生成AIを用いてSE blockの論文「Squeeze-and-Excitation Networks」を読んでみた

Last updated at Posted at 2024-08-22


生成AIを用いてSE blockの論文「Squeeze-and-Excitation Networks」の内容を(なるべく)把握してみました。(生成AIが)論文の記載内容を始めから最後まで読んで、実際にどのような記載があるのかを把握します。




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論文: (SE blockに関する論文)

[1709.01507] Squeeze-and-Excitation Networks
(PDF: https://arxiv.org/pdf/1709.01507v3)



  • Abstract
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  • 3.1 Squeeze: Global Information Embedding
  • ---
  • 3.2 Excitation: Adaptive Recalibration
  • ---
  • 3.3 Instantiations
  • ---
  • ---
  • 5.1 Image Classification
  • ---
  • 5.2 Scene Classification
  • 5.3 Object Detection on COCO
  • 5.4 ILSVRC 2017 Classification Competition
  • ---
  • 6.1 Reduction ratio
  • ---
  • 6.2 Squeeze Operator
  • 6.3 Excitation Operator
  • 6.4 Different stages
  • ---
  • 6.5 Integration strategy
  • ---
  • 7.1 Effect of Squeeze
  • ---
  • 7.2 Role of Excitation
  • ---
  • ---


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①何についての記載か? + 要旨は何? (要旨は箇条書きで記載)





SE blockの実際の処理方法をあらかじめ分かっていると、理解しやすいと思います。SE blockの処理方法は、論文の中の下図が非常に分かりやすいと思います。


Qiita等に投稿された、SE blockについての分かりやすい解説記事(下記)を事前にチェックして、中核部分の内容をあらかじめ分かっていると、理解しやすいと思います。生成AIは実際の細かい処理方法自体を分かりやすく説明してはくれない傾向があります。

(「3.1 BottleneckへのSqueeze-and-Excitationモジュールの導入」の節)










質問内容全体はここをクリック (論文・記事の各章節を貼り付け) Abstract—The central building block of convolutional neural networks (CNNs) is the convolution operator, which enables networks to construct informative features by fusing both spatial and channel-wise information within local receptive fields at each layer. A broad range of prior research has investigated the spatial component of this relationship, seeking to strengthen the representational power of a CNN by enhancing the quality of spatial encodings throughout its feature hierarchy. In this work, we focus instead on the channel relationship and propose a novel architectural unit, which we term the “Squeeze-and-Excitation” (SE) block, that adaptively recalibrates channel-wise feature responses by explicitly modelling interdependencies between channels. We show that these blocks can be stacked together to form SENet architectures that generalise extremely effectively across different datasets. We further demonstrate that SE blocks bring significant improvements in performance for existing state-of-the-art CNNs at minimal additional computational cost. Squeeze-and-Excitation Networks formed the foundation of our ILSVRC 2017 classification submission which won first place and reduced the top-5 error to 2.251%, surpassing the winning entry of 2016 by a relative improvement of ∼25%.

上記の内容に関して質問: (である調で記載)
①何についての記載か? + 要旨は何? (要旨は箇条書きで記載)

この論文は、畳み込みニューラルネットワーク (CNN) のチャネル間の依存関係を明示的にモデル化する新しいアーキテクチャユニット「Squeeze-and-Excitation (SE) ブロック」について述べている。


  • CNNのチャネル間の依存関係を再校正するSEブロックを提案。
  • SEブロックは、CNNの表現力を向上させるための新しい手法である。
  • SEブロックは、既存の最先端CNNにおいて、わずかな追加の計算コストで大幅な性能向上をもたらす。
  • ILSVRC 2017分類コンペで1位を獲得し、top-5エラー率を2.251%に削減。


ILSVRC 2017分類コンペで、提案されたSENetアーキテクチャはtop-5エラー率を2.251%にまで削減し、2016年の勝利エントリを相対的に約25%上回ったとされる。






質問内容全体はここをクリック (論文・記事の各章節を貼り付け) 1 INTRODUCTION CONVOLUTIONAL neural networks (CNNs) have proven to be useful models for tackling a wide range of visual tasks [1]–[4]. At each convolutional layer in the network, a collection of filters expresses neighbourhood spatial connectivity patterns along input channels—fusing spatial and channel-wise information together within local receptive fields. By interleaving a series of convolutional layers with non-linear activation functions and downsam- pling operators, CNNs are able to produce robust represen- tations that capture hierarchical patterns and attain global theoretical receptive fields. Recent research has shown that these representations can be strengthened by integrating learning mechanisms into the network that help capture spatial correlations between features. One such approach, popularised by the Inception family of architectures [5], [6], incorporates multi-scale processes into network modules to achieve improved performance. Further work has sought to better model spatial dependencies [7], [8] and incorporate spatial attention into the structure of the network [9]. In this paper, we investigate a different aspect of network design - the relationship between channels. We introduce a new architectural unit, which we term the Squeeze-and- Excitation (SE) block, with the goal of improving the quality of representations produced by a network by explicitly modelling the interdependencies between the channels of its convolutional features. To this end, we propose a mecha- nism that allows the network to perform feature recalibration, through which it can learn to use global information to selectively emphasise informative features and suppress less useful ones. The structure of the SE building block is depicted in Fig. 1. For any given transformation Ftr : X 7 → U, X ∈ RH′×W ′×C′ , U ∈ RH×W ×C , (e.g. a convolution), we can construct a corresponding SE block to perform feature recalibration. The features U are first passed through a squeeze operation, which produces a channel descriptor by aggregating feature maps across their spatial dimensions (H × W ). The function of this descriptor is to produce an embedding of the global distribution of channel-wise feature responses, allowing information from the global receptive field of the network to be used by all its layers. The aggregation is followed by an excitation operation, which takes the form of a simple self-gating mechanism that takes the embedding as input and produces a collection of per- channel modulation weights. These weights are applied to the feature maps U to generate the output of the SE block which can be fed directly into subsequent layers of the network. It is possible to construct an SE network (SENet) by simply stacking a collection of SE blocks. Moreover, these SE blocks can also be used as a drop-in replacement for the original block at a range of depths in the network architecture (Sec. 6.4). While the template for the building block is generic, the role it performs at different depths differs throughout the network. In earlier layers, it excites informative features in a class-agnostic manner, strengthen- ing the shared low-level representations. In later layers, the SE blocks become increasingly specialised, and respond to different inputs in a highly class-specific manner (Sec. 7.2). As a consequence, the benefits of the feature recalibration performed by SE blocks can be accumulated through the network. The design and development of new CNN architectures is a difficult engineering task, typically requiring the se- lection of many new hyperparameters and layer configura- tions. By contrast, the structure of the SE block is simple and can be used directly in existing state-of-the-art architectures by replacing components with their SE counterparts, where the performance can be effectively enhanced. SE blocks are also computationally lightweight and impose only a slight increase in model complexity and computational burden. To provide evidence for these claims, in Sec. 4 we de- velop several SENets and conduct an extensive evaluation on the ImageNet 2012 dataset [10]. We also present results beyond ImageNet that indicate that the benefits of our approach are not restricted to a specific dataset or task. By making use of SENets, we ranked first in the ILSVRC 2017 classification competition. Our best model ensemble achieves a 2.251% top-5 error on the test set1. This repre- sents roughly a 25% relative improvement when compared to the winner entry of the previous year (top-5 error of 2.991%).

