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Bundle Splitting and Code Minimization: Optimizing Angular Build Processes in E-commerce Website Development

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E-commerce website development with Angular offers a dynamic and interactive shopping experience. However, website performance is a critical factor influencing user engagement and search engine ranking. The Angular build process, where the application's code is transformed for browser execution, is crucial in achieving optimal performance.

This blog discusses the strategies to optimize Angular build processes for e-commerce websites. An e-commerce development company can ensure faster delivery of an application that offers a user- and SEO-friendly experience.

Performance bottlenecks in Angular e-commerce website development

Below are the challenges JavaScript bundle can pose in Angular development:

Compilation and bundling

During development, Angular applications are written in TypeScript. The Angular CLI (Command Line Interface) utilizes a build process that transpiles TypeScript code into JavaScript and bundles various application components, modules, and dependencies.

JavaScript bundles

The build process outputs one or more JavaScript files (bundles) containing the application's entire codebase. These bundles are essential for the browser to render the Angular application on the client side.

Download time

The browser must download these JS bundles entirely before rendering the initial page content. Large bundle sizes, especially on slower internet connections, lead to significant delays in displaying the website, impacting user experience metrics like First Contentful Paint (FCP) and Time to Interactive (TTI).

Cascading delays

A delayed initial page load time creates a domino effect. The initial download delay impacts subsequent content rendering, user interactions, and API calls, leading to a sluggish user experience. Thus, optimizing angular build processes is essential in e-commerce website development.

Increased initial page load time

Browsers must download the entire bundle in Angular before rendering any content. This results in longer wait times for users, especially on connections with limited bandwidth. Delays in displaying the website's content can lead to a frustrating user experience and potentially higher bounce rates.

Slowing down the initial render

Search engines (Google and Bing) prioritize websites with fast loading times in their search rankings. This is because faster loading times correlate with a better user experience. As mentioned previously, large bundles lead to longer initial load times. Therefore, search engines demote websites with slow page loading times, pushing them down in search rankings.

Detrimental large bundles

Large Angular bundles can negatively impact SEO rankings for e-commerce websites. Slow loading times signal a poorly optimized website to search engines, potentially pushing the website down in search results.

Bundle splitting strategies of an e-commerce website development company

Here’s how to optimize bundle size in Angular:

Core concept

Modular approach: The Angular application's codebase is meticulously divided into logical modules, each encapsulating specific functionalities or features. Examples in an e-commerce context could include separate modules for product listings, shopping cart management, or user authentication.
Chunk creation: The build process, often managed by the Angular CLI, leverages techniques like Webpack to generate separate JavaScript bundles for each designated module. This creates a collection of smaller, more manageable code units.

Techniques for splitting

Lazy loading modules: Angular offers the loadChildren property within route configurations. This property allows developers to specify a function that dynamically loads a feature module's corresponding bundle at runtime.

When a user navigates to a route associated with a lazy-loaded module (e.g., product detail page), the browser only fetches the relevant module's bundle. This significantly reduces the initial payload downloaded by the user's browser, improving perceived performance.
Route-level splitting: Lazy loading can be further refined for even more granular control over downloaded code. This technique involves splitting feature modules based on individual routes within the module itself.

An e-commerce website's product listing module could be further split into separate bundles for different product categories (e.g., electronics, clothing, etc). Only the corresponding code chunk for that category is downloaded when a user navigates to a specific category page. This optimizes the initial load time and reduces unnecessary resource consumption.

Code minimizing strategies in e-commerce website development services

Below are the code-minimizing strategies in Angular:

Tree shaking

Built-in optimization: The Angular CLI provides a built-in optimization technique called tree shaking. This process analyzes the application's dependency graph during the build phase.
Identifying unused code: Tree shaking meticulously examines all imported modules within the application. It then identifies and eliminates any code from these modules that is not explicitly referenced or used within the application's functionality. This can include unused components, directives, pipes, or services.
Removal of unused code: By removing this unused code, tree shaking effectively reduces the final size of the generated JavaScript bundles. This leads to a smaller download size for the e-commerce website, improving initial page load times.


Reducing file size: Minification shrinks the size of JavaScript files without altering their functionality. This is achieved by removing unnecessary whitespace, comments, and formatting present within the code.
Tools for minification: Various tools can be integrated into the Angular build process to perform minification. A popular option is Terser, a JavaScript minifier that optimizes code for smaller file sizes and faster execution.
Impact on readability: It's important to note that minification reduces the readability of the code. This is a trade-off for smaller bundle sizes and faster loading times. Minified code is primarily intended for production deployments and not for development purposes.

Dead code elimination

Complementary technique: Dead code elimination is a technique that complements tree shaking. While tree shaking focuses on unused code within imported modules, dead code elimination targets unused code within the application itself.
Identifying unreachable code: This process involves analyzing the application's code flow to identify code sections that are never executed. These unreachable code sections can arise due to unused conditional statements, commented-out code, or logic paths not taken.
Removal during build: Tools like UglifyJS can be integrated into the Angular build process to eliminate dead code. These tools identify and eliminate unreachable code sections, further reducing the final bundle size.

The benefits of bundle splitting and code minification

Below are the benefits of optimizing Angular build in e-commerce website development:

Faster initial page load times

Large bundles can significantly increase initial page load times, especially on slower internet connections. Bundle splitting reduces the initial payload downloaded by the browser, as only essential code for the user's initial view is fetched. This leads to a faster First Contentful Paint (FCP) and a quicker overall page load, improving user experience metrics.

Enhanced perceived performance

Even after the initial page load, subsequent navigation within the e-commerce website can feel sluggish with large bundles. Code splitting ensures frequently accessed features or functionalities are readily available in separate bundles. This allows the browser to pre-cache these bundles, leading to a seamless and better responsive user experience for subsequent interactions.

Reduced Waiting time and frustration

Long loading times associated with large bundles can lead to user frustration and abandonment. Bundle splitting and code minimization techniques significantly reduce these waiting times, keeping users engaged and improving overall satisfaction with the e-commerce website.

Smoother navigation and interactions

When users navigate between different sections or features within the e-commerce website, smaller, on-demand loaded code chunks from bundle splitting ensure a smoother transition. This eliminates delays associated with fetching large bundles for each new view, leading to a more seamless and intuitive user experience.

Improved core web vitals scores

Core Web Vitals (CWV) are a set of metrics that evaluate aspects like loading speed and interactivity. Bundle splitting and code minimization techniques directly address these metrics by reducing initial load times and improving overall website performance. This can lead to better CWV scores, potentially resulting in higher SERP rankings for the e-commerce website.

Reduced bandwidth consumption

Smaller bundle sizes achieved through these techniques translate to less data downloaded by the user's device. This will especially benefit users with limited bandwidth availability or who are using mobile data plans.

Efficient resource utilization

By reducing bundle sizes, developers ensure the browser utilizes resources more efficiently. This can result in improved battery life for mobile users and a smoother overall browsing experience.

Maintainability and codebase management

While primarily focused on size reduction, minification can also offer some benefits for code maintainability. Minified code often retains the original code structure, making it easier to understand the logic flow during debugging or code review processes, even though comments and whitespace are removed.


This is all about bundle splitting and code minimization techniques. Developers can significantly optimize Angular build processes in e-commerce website development by adopting these strategies. This results in smaller bundle sizes, faster loading times, and a more responsive user experience.

e-Commerce website development: https://www.unifiedinfotech.net/services/ecommerce-website-development/


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