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More than 5 years have passed since last update.


Last updated at Posted at 2019-09-02



演算方法 英文
足し算 X + Y = Z X plus Y is Z, X added to Y makes Z
引き算 X - Y = Z X minus Y is Z, Y subtracted from X makes Z
掛け算 X * Y = Z X multiplied by Y is Z, X times Y equals Z
割り算 X / Y = Z X divided by Y is Z
余り X % Y = Z X modulo Y is Z. Z is the remainder from the division of X by Y
冪乗 X ^ Y = Z X to the power of Y is Z
実例 英文
1/2 A half
2/3 Two over three, two thirds
3^2 The square of three
2^3 The cube of two
6^-3 6 to the power of negative three
√16 The square root of 16
5以上 More than 5
5以下 5 or less(under, below)
5未満 Under 5
5より大きい Above 5
a < b a is less than b
a > b a is greater than b
a <= b a is not greater than b
a >= b a is not less than b


  • 和 Summation
  • 差 Difference
  • 積 Product
  • 商 Quotient
  • 余り Remainder
  • 冪 Power
  • 分数 Fraction
  • 分母 Denominator
  • 分子 Numerator
  • 階乗 Factorial
  • 平均 Average
  • 組み合わせ Combination
  • 順列 Permutation
  • 直積 Direct product
  • 内積 Inner product
  • 微分 Differential
  • 偏微分 Partial differential
  • 積分 Integral
  • 奇数 Odd number
  • 偶数 Even number
  • 素数 Prime number



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