ools suite's version
uchardet universalchardet (Universal Charset Detector)
ucmatose RDMA CM connection and simple ping-pong test.
uconv convert data from one encoding to another
ucpp C preprocessor
ucs2any generate BDF fonts containing subsets of ISO 10646-1 code‐
ucview a video capture and display program
udaddy RDMA CM datagram setup and simple ping-pong test.
udav program for data visualization based on MathGL library
udevadm udev management tool
udiskie automounter for removable media
udisksctl The udisks command line tool
udp-receiver receive files broadcast by udp-sender
udp-sender broadcast file on a LAN
udp_daemon Reference example UDP server
udpong unreliable datagram streaming over RDMA ping-pong test.
udppm UDP port mapper
ufdbAnalyse parse a Squid log file and show URL category percentages
ufdbUpdate download a URL database
ufdb_analyse_urls retrieve a list of URLs from the log files
ufdb_analyse_users retrieve a list of URLs from the log files
ufdb_top_urls retrieve the most frequently used URLs from the log
ufdb_top_users retrieve the most frequent users from the log files
ufdbgclient a helper for ufdbguardd
ufdbguardd a URL filter for the Squid web proxy
ufdbhttpd very simply HTTP daemon for ufdbGuard
uform-cancel-update-stack Cancel a stack update that is currently
uform-create-stack Create a new stack
uform-delete-stack Delete a stack
uform-describe-stack-events Describe events that occurred in a stack
uform-describe-stack-resource Describe a resource from a particular
uform-describe-stack-resources List all of the resources in one or
uform-describe-stacks Describe one or more stacks
uform-get-template Show a stack's template
uform-get-template-summary Summarize a template
uform-list-stack-resources List all resources for a stack
uform-list-stacks List all running stacks
uform-update-stack Update a stack's template, parameters, or capa‐
uform-validate-template Validate a template
ufw program for managing a netfilter firewall
uhd_cal_rx_iq_balance Generate RX IQ Balance Calibration Table for a
uhd_cal_tx_dc_offset Generate TX DC Offset Calibration Table for a
uhd_cal_tx_iq_balance Generate TX IQ Balance Calibration Table for a
uhd_config_info USRP Hardware Driver Build Configuration Info
uhd_find_devices USRP Hardware Driver Discovery Utility
uhd_image_loader UHD Image Loader
uhd_images_downloader USRP Hardware Driver firmware/FPGA downloader
uhd_usrp_probe USRP Hardware Driver Peripheral Report Utility
uic Qt user interface compiler
uil — The user interface language compiler
uimage-describe-pack TECH PREVIEW
uimage-install-pack TECH PREVIEW
uimage-pack-image TECH PREVIEW
ul [-i] [-t terminal] [name ...]
ulb-apply-security-groups-to-lb [VPC only] Associate one or more
ulb-attach-lb-to-subnets [VPC only] Add a load balancer to one or
ulb-configure-healthcheck Configure health checking for instance
ulb-create-app-cookie-stickiness-policy Create a new stickiness pol‐
ulb-create-lb Create a load balancer
ulb-create-lb-cookie-stickiness-policy Create a new stickiness pol‐
ulb-create-lb-listeners Add one or more listeners to a load balancer
ulb-create-lb-policy Add a new policy to a load balancer
ulb-create-tags Add one or more tags to a load balancer
ulb-delete-lb Delete a load balancer
ulb-delete-lb-listeners Delete one or more listeners from a load
ulb-delete-lb-policy Delete a policy from a load balancer
ulb-delete-tags Remove one or more tags from a load balancer
ulb-deregister-instances-from-lb Remove one or more instances from a
ulb-describe-instance-health Show the state of instances registered
ulb-describe-lb-attributes Show a load balancer's attributes
ulb-describe-lb-policies Show information about load balancer poli‐
ulb-describe-lb-policy-types Show information about load balancer
ulb-describe-lbs Show information about load balancers
ulb-describe-tags Show the tags associated with one or more load
ulb-detach-lb-from-subnets [VPC only] Remove a load balancer from
ulb-disable-zones-for-lb Remove a load balancer from one or more
ulb-enable-zones-for-lb Add a load balancer to one or more avail‐
ulb-modify-lb-attributes Modify a load balancer's attributes
ulb-register-instances-with-lb Add one or more instances to a load
ulb-set-lb-listener-ssl-cert Change the certificate that terminates
ulb-set-lb-policies-for-backend-server Change the policies associ‐
ulb-set-lb-policies-of-listener Change the policy associated with a
ulockmgr_server Lock Manager Server for FUSE filesystems
umap map between different character sets
umount ファイルシステムをアンマウントする
umount.crypt unmount a dm-crypt encrypted volume
umount.davfs Umount-helper to unmount a davfs2 file system
umount.ecryptfs eCryptfs umount helper.
umount.ecryptfs_private eCryptfs private unmount helper.
umount.nfs, umount.nfs4 unmount a Network File System
umount.udisks2 unmount file systems that have been mounted by UDisks2
umr AMDGPU Userspace Register Debugger
una program for tuning running processes
uname システム情報を表示する
unar extract archive file contents
unarj Unarchive ARJ files
unbound Unbound DNS validating resolver 1.6.6.
unbound-anchor Unbound anchor utility.
unbound-checkconf Check unbound configuration file for errors.
unbound-control, unbound-control-setup Unbound remote server control
unbound-host unbound DNS lookup utility
unbound-streamtcp unbound DNS lookup utility
unbuffer unbuffer output
uncpk manage c64 cpk archives
uncrustify C, C++, C#, D, Java and Pawn source code beautifier
une.exfat adjust tunable filesystem parameters on an exFAT filesys‐
une2fs ext2/ext3 ファイルシステムのパラメータを調整する
uned dynamic adaptive system tuning daemon
uned-adm command line tool for switching between different tuning
unegfs2 View and manipulate gfs2 superblocks
unexpand スペースをタブに変換する
unflatten adjust directed graphs to improve layout aspect ratio
unhide — forensic tool to find hidden processes
unhide-tcp — forensic tool to find hidden TCP/UDP ports
unibdf2hex Convert BDF font glyphs into Unifont .hex glyphs
unibmp2hex Bitmap graphics file to GNU Unifont .hex file converter
unicharset_extractor extract unicharset from Tesseract boxfiles
unicode_start put keyboard and console in unicode mode
unicode_stop revert keyboard and console from unicode mode
unicornscan Version 0.4.6b is a asynchronous network stimulus deliv‐
unicoverage Print coverage of each Unicode BMP Script
unidup Scan through a sorted .hex file and report duplicate code
unifont1per Create BMP glyph files from GNU Unifont .hex file
unifontchojung Extract Hangul syllables that have no final consonant
unifontksx Extract Hangul syllables that comprise KS X 1001:1992
unifontpic Convert GNU Unifont .hex input to a bitmap image of the
unify manual page for unify 1.2.2
unigencircles Add dashed combining circles to a unifont.hex file
unigenwidth Generate C code for POSIX wcwidth and wcswidth functions
unihex2bmp GNU Unifont .hex file to bitmap graphics file converter
unihex2png GNU Unifont .hex file to Portable Network Graphics con‐
unihexfill Generate range of Unifont 4- or 6-digit hexadecimal glyphs
unihexgen Generate Unifont 4- or 6-digit hexadecimal glyphs
unipagecount Count the assigned code points in a GNU Unifont .hex
unipng2hex Portable Network Graphics to GNU Unifont .hex file con‐
uniq 繰り返し行の出力や削除を行う
unix_chkpwd Helper binary that verifies the password of the current
unix_update Helper binary that updates the password of a given user
unlink unlink 関数を呼び出し指定されたファイルを削除する
unoconv convert any document from and to any LibreOffice supported
unopkg LibreOffice Extension Manager
unpack200 Transforms a packed file produced by pack200(1) into a JAR
unsf break up SoundFont .sf2 files into GUS-type instrument patches.
