
More than 5 years have passed since last update.

BoNeSi を ubuntu16.04 に install する

Last updated at Posted at 2018-01-04
  • 必要なパッケージのinstall
apt-get update
apt-get install build-essential libpcap0.8-dev libnet-dev automake
  • automake-1.14, aclocal-1.14 が 必要なので linkを貼る
cd /usr/bin/
ln -s automake-1.15 automake-1.14
ln -s aclocal-1.15 aclocal-1.14
  • bonesi を github から持ってくる
cd ~/
git clone https://github.com/Markus-Go/bonesi.git
cd ~/bonesi/
  • install
automake --add-missing
make install
  • 動作確認1 : helpを表示
# bonesi --help
Usage: bonesi [OPTION...] <dst_ip:port>


  -i, --ips=FILENAME               filename with ip list
  -p, --protocol=PROTO             udp (default), icmp or tcp
  -r, --send_rate=NUM              packets per second, 0 = infinite (default)
  -s, --payload_size=SIZE          size of the paylod, (default: 32)
  -o, --stats_file=FILENAME        filename for the statistics, (default: 'stats')
  -c, --max_packets=NUM            maximum number of packets (requests at tcp/http), 0 = infinite (default)
      --integer                    IPs are integers in host byte order instead of in dotted notation
  -t, --max_bots=NUM               determine max_bots in the 24bit prefix randomly (1-256)
  -u, --url=URL                    the url (default: '/') (only for tcp/http)
  -l, --url_list=FILENAME          filename with url list (only for tcp/http)
  -b, --useragent_list=FILENAME    filename with useragent list (only for tcp/http)
  -d, --device=DEVICE              network listening device (only for tcp/http)
  -m, --mtu=NUM                    set MTU, (default 1500)
  -f, --frag=NUM                   set fragmentation mode (0=IP, 1=TCP, default: 0)
  -v, --verbose                    print additional debug messages
  -h, --help                       print this message and exit
  • 動作確認2 :localhost 向けに実行してみる
# bonesi -p icmp
Warning: There is noch File with useragent names! The user-agent:
 Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux x86_64; en-US; rv: Gecko/20071004 Iceweasel/ (Debian-
will be used.
dstPort:       0
protocol:      1
payloadSize:   32
rate:          infinite
ips:           (null)
urls:          (null)
useragents::   (null)
stats file:    stats
device:        (null)
maxPackets:    infinite
format:        dotted
toggle:        no
471596 packets in 1.000039 seconds
491407 packets in 1.000001 seconds


  • BoNeSi は DDoS Botnet Simulatorなので、使用には気をつけてください

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