このサンプルの一部はyoutubeのビデオ「Rust Programming Tutorials」からまねしたものです。
###Rust examples_001
fn main() {
let x: Option<u32> = Some(2);
println!("when x is {:?}",x);
println!("x.is_some: {:?}",x.is_some());//true
println!("x.is_none: {:?}",x.is_none());//false
let x: Option<u32> = None;
println!("when x is {:?}",x);
println!("x.is_some: {:?}",x.is_some());//false
println!("x.is_none: {:?}",x.is_none());//true
###Rust examples_002
fn main() {
let x: Option<u32> = Some(2);
println!("when x is {:?}",x);
println!("x.contains(&2) is {:?}",x.contains(&2));
let x: Option<u32> = Some(3);
println!("when x is {:?}",x);
println!("x.contains(&2) is {:?}",x.contains(&2));
let x: Option<u32> = None;
println!("when x is {:?}",x);
println!("x.contains(&2) is {:?}",x.contains(&2));
###Rust examples_003
fn main() {
let mut counter = Some(0);
while let Some(i) = counter {
if i == 10 {
counter = None;
} else {
println!("{}", i);
counter = Some(i + 1);
###Rust examples_004
fn main() {
loop {
println!("hello world forever!");
let mut i = 1;
let mut counter = 0;
loop {
println!("2^{} = {}", counter, i);
if i > 100 {
i *= 2;
counter += 1;
assert_eq!(i, 128);
###Rust examples_005
fn main() {
let (mut a, mut b) = (1, 1);
let result = loop {
if b > 10 {
break b;
let c = a + b;
a = b;
b = c;
println!("{:?}", (a, b));
// first number in Fibonacci sequence over 10:
assert_eq!(result, 13);
println!("{}", result);
###Rust examples_006
fn main() {
for i in 0..5 {
println!("{}", i * 2);
let mut fours = std::iter::repeat(4);
for i in std::iter::repeat(4) {
assert_eq!(Some(4), fours.next());
"this repeat {:?} forever if you don't break it.",
'outer: for i in 1..=5 {
println!("outer iteration (i): {}", i);
'_inner: for j in 1..=200 {
println!(" inner iteration (j): {}", j);
if j >= 3 {
// breaks from inner loop, let's outer loop continue.
if i >= 2 {
// breaks from outer loop, and directly to "Bye".
break 'outer;
###Rust examples_007
fn main() {
let iterator = 0..5;
let mut _iter = std::iter::IntoIterator::into_iter(iterator);
loop {
println!("{:?}", _iter);
match _iter.next() {
Some(loop_variable) => println!("{:?}", _iter),
None => break,
###Rust examples_008
fn main() {
let thing1: u8 = 89.0 as u8;
println!("thing1 as u8 is {:?}", thing1);
println!("thing1 as char is {:?}", thing1 as char);
let thing2: f32 = thing1 as f32 + 10.5;
"thing2 is {:?}, but thing2 as u8 is {:?}",
thing2, thing2 as u8
println!("false as u8 is {:?}", false as u8);
println!("true as u8 is {:?}", true as u8);
###Rust examples_009
// Print Odd numbers under 30 with unit <= 5
fn main() {
'tens: for ten in 0..3 {
'_units: for unit in 0..=9 {
if unit % 2 == 0 {
if unit > 5 {
continue 'tens;
println!("{}", ten * 10 + unit);
###Rust examples_010
fn main() {
let animals = vec!["cat", "dog", "mouse"];
for a in animals.iter() {
println!("{}", a);
for a in animals {
println!("{}", a);
###Rust examples_011
enum Direction {
fn main() {
let player_direction: Direction = Direction::Up;
match player_direction {
Direction::Up => println!("here is up direction"),
_ => (),
###Rust examples_012
// #[allow(non_upper_case_globals)]
const MAX_NUMBER: u8 = 20;
fn main() {
for n in 1..MAX_NUMBER{
println!("the number is {}",n);
###Rust examples_013
- スコープ(有効範囲)とシャドーイング(同じ変数名で違うタイプで定義する)
fn main() {
let x = 10;
let x = 15;
println!("x inside is {}", x);
println!("x outside is {}", x);
let x = "x is a string";
println!("{}", x);
let x = true;
println!("{}", x);
###Rust examples_014
fn main() {
let mut x = 10;
println!("{}", x);
let dom = &mut x;
// let dom = &x;
*dom += 1;
println!("{}", dom);
###Rust examples_015
fn main() {
let numbers: [i32; 5] = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
// loop using iter
for n in numbers.iter() {
println!("{}", n);
// loop using index
for i in 0..numbers.len() {
println!("the number[{}] is {}", i, numbers[i]);
###Rust examples_016
struct Rectagle {
width: u32,
height: u32,
impl Rectagle {
fn print_description(&self) {
println!("Rectangle: {} x {}", &self.width, &self.height);
fn main() {
let my_rec = Rectagle {
width: 10,
height: 5,
###Rust examples_017
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::prelude::*;
fn main() {
let mut file = File::open("info.txt").expect("Can not open this file.");
let mut contents = String::new();
file.read_to_string(&mut contents)
.expect("Oops,Can not read this file.");
###Rust examples_018
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::prelude::*;
fn main() {
let mut file = File::create("output.txt").expect("Could not create file!");
file.write_all(b"Welcome to this tutorial.")