unshar shar ファイルからファイルを取り出す
unshare run program with some namespaces unshared from parent
unwrapdiff demangle word-wrapped patches
unzip list, test and extract compressed files in a ZIP archive
unzipsfx self-extracting stub for prepending to ZIP archives
update-ca-trust manage consolidated and dynamic configuration of CA
update-desktop-database Build cache database of MIME types handled by
update-gtk-immodules Update GTK+ immodule cache
update-pciids PCI ID リストの新しいバージョンをダウンロードする
update-smart-drivedb update smartmontools drive database
updatedb update a database for mlocate
updateinfoxml2solv convert rpm-md's updateinfo.xml format into a solv
updmap manage TeX font maps, per-user
upgradedb Directory Server script for upgrading the database
upgradednformat Directory Server script for upgrading the DN format
upower UPower command line tool
uprecords provides uptime records
upsc example lightweight UPS client
upscmd UPS administration program for instant commands
upscode2 Driver for UPScode II compatible UPS equipment
upsd UPS information server
upsdrvctl UPS driver controller
upslog UPS status logger
upsmon UPS monitor and shutdown controller
upsrw UPS variable administration tool
upssched Timer helper for scheduling events from upsmon
upt Universal Packaging Tool
uptime Report historical and statistical real time of the system,
uptime システムが動作している期間を出力する
uptimed daemon to record uptime records
upx compress or expand executable files
urbostat Report processor frequency and idle statistics
urifind find URIs in a document and dump them to STDOUT.
urlencode convert strings to or from URL-encoded form
urlsnarf sniff HTTP requests in Common Log Format
urlview URL extractor/launcher
urnadmin is a TURN administration tool. This tool can be used to man‐
urxvt-mlc control the urxvt-mld daemon
urxvt-mld urxvt-ml terminal daemon
urxvt256c-mlc control the urxvt256c-mld daemon
urxvt256c-mld urxvt256c-ml terminal daemon
urxvt256cc control the urxvt256cd daemon
urxvt256cd urxvt256c terminal daemon
urxvtc control the urxvtd daemon
urxvtd urxvt terminal daemon
usage: hadd [-a A] [-k K] [-T T] [-O O] [-v V] [-j J] [-dbg DBG] [-d D]
usage: hist2workspace [-h] [-standard_form STANDARD_FORM]
usage: root [-b B] [-x X] [-e E] [-n N] [-t T] [-q Q] [-l L] [-a A]
usage: rootcling [-f F] [-v V] [-v0 V0] [-v1 V1] [-v2 V2] [-v3 V3] [-v4
usb-devices print USB device details
usb_modeswitch control the mode of 'multi-state' USB devices
usb_modeswitch_dispatcher Linux wrapper for usb_modeswitch (not
usbguard USBGuard command-line interface
usbguard-daemon USBGuard daemon
usbhid-dump dump USB HID device report descriptors and streams
usbhid-ups Driver for USB/HID UPS equipment
usbmuxd Expose a socket to multiplex connections from and to iOS
usbredirserver exporting an USB device for use from another (virtual)
uscale-create-auto-scaling-group Create a new auto-scaling group
uscale-create-launch-config Create a new auto-scaling instance
uscale-create-or-update-tags Create or update one or more resource
uscale-delete-auto-scaling-group Delete an auto-scaling group
uscale-delete-launch-config Delete an auto-scaling instance launch
uscale-delete-notification-configuration Delete an auto-scaling
uscale-delete-policy Delete a scaling policy
uscale-delete-scheduled-action Delete a scheduled action
uscale-delete-tags Delete one or more resource tags
uscale-describe-account-limits Describe your account's limits on
uscale-describe-adjustment-types Describe policy adjustment types
uscale-describe-auto-scaling-groups Describe auto-scaling groups
uscale-describe-auto-scaling-instances Describe instances in auto-
uscale-describe-auto-scaling-notification-types List all notifica‐
uscale-describe-launch-configs Describe auto-scaling instance launch
uscale-describe-metric-collection-types Describe auto-scaling met‐
uscale-describe-notification-configurations Describe notification
uscale-describe-policies Describe auto-scaling policies
uscale-describe-process-types List all types of scaling processes
uscale-describe-scaling-activities Describe past and current auto-
uscale-describe-scheduled-actions Describe scheduled auto-scaling
uscale-describe-tags Describe auto-scaling tags
uscale-describe-termination-policy-types List all termination poli‐
uscale-disable-metrics-collection Disable monitoring of an auto-
uscale-enable-metrics-collection Enable monitoring of an auto-scal‐
uscale-execute-policy Manually set an auto-scaling instance's health
uscale-put-notification-configuration Create or replace an auto-
uscale-put-scaling-policy Create or update an auto-scaling group's
uscale-put-scheduled-update-group-action Schedule a scaling action
uscale-resume-processes Resume an auto-scaling group's auto-scaling
uscale-set-desired-capacity Set an auto-scaling group's desired
uscale-set-instance-health Manually set an auto-scaling instance's
uscale-suspend-processes Suspend an auto-scaling group's auto-scal‐
uscale-terminate-instance-in-auto-scaling-group Manually terminate
uscale-update-auto-scaling-group Update an auto-scaling group's
use-devel-checklib a script to package Devel::CheckLib with your
useradd 新規ユーザの作成・新規ユーザのデフォルト情報の更新
userdel ユーザのアカウントと関連ファイルを削除する
userhelper A helper interface to PAM.
userinfo A graphical equivilient to chfn.
usermod ユーザアカウントを修正する
usermount A graphical tool to mount, unmount and format filesystems.
usernetctl allow a user to manipulate a network interface if permit‐
userpasswd A graphical tool to allow users to change their passwords.
users このホストに現在ログインしているユーザの名前を表示する
usleep sleep some number of microseconds
usn-tombstone-cleanup.pl Directory Server perl script for cleaning up
usnic_devinfo Simple utility to list information about usnic inter‐
usrp2_card_burner USRP N-Series FPGA/Firmware Burner
usrp_n2xx_simple_net_burner USRP N-Series FPGA/Firmware Burner
usrp_x3xx_fpga_burner USRP X-Series FPGA Burner
ustr-import ustr string library import tool
utf8trans Transliterate UTF-8 characters according to a table
utmpdump dump UTMP and WTMP files in raw format
uucico UUCP file transfer daemon
uucp Unix to Unix CoPy。システム間でファイルのコピーを行う
uuencode バイナリファイルをエンコードする
uufilter decode uuencoded files to stdout
uuid OSSP Universally Unique Identifier Command-Line Tool
uuid-config OSSP uuid API build utility
uuidd UUID generation daemon
uuidgen UUID 値を生成するコマンドラインユーティリティ
uuname List the names of the known remote UUCP sites.
