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`slice(1, -1)`って何してるの - 回文の真偽判定を再帰的に解く

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isPalindrome(): A recursive approach
What Does slice(1, -1) Do?, (slice(1, -1)って何してるの)


Project Euler in JavaScript
js 回文の真偽判定


function isPalindrome (str) {
  let len = 0;

  // remove non-alphanumeric characters and
  // change the string to lowercase
  // and get the length of the string
  str = str.replace(/[^a-z0-9]/i, '').toLowerCase();
  len = str.length;

  // calculate the string midpoint position and
  // loop through the characters up to the midpoint
  // comparing characters in corresponding positions
  // from the start of the string and the end of the string
  for (let i = 0, mid = len >> 1; i < mid; i++) {
    if (str[i] !== str[len - i - 1]) return false;

  // if execution reaches here, the character comparisons matched
  // and the string (if not empty) must be a palindrome
  return len > 0;


function isPalindrome (str) {
  // remove non-alphanumeric characters and
  // change the string to lowercase
  str = str.replace(/[^a-z0-9]/i, '').toLowerCase();

  // and get the length of the string
  const len = str.length;

  if (len <= 1) return true;
  if (str[0] !== str[len - 1]) return false;

  // proper tail call optimized recursion
  return isPalindrome(str.slice(1, -1));

内部再帰関数 _isPalindrome()

const isPalindrome = (() => {
   * This function is returned immediately
   * from the invocation of the outer arrow function
   * and is assigned to the `isPalindrome` identifier.
  return function isPalindrome (str) {
    // remove non-alphanumeric characters and
    // change the string to lowercase
    str = str.replace(/[^a-z0-9]/i, '').toLowerCase();

    // call the recursive _isPalindrome function with string (if not empty)
    // and return the result
    return (str.length > 0) && _isPalindrome(str);

   * Internal recursive `_isPalindrome()` function
   * optimized for recursion with proper tail call.
   * A single reference to this function is created and stored
   * after the immediate invocation of the outer arrow function,
   * not accessible outside the scope of the outer arrow function,
   * but accessible to `isPalindrome()` via closure.
  function _isPalindrome (str) {
    const len = str.length;

    if (len <= 1) return true;
    if (str[0] !== str[len - 1]) return false;

    // proper tail call
    return _isPalindrome(str.slice(1, -1));


const isPalindrome = (() => {
  return function isPalindrome (str) {
    str = str.replace(/[^a-z0-9]/i, '').toLowerCase();
    // wrap the recursive _isPalindrome function with _trampoline()
    return (str.length > 0) && _trampoline(_isPalindrome)(str);

  // trampoline() — higher-order function
  function _trampoline (fn) {
    return function _trampolined (...args) {
      let result = fn(...args);
      while (typeof result === 'function') {
        result = result();
      return result;

  function _isPalindrome (str) {
    const len = str.length;

    if (len <= 1) return true;
    if (str[0] !== str[len - 1]) return false;

    // return a function that calls the recursive function
    return () => _isPalindrome(str.slice(1, -1));


javascript sliceメソッド
javascriptのStringのsubstring slice substr

const str = "deluxe";

// luxeが返る

console.log(str.slice(2, 4));
// luが返る

console.log(str.slice(1, 6));
// eluxeが返る

console.log(str.slice(1, -1));
// eluxが返る
const str = 'マツコ';
console.log(str.slice(1, 2));

console.log(str.slice(1, -1));

//いずれも ツが返る

const str = 'マツコDeluxe';
console.log(str.slice(1, 2));
// ツが返る

console.log(str.slice(1, -1));
// ツコDeluxが返る

つまり What Does slice(1, -1) Do?, (slice(1, -1)って何してるの)

今日は、slice(1, -1)が何をするのかを学んだ。
文字列が回文かどうかを (再帰的に) チェックする方法を調べていたら、 str.slice(1, -1) を使う解決策に出くわしました。

配列を変異させずに処理したい場合は slice() が良い選択肢となります。



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