この記事の続編として、上記の条件に合致する顧客名だけを格納できる、タプル__(ユーザ名, 累積課金金額)__のListを作るコードを書く予定です。
##( 手順 )
【 Step 1 】
数値区間[10000, 10000000]の範囲内にある整数値を、データ型クラス__HighLoyalityCustomerSalesCondition__として定義する。
sbtConsolescala> type HighLoyalityCustomerSalesCondition = Int Refined Interval.ClosedOpen[10000, 10000000]
type HighLoyalityCustomerSalesCondition
【 Step 2 】
そのため、出来上がったListに、別のListを生リテラル値__「List(要素, 要素, ...)」__で束縛(代入)しようとすると、代入を試みる「生リテラル値のList」の全要素が、制約条件を満たす場合のみ、束縛(代入)を許される。
- List(25000, 1000000, 75430)は条件を満たす(全要素が数値範囲にある数字)ので、fineCustomerListに束縛(代入)できる。
sbtConsolescala> val fineCustomerList: List[HighLoyalityCustomerSalesCondition] = List(25000, 1000000, 75430)
val fineCustomerList: List[HighLoyalityCustomerSalesCondition] = List(25000, 1000000, 75430)
- List(50, 1, 75)は条件を満たさない(全要素が数値範囲にある数字ではない)ので、fineCustomerListに束縛(代入)できない。errorが返る。
- Errorを返さないように、fineCustomerListを、OptionかEither型を要素に持つListにした方が望ましいかもしれない。
>scala> val fineCustomerList: List[HighLoyalityCustomerSalesCondition] = List(50, 1, 75)
> ^
> error: Left predicate of (!(50 < 10000) && (50 < 10000000)) failed: Predicate (50 < 10000) did not fail.
> ^
> error: Left predicate of (!(1 < 10000) && (1 < 10000000)) failed: Predicate (1 < 10000) did not fail.
> ^
> error: Left predicate of (!(75 < 10000) && (75 < 10000000)) failed: Predicate (75 < 10000) did not fail.
####( 別解 )
>scala> type HighLoyalityCustomerSalesCondition = Int Refined >Interval.ClosedOpen[10000, 10000000]
>type HighLoyalityCustomerSalesCondition
>scala> type GoodCustomerList = List[HighLoyalityCustomerSalesCondition]
>type GoodCustomerList
>scala> val fineCustomerList: GoodCustomerList = List(25000, 1000000, 75430)
>val fineCustomerList: GoodCustomerList = List(25000, 1000000, 75430)
>scala> val fineCustomerList: GoodCustomerList = List(50, 1, 75)
> ^
> error: Left predicate of (!(50 < 10000) && (50 < 10000000)) failed: Predicate >(50 < 10000) did not fail.
> ^
> error: Left predicate of (!(1 < 10000) && (1 < 10000000)) failed: Predicate (1 >< 10000) did not fail.
> ^
> error: Left predicate of (!(75 < 10000) && (75 < 10000000)) failed: Predicate
>(75 < 10000) did not fail.
% sbt console
scala> import eu.timepit.refined._
import eu.timepit.refined._
scala> import eu.timepit.refined.api.Refined
import eu.timepit.refined.api.Refined
scala> import eu.timepit.refined.auto._
import eu.timepit.refined.auto._
scala> import eu.timepit.refined.numeric._
import eu.timepit.refined.numeric._
scala> type HighLoyalityCustomerSalesCondition = Int Refined Interval.ClosedOpen[10000, 10000000]
type HighLoyalityCustomerSalesCondition
scala> val johnSalesVolume:HighLoyalityCustomerSalesCondition = 500
error: Left predicate of (!(500 < 10000) && (500 < 10000000)) failed: Predicate (500 < 10000) did not fail.
scala> val johnSalesVolume:HighLoyalityCustomerSalesCondition = 25000
val johnSalesVolume: HighLoyalityCustomerSalesCondition = 25000
scala> val GoodCustomerSalesVolumeList: List[HighLoyalityCustomerSalesCondition] = List(5000, 1000000, 75430)
error: Left predicate of (!(5000 < 10000) && (5000 < 10000000)) failed: Predicate (5000 < 10000) did not fail.