上記の内容に関して質問: (である調で記載)
①何についての記載か? + 要旨は何? (要旨は箇条書きで記載)

この論文は、畳み込みニューラルネットワーク(CNN)のチャネル間の依存関係をモデル化し、ネットワークが生成する表現の質を向上させる「Squeeze-and-Excitation (SE) ブロック」について述べている。


  • CNNのチャネル間の依存関係を明示的にモデル化することで、表現の質を向上させる新しいアーキテクチャ「SEブロック」を提案。
  • SEブロックは、グローバルな情報を活用して有用な特徴を強調し、あまり有用でない特徴を抑制するメカニズムを持つ。
  • SEブロックは既存の最先端アーキテクチャに直接適用可能で、性能向上をもたらす。
  • SEブロックを使用したSENetは、ILSVRC 2017分類コンペで1位を獲得し、top-5エラー率を2.251%にまで削減。

この論文では、CNNのチャネル間の依存関係を明示的にモデル化する「Squeeze-and-Excitation (SE) ブロック」を提案している。SEブロックは、グローバルなチャネル特徴の分布を埋め込むための「squeeze」操作と、それに基づいてチャネルごとの重みを生成する「excitation」操作の2つのステップで構成される。また、SEブロックは計算コストが軽く、既存のアーキテクチャに容易に統合できる点が特徴である。

ILSVRC 2017分類コンペで、提案されたSENetアーキテクチャはtop-5エラー率を2.251%に削減し、前年度の勝利エントリ(2.991%)を約25%上回る性能向上を達成した。






質問内容全体はここをクリック (論文・記事の各章節を貼り付け) 2 RELATED WORK Deeper architectures. VGGNets [11] and Inception mod- els [5] showed that increasing the depth of a network could significantly increase the quality of representations that it was capable of learning. By regulating the distribution of the inputs to each layer, Batch Normalization (BN) [6] added stability to the learning process in deep networks and produced smoother optimisation surfaces [12]. Building on these works, ResNets demonstrated that it was pos- sible to learn considerably deeper and stronger networks through the use of identity-based skip connections [13], [14]. Highway networks [15] introduced a gating mechanism to regulate the flow of information along shortcut connections. Following these works, there have been further reformula- tions of the connections between network layers [16], [17], which show promising improvements to the learning and representational properties of deep networks. An alternative, but closely related line of research has focused on methods to improve the functional form of the computational elements contained within a network. Grouped convolutions have proven to be a popular ap- proach for increasing the cardinality of learned transforma- tions [18], [19]. More flexible compositions of operators can be achieved with multi-branch convolutions [5], [6], [20], [21], which can be viewed as a natural extension of the grouping operator. In prior work, cross-channel correlations are typically mapped as new combinations of features, ei- ther independently of spatial structure [22], [23] or jointly by using standard convolutional filters [24] with 1 × 1 convolutions. Much of this research has concentrated on the objective of reducing model and computational complexity, reflecting an assumption that channel relationships can be formulated as a composition of instance-agnostic functions with local receptive fields. In contrast, we claim that provid- ing the unit with a mechanism to explicitly model dynamic, non-linear dependencies between channels using global in- formation can ease the learning process, and significantly enhance the representational power of the network. Algorithmic Architecture Search. Alongside the works described above, there is also a rich history of research that aims to forgo manual architecture design and instead seeks to learn the structure of the network automatically. Much of the early work in this domain was conducted in the neuro-evolution community, which established methods for searching across network topologies with evolutionary methods [25], [26]. While often computationally demand- ing, evolutionary search has had notable successes which include finding good memory cells for sequence models [27], [28] and learning sophisticated architectures for large- scale image classification [29]–[31]. With the goal of reduc- ing the computational burden of these methods, efficient alternatives to this approach have been proposed based on Lamarckian inheritance [32] and differentiable architecture search [33]. By formulating architecture search as hyperparameter optimisation, random search [34] and other more sophis- ticated model-based optimisation techniques [35], [36] can also be used to tackle the problem. Topology selection as a path through a fabric of possible designs [37] and direct architecture prediction [38], [39] have been proposed as additional viable architecture search tools. Particularly strong results have been achieved with techniques from reinforcement learning [40]–[44]. SE blocks can be used as atomic building blocks for these search algorithms, and were demonstrated to be highly effective in this capacity in concurrent work [45]. Attention and gating mechanisms. Attention can be in- terpreted as a means of biasing the allocation of available computational resources towards the most informative com- ponents of a signal [46]–[51]. Attention mechanisms have demonstrated their utility across many tasks including se- quence learning [52], [53], localisation and understanding in images [9], [54], image captioning [55], [56] and lip reading [57]. In these applications, it can be incorporated as an oper- ator following one or more layers representing higher-level abstractions for adaptation between modalities. Concurrent work provides an interesting study into the combined use of spatial and channel attention around convolutional [58] and bottleneck units [59]. Wang et al. [60] introduced a powerful trunk-and-mask attention mechanism based on hourglass modules [8] that is inserted between the intermediate stages of deep residual networks. By contrast, our proposed SE block comprises a lightweight gating mechanism which focuses on enhancing the representational power of the network by modelling channel-wise relationships in a com- putationally efficient manner.

上記の内容に関して質問: (である調で記載)
①何についての記載か? + 要旨は何? (要旨は箇条書きで記載)



  • VGGNetsやInceptionモデルなど、ネットワークの深さを増すことにより表現力を向上させる手法について議論。
  • ResNetsなど、ネットワーク層間の接続を再構築する手法が、深層ネットワークの学習を改善することを示している。
  • グループ化された畳み込みやマルチブランチ畳み込みのような手法が、チャネル間の相関を捉えるために提案されている。
  • アーキテクチャ探索のための進化的手法や強化学習を用いた自動化手法についての研究が進んでいる。
  • 注意メカニズムやゲーティングメカニズムが、信号の最も情報量の多い部分に計算リソースを集中させる方法として有用であることが示されている。








カテゴリー 主な研究 内容 特記事項
深層アーキテクチャ VGGNets, Inception, ResNets ネットワークの深さを増すことで表現力を向上。ResNetsはスキップ接続を使用して学習を容易に。 ResNetsは学習の安定性を改善する。
グループ化された畳み込み Grouped Convolutions 畳み込み演算をグループ化することで、変換のカーディナリティを増加。 モデルと計算の複雑さを低減する手法。
マルチブランチ畳み込み Inception, ResNeXt 複数のブランチを使用した柔軟なオペレーターの組み合わせによって、空間構造とチャネル間の相関を同時にモデリング。 モデルの表現力を向上させる。
アーキテクチャ探索 Evolutionary Methods, Reinforcement Learning 手動での設計を避け、進化的手法や強化学習によってネットワークの構造を自動的に学習。 高度なネットワーク構造を自動で発見。
注意メカニズム Attention, Trunk-and-Mask 信号の最も情報量の多い部分に計算リソースを集中させることで、ネットワークの表現力を強化。 SEブロックも注意メカニズムの一種として機能。
ゲーティングメカニズム Highway Networks, SE Blocks 情報の流れを調整するためのメカニズム。SEブロックはチャネル間の依存関係をモデル化し、ネットワークの表現力を向上させる。 計算効率が高く、既存アーキテクチャに適用可能。




質問内容全体はここをクリック (論文・記事の各章節を貼り付け) 3 SQUEEZE-AND-EXCITATION BLOCKS The Squeeze-and-Excitation block is a computational unit which can be constructed for any given transformation U = Ftr (X), X ∈ RH′×W ′×C′ , U ∈ RH×W ×C . For sim- plicity, in the notation that follows we take Ftr to be a convolutional operator. Let V = [v1, v2, . . . , vC ] denote the learned set of filter kernels, where vc refers to the parameters of the c-th filter. We can then write the outputs of Ftr as U = [u1, u2, . . . , uC ], where uc = vc ∗ X = C′ ∑ s=1 vs c ∗ xs. (1) Here ∗ denotes convolution, vc = [v1 c , v2 c , . . . , vC′ c ], X = [x1, x2, . . . , xC′ ] (to simplify the notation, bias terms are omitted) and vs c is a 2D spatial kernel representing a single channel of vc that acts on the corresponding channel of X. Since the output is produced by a summation through all channels, channel dependencies are implicitly embedded in vc, but are entangled with the local spatial correlation cap- tured by the filters. As a consequence, the channel relation- ships modelled by convolution are inherently local. Since our goal is to ensure that the network is able to increase its sensitivity to informative features so that they can be exploited by subsequent transformations most effectively, we would like to provide it with access to global infor- mation. We propose to achieve this by explicitly modelling channel interdependencies to recalibrate filter responses in two steps, squeeze and excitation, before they are fed into the next transformation, described next. A diagram illustrating the structure of an SE block is shown in Fig. 1.