uustat UUCP システム状態のチェックや制御を行う
uux UUCP を用いて、リモートマシン上でコマンドを実行する
uuxqt UUCP execution daemon
uwatch-delete-alarms Delete alarms
uwatch-describe-alarm-history Retrieve history for one alarm or all
uwatch-describe-alarms Describe alarms
uwatch-describe-alarms-for-metric Describe alarms for a single met‐
uwatch-disable-alarm-actions Disable all actions for one or more
uwatch-enable-alarm-actions Enable all actions for one or more
uwatch-get-stats Show a metric's statistics
uwatch-list-metrics Show a list of monitoring metrics
uwatch-put-metric-alarm Create or update an alarm
uwatch-set-alarm-state Temporarily set the state of an alarm
uxpaint "Tux Paint", a drawing program for young children.
uxpaint-import Import image files into Tux Paint(1)
uxterm X terminal emulator for Unicode (UTF-8) environments
v display TV/video on a tty
v4l-conf configure a video4linux driver
v4l-info dump video4linux(2) device info to stdout
vacuumdb garbage-collect and analyze a PostgreSQL database
vacuumlo remove orphaned large objects from a PostgreSQL database
vala-gen-introspect generate a GI file for GObject and glib based
valac compiler that translates Vala source code into C source and
valadoc Vala Documentation Tool
valgrind a suite of tools for debugging and profiling programs
valgrind-di-server Experimental debuginfo server for valgrind
valgrind-listener listens on a socket for Valgrind commentary
validate-storage-schemas validates the storage schemas
vanessa_logger_sample demonstrate some of the functionality of lib‐
vanessa_socket_pipe Trivial TCP/IP pipe based on libvanessa_socket
vapigen generate a Vala API
varnetload tool to create reproducible network traffic
varnishadm Control a running Varnish instance
varnishd HTTP accelerator daemon
varnishhist Varnish request histogram
varnishlog Display Varnish logs
varnishncsa Display Varnish logs in Apache / NCSA combined log format
varnishstat Varnish Cache statistics
varnishtest Test program for Varnish
varnishtop Varnish log entry ranking
vbnc, vbnc2 Mono Visual Basic Compiler.
vbox interact with recorded messages
vboxbeep isdn voice box (beeper)
vboxcnvt isdn voice box (converter backend)
vboxctrl control vbox functions
vboxd isdn voice box daemon
vboxgetty isdn voice box (getty)
vboxmail script to send notification of new voice message
vboxmode detect format of isdn voice file
vboxplay play vbox sound files
vboxputty a self-dialing/-calling vboxgetty
vboxtoau isdn voice box (sound converter)
vcd2fst Converts VCD files to FST files
vcd2lxt Converts VCD files to interlaced or linear LXT files
vcd2lxt2 Converts VCD files to LXT2 files
vcd2vcd Converts EVCD files to VCD files
vcd2vzt Converts VCD files to VZT files
vcftools v0.1.16 Utilities for the variant call format (VCF) and
vconfig VLAN (802.1q) configuration program.
vconnector-cli manual page for vconnector-cli 0.5.3
vcs, vcsa 仮想コンソールメモリ (virtual console memory)
vcut cuts Ogg Vorbis files
vdir ディレクトリの内容をリスト表示する
vdltodmx dmx configuration file parser and printer
vdo manage kernel VDO devices and related configuration information
vdodmeventd register/unregister a VDO device with dmeventd
vdodumpconfig dump the configuration of a VDO volume from its backing
vdoforcerebuild prepare a VDO device to exit read-only mode
vdoformat format a VDO device
vdostats get configuration and statistics from a running VDO volume
vdptool manage the VSI associations and status of lldpad
vemu-describe, evemu-record print information and events from an
vemu-device, evemu-play, evemu-event create a virtual input device
vendstat query InfiniBand vendor specific functions
ventlogadm push records into the Samba event log store
verify-db.pl Directory Server perl script for verifying the database.
verify_blkparse verifies an output file produced by blkparse
verifytree verify that a local yum repository is consistent
verilator_coverage Verilator coverage analyzer
verilator_profcfunc Read gprof report created with --profile-cfuncs
veritysetup manage dm-verity (block level verification) volumes
vermin Parses and processes Verilog HDL files
verups Driver for Ever UPS models
vftovp convert virtual font (vf) files to virtual property lists
vgcfgbackup Backup volume group configuration(s)
vgcfgrestore Restore volume group configuration
vgchange Change volume group attributes
vgck Check the consistency of volume group(s)
vgconvert Change volume group metadata format
vgcreate Create a volume group
vgdb intermediary between Valgrind and GDB or a shell
vgdisplay Display volume group information
vgetty voice extension to the mgetty+sendfax program
vgexport Unregister volume group(s) from the system
vgextend Add physical volumes to a volume group
vgimport Register exported volume group with system
vgimportclone Import a VG from cloned PVs
vgmerge Merge volume groups
vgmknodes Create the special files for volume group devices in /dev
vgreduce Remove physical volume(s) from a volume group
vgremove Remove volume group(s)
vgrename Rename a volume group
vgs Display information about volume groups
vgscan Search for all volume groups
vgsplit Move physical volumes into a new or existing volume group
victronups Driver for IMV/Victron UPS unit Match, Match Lite, NetUps
vidir edit directory
viewfax display fax files in an X11 window
viewres graphical class browser for Xt
vifm vi file manager
vifm-convert-dircolors converts ls colorscheme to vifm colorscheme
vifm-pause a helper script for vifm
vifm-screen-split a vifm helper script to run in GNU screen split
vile, xvile, uxvile, lxvile VI Like Emacs
vim Vi IMproved, a programmers text editor
vim Vi IMproved, プログラマのテキストエディタ
vim easy Vim, モードレスエディタ Vim
vimdiff edit two, three or four versions of a file with Vim and show
vimdiff 二つか三つか四つのファイルを Vim で開いて、その差分を表示する
vimdot Combined text editor and dot viewer
vimtutor Vim チュートリアル
vimtutor the Vim tutor
vinagre a remote desktop viewer for the GNOME Desktop
vince GNOME document viewer
vince-previewer show a printing preview of PostScript and PDF docu‐
vince-thumbnailer create png thumbnails from PostScript and PDF doc‐
vipe edit pipe
vipw, vigr password, group とそれぞれの shadow ファイルを編集する
virsh management user interface
virt-admin daemon administration interface
virt-alignment-scan -
virt-builder Build virtual machine images quickly
virt-builder-repository Build virt-builder source repository easily
virt-cat 仮想マシンにあるファイルの表示
virt-clone clone existing virtual machine images
virt-copy-in -
virt-copy-out -
virt-customize Customize a virtual machine
virt-df 仮想ファイルシステムの使用状況の表示
virt-dib Run diskimage-builder elements
virt-diff Differences between files in two virtual machines
virt-edit 仮想マシンのファイルの編集
virt-filesystems -
virt-format ディスクの消去および空のディスクの作成
virt-get-kernel Extract kernel and ramdisk from guests
virt-host-validate validate host virtualization setup
virt-index-validate Validate virt-builder index file
virt-inspector Display operating system version and other information
virt-install provision new virtual machines
virt-log Display log files from a virtual machine
virt-login-shell tool to execute a shell within a container matching
virt-ls 仮想マシンのファイルの一覧表示
virt-make-fs tar アーカイブまたはファイルからファイルシステムの作成
virt-manager display the virtual machine desktop management tool
virt-p2v-make-disk Build the virt-p2v disk using virt-builder
virt-p2v-make-kickstart Build the virt-p2v kickstart
virt-pki-validate validate libvirt PKI files are configured correctly
virt-rescue 仮想マシンにおいてレスキューシェルを実行します
virt-resize 仮想マシンのディスクの容量変更
virt-sanlock-cleanup remove stale sanlock resource lease files
virt-sparsify 仮想マシンのディスクをスパースにします
virt-sysprep -
virt-tail Follow (tail) files in a virtual machine
virt-tar-in tar ファイルを仮想マシンのディスクイメージに展開します。
virt-tar-out Pack a virtual machine disk image directory into a
virt-top 'top'-like utility for virtualization stats
virt-v2v Convert a guest to use KVM
virt-v2v-copy-to-local Copy a remote guest to the local machine
virt-viewer display the graphical console for a virtual machine
virt-what detect if we are running in a virtual machine
virt-who Agent for reporting virtual guest IDs to Subscription Asset
virt-who-password Utility that encrypts passwords for virt-who.
