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Chart.js で日本語を使う

Last updated at Posted at 2018-01-17

Chart.js でこんなグラフを書いてみました。

<!DOCTYPE html>
<head lang="ja">
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/Chart.js/2.9.4/Chart.min.js"></script>
<script src="graph02.js"></script>
<script src="draw_line_chart.js"></script>
	<canvas id="chart_aa" width="240" height="40"></canvas>
	<canvas id="chart_bb" width="240" height="60"></canvas>
	<canvas id="chart_cc" width="240" height="20"></canvas>
<p />
	<canvas id="chart_dd" width="240" height="40"></canvas>
	<canvas id="chart_ee" width="240" height="60"></canvas>
	<canvas id="chart_ff" width="240" height="20"></canvas>
<p />
<hr />
Version: Aug/08/2023<p />
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
window.onload = ()=>
	const data_aa = [
		{x: 0.0,y: 4.5 },
		{ x: 1.1, y: 7.2 },
		{ x: 2.3, y: 5.6 },
		{ x: 3.4, y: 7.4 },
		{ x: 4.2, y: 6.4 },
		{ x: 6.2, y: 3.2 },
		{ x: 8.4, y: 4.3 },
		{ x: 10.5, y: 15.2 },
		{ x: 20.6, y: 5.7 }]

	draw_line_chart_proc ("chart_bb",data_aa,0,24)

	const data_bb = [
		{x: 0.0,y: 14.5 },
		{ x: 1.1, y: 7.2 },
		{ x: 2.3, y: 15.6 },
		{ x: 3.4, y: 7.4 },
		{ x: 4.2, y: 6.4 },
		{ x: 7.2, y: 9.4 },
		{ x: 9.2, y: 8.4 },
		{ x: 16.2, y: 17.2 },
		{ x: 18.4, y: 14.3 }

	draw_line_chart_proc ("chart_ee",data_bb,0,20)

	draw_character_yy ("chart_aa","気温","°C")

	draw_character_jikoku ("chart_cc")

	draw_character_yy ("chart_dd","湿度","%")

	draw_character_jikoku ("chart_ff")

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
function draw_line_chart_proc (id_chart,data_aa,ymin,ymax)
const options_aa = {
	 legend: { display: false },
		scales: {
			xAxes: [{
				type: 'linear',
				position: 'bottom',
		ticks: { min: 0, max: 24, stepSize: 3}
			yAxes: [{
				type: 'linear',
				position: 'bottom',
		ticks: { min: ymin, max: ymax}

var ctx = document.getElementById(id_chart)
var scatterChart = new Chart(ctx, {
	type: 'line',
	data: {
		datasets: [{
		tension: 0,
		fill: false,
		pointRadius: 0,
		borderWidth: 0,
		backgroundColor: "blue",
		borderColor: "blue",
		data: data_aa
	options: options_aa


// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
function draw_character_jikoku (id_chart)
	var ctx = document.getElementById(id_chart).getContext('2d')

	ctx.font = "12px 'MS Pゴシック'";
	ctx.fillStyle = "black";
//	ctx.fillText("時刻", 300, 15);
	ctx.fillText("時刻", 180, 15);

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
function draw_character_yy (id_chart,label_aa,unit_aa)
	var ctx = document.getElementById(id_chart).getContext('2d')

	ctx.font = "12px 'MS Pゴシック'";
	ctx.fillStyle = "black";
	ctx.fillText(label_aa, 5, 15);
	ctx.fillText(unit_aa, 5, 35);

	ctx.font = "18px 'MS Pゴシック'";
//	ctx.fillText(label_aa, 300, 25);
	ctx.fillText(label_aa, 150, 25);

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

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