上記の内容に関して質問: (である調で記載)
①何についての記載か? + 要旨は何? (要旨は箇条書きで記載)



  • SEブロックは、任意の変換操作に対して構築可能な計算単位である。
  • 変換操作によって生成されるフィルタ応答を、チャネル間の依存関係を明示的にモデル化することで再キャリブレーションする。
  • SEブロックは、2つのステップ(スクイーズとエキサイト)でフィルタ応答を再キャリブレーションする。


  • スクイーズ(Squeeze): フィルタ応答を空間次元で集約し、チャネルごとのグローバルなコンテキスト情報を取得する。
  • エキサイト(Excitation): スクイーズされたグローバル情報を基に、各チャネルの重要度を決定するための自己ゲーティング機構を導入。





3.1 Squeeze: Global Information Embedding


質問内容全体はここをクリック (論文・記事の各章節を貼り付け) 3.1 Squeeze: Global Information Embedding In order to tackle the issue of exploiting channel depen- dencies, we first consider the signal to each channel in the output features. Each of the learned filters operates with a local receptive field and consequently each unit of the transformation output U is unable to exploit contextual information outside of this region. To mitigate this problem, we propose to squeeze global spatial information into a channel descriptor. This is achieved by using global average pooling to generate channel-wise statistics. Formally, a statistic z ∈ RC is gener- ated by shrinking U through its spatial dimensions H × W , such that the c-th element of z is calculated by: zc = Fsq (uc) = 1 H × W H∑ i=1 W∑ j=1 uc(i, j). (2) Discussion. The output of the transformation U can be interpreted as a collection of the local descriptors whose statistics are expressive for the whole image. Exploiting such information is prevalent in prior feature engineering work [61]–[63]. We opt for the simplest aggregation tech- nique, global average pooling, noting that more sophisti- cated strategies could be employed here as well.

上記の内容に関して質問: (である調で記載)
①何についての記載か? + 要旨は何? (要旨は箇条書きで記載)



  • 各チャネルの信号が局所的な受容野に制約されている問題を解決するために、グローバルな空間情報をチャネル記述子に圧縮する。
  • グローバル平均プーリングを使用してチャネルごとの統計を生成し、各チャネルの要素を圧縮する。


  • Squeeze操作では、グローバルな空間情報を効果的に活用するために、グローバル平均プーリングを使用している。これにより、各チャネルの統計が生成され、ネットワークが局所的な受容野を超えた情報を利用できるようにしている。





3.2 Excitation: Adaptive Recalibration


質問内容全体はここをクリック (論文・記事の各章節を貼り付け) 3.2 Excitation: Adaptive Recalibration To make use of the information aggregated in the squeeze operation, we follow it with a second operation which aims to fully capture channel-wise dependencies. To fulfil this objective, the function must meet two criteria: first, it must be flexible (in particular, it must be capable of learning a nonlinear interaction between channels) and second, it must learn a non-mutually-exclusive relationship since we would like to ensure that multiple channels are allowed to be emphasised (rather than enforcing a one-hot activation). To meet these criteria, we opt to employ a simple gating mechanism with a sigmoid activation: s = Fex(z, W) = σ(g(z, W)) = σ(W2δ(W1z)), (3) where δ refers to the ReLU [64] function, W1 ∈ R C r ×C and W2 ∈ RC× C r . To limit model complexity and aid general- isation, we parameterise the gating mechanism by forming a bottleneck with two fully connected (FC) layers around the non-linearity, i.e. a dimensionality-reduction layer with parameters W1 and reduction ratio r (this parameter choice is discussed in Sec. 6.1), a ReLU and then a dimensionality- increasing layer with parameters W2. The final output of the block is obtained by rescaling the transformation output U with the activations: ˜xc = Fscale(uc, sc) = sc · uc, (4) where ˜X = [˜x1, ˜x2, . . . , ˜xC ] and Fscale(uc, sc) refers to channel-wise multiplication between the scalar sc and the feature map uc ∈ RH×W . Discussion. The excitation operator maps the input- specific descriptor z to a set of channel specific weights. In this regard, SE blocks intrinsically introduce dynamics conditioned on the input, helping to boost feature discrim- inability.

上記の内容に関して質問: (である調で記載)
①何についての記載か? + 要旨は何? (要旨は箇条書きで記載)



  • Squeeze操作で集約された情報を活用し、チャネル間の依存関係を捉えるためにExcitation操作を行う。
  • チャネルごとの依存関係を学習し、複数のチャネルが強調されるようにするために、シグモイド活性化を伴う単純なゲーティングメカニズムを使用する。
  • ゲーティングメカニズムはボトルネック構造を持ち、モデルの複雑さを制限しつつ、非線形なチャネル間の相互作用を学習する。


  • シンプルなゲーティングメカニズムを使用し、ReLUを使った非線形性とボトルネック構造(2層の全結合層)を導入することで、モデルの複雑さを抑えつつ、チャネル間の依存関係を効果的に捉えている。





3.3 Instantiations


質問内容全体はここをクリック (論文・記事の各章節を貼り付け) 3.3 Instantiations The SE block can be integrated into standard architectures such as VGGNet [11] by insertion after the non-linearity following each convolution. Moreover, the flexibility of the SE block means that it can be directly applied to transforma- tions beyond standard convolutions. To illustrate this point, we develop SENets by incorporating SE blocks into several examples of more complex architectures, described next. We first consider the construction of SE blocks for Incep- tion networks [5]. Here, we simply take the transformation Ftr to be an entire Inception module (see Fig. 2) and by mak- ing this change for each such module in the architecture, we obtain an SE-Inception network. SE blocks can also be used directly with residual networks (Fig. 3 depicts the schema of an SE-ResNet module). Here, the SE block transformation Ftr is taken to be the non-identity branch of a residual module. Squeeze and Excitation both act before summation with the identity branch. Further variants that integrate SE blocks with ResNeXt [19], Inception-ResNet [21], MobileNet [65] and ShuffleNet [66] can be constructed by following similar schemes (Sec. 5.1). For concrete examples of SENet architectures, a detailed description of SE-ResNet-50 and SE-ResNeXt-50 is given in Table 1. One consequence of the flexible nature of the SE block is that there are several viable ways in which it could be integrated into these architectures. Therefore, to assess sensitivity to the integration strategy used to incorporate SE blocks into a network architecture, we also provide ablation experiments exploring different designs for block inclusion in Sec. 6.5.