virt-win-reg Windows 仮想マシンからの Windows
virt-xml Edit libvirt XML using command line options.
virt-xml-validate validate libvirt XML files against a schema
virtdetect Detect if this system is running as a virtual machine
virtfs-proxy-helper QEMU 9p virtfs proxy filesystem helper
virtlockd libvirt lock management daemon
virtlogd libvirt log management daemon
visudo sudoers ファイルを編集する
vlock Virtual Console lock program
vlvindex Directory Server script for VLV indexing
vmcore-dmesg This is just a placeholder until real man page has been
vmctl IMA/EVM signing utility
vmmouse_detect VMware mouse device autodetection tool
vmstat 仮想メモリの統計を報告する
vncconfig configure and control a VNC server
vncpasswd change the VNC password
vncserver start or stop a VNC server
vncviewer VNC viewer for X
vnstat a console-based network traffic monitor
vnstatd daemon based database updating for vnStat
vnstati png image output support for vnStat
vo_maketags build TAGS for vim outliner
voikkogc test program for Voikko grammar checker
voikkohyphenate test program for Voikko hyphenator
voikkospell test program for Voikko spell checker
voikkovfstc compiler for Varissuo finite state transducers
volatility advanced memory forensics framework
volume_key work with volume encryption secrets and escrow packets
voms VOMS server
voms-proxy-destroy destroys a VOMS proxy
voms-proxy-fake create a proxy with VOMS extensions
voms-proxy-info prints informations about a proxy with VOMS exten‐
voms-proxy-info prints informations about a proxy with VOMS
voms-proxy-init create a proxy with VOMS extensions
voms-proxy-init creates a proxy certificate with VOMS extensions
voms-proxy-list Shows a list of all availabel attributes from a spec‐
vorbiscomment List or edit comments in Ogg Vorbis files
voro++ a 3D Voronoi cell library
votca_property Part of the VOTCA package
vows Asynchronous behavior-driven development (BDD) framework
vpcd virtual power control daemon
vpddecode VPD structure decoder
vpnc client for Cisco VPN3000 Concentrator, IOS and PIX
vpnns per-app VPN using namespaces
vpoller-client manual page for vpoller-client 0.7.3
vpoller-proxy manual page for vpoller-proxy 0.7.3
vpoller-worker manual page for vpoller-worker 0.7.3
vptovf convert virtual property lists to virtual font metrics
vrms-rpm report of installed non-free software
vsd2raw manual page for vsd2raw 0.1.6
vsd2text manual page for vsd2text 0.1.6
vsd2xhtml manual page for vsd2xhtml 0.1.6
vsftpd [設定ファイル]
vss2raw manual page for vss2raw 0.1.6
vss2text manual page for vss2text 0.1.6
vss2xhtml manual page for vss2xhtml 0.1.6
vss_strip program for extracting file data from a file containing VSS
vstpg, vstpp VisioBraille file transferring
vtest Input device event monitor and query tool
vtund VTun(Virtual Tunnel) daemon.
vvp Icarus Verilog vvp runtime engine
vzt2vcd Converts VZT files to VCD
vztminer Data mining of VZT files
w ログインしている人とその人がやっていることを表示する
w3m text base pager/WWW browser
w3mman an interface to the on-line reference manuals via w3m(1)
wa tiny web auditor with strong opinions
wadmin Tripwire administrative and utility tool
wall 全員の端末にメッセージを送る。
wammu program for managing entries in your mobile phone
wammu-configurator program to configure Gammu engine (used by Wammu)
warnquota quota を超過したユーザーにメールを送る
watch プログラムを定期的に実行し、出力をフルスクリーンで表示する
watch-mimedefang Keep an eye on mimedefang-multiplexor
watchdog a software watchdog daemon
watchgnupg Read and print logs from a socket
wavemon a wireless network monitor
wavpack encode wav files to wavpack
wbinfo Query information from winbind daemon
wbmptopbm convert a wireless bitmap (wbmp) file to a PBM
wbox HTTP testing tool and configuration-less HTTP server
wc 各ファイルの改行数、ワード数、バイト数を表示する
wcmgr Webalizer (DNS) Cache file Manager
wcshead Print WCS part of FITS or IRAF image header
wcsware Extract WCS keywords for an image
wd_identify a simplified software watchdog daemon
wd_keepalive a simplified software watchdog daemon
wdctl show hardware watchdog status
wdiff display word differences between text files
wdiff manual page for wdiff 1.2.2
wdmd watchdog multiplexing daemon
weak efficient hex editor
web2py2po Convert web2py translation dictionaries (.py) to GNU/get‐
webalizer A web server log file analysis tool.
webcam capture images and upload them to a webserver using ftp
webhttrack offline browser : copy websites to a local directory
webmitm HTTP / HTTPS monkey-in-the-middle
webpmux command line tool to create WebP Mux/container file.
websockify WebSockets to TCP socket bridge
webspy display sniffed URLs in Netscape in real-time
weechat 拡張可能なチャットクライアント
weechat-headless 拡張可能なチャットクライアント (ヘッドレスモード)
weplab Wireless WEP encryption security analyzer
wesnoth Battle for Wesnoth, a turn-based fantasy strategy game
wesnothd Battle for Wesnoth マルチプレイヤー・ネットワーク・デーモン
westcos-tool utility for manipulating data structures on westcos
wflinfo a utility for printing OpenGL or OpenGL ES driver information
wg set and retrieve configuration of WireGuard interfaces
wg-quick set up a WireGuard interface simply
wgsim Whole-genome sequencing read simulator
whatis マニュアルページの要約文を表示する
whatnow prompting front-end for writing nmh messages
whatsup list up and/or down nodes in a cluster
whereis コマンドのバイナリ・ソース・man ページの場所を示す
which shows the full path of (shell) commands.
