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Matlab 9.6 R2019a 稼働RuntimeのDockerイメージビルド

Last updated at Posted at 2020-02-04

Matlab 9.6 R2019a は 2019年03月リリース


# Download and install Matlab Compiler Runtime v9.6 (2019a)
# This docker file will configure an environment into which the Matlab compiler
# runtime will be installed and in which stand-alone matlab routines (such as
# those created with Matlab's deploytool) can be executed.
# See http://www.mathworks.com/products/compiler/mcr/ for more info.

FROM debian:10-slim

ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND noninteractive
RUN apt-get -q update && \
    apt-get install -q -y --no-install-recommends \
    xorg \
      unzip \
      wget && \
    apt-get clean && \
    rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
# Install the MCR dependencies and some things we'll need and download the MCR
# from Mathworks -silently install it
RUN mkdir /mcr-install && \
    mkdir /opt/mcr && \
    cd /mcr-install && \
    wget -q http://ssd.mathworks.com/supportfiles/downloads/R2019a/Release/5/deployment_files/installer/complete/glnxa64/MATLAB_Runtime_R2019a_Update_5_glnxa64.zip && \
    unzip -q MATLAB_Runtime_R2019a_Update_5_glnxa64.zip && \
    rm -f MATLAB_Runtime_R2019a_Update_5_glnxa64.zip && \
    ./install -destinationFolder /opt/mcr -agreeToLicense yes -mode silent && \
    cd / && \
    rm -rf mcr-install

# Configure environment variables for MCR
ENV LD_LIBRARY_PATH /opt/mcr/v96/runtime/glnxa64:/opt/mcr/v96/bin/glnxa64:/opt/mcr/v96/sys/os/glnxa64:/opt/mcr/v96/sys/opengl/lib/glnxa64
ENV XAPPLRESDIR /opt/mcr/v96/X11/app-defaults

Matlab runtimeパス /opt/mcr/v96


# タグ指定でイメージビルド
docker build -t matlab-r2019a:latest -f Dockerfile.matlab.R2019a .

ご覧して頂き、どうも有難う御座います! DSS Ben

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