上記の内容に関して質問: (である調で記載)
①何についての記載か? + 要旨は何? (要旨は箇条書きで記載)



  • SEブロックは、VGGNetやInceptionなどの標準的なアーキテクチャに簡単に統合できる。
  • InceptionネットワークやResNetにSEブロックを組み込んだSE-Inceptionネットワーク、SE-ResNetなどの具体例が説明されている。
  • 他の複雑なアーキテクチャ(ResNeXt、Inception-ResNet、MobileNet、ShuffleNetなど)への応用も可能。
  • SEブロックを統合するための異なるデザインの影響を調べるためのアブレーション実験が実施されている。


  • SEブロックを既存の様々なアーキテクチャに統合する際に、その柔軟性を活かして異なるデザインを適用できる点が工夫されている。
  • 異なるアーキテクチャに対して、SEブロックの統合位置や手法を調整することが可能である。





アーキテクチャ SEブロックの適用方法
VGGNet 各畳み込み層後の非線形性の後に挿入
Inception 各Inceptionモジュール全体に適用
ResNet 非アイデンティティブランチに適用し、アイデンティティブランチとの和の前に適用
ResNeXt ResNetと同様の手法で適用
Inception-ResNet InceptionおよびResNetの組み合わせモジュールに適用
MobileNet MobileNetモジュールに適用
ShuffleNet ShuffleNetモジュールに適用



質問内容全体はここをクリック (論文・記事の各章節を貼り付け) 4 MODEL AND COMPUTATIONAL COMPLEXITY For the proposed SE block design to be of practical use, it must offer a good trade-off between improved performance and increased model complexity. We set the reduction ratio r (introduced in Sec. 3.2) to 16 in all experiments, except where stated otherwise (an ablation study of this design decision is provided in Sec. 6.1). To illustrate the compu- tational burden associated with the module, we consider a comparison between ResNet-50 and SE-ResNet-50 as an example. ResNet-50 requires ∼3.86 GFLOPs in a single forward pass for a 224 × 224 pixel input image. Each SE block makes use of a global average pooling operation in the squeeze phase and two small fully connected layers in the excitation phase, followed by an inexpensive channel- wise scaling operation. In aggregate, SE-ResNet-50 requires ∼3.87 GFLOPs, corresponding to a 0.26% relative increase over the original ResNet-50. In exchange for this slight addi- tional computational burden, the accuracy of SE-ResNet-50 surpasses that of ResNet-50 and indeed, approaches that of a deeper ResNet-101 network requiring ∼7.58 GFLOPs (Table 2). In practical terms, a single pass forwards and backwards through ResNet-50 takes 190 ms, compared to 209 ms for SE-ResNet-50 with a training minibatch of 256 images (both timings are performed on a server with 8 NVIDIA Titan X GPUs). We suggest that this represents a reasonable runtime overhead, which may be further reduced as global pooling and small inner-product operations receive further opti- misation in popular GPU libraries. Due to its importance for embedded device applications, we further benchmark CPU inference time for each model: for a 224 × 224 pixel input image, ResNet-50 takes 164 ms in comparison to 167 ms for SE-ResNet-50. We believe that the small additional computational cost incurred by the SE block is justified by its contribution to model performance. We next consider the additional parameters introduced by the proposed SE block. These additional parameters result solely from the two fully-connected layers of the gating mechanism and therefore constitute a small fraction of the total network capacity. Concretely, the total number of additional parameters introduced by the proposed approach is given by: 2 r S∑ s=1 Ns · Cs2, (5) where r denotes the reduction ratio, S refers to the number of stages (a stage refers to the collection of blocks operating on feature maps of a common spatial dimension), Cs de- notes the dimension of the output channels and Ns denotes the number of repeated blocks for stage s. SE-ResNet-50 introduces ∼2.5 million additional parameters beyond the ∼25 million parameters required by ResNet-50, correspond- ing to a ∼10% increase. In practice, the majority of these parameters come from the final stage of the network, where the excitation operation is performed across the greatest number of channels. However, we found that this compara- tively costly final stage of SE blocks could be removed at only a small cost in performance (<0.1% top-5 error on ImageNet) reducing the relative parameter increase to ∼4%, which may prove useful in cases where parameter usage is a key consideration (see Sec. 7.2 for further discussion).

上記の内容に関して質問: (である調で記載)
①何についての記載か? + 要旨は何? (要旨は箇条書きで記載)



  • SEブロックの追加による計算量の増加は僅かであるが、モデルの性能向上には大きく寄与する。
  • SE-ResNet-50では、ResNet-50に対して約0.26%の計算量増加であり、ResNet-101と同等の精度に近づく。
  • パラメータの増加は主に完全結合層から生じ、全体のモデル容量に対する影響は比較的小さい。
  • CPUおよびGPUでの推論時間やトレーニング時間のオーバーヘッドは許容範囲内である。


  • 完全結合層によるパラメータの増加があるが、特定のステージでのSEブロックを省略することで、精度にほとんど影響を与えずにパラメータ増加を約4%に抑えられる工夫が記載されている。


  • SE-ResNet-50は、約0.26%の計算量増加でResNet-50よりも高い精度を達成しており、ResNet-101と同等の性能に近づく。
  • ResNet-50とSE-ResNet-50の比較において、推論時間はGPUで約19 msの増加、CPUで約3 msの増加が見られるが、精度向上に対して妥当なトレードオフであるとされている。


  • SEブロックが追加する計算負荷の大部分は完全結合層に起因しているが、これがモデルの性能向上に寄与するため、わずかなオーバーヘッドが許容される。


モデル 計算量 (GFLOPs) 推論時間 (GPU) 推論時間 (CPU) パラメータ数増加 精度向上
ResNet-50 ∼3.86 190 ms 164 ms - -
SE-ResNet-50 ∼3.87 (+0.26%) 209 ms (+19 ms) 167 ms (+3 ms) ∼10% (約2.5M) ResNet-101に接近