.expect("Cannot write to this file.");
###Rust examples_019
use std::env;
fn main() {
let args: Vec<String> = env::args().collect();
for argument in args.iter() {
println!("{}", argument);
###Rust examples_020
struct Person {
name: String,
age: u8,
trait HasVoiceBox {
fn speak(&self);
fn can_speak(&self) -> bool;
impl HasVoiceBox for Person {
fn speak(&self) {
println!("hello,my name is {}.", self.name);
fn can_speak(&self) -> bool {
if self.age > 0 {
return true;
return false;
fn main() {
let person = Person {
name: String::from("Bob"),
age: 41,
println!("Can {} speak? {}", person.name, person.can_speak());
###Rust examples_021
fn main() {
let mut input = String::new();
println!("Hi mate! say something:");
match std::io::stdin().read_line(&mut input) {
Ok(_) => {
println!("Success! You just say: {}", input.to_uppercase());
Err(e) => {
println!("Oops! something went wrong: {}", e);
###Rust examples_022
use std::collections::HashMap;
fn main() {
let mut marks = HashMap::new();
marks.insert("Rust programming", 96);
marks.insert("web developing", 92);
marks.insert("UX design", 75);
marks.insert("Professional computing study", 45);
// find length of HashMap
println!("How many subject have you studied? {}", marks.len());
println!("{:#?}", marks);
// get a single value
match marks.get("Web developing") {
Some(mark) => println!("You got {} for Web Dev!", mark),
None => println!("You didn't study web developing."),
//remove a value
marks.remove("UX design");
println!("{:#?}", marks);
// for loop through HashMap
for (subject, mark) in &marks {
println!("{}'s mark is:{}", subject, mark);
// check for value
"Did you study C++? {}",
marks.contains_key("C++ Programming")
###Rust examples_023
rand = "*"
extern crate rand;
use rand::{thread_rng, Rng};
fn main() {
let mut rng = thread_rng();
let rand_number: u32 = rng.gen_range(0, 11);
println!("Random number: {}", rand_number);
let rand_bool: bool = rng.gen_bool(1.0/3.0);
println!("Random boolean: {:?}", rand_bool);
###Rust examples_024
fn main() {
/* replace */
let my_string = String::from("Rust is fantastic!");
"After replace is: {}",
my_string.replace("fantastic", "great")
/* lines */
let my_string = String::from("The weather is\nnice\noutside mate!");
for line in my_string.lines() {
println!("[ {} ]", line);
/* split */
let my_string = String::from("leave+a+like+if+you+enjoy!");
let tokens: Vec<&str> = my_string.split("+").collect();
println!("At index 2: {}", tokens[2]);
/* trim */
let my_string = String::from(" my name is dom \r\n");
println!("Before trimming is: {}", my_string);
println!("After trimming is : {}", my_string.trim());
/* chars */
let my_string = String::from("decode on YouTube");
println!("My string is: {}", my_string);
match my_string.chars().nth(4) {
Some(c) => println!("Character at index 4: {}", c),
None => println!("No Character at index 4.")
###Rust examples_025
- 別ファイル(dcode.rs)にfnを定義する
pub fn print_message() {
println!("How's it going? My name is Dom!");
- main.rsに「mod」でimportする
mod dcode;
fn main() {
###Rust examples_026
regex = "*"
extern crate regex;
use regex::Regex;
fn main() {
let re = Regex::new(r"(\w{5})").unwrap();
let text = "dcode";
println!("Found match?{}",re.is_match(text));
match re.captures(text){
Some(caps) => println!("Found match: {:?}",caps.get(0).unwrap().as_str()),
None => println!("Could not found match...")
###Rust examples_027
mod dcode {
fn chicken() {
pub fn print_message() {
println!("How is it going?");
pub mod water {
pub fn print_message(){
println!("I'm water!");
fn main() {
###Rust examples_028
fn main() {
let name = String::from("Dominic");
"Occupation is {}",
match get_occupation(&name) {
Some(o) => o,
None => "No occupation found!",
fn get_occupation(name: &str) -> Option<&str> {
match name {
"Dominic" => Some("Software Developer"),
"Michel" => Some("Dentist"),
_ => None,
###Rust examples_029
enum Day {
impl Day {
fn is_weekday(&self) -> bool {
match self {
Day::Saturday | Day::Sunday => return false,
_ => return true,
fn main() {
let d = Day::Tuesday;
println!("Is d a weekday? {}", d.is_weekday());
let d = Day::Saturday;
println!("Is d a weekday? {}", d.is_weekday());
###Rust examples_030
fn main() {
let v = vec![12, 34, 5, 6, 6, 7, 7, 7, 56, 5, 54, 5, 4, 5];
for &i in &v {
let r = count(&v, i);
println!("{} is repeated {} times.", i, r);
fn count(v: &Vec<i32>, val: i32) -> usize {
v.into_iter().filter(|&&x| x == val).count()