whiptail display dialog boxes from shell scripts
whirlpoolsum compute and check WHIRLPOOL message digest
whisper-create create a whisper database
whisper-dump dump whisper database files
whisper-fetch extract records from a whisper database
whisper-fill copy missing metrics from src into dst
whisper-info show information about a whisper database
whisper-merge merge two whisper database files
whisper-resize resize a whisper database
whisper-set-aggregation-method set aggregationType field
whisper-update update a whisper database
who 誰がログインしているかを表示する
whoami 実効ユーザ名を出力する
whois client for the whois directory service
whom show to whom an nmh message would be sent
whowatch console, interactive, process and users monitoring tool.
widl Wine Interface Definition Language (IDL) compiler
wifi enable/disable internal wifi device
wildmidi example player for libWildMidi
winbindd Name Service Switch daemon for resolving names from NT
wine run Windows programs on Unix
wineboot perform Wine initialization, startup, and shutdown tasks
winebuild Wine dll builder
winecfg Wine Configuration Editor
wineconsole The Wine console
winedbg Wine debugger
winedump A Wine DLL tool
winefile Wine File Manager
winegcc Wine C and C++ MinGW Compatible Compiler
winemaker generate a build infrastructure for compiling Windows pro‐
winemine Wine Minesweeper game
winepath Tool to convert Unix paths to/from Win32 paths
wineserver the Wine server
winicontopam convert a Microsoft Windows icon file into a Netpbm PAM
winicontoppm convert a Windows .ico image into 1 or more PPM images
winpr-hash NTLM hashing tool
winpr-makecert A tool to create X.509 certificates.
winstar Control the Twinstar feature of a Xorcom Astribank
winwave Wraps multiple GTKWave sessions in one window or two syn‐
wipefs wipe a signature from a device
wire-test test your network interfaces and local IP address
wireshark Interactively dump and analyze network traffic
wishwn default version of the Tcl_AppInit procedure for wnb(1)
wistd run Twisted applications (TACs, TAPs)
wkhtmltoimage html to image converter
wkhtmltopdf html to pdf converter
wks2csv manual page for wks2csv 0.4.7
wks2raw manual page for wks2raw 0.4.7
wks2text manual page for wks2text 0.4.7
wlfreerdp FreeRDP wayland client
wmc Wine Message Compiler
wmctrl interact with a EWMH/NetWM compatible X Window Manager.
wn command line interface to WordNet lexical database
wnb WordNet window-based browser interface
wodim write data to optical disk media
wol Wake On LAN client
wolame an optimised MPEG Audio Layer 2 (MP2) encoder
word-list-compress word list compressor/decompressor for GNU Aspell
wordlist2dawg convert a wordlist to a DAWG for Tesseract
wordview displays text contained in MS-Word file in X window
worker file manager for the X Window System
world Tile World
wpa_cli WPA command line client
wpa_passphrase Generate a WPA PSK from an ASCII passphrase for a SSID
wpa_supplicant Wi-Fi Protected Access client and IEEE 802.1X suppli‐
wpd2html convert WordPerfect document into HTML
wpd2raw debug the conversion library
wpd2text convert WordPerfect document into plain text
wpg2svgbatch.pl batch convert WordPerfect Graphics files into SVG
wprint Tripwire database and report printer
wps2html manual page for wps2html 0.4.7
wps2raw manual page for wps2raw 0.4.7
wps2text manual page for wps2text 0.4.7
wrc Wine Resource Compiler
wrestool extract resources from Microsoft Windows(R) binaries
write user[@host] [ttyname]
write-mime-multipart utilty for creating mime-multipart files, likely
wrjpgcom insert text comments into a JPEG file
wrudf Maintain an UDF filesystem.
wsdd A Web Service Discovery host and client daemon.
wsdl Mono's Web Service Proxy Generator
wsdl2h the gSOAP WSDL parser for C and C++
wsdl2hed ARC skeleton generator
wsdl2perl.pl create perl bindings for SOAP webservices.
wseventmgr WS-MAN CLI
wsgen Reads a web service endpoint implementation (SEI) class and
wsimport Generates JAX-WS portable artifacts that can be packaged in
wsjtx, jt9 Weak signal communications program.
wsmancli manual page for wsmancli 2.2.6 (201207311652)
wsprd is a decoder for K1JT's Weak Signal Propagation Reporter (WSPR)
wstool wstool Documentation
wt WiredTiger command line utility WiredTiger includes a command line
wtoc Wnnのテキスト形式の辞書を本日本語入力システムのテキスト辞書形式
wvdial PPP dialer with built-in intelligence.
wvdialconf build a configuration file for wvdial(1)
wvgain adds ReplayGain information to wavpack files
wvunpack decodes wavpack encoded files
wwan enable/disable internal wwan (3G/4G) device
wxMacMolPlt molecular visualization program
x extended (plain) TeX
x, virtex, initex text formatting and typesetting
x0vncserver TigerVNC Server for X displays
x10client use to send a list of x10 events to an x10 server
x10server creates a server used to receive events from an x10 client
x11perf X11 server performance test program
x11perfcomp X11 server performance comparison program
x11vnc allow VNC connections to real X11 displays
x2goagent X2Go Agent.
x2gobasepath Detect Base Path of X2Go Server Installation
x2goclient Client application to launch server-side X2Go sessions.
