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オフラインリアルタイムどう書くE02 の問題を解いた(一週間が経過してた)

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例題の図をもとにコンパクトにした図を書いてみると fig.1 のようになります。そして最小の範囲は fig.2 で表現できる最小の範囲、最大の範囲は fig.3 で表現できる最大の範囲になります。


fig.2 で表現できる範囲のうち最小の範囲は、それぞれの位置の文字から計算できます。

  • 左端は e の位置
  • 右端は m の位置
  • 上端は 5 の位置
  • 下端は G の位置


min_area = (pos('m') - pos('e') + 1) * (pos('G') - pos('5') + 1)

で求めることができます。ここで pos(c) は文字の位置(インデクス)を返す関数です。

fig.3 で表現できる範囲のうち最大の範囲を求める場合は、それぞれの位置の外側を調べなければなりません。

  • 左端は 'O' の左のセル('B')の位置の一つ右
  • 右端は 'e' の右のセル('i')の位置の一つ左
  • 上端は '5' の上のセル … はないので 0 とする
  • 下端は 'r' の下のセル('y')の位置の一つ上


max_area = (pos('i') - 1 - pos('B') - 1 + 1) * (pos('y') - 1 - 0 + 1)



どう書く Haskell

これを踏まえて。Haskell で実装してみました。
data.txt はサンプルデータを空白区切のテキストデータとして保存したファイルです。

$ ghc --make orde02pire.hs
Linking orde02pire ...
$ time ./orde02pire data.txt 

real    0m1.659s
user    0m1.640s
sys     0m0.016s



module Main where

import System.Environment
import System.IO
import Data.Char
import Data.List

split = words.map (\c -> if c == ',' then ' ' else c)

axis c
  | '0' <= c && c <= '9' = ord c - ord '0'
  | 'A' <= c && c <= 'Z' = ord c - ord 'A' + 10
  | 'a' <= c && c <= 'z' = ord c - ord 'a' + 10 + 26

divideInput =
  (\(n, sq) -> (n, map (\[x, y] -> (axis x, axis y)) sq)).(\(n, (_:sq)) -> (read n::Int, split sq)).break (== ':')

circumscribing_area (x0, y0, x1, y1) =
  (x1 - x0 + 1) * (y1 - y0 + 1)
inscribing_area xaxis yaxis (x0, y0, x1, y1) =
  (ix1 - ix0 + 1) * (iy1 - iy0 + 1)
    ix0 = case takeWhile (<  x0) xaxis of [] ->  0; s -> last s + 1
    iy0 = case takeWhile (<  y0) yaxis of [] ->  0; s -> last s + 1
    ix1 = case dropWhile (<= x1) xaxis of [] -> 61; s -> head s - 1
    iy1 = case dropWhile (<= y1) yaxis of [] -> 61; s -> head s - 1

solve input =
  if rectangles == []
    then "-"
    else concat [show $ minimum $ map circumscribing_area rectangles, ",", show $ maximum $ map (inscribing_area xaxis yaxis) rectangles]
    (count, points) = divideInput input
    xaxis = sort $ nub $ map fst points
    yaxis = sort $ nub $ map snd points
    rectangles =
      [ (x0, y0, x1, y1)
      | x0 <- xaxis
      , y0 <- yaxis
      , x1 <- dropWhile (< x0) xaxis
      , y1 <- dropWhile (< y0) yaxis
      , count == length [ 1
                        | (x, y) <- points
                        , x0 <= x && x <= x1 && y0 <= y && y <= y1

test [input, expected] =
  if actual == expected
    then putStr "."
    else putStrLn $ concat
      [ "\ninput:    ", input
      , "\nexpected: ", expected
      , "\nacutal:   ", actual
    actual = solve input

main = getArgs >>= return.head >>= flip openFile ReadMode >>= hGetContents >>= mapM_ (test.words).lines >> putStrLn ""

data.txt の冒頭の5行。計測に使ったファイルはサンプルデータの47行を入れています。

3:Oh,Be,AF,in,eG,ir,l5,Q8,mC,7T,Ty,tT 108,1920
3:00,zz,0z,z0 -
1:ho 1,3844
2:am -
4:00,zz,0z,z0 3844,3844


Haskell で書いて解き方が理解できたので。当日惨敗したPrologに翻訳してみました。

$ gplc orde02pire.pro 
$ time ./orde02pire data.txt 

real    0m3.338s
user    0m3.327s
sys     0m0.006s


:- initialization(main).

% 文字列を , で分割
split(Input, [Point|Points]) :-
  append(Point, [0',|Rest], Input),
  split(Rest, Points),
split(Point, [Point]).

% 文字から位置へ変換
code_position(C, P) :- between(0'0, 0'9, C), P is C - 0'0.
code_position(C, P) :- between(0'A, 0'Z, C), P is C - 0'A + 10.
code_position(C, P) :- between(0'a, 0'z, C), P is C - 0'a + 36.