scala> val GoodCustomerSalesVolumeList: List[HighLoyalityCustomerSalesCondition] = List(5000, 100, 75)
error: Left predicate of (!(5000 < 10000) && (5000 < 10000000)) failed: Predicate (5000 < 10000) did not fail.
error: Left predicate of (!(100 < 10000) && (100 < 10000000)) failed: Predicate (100 < 10000) did not fail.
error: Left predicate of (!(75 < 10000) && (75 < 10000000)) failed: Predicate (75 < 10000) did not fail.
scala> val GoodCustomerSalesVolumeList: List[HighLoyalityCustomerSalesCondition] = List(500000, 100000, 750)
error: Left predicate of (!(750 < 10000) && (750 < 10000000)) failed: Predicate (750 < 10000) did not fail.
scala> val fineCustomerList: List[HighLoyalityCustomerSalesCondition] = List(25000, 1000000, 75430)
val fineCustomerList: List[HighLoyalityCustomerSalesCondition] = List(25000, 1000000, 75430)
scala> val fineCustomerList: List[HighLoyalityCustomerSalesCondition] = List(50, 1, 75)
error: Left predicate of (!(50 < 10000) && (50 < 10000000)) failed: Predicate (50 < 10000) did not fail.
error: Left predicate of (!(1 < 10000) && (1 < 10000000)) failed: Predicate (1 < 10000) did not fail.
error: Left predicate of (!(75 < 10000) && (75 < 10000000)) failed: Predicate (75 < 10000) did not fail.
scala> val fineCustomerList: List[HighLoyalityCustomerSalesCondition] = List(500000, 1, 75)
error: Left predicate of (!(1 < 10000) && (1 < 10000000)) failed: Predicate (1 < 10000) did not fail.
error: Left predicate of (!(75 < 10000) && (75 < 10000000)) failed: Predicate (75 < 10000) did not fail.
scala> val fineCustomerList: List[HighLoyalityCustomerSalesCondition] = List(500000, 1000000, 75)
error: Left predicate of (!(75 < 10000) && (75 < 10000000)) failed: Predicate (75 < 10000) did not fail.
scala> val fineCustomerList: List[HighLoyalityCustomerSalesCondition] = List(50, 1000000, 75000)
error: Left predicate of (!(50 < 10000) && (50 < 10000000)) failed: Predicate (50 < 10000) did not fail.
scala> type HighLoyalityCustomerSalesCondition = Int Refined Interval.ClosedOpen[10000, 10000000]
type HighLoyalityCustomerSalesCondition
scala> type GoodCustomerList = List[HighLoyalityCustomerSalesCondition]
type GoodCustomerList
scala> val fineCustomerList: GoodCustomerList = List(25000, 1000000, 75430)
val fineCustomerList: GoodCustomerList = List(25000, 1000000, 75430)
scala> val fineCustomerList: GoodCustomerList = List(50, 1, 75)
error: Left predicate of (!(50 < 10000) && (50 < 10000000)) failed: Predicate (50 < 10000) did not fail.
error: Left predicate of (!(1 < 10000) && (1 < 10000000)) failed: Predicate (1 < 10000) did not fail.
error: Left predicate of (!(75 < 10000) && (75 < 10000000)) failed: Predicate (75 < 10000) did not fail.
- Forallで、Listに格納されたすべての要素が、指定した述語制約を充足するか否かを検査する
scala> val v1 = List(25000, 1000000, 75430)
val v1: List[Int] = List(25000, 1000000, 75430)
scala> refineV[Forall[Equal[-10]]](v1)
val res12: Either[String,eu.timepit.refined.api.Refined[List[Int],eu.timepit.refined.collection.Forall[eu.timepit.refined.generic.Equal[-10]]]] = Left(Predicate failed: ((25000 == -10) && (1000000 == -10) && (75430 == -10)).)