x2gocmdexitmessage Exit Message of X2Go Command
x2godbadmin X2Go Server Database Administrator
x2godesktopsharing Share an X2Go desktop with other clients and
x2gofeature Query X2Go Feature Availability on X2Go Server
x2gofeaturelist Query X2Go Feature List for X2Go Server
x2gofm X2Go wrapper for Browsing X2Go Shared Folders
x2gogetapps Generate list of Published Applications
x2gogetservers Retrieve list of available X2Go servers
x2golistdesktops List Available X Desktops
x2golistmounts List Mounted Shares for an X2Go Session
x2golistsessions List Available X2Go Sessions for User
x2golistsessions_root List X2Go Sessions for System
x2golistshadowsessions List Available X2Go Shadow Sessions for User
x2gomountdirs Share Client-Side Folder with X2Go Session
x2gopath Show X2Go Server installation paths
x2goprint Process X2Go Print Job
x2goresume-desktopsharing Resume Desktop Sharing Applet for a given
x2goresume-session Resume X2Go Session
x2goruncommand Launch Command inside an X2Go Session
x2goserver-run-extensions Run X2Go Server Extensions
x2gosessionlimit Detect Session Limit for User or Group
x2gosetkeyboard Allow server-side Keyboard Setting Updates issued by
x2goshowblocks Show X2Go-Mounted Block Devices
x2gostartagent Start a New X2Go Session
x2gosuspend-desktopsharing Suspend Desktop Sharing for a given X2Go
x2gosuspend-session Suspend an X2Go Session
x2goterminate-desktopsharing Cleanly Terminate Desktop Sharing for a
x2goterminate-session Terminate an X2Go Session
x2goumount-session Unshare mounted Folders from X2Go Session
x2goversion Retrieve Code Versions of X2Go Server Components
x2lyx translate well-behaved LaTeX into LyX
x3270 IBM host access tool
x3270if command interface to x3270, c3270 and s3270
x86_energy_perf_policy read or write MSR_IA32_ENERGY_PERF_BIAS
x86info — display x86 CPU diagnostics
xa 6502/R65C02/65816 cross-assembler
xaminer A ELF binary executable analyzer
xapian-check Check the consistency of a database or table
xapian-compact Compact a database, or merge and compact several
xapian-config report information about the installed version of
xapian-inspect Inspect the contents of a flint table for development
xapian-metadata Read and write user metadata
xapian-progsrv Piped server for use with Xapian's remote backend
xapian-replicate Replicate a database from a master server to a local
xapian-replicate-server Service database replication requests from
xapian-tcpsrv TCP daemon for use with Xapian's remote backend
xarchiver GTK+ front end for managing archives
xargs 標準入力を読み込んでコマンドラインを作成し、それを実行する
xauth X authority file utility
xawtv a X11 program for watching TV
xawtv-remote, v4lctl control video4linux devices
xbacklight adjust backlight brightness using RandR extension
xbcrypt Percona xbcrypt Documentation
xbiff mailbox flag for X
xbmtopbm convert an X11 or X10 bitmap to a PBM image
xboxdrv A Xbox/Xbox360 gamepad driver that works in userspace
xbrlapi X11 BrlAPI helper for Linux/Unix
xbstream Percona xbstream Documentation
xbuild Mono's tool to build MSBuild project files
xca X Certificate and key management
xcalc scientific calculator for X
xcam a graphical camera frontend for SANE
xchange2ical Convert Exchange calendar to ical file
xchange2mbox Convert Exchange mailbox to mbox file
xclip command line interface to X selections (clipboard)
xclip-copyfile, xclip-cutfile, xclip-pastefile copy and move files
xclipboard X clipboard client
xclock analog / digital clock for X
xconfig configures teTeX or TeX Live
xconsole monitor system console messages with X
xcursorgen create an X cursor file from a collection of PNG images
xcutsel interchange between cut buffer and selection
xdelta3 VCDIFF (RFC 3284) binary diff tool
xdg-desktop-icon command line tool for (un)installing icons to the
xdg-desktop-menu command line tool for (un)installing desktop menu
xdg-email command line tool for sending mail using the user's
xdg-icon-resource command line tool for (un)installing icon resources
xdg-mime command line tool for querying information about file type
xdg-open opens a file or URL in the user's preferred application
xdg-screensaver command line tool for controlling the screensaver
xdg-settings get various settings from the desktop environment
xdg-user-dir Find an XDG user dir
xdg-user-dirs-update Update XDG user dir configuration
xdmxconfig a graphical configuration tool for Xdmx configuration
xdotool command-line X11 automation tool
xdpr dump an X window directly to a printer
xdpyinfo display information utility for X
xdriinfo query configuration information of DRI drivers
xdvi DVI Previewer for the X Window System
xecstack tool to set, clear, or query executable stack flag of ELF
xedit simple text editor for X
xemacs Emacs: The Next Generation
xerces-j2-constants display constants used by Xerces2 Java Parser
xerces-j2-version display version of Xerces2 Java Parser
xev print contents of X events
xexpand expand \input and \include statements in a TeX file
xeyes a follow the mouse X demo
xfatlabel Get or Set volume label or volume serial of an exFAT
xfce4-dict — a client program to query different dictionaries
xfce4-mixer adjust volume levels
xfce4-notifyd-config configuration GUI for xfce4-notifyd
xfce4-popup-whiskermenu shows Whisker Menu
xfce4-power-manager The Xfce 4 Power manager
xfce4-power-manager-settings Settings dialog for the Xfce 4 Power
xfce4-screenshooter application to take screenshots
xfce4-session Starts up the Xfce Desktop Environment
xfce4-session-logout Logs out from Xfce
xfce4-terminal A Terminal emulator for X
xfd display all the characters in an X font
xfdesktop The Xfce 4 Desktop Environment's desktop manager
xferfaxstats summarize HylaFAX transmission accounting
xferstats compiles information about file transfers from logfiles
xfontsel point and click selection of X11 font names
xfreerdp FreeRDP X11 client
xfs_admin change parameters of an XFS filesystem
xfs_bmap print block mapping for an XFS file
xfs_copy copy the contents of an XFS filesystem
xfs_db debug an XFS filesystem
xfs_estimate estimate the space that an XFS filesystem will take
xfs_freeze suspend access to an XFS filesystem
xfs_fsr filesystem reorganizer for XFS
xfs_io debug the I/O path of an XFS filesystem
xfs_logprint print the log of an XFS filesystem
xfs_mdrestore restores an XFS metadump image to a filesystem image
xfs_metadump copy XFS filesystem metadata to a file
xfs_mkfile create an XFS file
xfs_ncheck generate pathnames from i-numbers for XFS
xfs_quota manage use of quota on XFS filesystems
xfs_repair repair an XFS filesystem
xfs_rtcp XFS realtime copy command
xfsdump XFS filesystem incremental dump utility
xfsinvutil xfsdump inventory database checking and pruning utility
xfsrestore XFS filesystem incremental restore utility
xgamma Alter a monitor's gamma correction through the X server
xgettext extract gettext strings from source
xgettext.pl Extract translatable strings from source
xglyph demonstration program for the t1lib font rasterizer library.
xgnokii graphical interface of the gnokii telephone toolkit
xhost server access control program for X
xhydra Gtk+2 frontend for thc-hydra
xi2dvi Texinfo ドキュメントを印刷する
xi2dvi convert Texinfo documents to DVI or PDF
xi2dvi4a2ps Compile Texinfo and LaTeX files to DVI or PDF
xi2html a Texinfo to HTML converter
xiftool Read and write meta information in files
xim a Mail Transfer Agent
ximstats generates statistics from Exim mainlog or syslog files.
ximtoppm convert an Xim file to a PPM image
xindex Texinfo のインデックスファイルをソートする
xinetd 拡張されたインターネットサービスデーモン
xinit X Window System initializer
xinput utility to configure and test X input devices
xisdnload ISDN load average display for X
xiv2 Image metadata manipulation tool
xjc Compiles an XML schema file into fully annotated Java classes.
xkbbell XKB extension user utility
xkbcomp compile XKB keyboard description
xkbevd XKB event daemon
xkbprint print an XKB keyboard description
xkbvleds XKB extension user utility
xkbwatch XKB extension user utility
xkibitz allow multiple people to interact in an xterm
xkill kill a client by its X resource
xkoules Action game for X11
xl2tpd Layer 2 Tunnelling Protocol Daemon
xl2tpd-control Layer 2 Tunnelling Protocol Daemon Contorl Utility
xliff2odf Convert XLIFF translation files to OpenDocument (ODF)
xliff2oo Convert XLIFF localization files to an OpenOffice.org (SDF)
xliff2po Convert XLIFF localization files to Gettext PO localization
xlinks maintain symbolic links from format to engine
xload system load average display for X
xloadimage, xsetbg, xview load images into an X11 window or onto the
xlock Locks the local X display until a password is entered.