% 文字の組から XY 座標の値に変換
dot_point([Dx, Dy], [X, Y]) :-
  code_position(Dx, X),
  code_position(Dy, Y).

% 入力の文字列を分解
divide_input(Input, Count, Points) :-
  append(N, [0':|Sequence], Input),
  number_codes(Count, N),
  split(Sequence, Dots),
  maplist(dot_point, Dots, Points).

% XY 座標の値を X と Y に分割
point_xy([X, Y], X, Y).

% XY 座標のリストを X 座標のリストと Y 座標のリストに分割
points_axes(Points, Xaxis, Yaxis) :-
  maplist(point_xy, Points, XS, YS),
  sort(XS, Xaxis),
  sort(YS, Yaxis).

% 左上右下の範囲に含まれる点の座標を取得する
included_point([X0, Y0, X1, Y1], Points, [X, Y]) :-
  member([X, Y], Points),
  between(X0, X1, X),
  between(Y0, Y1, Y).

% 左上右下の範囲の面積
circumscribing_area([X0, Y0, X1, Y1], Area) :-
  Area is (X1 - X0 + 1) * (Y1 - Y0 + 1).

% 指定した点の位置の内側にある点の位置の一つ外側の位置、ただし内側に点がない場合は最小値
inside_outside(Axis, P, I) :-
  append(_, [P1, P|_], Axis),
  I is P1 + 1.
inside_outside([P|_], P, 0).

% 指定した点の位置の外側にある点の位置の一つ内側の位置、ただし外側に点がない場合は最大値
outside_inside(Axis, P, I) :-
  append(_, [P, P1|_], Axis),
  I is P1 - 1.
outside_inside(Axis, P, 61) :-
  append(_, [P], Axis).

% 左上右下の範囲の外側の最大の面積
inscribing_area([X0, Y0, X1, Y1], Xaxis, Yaxis, Area) :-
  inside_outside(Xaxis, X0, IX0),
  inside_outside(Yaxis, Y0, IY0),
  outside_inside(Xaxis, X1, IX1),
  outside_inside(Yaxis, Y1, IY1),
  Area is (IX1 - IX0 + 1) * (IY1 - IY0 + 1).

% 指定した個数の点を含む矩形(左上右下の位置)を得る
points_rectangle(Xaxis, Yaxis, Count, Points, [X0, Y0, X1, Y1]) :-
  append(_, [X0|XS], Xaxis),
  append(_, [Y0|YS], Yaxis),
  append(_, [X1|_], [X0|XS]),
  append(_, [Y1|_], [Y0|YS]),
  findall(P, included_point([X0, Y0, X1, Y1], Points, P), PS),
  length(PS, Count).

% 問題を解く
solve(Input, Output) :-
  divide_input(Input, Count, Points),
  points_axes(Points, Xaxis, Yaxis),
  findall(R, points_rectangle(Xaxis, Yaxis, Count, Points, R), Rectangles),
  findall(A, (member(R, Rectangles), circumscribing_area(R, A)), CircumscribingAreas),
  findall(A, (member(R, Rectangles), inscribing_area(R, Xaxis, Yaxis, A)), InscribingAreas),
  min_list(CircumscribingAreas, MinArea),
  max_list(InscribingAreas, MaxArea),
  number_codes(MinArea, Min),
  number_codes(MaxArea, Max),
  append(Min, [0',|Max], Output).
solve(_, "-").

% 以下、テスト用のコード

judge(_, Expected, Expected) :- write('.').
judge(Input, Expected, Actual) :- format("~ninput:    ~s~nexpected: ~s~nactual:   ~s~n", [Input, Expected, Actual]).

test(Input, Expected) :-
  solve(Input, Actual),
  judge(Input, Expected, Actual).

test(Line) :-
  append(Input, [0' |Expected], Line),
  test(Input, Expected),

read_line_to_code(_, -1, end_of_file).
read_line_to_code(_, 0'\n, []).
read_line_to_code(Stream, Code, [Code|Codes]) :-
  read_line_to_codes(Stream, Codes), !.

read_line_to_codes(Stream, Codes) :-
  get_code(Stream, Code),
  read_line_to_code(Stream, Code, Codes).

main :-
  current_prolog_flag(argv, [_,Filename|_]),
  open(Filename, read, Stream),
  read_line_to_codes(Stream, Line),
  Line == end_of_file,




$ g++ --std=c++11 -o orde02pire orde02pire.cpp
$ time ./orde02pire data.txt 

real    0m0.037s
user    0m0.031s
sys     0m0.003s


$ g++ --std=c++11 -O3 -o orde02pire orde02pire.cpp
$ time ./orde02pire data.txt 

real    0m0.012s
user    0m0.007s
sys     0m0.002s


#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <set>
#include <limits>
#include <numeric>

int axis(char c)
    c -= '0';
    if(c > 9) c -= 7;
    if(c > 36) c -= 6;
    return c;

typedef std::vector<int> Axis;
typedef std::set<int> AxisSet;

struct Point
    int x;
    int y;

