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openapi-generator-cli (go-server)

Last updated at Posted at 2021-10-26

こちらで行ったことと同じことを go-server で行いました。
openapi-generator-cli (python-flask)

hello.yaml は同じです。

#Go のサーバーを作成#

npx @openapitools/openapi-generator-cli generate \
	-g go-server \
	-i ./hello.yaml \
	-o ./src \
	--api-package=api \
	--model-package=model \


 * Hello
 * ユーザ名を与えると挨拶を返してくれるAPI
 * API version: 1.0.0
 * Generated by: OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)

package openapi

import (
//	"net/http"
//	"errors"

// HelloApiService is a service that implements the logic for the HelloApiServicer
// This service should implement the business logic for every endpoint for the HelloApi API.
// Include any external packages or services that will be required by this service.
type HelloApiService struct {

// NewHelloApiService creates a default api service
func NewHelloApiService() HelloApiServicer {
	return &HelloApiService{}

// GetHello - 
func (s *HelloApiService) GetHello(ctx context.Context, userName string) (ImplResponse, error) {
	// TODO - update GetHello with the required logic for this service method.
	// Add api_hello_service.go to the .openapi-generator-ignore to avoid overwriting this service implementation when updating open api generation.

	//TODO: Uncomment the next line to return response Response(200, InlineResponse200{}) or use other options such as http.Ok ...
//	return Response(200, InlineResponse200{}), nil
	return Response(200, InlineResponse200{"Hello, " + userName + "!" }), nil
//	return Response(200, InlineResponse200{}), userName

	//TODO: Uncomment the next line to return response Response(400, {}) or use other options such as http.Ok ...
	//return Response(400, nil),nil

	//TODO: Uncomment the next line to return response Response(500, {}) or use other options such as http.Ok ...
	//return Response(500, nil),nil

	// return Response(http.StatusNotImplemented, nil), errors.New("GetHello method not implemented")


go run main.go


$ http
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 30
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
Date: Tue, 26 Oct 2021 02:53:45 GMT

    "HelloUser": "Hello, Scott!"

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