xlogo X Window System logo
xls2csv reads MS-Excel file and puts its content as comma-separated
xls2csv A script that recodes a spreadsheet's charset and saves as
xlsatoms list interned atoms defined on server
xlsclients list client applications running on a display
xlsfonts server font list displayer for X
xmag magnify parts of the screen
xmbind — Configures virtual key bindings
xmessage display a message or query in a window (X-based /bin/echo)
xminicom friendly serial communication program
xmkmf create a Makefile from an Imakefile
xml-config script to get information about the installed version of
xml-resolver A simple command-line resolver
xml-rpc-api2cpp Make a C++ wrapper class for an XML-RPC API
xml-xparse A simple command-line XML parsing application
xml-xread A simple command-line XML parsing application
xml2ag XML to AutoGen Definiton Converter
xml2po program to create a PO-template file from a DocBook XML file
xml2pot Creates a PO template file from a DocBook XML file.
xml_grep grep XML files looking for specific elements
xml_merge merge back XML files split with C
xml_pp xml pretty-printer
xml_spellcheck spellcheck XML files
xml_split cut a big XML file into smaller chunks
xml_to_db convert a subset of XML into fsdb
xmlcatalog Command line tool to parse and manipulate XML or SGML
xmlif conditional processing instructions for XML
xmllint command line XML tool
xmlmantohtml xml to html converter
xmlparse error-check and validate XML documents
xmlpretty XML pretty printer
xmlrpc XML-RPC library
xmlsec1 sign, verify, encrypt and decrypt XML documents
xmlsec1-config detail installed version of xmlsec library
xmlstarlet command line XML/XSLT toolkit
xmltex, pdfxmltex xml non-validating parser in TeX
xmlto apply an XSL stylesheet to an XML document
xmltoman xml to man converter
xmlwf Determines if an XML document is well-formed
xmode2 Show the pulse/space length of infrared signals
xmodmap utility for modifying keymaps and pointer button mappings in
xmonad a tiling window manager
xmonisdn monitor for ISDN network
xmount Tool to crossmount between multiple input and output harddisk
xmove interactive control panel for telescope
xmp Extended Module Player
xnightview interactive control center for camera.
xo-csource C code generation utility for arbitrary data
xo-open Open URLs and launch preferred applications
xonerate a generic tool for sequence comparison
xonerate-server a sequence comparison server for exonerate
xorg-x11-fonts-update-dirs update X11 font directories
xorrecord Emulation of CD/DVD/BD program cdrecord by program xorriso
xorriso creates, loads, manipulates and writes ISO 9660 filesystem
xorriso-dd-target Device evaluator and disk image copier for
xorrisofs Emulation of ISO 9660 program mkisofs by program xorriso
xosd-config script to get information about the installed version of
xpaaccess: see if template matches registered XPA access points
xpaget: retrieve data from one or more XPA servers
xpainfo: send short message to one or more XPA servers
xpamb: the XPA Message Bus
xpand タブをスペースに変換する
xpanes, tmux-xpanes Ultimate terminal divider powered by tmux
xpans: the XPA Name Server
xpaset: send data to one or more XPA servers
xpdf Portable Document Format (PDF) file viewer for X (version 3.04)
xpdtest xproofd test utility
xpect 対話的なプログラムとのやりとりを自動化するプログラム,
xplanet render an image of a planet into an X window or file
xplayer-video-thumbnailer video thumbnailer for the GNOME desktop
xpmtoppm convert an X11 pixmap to a PPM image
xportfs NFS エクスポートするファイルシステムのリストを管理する
xpp_blink Blink the leds of a specified XPD
xpp_sync Handle sync selection of Xorcom Astribanks.
xpr print an X window dump
xpr 式を評価する
xpress17 evaluate expressions
xpresso A JavaScript TDD framework written for Node.js
xprop property displayer for X
xpstojpeg XPS to JPEG converter
xpstopdf XPS to PDF converter
xpstopng XPS to PNG converter
xpstops XPS to PostScript converter
xpstosvg XPS to SVG converter
xqilla run XQuery and XPath 2 expressions
xqmstats Display XFS quota manager statistics from /proc
xrandr primitive command line interface to RandR extension
xrdadler32 compute and display an adler32 checksum
xrdb X server resource database utility
xrdcp copy files
xrdfs xrootd file and directory meta-data utility
xrdgsiproxy generate a proxy X.509 certificate
xrdgsitest test crypto functionality relevant for the GSI implementa‐
xrdmapc query XRootD redirector (status/subscribers/paths)
xrdp a Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) server
xrdp-chansrv xrdp channel server
xrdp-dis xrdp disconnect utility
xrdp-genkeymap key map generator for XRDP
xrdp-keygen xrdp RSA key generation utility
xrdp-sesadmin console XRDP sessions administration tool
xrdp-sesman xrdp(8) session manager
xrdp-sesrun xrdp-sesman(8) session launcher
xrdpfc_print print content of XRootd ProxyFileCache meta data
xrdpwdadmin administer pwd security protocol passwords
xrdsssadmin administer simple shared secret keytables
xreader-previewer show print preview for a document
xreader-thumbnailer create png thumbnails from xreader supported doc‐
xrefresh refresh all or part of an X screen
xrestop monitor server resources used by X11 clients
xrootd eXtended ROOT daemon
xrootdfs xrootd FUSE file system daemon
xsane scanner frontend for SANE
xscreensaver extensible screen saver and screen locking framework
xscreensaver-command control a running xscreensaver process
xscreensaver-demo interactively control the background xscreensaver
xscreensaver-getimage put some randomly-selected image on the root
xscreensaver-getimage-file put a randomly-selected image on the root
xscreensaver-getimage-video put a video frame on the root window
xscreensaver-gl-helper figure out which X visual to use for GL pro‐
xscreensaver-text prints some text to stdout, for use by screen
xsd Mono's utility for generating schema or class files
xsdcxx W3C XML Schema to C++ Compiler
xsel manipulate the X selection.
xsensors display hardware sensor information as a graphical read-out.
xset user preference utility for X
xsetmode set the mode for an X Input device
xsetpointer set an X Input device as the main pointer
xsetroot root window parameter setting utility for X
xsetwacom commandline utility to query and modify wacom driver set‐
xslate Process Xslate Templates
xsltproc command line XSLT processor
xspp XS++ preprocessor
xstdcmap X standard colormap utility
xsubpp compiler to convert Perl XS code into C code
xt-stat display the status of TXT
xt2html convert plain text to HTML
xt2man convert flat ASCII text to man page format
xt2pcap Generate a capture file from an ASCII hexdump of packets
xt2po Convert plain text (.txt) files to Gettext PO localization
xt2regex console regular expression wizard
xt2tags text formatting and conversion tool
xtalk_send send arbitrary packets to XTALK devices
xtcheck Detects version conflicts between a target Java Archive
xtend_dmalloc Analyze return-addresses from dmalloc logfiles.