    Point(int x, int y) : x(x), y(y) {}

typedef std::vector<Point> Points;

struct Rectangle
    int left;
    int top;
    int right;
    int bottom;

    Rectangle(int left, int top, int right, int bottom) : left(left), top(top), right(right), bottom(bottom) {}

    int circumscribing_area(const Axis& xaxis, const Axis& yaxis) const
        return (xaxis[right] - xaxis[left] + 1) * (yaxis[bottom] - yaxis[top] + 1);

    int inscribing_area(const Axis& xaxis, const Axis& yaxis) const
        int x0 = (left == 0) ? 0 : xaxis[left - 1] + 1;
        int y0 = (top  == 0) ? 0 : yaxis[top  - 1] + 1;
        int x1 = (right  == xaxis.size() - 1) ? 62 : xaxis[right  + 1];
        int y1 = (bottom == yaxis.size() - 1) ? 62 : yaxis[bottom + 1];

        return (x1 - x0) * (y1 - y0);

typedef std::vector<Rectangle> Rectangles;

class ShrunkenPoints
    ShrunkenPoints(const std::vector<Point>& points, const Axis& xaxis, const Axis& yaxis) :
        xaxis_size_(xaxis.size() + 1),
        yaxis_size_(yaxis.size() + 1),
        count_points_((xaxis.size() + 1) * (yaxis.size() + 1))
        std::vector<int> xindices(62);
        std::vector<int> yindices(62);

        for(int i = 0; i < xaxis.size(); ++i)
            xindices[xaxis[i]] = i;

        for(int i = 0; i < yaxis.size(); ++i)
            yindices[yaxis[i]] = i;

        std::vector<int> dots(xaxis.size() * yaxis.size());

        for(auto i = points.begin(); i != points.end(); ++i)
            dots[yindices[i->y] * xaxis.size() + xindices[i->x]] = 1;

        for(int x = xaxis.size() - 1; x >= 0; --x)
            for(int y = yaxis.size() - 1; y >= 0; --y)
                count_points(x, y) = dots[y * xaxis.size() + x]
                                   + count_points(x + 1, y)
                                   + count_points(x, y + 1)
                                   - count_points(x + 1, y + 1);

    int count_points(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1) const
        return count_points(x0, y0) - count_points(x1 + 1, y0) - count_points(x0, y1 + 1) + count_points(x1 + 1, y1 + 1);

    int& count_points(int x, int y)
        return count_points_[y * xaxis_size_ + x];

    int count_points(int x, int y) const
        return count_points_[y * xaxis_size_ + x];

    const int xaxis_size_;
    const int yaxis_size_;
    std::vector<int> count_points_;

std::string solve(const std::string& input)
    std::istringstream iss(input);
    int n;
    char separator;
    iss >> n >> separator;
    Points points;
    AxisSet xaxis_set;
    AxisSet yaxis_set;
        char cx;
        char cy;
        iss >> cx >> cy >> separator;
        int x = axis(cx);
        int y = axis(cy);
        points.push_back(Point(x, y));

    Axis xaxis(xaxis_set.begin(), xaxis_set.end());
    Axis yaxis(yaxis_set.begin(), yaxis_set.end());

    Rectangles rectangles;
    ShrunkenPoints shrunken_points(points, xaxis, yaxis);

    for(int ix0 = 0; ix0 < xaxis.size(); ++ix0)
        for(int iy0 = 0; iy0 < yaxis.size(); ++iy0)
            for(int ix1 = ix0; ix1 < xaxis.size(); ++ix1)
                for(int iy1 = iy0; iy1 < yaxis.size(); ++iy1)
                    if(shrunken_points.count_points(ix0, iy0, ix1, iy1) == n)
                        rectangles.push_back(Rectangle(ix0, iy0, ix1, iy1));

        return "-";

    auto min_rectangle = [&](int n, const Rectangle& r) { return std::min(n, r.circumscribing_area(xaxis, yaxis)); };
    auto max_rectangle = [&](int n, const Rectangle& r) { return std::max(n, r.inscribing_area(xaxis, yaxis)); };

    int min = std::accumulate(rectangles.begin(), rectangles.end(), std::numeric_limits<int>::max(), min_rectangle);
    int max = std::accumulate(rectangles.begin(), rectangles.end(), std::numeric_limits<int>::min(), max_rectangle);

    std::ostringstream oss;
    oss << min << "," << max;
    return oss.str();

void test(const std::string& input, const std::string& expected)
    std::string actual = solve(input);
    if(actual == expected)
        std::cout << ".";
          << "\ninput:    " << input
          << "\nexpected: " << expected
          << "\nactual:   " << actual
          << "\n";

int main(int, char* argv[])
    std::ifstream ifs(argv[1]);

    std::string line;
    while(std::getline(ifs, line).good())
        std::string input;
        std::string expected;
        std::istringstream(line) >> input >> expected;
        test(input, expected);
    std::cout << std::endl;

    return 0;

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