5.1 Image Classification


質問内容全体はここをクリック (論文・記事の各章節を貼り付け) 5 EXPERIMENTS In this section, we conduct experiments to investigate the effectiveness of SE blocks across a range of tasks, datasets and model architectures. 5.1 Image Classification To evaluate the influence of SE blocks, we first perform experiments on the ImageNet 2012 dataset [10] which comprises 1.28 million training images and 50K validation images from 1000 different classes. We train networks on the training set and report the top-1 and top-5 error on the validation set. Each original network architecture and its correspond- ing SE counterpart are trained with identical optimisa- tion schemes. We follow standard practices and perform data augmentation with random cropping [5] to a size of 224 × 224 pixels (or 299 × 299 for Inception-ResNet-v2 [21] and SE-Inception-ResNet-v2) and perform random horizon- tal flipping. Each input image is normalised through mean RGB-channel subtraction. We adopt the data balancing strat- egy described in [67] for minibatch sampling. All models are trained on our distributed learning system ROCS which is designed to handle efficient parallel training of large networks. Optimisation is performed using synchronous SGD with momentum 0.9 and a minibatch size of 1024. The initial learning rate is set to 0.6 and decreased by a factor of 10 every 30 epochs. All models are trained for 100 epochs from scratch, using the weight initialisation strategy described in [68]. When evaluating the models we apply centre-cropping so that 224 × 224 pixels are cropped from each image, after its shorter edge is first resized to 256 (299 × 299 from each image whose shorter edge is first resized to 352 for Inception-ResNet-v2 and SE-Inception-ResNet-v2). Network depth. We begin by comparing SE-ResNet against ResNet architectures with different depths and report the results in Table 2. We observe that SE blocks consistently improve performance across different depths with an ex- tremely small increase in computational complexity. Re- markably, SE-ResNet-50 achieves a single-crop top-5 valida- tion error of 6.62%, exceeding ResNet-50 (7.48%) by 0.86% and approaching the performance achieved by the much deeper ResNet-101 network (6.52% top-5 error) with only half of the total computational burden (3.87 GFLOPs vs. 7.58 GFLOPs). This pattern is repeated at greater depth, where SE-ResNet-101 (6.07% top-5 error) not only matches, but outperforms the deeper ResNet-152 network (6.34% top-5 error) by 0.27%. While it should be noted that the SE blocks themselves add depth, they do so in an extremely computationally efficient manner and yield good returns even at the point at which extending the depth of the base architecture achieves diminishing returns. Moreover, we see that the gains are consistent across a range of different network depths, suggesting that the improvements induced by SE blocks may be complementary to those obtained by simply increasing the depth of the base architecture. Integration with modern architectures. We next study the effect of integrating SE blocks with two further state-of- the-art architectures, Inception-ResNet-v2 [21] and ResNeXt (using the setting of 32 × 4d) [19], both of which introduce additional computational building blocks into the base net- work. We construct SENet equivalents of these networks, SE-Inception-ResNet-v2 and SE-ResNeXt (the configuration of SE-ResNeXt-50 is given in Table 1) and report results in Table 2. As with the previous experiments, we observe significant performance improvements induced by the in- troduction of SE blocks into both architectures. In partic- ular, SE-ResNeXt-50 has a top-5 error of 5.49% which is superior to both its direct counterpart ResNeXt-50 (5.90% top-5 error) as well as the deeper ResNeXt-101 (5.57% top-5 error), a model which has almost twice the total number of parameters and computational overhead. We note a slight difference in performance between our re-implementation of Inception-ResNet-v2 and the result reported in [21]. How- ever, we observe a similar trend with regard to the effect of SE blocks, finding that SE-Inception-ResNet-v2 (4.79% top-5 error) outperforms our reimplemented Inception-ResNet-v2 baseline (5.21% top-5 error) by 0.42% (a relative improve- ment of 8.1%) as well as the reported result in [21]. The training curves for the baseline architectures ResNet-50, ResNet-152, ResNeXt-50 and BN-Inception, and their re- spective SE counterparts are depicted in Fig. 4. We observe that SE blocks yield a steady improvement throughout the optimisation procedure. Moreover, this trend is consistent across each of the families of state-of-the-art architectures considered as baselines. We also assess the effect of SE blocks when operating on non-residual networks by conducting experiments with the VGG-16 [11] and BN-Inception architecture [6]. To fa- cilitate the training of VGG-16 from scratch, we add Batch Normalization layers after each convolution. As with the previous models, we use identical training schemes for both VGG-16 and SE-VGG-16. The results of the comparison are shown in Table 2. Similarly to the results reported for the residual baseline architectures, we observe that SE blocks bring improvements in performance. Mobile setting. Finally, we consider two representative architectures from the class of mobile-optimised networks, MobileNet [65] and ShuffleNet [66]. For these experiments, we used a minibatch size of 256 and a weight decay of 4 × 10−5. We trained the models across 8 GPUs using SGD with momentum (set to 0.9) and an initial learning rate of 0.1 which was reduced by a factor of 10 each time the validation loss plateaued (rather than using a fixed-length schedule). The total training process required ∼ 400 epochs (we found that this approach enabled us to reproduce the baseline performance of [66]). The results reported in Table 3 show that SE blocks consistently improve the accuracy by a large margin at a minimal increase in computational cost. Additional datasets. We next investigate whether the bene- fits of SE blocks generalise to datasets beyond ImageNet. We perform experiments with several popular baseline archi- tectures and techniques (ResNet-110 [14], ResNet-164 [14], WideResNet-16-8 [69], Shake-Shake [70] and Cutout [71]) on the CIFAR-10 and CIFAR-100 datasets [73]. These comprise a collection of 50k training and 10k test 32 × 32 pixel RGB images, labelled with 10 and 100 classes respectively. The integration of SE blocks into these networks follows the same approach that was described in Sec. 3.3. Each baseline and its SENet counterpart are trained with a standard data augmentation strategy [24], [74]. During training, images are randomly horizontally flipped and zero-padded on each side with four pixels before taking a random 32 × 32 crop. Mean and standard deviation normalisation is also applied. The setting of the training strategy and other hyperparam- eters (e.g. minibatch size, initial learning rate, number of epochs, weight decay) match those suggested by the authors of each model. We report the performance of each baseline and its SENet counterpart on CIFAR-10 in Table 4 and per- formance on CIFAR-100 in Table 5. We observe that in every comparison SENets outperform the baseline architectures, suggesting that the benefits of SE blocks are not confined to the ImageNet dataset.

上記の内容に関して質問: (である調で記載)
①何についての記載か? + 要旨は何? (要旨は箇条書きで記載)



  • ImageNet 2012データセットを用いた画像分類タスクで、SEブロックがモデル性能に与える影響を評価。
  • ResNetをはじめとする各種モデルアーキテクチャにSEブロックを組み込んだ際の性能向上を検証。
  • モバイル向けのアーキテクチャやCIFAR-10、CIFAR-100などの追加データセットに対しても、SEブロックの有効性を確認。


  • SEブロックを様々なアーキテクチャに統合し、それらの効果を評価する実験が行われている。
  • モバイルネットワークでは、検証損失のプラトーに応じて学習率を調整する手法が使用されている。


  • SE-ResNet-50は、ResNet-50に対してトップ5エラー率が7.48%から6.62%に改善(+0.86%)し、ResNet-101に迫る性能を示した。
  • SE-ResNeXt-50は、ResNeXt-50に対してトップ5エラー率が5.90%から5.49%に改善し、ResNeXt-101(5.57%)を上回った。
  • SE-Inception-ResNet-v2は、Inception-ResNet-v2に対してトップ5エラー率が5.21%から4.79%に改善した。
  • CIFAR-10およびCIFAR-100においても、SEブロックを組み込んだモデルがベースラインを上回る性能を示した。


  • SEブロックがモデルの深さを増す代わりに、計算効率よく性能を向上させることが示されている。


モデル トップ5エラー率 トップ1エラー率 GFLOPs パラメータ数 比較対象
ResNet-50 7.48% - 3.86 25M 基準
SE-ResNet-50 6.62% - 3.87 27.5M +0.86%
ResNet-101 6.52% - 7.58 45M -
SE-ResNeXt-50 5.49% - 4.25 25M +0.41%
ResNeXt-101 5.57% - 8.01 44M -
Inception-ResNet-v2 5.21% - 13.0 55M 基準
SE-Inception-ResNet-v2 4.79% - 13.2 56.5M +0.42%


5.2 Scene Classification

5.3 Object Detection on COCO

5.4 ILSVRC 2017 Classification Competition


質問内容全体はここをクリック (論文・記事の各章節を貼り付け) 5.2 Scene Classification We next conduct experiments on the Places365-Challenge dataset [75] for scene classification. This dataset comprises 8 million training images and 36, 500 validation images across 365 categories. Relative to classification, the task of scene understanding offers an alternative assessment of a model’s ability to generalise well and handle abstraction. This is because it often requires the model to handle more complex data associations and to be robust to a greater level of appearance variation. We opted to use ResNet-152 as a strong baseline to assess the effectiveness of SE blocks and carefully follow the training and evaluation protocols described in [72]. In these experiments, all models are trained from scratch. We report the results in Table 6, comparing also with prior work. We observe that SE-ResNet-152 (11.01% top-5 error) achieves a lower validation error than ResNet-152 (11.61% top-5 error), providing evidence that SE blocks can also yield improvements for scene classification. This SENet surpasses the previous state-of-the-art model Places-365-CNN [72] which has a top-5 error of 11.48% on this task. 5.3 Object Detection on COCO We further assess the generalisation of SE blocks on the task of object detection using the COCO dataset [76] which comprises 80k training images and 40k validation images, following the splits used in [13]. We use the Faster R-CNN [4] detection framework as the basis for evaluating our models and follow the basic implementation described in [13]. Our goal is to evaluate the effect of replacing the trunk architecture (ResNet) in the object detector with SE-ResNet, so that any changes in performance can be attributed to better representations. Table 7 reports the validation set performance of the object detector using ResNet-50, ResNet-101 and their SE counterparts as trunk architectures. SE-ResNet-50 outperforms ResNet-50 by 1.3% (a relative 5.2% improvement) on COCO’s standard AP metric and by 1.6% on AP@IoU=0.5. SE blocks also bring improvements on the deeper ResNet-101 architecture achieving a 0.7% improvement (or 2.6% relative improvement) on the AP metric. In summary, this set of experiments demonstrate that the improvements induced by SE blocks can be realised across a broad range of architectures, tasks and datasets. 5.4 ILSVRC 2017 Classification Competition SENets formed the foundation of our submission to the ILSVRC competition where we achieved first place. Our winning entry comprised a small ensemble of SENets that employed a standard multi-scale and multi-crop fusion strategy to obtain a top-5 error of 2.251% on the test set. As part of this submission, we constructed an additional model, SENet-154, by integrating SE blocks with a modified ResNeXt [19] (the details of the architecture are provided in Appendix). We compare this model with prior work on the ImageNet validation set in Table 8 using standard crop sizes (224 × 224 and 320 × 320). We observe that SENet-154 achieves a top-1 error of 18.68% and a top-5 error of 4.47% using a 224 × 224 centre crop evaluation, which represents the strongest reported result. Following the challenge there has been a great deal of further progress on the ImageNet benchmark. For compar- ison, we include the strongest results that we are currently aware of among the both published and unpublished lit- erature in Table 9. The best performance using only Im- ageNet data was recently reported by [79]. This method uses reinforcement learning to develop new polices for data augmentation during training to improve the perfor- mance of the architecture proposed by [31]. The best overall performance was reported by [80] using a ResNeXt-101 32×48d architecture. This was achieved by pretraining their model on approximately one billion weakly labelled images and finetuning on ImageNet. The improvements yielded by more sophisticated data augmentation [79] and extensive pretraining [80] may be complementary to our proposed changes to the network architecture.

