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##brew installで入れる (成功)

electron@diynoMacBook-Pro ~ % brew install racket
Updating Homebrew...
==> Auto-updated Homebrew!
Updated 1 tap (homebrew/cask).
==> Updated Casks
Updated 1 cask.

Warning: Treating racket as a formula. For the cask, use homebrew/cask/racket
==> Downloading https://ghcr.io/v2/homebrew/core/minimal-racket/manifests/8.2
######################################################################## 100.0%
==> Downloading https://ghcr.io/v2/homebrew/core/minimal-racket/blobs/sha256:a79ff7f036256aae9159f89897e32629641d889b4bd37c98e91b216a7f3085f5
==> Downloading from https://pkg-containers.githubusercontent.com/ghcr1/blobs/sha256:a79ff7f036256aae9159f89897e32629641d889b4bd37c98e91b216a7f3
######################################################################## 100.0%
==> Pouring minimal-racket--8.2.catalina.bottle.tar.gz
==> Caveats
This is a minimal Racket distribution.
If you want to build the DrRacket IDE, you may run:
  raco pkg install --auto drracket

The full Racket distribution is available as a cask:
  brew install --cask racket
==> Summary
🍺  /usr/local/Cellar/minimal-racket/8.2: 1,953 files, 114.6MB
electron@diynoMacBook-Pro ~ % 

##brew install --cask で入れる (成功)

electron@diynoMacBook-Pro ~ % brew install racket --cask
==> Downloading https://mirror.racket-lang.org/installers/8.2/racket-8.2-x86_64-macosx-cs.dmg
######################################################################## 100.0%
==> Installing Cask racket

==> Moving App Suite 'Racket v8.2' to '/Applications/Racket v8.2'
==> Linking Binary 'drracket' to '/usr/local/bin/drracket'
==> Linking Binary 'gracket' to '/usr/local/bin/gracket'
==> Linking Binary 'gracket-text' to '/usr/local/bin/gracket-text'
==> Linking Binary 'mred' to '/usr/local/bin/mred'
==> Linking Binary 'mred-text' to '/usr/local/bin/mred-text'
==> Linking Binary 'mzc' to '/usr/local/bin/mzc'
==> Linking Binary 'mzpp' to '/usr/local/bin/mzpp'
==> Linking Binary 'mzscheme' to '/usr/local/bin/mzscheme'
==> Linking Binary 'mztext' to '/usr/local/bin/mztext'
==> Linking Binary 'pdf-slatex' to '/usr/local/bin/pdf-slatex'
==> Linking Binary 'plt-games' to '/usr/local/bin/plt-games'
==> Linking Binary 'plt-help' to '/usr/local/bin/plt-help'
==> Linking Binary 'plt-r5rs' to '/usr/local/bin/plt-r5rs'
==> Linking Binary 'plt-r6rs' to '/usr/local/bin/plt-r6rs'
==> Linking Binary 'plt-web-server' to '/usr/local/bin/plt-web-server'
==> Unlinking Binary '/usr/local/bin/plt-web-server'
==> Unlinking Binary '/usr/local/bin/plt-r6rs'
==> Unlinking Binary '/usr/local/bin/plt-r5rs'
==> Unlinking Binary '/usr/local/bin/plt-help'
==> Unlinking Binary '/usr/local/bin/plt-games'
==> Unlinking Binary '/usr/local/bin/pdf-slatex'
==> Unlinking Binary '/usr/local/bin/mztext'
==> Unlinking Binary '/usr/local/bin/mzscheme'
==> Unlinking Binary '/usr/local/bin/mzpp'
==> Unlinking Binary '/usr/local/bin/mzc'
==> Unlinking Binary '/usr/local/bin/mred-text'
==> Unlinking Binary '/usr/local/bin/mred'
==> Unlinking Binary '/usr/local/bin/gracket-text'
==> Unlinking Binary '/usr/local/bin/gracket'
==> Unlinking Binary '/usr/local/bin/drracket'
==> Backing App Suite 'Racket v8.2' up to '/usr/local/Caskroom/racket/8.2/Racket v8.2'
==> Removing App Suite '/Applications/Racket v8.2'
==> Purging files for version 8.2 of Cask racket
Error: It seems there is already a Binary at '/usr/local/bin/raco'.
electron@diynoMacBook-Pro ~ % 


electron@diynoMacBook-Pro ~ % racket -v
Welcome to Racket v8.2 [cs].
electron@diynoMacBook-Pro ~ % 


electron@diynoMacBook-Pro ~ % racket
Welcome to Racket v8.2 [cs].
> (for ([i (in-range 26)])
    (+ i (char->integer #\a)))))

^Cuser break
> (exit)
electron@diynoMacBook-Pro ~ % 


electron@diynoMacBook-Pro ~ % racket
Welcome to Racket v8.2 [cs].
> (define/contract (foo a b)
  (-> integer? real? real?)  ; compare:  foo : int real -> re
  (+ a b))
(foo 3 4.2)
> (foo 4.2 3)
foo: contract violation
  expected: integer?
  given: 4.2
  in: the 1st argument of
      (-> integer? real? real?)
  contract from: (function foo)
  blaming: top-level
   (assuming the contract is correct)
  at: stdin::31972-31975
   /usr/local/Cellar/minimal-racket/8.2/share/racket/collects/racket/contract/private/blame.rkt:346:0: raise-blame-error
> (exit)


electron@diynoMacBook-Pro ~ % vim test.rkt
electron@diynoMacBook-Pro ~ % cat test.rkt 
#lang racket
;; Print the Greek alphabet
(for ([i (in-range 26)])
    (+ i (char->integer #\a)))))
electron@diynoMacBook-Pro ~ % 
electron@diynoMacBook-Pro ~ % racket test.rkt
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz%                                                                                                                     electron@diynoMacBook-Pro ~ % 

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