xterm terminal emulator for X
xtfmt convert text to POSTSCRIPT® for facsimile transmission
xtlinux install the SYSLINUX bootloader on a ext2/ext3 filesystem
xtotroff convert X font metrics into GNU troff font metrics
xtrabackup Percona XtraBackup 2.3 Documentation
xtract_a52 extract ATSC A/52 audio from a MPEG stream.
xtract_vba A utility to extract a VBA project from an Excel 2007+
xtractbb, ebb extract bounding box information from graphics files
xtractrc Extract message strings from UI and GUI-RC files
xtractres filter to extract resources from a PostScript document
xtresso wrapper for wrestool and icotool
xvattr Query/Set X11 XVideo Setting(s)
xvidtune video mode tuner for Xorg
xviewer an image viewer
xvinfo Print out X-Video extension adaptor information
xvkbd virtual keyboard for X window system
xvminitoppm convert an XV "thumbnail" picture to PPM
xwd dump an image of an X window
xwdtopnm convert an X11 or X10 window dump file to a PNM image
xwininfo window information utility for X
xworks a simple TeX front-end program
xwud image displayer for X
xxd 16 進ダンプを作成したり、元に戻したり。
xxhsum print or check xxHash non-cryptographic checksums
xy2sky Compute RA Dec from X Y using WCS in FITS and IRAF image files
xycpt generate GMT colour palette table (cpt) files from column data.
xz, unxz, xzcat, lzma, unlzma, lzcat Compress or decompress .xz and
xzcmp, xzdiff, lzcmp, lzdiff compare compressed files
xzdec, lzmadec Small .xz and .lzma decompressors
xzgrep search compressed files for a regular expression
xzless, lzless view xz or lzma compressed (text) files
xzmore, lzmore view xz or lzma compressed (text) files
y 標準入力に接続されている端末のファイル名を表示する
yacc [-dlrtv] [-b prefix] filename
yacg Yet Another Configuration Generator
yad display GTK+ dialogs from shell scripts or command-line
yad-tools show some miscellaneous stuff.
yaml_to_db convert a subset of YAML into fsdb
yapet text based password manager
yapet2csv convert YAPET file to CSV file
yapp A perl frontend to the Parse::Yapp module
yara find files matching patterns and rules written in a special-pur‐
yarac compile rules to yara
yasm The Yasm Modular Assembler
yaws yet another webserver
ybmtopbm convert a Bennet Yee "face" file to PBM
yes 終了されるまで文字列を繰り返し出力する
yhsm-daemon ‐ Allow multiple users of a YubiHSM.
yhsm-db-export ‐ Export AEADs from a database to a filesystem structure
yhsm-db-import ‐ Import AEADs from filesystem to database
yhsm-decrypt-aead ‐ Decrypt AEADs (with secrets for YubiKeys)
yhsm-generate-keys ‐ Generate AEADs with secrets for YubiKeys using a
yhsm-keystore-unlock ‐ Unlock the keystore in a YubiHSM
yhsm-linux-add-entropy ‐ Seed the Linux entropy pool with data from
ykchalresp Perform challenge-response operation with YubiKey
ykclient YubiCloud One-Time-Password Validation Client
ykgenerate construct and encrypt an OTP from given data
ykinfo Get basic information from a YubiKey
ykneomgr YubiKey NEO management tool
ykpamcfg Manage user settings for the Yubico PAM module
ykparse decrypt and show information inside a YubiKey OTP
ykpersonalize personalize YubiKey OTP tokens
youtube-dl download videos from youtube.com or other video platforms
ypbind NIS バインドプロセス
ypcat NIS データーベース中のすべてのキーと、その値を表示する
ype1afm create a font metrics file from a Type 1 font file
ypetest Program for testing out typerules.
ypmatch NIS マップからひとつ以上のキーに対応する値を表示する
yppasswd, ypchfn, ypchsh NIS データベースのパスワードを変更する
yppoll NIS マップのバージョンとマスターサーバーを返す
yppush NIS データーベースの変更を強制的に伝播させる
ypserv NIS サーバー
ypset ypbind を特定の NIS サーバーにバインドさせる
yptest NIS の設定をテストする
ypwhich NIS サーバーまたはマップマスターの名前を返す。
yubico-piv-tool manual page for yubico-piv-tool 2.1.1
yubikey-personalization-gui personalize YubiKey OTP tokens
yuicompressor JavaScript/CSS minifier
yum Yellowdog Updater Modified
yum-builddep install missing dependencies for building an RPM package
yum-complete-transaction attempt to complete failed or aborted Yum
yum-config-manager manage yum configuration options and yum reposito‐
yum-cron an interface to convieniently call yum from cron
yum-debug-dump write system RPM configuration to a debug-dump file
yum-debug-restore replay Yum transactions captured in a debug-dump
yum-groups-manager create and edit yum's group metadata
yumdb query and alter the Yum database
yumdownloader download RPM packages from Yum repositories
yuvsplittoppm convert separate Y, U, and V files into a PPM image
yuvtoppm convert Abekas YUV bytes to PPM
yuvtoppm convert a Berkeley YUV file to a PPM file
yuy2topam convert YUY2 bytes to PAM
z_convert Timezone converter from operating system tz format into
zcav program to test raw hard drive throughput.
zcmp, zdiff 圧縮されたファイルを比較する
zdump タイムゾーンをダンプする
zeisstopnm convert a Zeiss confocal file to PNM
zenity display GTK+ dialogs
zenmap Graphical Nmap frontend and results viewer
zforce すべての gzip ファイルの拡張子を強制的に '.gz' にする
zgrep 圧縮されている可能性のあるファイルで、正規表現の検索をする
zic タイムゾーンコンパイラ
zim A Desktop Wiki Editor
zip package and compress (archive) files
zipcloak encrypt entries in a zipfile
zipcmp compare contents of zip archives
zipdetails display the internal structure of zip files
zipgrep search files in a ZIP archive for lines matching a pattern
zipinfo list detailed information about a ZIP archive
zipmerge merge zip archives
zipnote write the comments in zipfile to stdout, edit comments and
zipsplit split a zipfile into smaller zipfiles
ziptorrent torrentzip zip archives
zless 圧縮されたテキストを CRT で見るためのファイル閲覧フィルタ
zmf2raw manual page for zmf2raw 0.0.2
zmf2svg manual page for zmf2svg 0.0.2
zmore 圧縮されたテキストを CRT で見るためのファイル閲覧フィルタ
znew .Z ファイルを再圧縮して .gz ファイルにする
zone2ldap Load BIND 9 Zone files into LDAP Directory
zone2sqlite Load BIND 9 zone file into SQLite database
zonetab2pot.py Converts a timezone list to a PO file template.
zonetodb Generate a PostgreSQL table from a zone.
zramctl set up and control zram devices
zrun automatically uncompress arguments to command
zselect タイムゾーンを選択する
zsh the Z shell
zsoelim satisfy .so requests in roff input
zvbi-atsc-cc ATSC Closed Caption decoder
zvbi-chains VBI proxy wrapper
zvbi-ntsc-cc closed caption decoder
zvbid VBI proxy daemon

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