上記の内容に関して質問: (である調で記載)
①何についての記載か? + 要旨は何? (要旨は箇条書きで記載)

この節は、SEブロックの有効性をシーン分類、物体検出、ILSVRC 2017分類競技などの異なるタスクにおいて評価する実験に関する記載である。


  • Places365-Challengeデータセットを用いて、シーン分類におけるSEブロックの効果を評価。
  • COCOデータセットを使用し、物体検出タスクでのSEブロックの効果を検証。
  • ILSVRC 2017の分類競技におけるSENetの成功とその結果を報告。


  • ResNet-152を基準に、SEブロックを導入したSE-ResNet-152のシーン分類能力を評価。
  • Faster R-CNNフレームワークで、トランクアーキテクチャをSE-ResNetに置き換え、その効果を評価。
  • ILSVRC 2017の分類競技では、マルチスケールおよびマルチクロップ融合戦略を使用したSENetのエントリが使用された。


  • SE-ResNet-152は、ResNet-152に対してトップ5エラー率が11.61%から11.01%に改善。
  • COCOデータセットでの物体検出タスクでは、SE-ResNet-50がResNet-50に対してAPで1.3%、AP@IoU=0.5で1.6%向上。
  • SE-ResNet-101もAPで0.7%の改善を示した。
  • ILSVRC 2017でSENet-154が224×224のセンタークロップ評価でトップ1エラー率18.68%、トップ5エラー率4.47%を達成。


  • 無し


タスク モデル トップ5エラー率 トップ1エラー率 AP AP@IoU=0.5 比較対象
シーン分類 ResNet-152 11.61% - - - 基準
シーン分類 SE-ResNet-152 11.01% - - - +0.60%
物体検出 (COCO) ResNet-50 - - - - 基準
物体検出 (COCO) SE-ResNet-50 - - +1.3% +1.6% -
物体検出 (COCO) ResNet-101 - - - - 基準
物体検出 (COCO) SE-ResNet-101 - - +0.7% - -
ILSVRC 2017 SENet-154 4.47% 18.68% - - -



6.1 Reduction ratio


質問内容全体はここをクリック (論文・記事の各章節を貼り付け) 6 ABLATION STUDY In this section we conduct ablation experiments to gain a better understanding of the relative importance of com- ponents in the SE block design. All ablation experiments are performed on the ImageNet dataset on a single ma- chine (with 8 GPUs). ResNet-50 is used as the backbone architecture. The data augmentation strategy follows the approach described in Sec. 5.1. To allow us to study the upper limit of performance for each variant, the learning rate is initialised to 0.1 and training continues until the validation loss plateaus (rather than continuing for a fixed number of epochs). The learning rate is then reduced by a factor of 10 and then this process is repeated (three times in total). 6.1 Reduction ratio The reduction ratio r introduced in Eqn. 5 is a hyperpa- rameter which allows us to vary the capacity and compu- tational cost of the SE blocks in the network. To investigate the trade-off between performance and computational cost mediated by this hyperparameter, we conduct experiments with SE-ResNet-50 for a range of different r values. The comparison in Table 10 shows that performance does not improve monotonically with increased capacity, suggesting that with enough weights the SE block is able to overfit to the channel interdependencies of the training set. We found that setting r = 16 achieved a good balance between accuracy and complexity and consequently, we used this value for all experiments reported in this work.

上記の内容に関して質問: (である調で記載)
①何についての記載か? + 要旨は何? (要旨は箇条書きで記載)



  • ImageNetデータセット上でのアブレーション実験を実施し、SEブロックの設計要素の影響を評価。
  • ResNet-50をバックボーンアーキテクチャとして使用。
  • 主に減少率$ r $が性能と計算コストに与える影響を調査。


  • SEブロックのハイパーパラメータである減少率$ r $の最適化を行い、性能と計算コストのバランスを取ることに成功した。


  • 減少率$ r $を16に設定することで、性能と計算コストのバランスが最適化された。
  • 具体的な性能向上の値は無し。


  • SEブロックがトレーニングセットのチャンネル依存関係に過適合する可能性があるため、性能が単調に向上しないことが示唆されている。

以下に減少率$ r $による性能の違いを表でまとめる。

減少率 $ r $ 性能の変化 コメント
$ r = 16 $ 最適化されている 精度と複雑性のバランスが良い
その他の値 性能が向上しない場合もある 過適合の可能性がある


6.2 Squeeze Operator

6.3 Excitation Operator

6.4 Different stages


質問内容全体はここをクリック (論文・記事の各章節を貼り付け) 6.2 Squeeze Operator We examine the significance of using global average pooling as opposed to global max pooling as our choice of squeeze operator (since this worked well, we did not consider more sophisticated alternatives). The results are reported in Ta- ble 11. While both max and average pooling are effective, average pooling achieves slightly better performance, jus- tifying its selection as the basis of the squeeze operation. However, we note that the performance of SE blocks is fairly robust to the choice of specific aggregation operator. 6.3 Excitation Operator We next assess the choice of non-linearity for the excitation mechanism. We consider two further options: ReLU and tanh, and experiment with replacing the sigmoid with these alternative non-linearities. The results are reported in Ta- ble 12. We see that exchanging the sigmoid for tanh slightly worsens performance, while using ReLU is dramatically worse and in fact causes the performance of SE-ResNet-50 to drop below that of the ResNet-50 baseline. This suggests that for the SE block to be effective, careful construction of the excitation operator is important. 6.4 Different stages We explore the influence of SE blocks at different stages by integrating SE blocks into ResNet-50, one stage at a time. Specifically, we add SE blocks to the intermediate stages: stage 2, stage 3 and stage 4, and report the results in Ta- ble 13. We observe that SE blocks bring performance benefits when introduced at each of these stages of the architecture. Moreover, the gains induced by SE blocks at different stages are complementary, in the sense that they can be combined effectively to further bolster network performance.