scala> refineV[Forall[Interval.ClosedOpen[10000, 10000000]]](v1)
val res13: Either[String,eu.timepit.refined.api.Refined[List[Int],eu.timepit.refined.collection.Forall[eu.timepit.refined.numeric.Interval.ClosedOpen[10000,10000000]]]] = Right(List(25000, 1000000, 75430))
scala> refineV[Forall[Interval.ClosedOpen[10000, 10000000]]](List(25000, 1000000, 75430))
val res14: Either[String,eu.timepit.refined.api.Refined[List[Int],eu.timepit.refined.collection.Forall[eu.timepit.refined.numeric.Interval.ClosedOpen[10000,10000000]]]] = Right(List(25000, 1000000, 75430))
scala> type NumListElementRange = List[Int] refineV[Forall[Interval.ClosedOpen[10000, 10000000]]](List(25000, 1000000, 75430))
error: identifier expected but '[' found.
scala> val fineCustomerList: refineV[Forall[Interval.ClosedOpen[10000, 10000000]]] = List(25000, 1000000, 75430)
error: not found: type refineV
###( 参考 )
数値範囲条件 [10000, 10000000]に該当する要素だけをList[Int]の要素に束縛する処理は、普通にfor...yield文を実行することでも実現できる。
( 参考 )
scala> val v1 = List(25000, 1000000, 75430)
val v1: List[Int] = List(25000, 1000000, 75430)
scala> val trailList = for (elem <- v1 if (elem >= 10000 && elem <= 10000000)) yield elem
val trailList: List[Int] = List(25000, 1000000, 75430)
scala> trailList
val res1: List[Int] = List(25000, 1000000, 75430)
scala> val v2 = List(10, 56700, 300)
val v2: List[Int] = List(10, 56700, 300)
scala> val trailList2 = for (elem <- v2 if (elem >= 10000 && elem <= 10000000)) yield elem
val trailList2: List[Int] = List(56700)
scala> trailList2
val res3: List[Int] = List(56700)
scala> val sales_volume = 200000
val sales_volume: Int = 200000
scala> sales_volume
val res16: Int = 200000
scala> val fineCustomerList3: List[HighLoyalityCustomerSalesCondition] = List(sales_volume)
error: compile-time refinement only works with literals
scala> List(sales_volume)
val res17: List[Int] = List(200000)
##( 備考 )
scalaVersion := "2.13.6"
libraryDependencies += "eu.timepit" %% "refined" % "0.9.27"
上記のbuild.sbtファイルを読み込んで、refinedライブラリをインストールする必要があるので、scalaコマンドではなく、sbt consoleコマンドでREPLを起動する。
% sbt console
WARNING: A terminally deprecated method in java.lang.System has been called
WARNING: System::setSecurityManager has been called by sbt.TrapExit$ (file:/Users/electron/.sbt/boot/scala-2.12.14/org.scala-sbt/sbt/1.5.5/run_2.12-1.5.5.jar)
WARNING: Please consider reporting this to the maintainers of sbt.TrapExit$
WARNING: System::setSecurityManager will be removed in a future release
[info] welcome to sbt 1.5.5 (Homebrew Java 17.0.1)
[info] loading project definition from /Users/electron/scala_trial/refined_trial/project
[info] loading settings for project refined_trial from build.sbt ...
[info] set current project to refined_trial (in build file:/Users/electron/scala_trial/refined_trial/)
[info] Starting scala interpreter...
Welcome to Scala 2.13.6 (OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM, Java 17.0.1).
Type in expressions for evaluation. Or try :help.
scala> import eu.timepit.refined._
scala> import eu.timepit.refined.auto._
import eu.timepit.refined.auto._
scala> import eu.timepit.refined.numeric._
import eu.timepit.refined.numeric._
scala> import eu.timepit.refined.api.{RefType, Refined}
import eu.timepit.refined.api.{RefType, Refined}
scala> import eu.timepit.refined.boolean._
import eu.timepit.refined.boolean._
scala> import eu.timepit.refined.char._
import eu.timepit.refined.char._
scala> import eu.timepit.refined.collection._
import eu.timepit.refined.collection._
scala> import eu.timepit.refined.generic._
import eu.timepit.refined.generic._
scala> import eu.timepit.refined.string._
import eu.timepit.refined.string._
scala> import shapeless.{ ::, HNil }
import shapeless.{$colon$colon, HNil}