上記の内容に関して質問: (である調で記載)
①何についての記載か? + 要旨は何? (要旨は箇条書きで記載)



  • Global average poolingとglobal max poolingの比較(Squeeze Operatorの選択)。
  • Excitation Operatorとしての非線形性の選択肢(sigmoid、ReLU、tanh)の評価。
  • SEブロックをResNet-50の異なるステージに導入した場合の影響の調査。


  • Global average poolingの採用。
  • SigmoidをExcitation Operatorとして選択。


  • Global average poolingがglobal max poolingよりもわずかに優れた性能を示す。
  • Sigmoidが最も効果的なExcitation Operatorであり、tanhやReLUと比較して性能が向上。
  • SEブロックをResNet-50の各ステージに導入することで、どのステージでも性能向上が見られる。


  • SEブロックは、squeezeとexcitationの各段階での適切な選択により、ネットワークの性能を効果的に強化できることが示されている。


比較項目 結果 コメント
Squeeze Operator Average poolingが最良 Max poolingも有効だが、やや劣る
Excitation Operator Sigmoidが最良 Tanhはわずかに悪化、ReLUは著しく悪化
SEブロックの導入ステージ 各ステージで性能向上 どのステージでも導入が有効


6.5 Integration strategy


質問内容全体はここをクリック (論文・記事の各章節を貼り付け) 6.5 Integration strategy Finally, we perform an ablation study to assess the influence of the location of the SE block when integrating it into exist- ing architectures. In addition to the proposed SE design, we consider three variants: (1) SE-PRE block, in which the SE block is moved before the residual unit; (2) SE-POST block, in which the SE unit is moved after the summation with the identity branch and (3) SE-Identity block, in which the SE unit is placed on the identity connection in parallel to the residual unit. These variants are illustrated in Figure 5 and the performance of each variant is reported in Table 14. We observe that the SE-PRE, SE-Identity and proposed SE block each perform similarly well, while usage of the SE-POST block leads to a drop in performance. This experiment suggests that the performance improvements produced by SE units are fairly robust to their location, provided that they are applied prior to branch aggregation. In the experiments above, each SE block was placed outside the structure of a residual unit. We also construct a variant of the design which moves the SE block inside the residual unit, placing it directly after the 3 × 3 convo- lutional layer. Since the 3 × 3 convolutional layer possesses fewer channels, the number of parameters introduced by the corresponding SE block is also reduced. The comparison in Table 15 shows that the SE 3×3 variant achieves comparable classification accuracy with fewer parameters than the stan- dard SE block. Although it is beyond the scope of this work, we anticipate that further efficiency gains will be achievable by tailoring SE block usage for specific architectures.

上記の内容に関して質問: (である調で記載)
①何についての記載か? + 要旨は何? (要旨は箇条書きで記載)



  • SEブロックの位置を変更した4つのバリアント(SE-PRE、SE-POST、SE-Identity)を検討。
  • 各バリアントの性能を比較し、SE-PRE、SE-Identity、提案されたSEブロックは良好な性能を示す。
  • SE-POSTブロックは性能低下を引き起こすことが確認された。
  • SEブロックを3×3の畳み込み層の後に配置するバリアントが紹介され、標準のSEブロックに比べてパラメータ数が減少しながらも同等の分類精度を達成することが示された。


  • SEブロックを残差ユニットの前後や並行に配置することで、性能に与える影響を検証した点。
  • SEブロックを3×3の畳み込み層内に配置することで、パラメータ数を削減しつつ性能を維持する設計が提案された。


  • SEブロックを3×3の畳み込み層の後に配置するバリアントが、パラメータ数を減少させながらも標準のSEブロックと同等の分類精度を達成したが、具体的な性能数値は示されていない。


  • SEユニットの位置が残差ユニットの集約前であれば性能向上が見られ、これはSEユニットが情報の流れを妨げないことを示唆している。
  • SEブロックを3×3の畳み込み層内に配置することで、パラメータ数を削減できる一方、性能を維持できることが示されている。


SEブロックの位置 性能 コメント
SE-PRE 良好な性能 提案されたSEブロックと同様の性能
SE-POST 性能低下 情報の流れに悪影響を与える可能性
SE-Identity 良好な性能 提案されたSEブロックと同様の性能
SE 3×3 同等の分類精度 パラメータ数が少なくなる



7.1 Effect of Squeeze


質問内容全体はここをクリック (論文・記事の各章節を貼り付け) 7 ROLE OF SE BLOCKS Although the proposed SE block has been shown to improve network performance on multiple visual tasks, we would also like to understand the role of the squeeze operation and how the excitation mechanism operates in practice. Unfortu- nately, a rigorous theoretical analysis of the representations learned by deep neural networks remains challenging. We therefore take an empirical approach to examining the role played by the SE block with the goal of attaining at least a primitive understanding of its practical function. 7.1 Effect of Squeeze To assess whether the global embedding produced by the squeeze operation plays an important role in performance, we experiment with a variant of the SE block that adds an equal number of parameters, but does not perform global average pooling. Specifically, we remove the pooling op- eration and replace the two FC layers with corresponding 1 × 1 convolutions with identical channel dimensions in the excitation operator, namely NoSqueeze, where the ex- citation output maintains the spatial dimensions as input. In contrast to the SE block, these point-wise convolutions can only remap the channels as a function of the output of a local operator. While in practice, the later layers of a deep network will typically possess a (theoretical) global receptive field, global embeddings are no longer directly accessible throughout the network in the NoSqueeze variant. The accuracy and computational complexity of the both models are compared to a standard ResNet-50 model in Table 16. We observe that the use of global information has a significant influence on the model performance, underlin- ing the importance of the squeeze operation. Moreover, in comparison to the NoSqueeze design, the SE block allows this global information to be used in a computationally parsimonious manner.

上記の内容に関して質問: (である調で記載)
①何についての記載か? + 要旨は何? (要旨は箇条書きで記載)



  • スクイーズ操作が性能に及ぼす影響を評価するため、スクイーズ操作を除いたNoSqueezeバリアントと比較実験を行った。
  • グローバル情報がモデルの性能に重要な影響を与えていることを確認。
  • SEブロックは、計算効率を維持しながらグローバル情報を利用できる設計であることを示している。


  • スクイーズ操作を排除したNoSqueezeバリアントを提案し、グローバル情報の有無による性能の違いを検証した。


  • スクイーズ操作を含むSEブロックは、NoSqueezeバリアントと比較して、性能が向上しているが、具体的な数値は示されていない。


  • スクイーズ操作によるグローバル情報が、ネットワーク全体で重要な役割を果たしており、その結果、モデルの性能が向上することが示されている。


モデル グローバル情報の使用 計算効率 性能
標準ResNet-50 なし 高い 基準性能
NoSqueeze なし 低い 低下
SEブロック あり 高い 向上


7.2 Role of Excitation


質問内容全体はここをクリック (論文・記事の各章節を貼り付け) 7.2 Role of Excitation To provide a clearer picture of the function of the excitation operator in SE blocks, in this section we study example activations from the SE-ResNet-50 model and examine their distribution with respect to different classes and different input images at various depths in the network. In particular, we would like to understand how excitations vary across images of different classes, and across images within a class. We first consider the distribution of excitations for dif- ferent classes. Specifically, we sample four classes from the ImageNet dataset that exhibit semantic and appearance di- versity, namely goldfish, pug, plane and cliff (example images from these classes are shown in Figure 6). We then draw fifty samples for each class from the validation set and compute the average activations for fifty uniformly sampled channels in the last SE block of each stage (immediately prior to downsampling) and plot their distribution in Fig. 7. For reference, we also plot the distribution of the mean activations across all of the 1000 classes. We make the following three observations about the role of the excitation operation. First, the distribution across different classes is very similar at the earlier layers of the network, e.g. SE 2 3. This suggests that the importance of feature channels is likely to be shared by different classes in the early stages. The second observation is that at greater depth, the value of each channel becomes much more class- specific as different classes exhibit different preferences to the discriminative value of features, e.g. SE 4 6 and SE 5 1. These observations are consistent with findings in previous work [81], [82], namely that earlier layer features are typi- cally more general (e.g. class agnostic in the context of the classification task) while later layer features exhibit greater levels of specificity [83]. Next, we observe a somewhat different phenomena in the last stage of the network. SE 5 2 exhibits an interesting tendency towards a saturated state in which most of the activations are close to one and the remainder is close to zero. At the point at which all activations take the value one, an SE block reduces to the identity operator. At the end of the network in the SE 5 3 (which is immediately followed by global pooling prior before classifiers), a similar pattern emerges over different classes, up to a slight change in scale (which could be tuned by the classifiers). This suggests that SE 5 2 and SE 5 3 are less important than previous blocks in providing recalibration to the network. This finding is consistent with the result of the empirical investigation in Sec. 4 which demonstrated that the additional parameter count could be significantly reduced by removing the SE blocks for the last stage with only a marginal loss of perfor- mance. Finally, we show the mean and standard deviations of the activations for image instances within the same class for two sample classes (goldfish and plane) in Fig. 8. We observe a trend consistent with the inter-class visualisation, indicating that the dynamic behaviour of SE blocks varies over both classes and instances within a class. Particularly in the later layers of the network where there is considerable diversity of representation within a single class, the network learns to take advantage of feature recalibration to improve its discriminative performance. In summary, SE blocks produce instance-specific responses which nevertheless function to support the increasingly class-specific needs of the model at different layers in the architecture.

上記の内容に関して質問: (である調で記載)
①何についての記載か? + 要旨は何? (要旨は箇条書きで記載)



  • SEブロックのエキサイテーション操作が異なるクラスや異なる入力画像に対してどのように分布しているかを調査。
  • ネットワークの深さによるエキサイテーションのクラス依存性を検討。
  • ネットワークの最後の段階では、エキサイテーションが飽和状態に近づく傾向があることを観察。
  • SEブロックがクラス固有の要求を満たすためにインスタンスごとの応答を生成していることを確認。


  • クラス間およびクラス内でのエキサイテーション分布を比較するための具体的な実験を実施し、エキサイテーション操作の重要性を検証した。


  • 性能の向上に関する具体的な数値は記載されていないが、エキサイテーション操作がネットワークの識別性能を改善する役割を果たしていることが示唆されている。


  • ネットワークの初期層では、異なるクラス間でのエキサイテーション分布が類似しているが、後半の層になるとクラスごとにエキサイテーションの値が特異的になることが示されている。
  • 最後の段階では、エキサイテーションが飽和状態に近づき、SEブロックがアイデンティティ演算子として機能する傾向がある。


ネットワーク層 エキサイテーションの分布特性 クラス依存性 重要度
初期層 (SE 2 3) 異なるクラス間で類似した分布 低い 一般的な特徴を抽出
中間層 (SE 4 6, SE 5 1) クラスごとに特異的なエキサイテーション 高い クラス固有の特徴を強調
最終層 (SE 5 2, SE 5 3) エキサイテーションが飽和に近づく 低い 重要度は低い




質問内容全体はここをクリック (論文・記事の各章節を貼り付け) 8 CONCLUSION In this paper we proposed the SE block, an architectural unit designed to improve the representational power of a network by enabling it to perform dynamic channel-wise feature recalibration. A wide range of experiments show the effectiveness of SENets, which achieve state-of-the-art performance across multiple datasets and tasks. In addition, SE blocks shed some light on the inability of previous architectures to adequately model channel-wise feature de- pendencies. We hope this insight may prove useful for other tasks requiring strong discriminative features. Finally, the feature importance values produced by SE blocks may be of use for other tasks such as network pruning for model compression.

上記の内容に関して質問: (である調で記載)
①何についての記載か? + 要旨は何? (要旨は箇条書きで記載)

この節は、SEブロック(Squeeze-and-Excitation Block)の提案とその効果についての結論をまとめている。


  • SEブロックは、チャネルごとの特徴再キャリブレーションを動的に行うことで、ネットワークの表現力を向上させることを目的として設計された。
  • 多岐にわたる実験により、SENetsが複数のデータセットやタスクで最先端の性能を達成することが示された。
  • SEブロックは、従来のアーキテクチャがチャネルごとの特徴依存関係を十分にモデル化できていないことを明らかにした。
  • SEブロックによって生成される特徴の重要度は、モデル圧縮のためのネットワークプルーニングなど、他のタスクにも有用である可能性がある。


  • SEブロックの設計自体が改良点であり、動的チャネルワイズ特徴再キャリブレーションという新しいアプローチを導入している。


  • SENetsは、複数のデータセットとタスクにおいて最先端の性能を達成したと記載されているが、具体的な数値は示されていない。


  • SEブロックは、従来のアーキテクチャがチャネルごとの特徴依存関係を十分にモデル化できていなかったことを明らかにし、その問題を解決するためのアプローチを提供している。


  • 無し


  • 無し



質問内容全体はここをクリック (論文・記事の各章節を貼り付け) APPENDIX: DETAILS OF SENET-154 SENet-154 is constructed by incorporating SE blocks into a modified version of the 64×4d ResNeXt-152 which extends the original ResNeXt-101 [19] by adopting the block stack- ing strategy of ResNet-152 [13]. Further differences to the design and training of this model (beyond the use of SE blocks) are as follows: (a) The number of the first 1 × 1 convolutional channels for each bottleneck building block was halved to reduce the computational cost of the model with a minimal decrease in performance. (b) The first 7 × 7 convolutional layer was replaced with three consecutive 3 × 3 convolutional layers. (c) The 1 × 1 down-sampling projection with stride-2 convolution was replaced with a 3 × 3 stride-2 convolution to preserve information. (d) A dropout layer (with a dropout ratio of 0.2) was inserted before the classification layer to reduce overfitting. (e) Label- smoothing regularisation (as introduced in [20]) was used during training. (f) The parameters of all BN layers were frozen for the last few training epochs to ensure consistency between training and testing. (g) Training was performed with 8 servers (64 GPUs) in parallel to enable large batch sizes (2048). The initial learning rate was set to 1.0.

上記の内容に関して質問: (である調で記載)
①何についての記載か? + 要旨は何? (要旨は箇条書きで記載)



  • SENet-154は、64×4d ResNeXt-152をベースに、SEブロックを組み込んだネットワークアーキテクチャである。
  • ResNeXt-101を拡張し、ResNet-152のブロックスタッキング戦略を採用している。
  • モデルの設計とトレーニングにおいて、いくつかの改良と変更が行われている。


  • 1 × 1 畳み込みチャネルの減少: ボトルネックビルディングブロックの最初の1 × 1 畳み込みチャネル数を半分にし、計算コストを削減しつつ性能の低下を最小限に抑える工夫をしている。
  • 畳み込みレイヤーの変更: 最初の7 × 7 畳み込み層を3 × 3 畳み込み層に変更し、情報の保持を図っている。
  • ダウンサンプリングプロジェクションの変更: ストライド2の1 × 1 ダウンサンプリングプロジェクションを、3 × 3 のストライド2畳み込みに置き換え、情報の保持を図っている。
  • ドロップアウト層の追加: 過学習を防ぐために、分類層の前にドロップアウト層(ドロップアウト率0.2)を追加している。
  • ラベルスムージング正則化の使用: トレーニング中にラベルスムージング正則化を使用している。
  • バッチノーマライゼーション(BN)パラメータの固定: 最後のトレーニングエポックでは、トレーニングとテストの一貫性を確保するために、すべてのBNレイヤーのパラメータを固定している。
  • 並列トレーニング: 大規模なバッチサイズ(2048)を可能にするために、8台のサーバー(64 GPU)を使用して並列トレーニングを行っている。


  • 無し


  • 無し


  • 無し


  • 無し




SE blockの実際の処理方法を、あらかじめ分かっていると、理解しやすいと思います。SE blockの処理方法は、論文の中のFig.3が非常に分かりやすいと思います。生成AIは処理方法自体を分かりやすく説明してはくれない傾向があります。





SEブロックのハイパーパラメータである減少率( r )の最適化を行い、減少率( r )を16に設定することで、性能と計算コストのバランスが最適化されることが分かりました。



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