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C#のDateTime型等のTickは100ns単位 (確認テスト)

Last updated at Posted at 2023-02-18


  • C#のDateTime型に1秒加算してTickの変化を見ると、1秒 = 1 * 1000 * 1000 * 10[Tick]
  • C#のDateTime型に1日加算してTickの変化を見ると、1日 = 24L * 60 * 60 * 1000 * 1000 * 10[Tick]

(追記: TimeSpan型に、TicksPerSecond、TicksPerDayの値が既に定義されていました)

        // 概要: Represents the number of ticks in 1 day. This field is constant.
        public const long TicksPerDay = 864000000000;
        // 概要: Represents the number of ticks in 1 hour. This field is constant.
        public const long TicksPerHour = 36000000000;
        // 概要: Represents the number of ticks in 1 millisecond. This field is constant.
        public const long TicksPerMillisecond = 10000;
        // 概要: Represents the number of ticks in 1 minute. This field is constant.
        public const long TicksPerMinute = 600000000;
        // 概要: Represents the number of ticks in 1 second.
        public const long TicksPerSecond = 10000000;


Program 2301-3 Tickは100ns単位.cs
using System;

namespace ConsoleApp1 {
    class Program {
        static void Main(string[] args) {
            /* 結果: 
// C#のDateTime型に1秒加算してTickの変化を見る
10,000,000[Tick/1s] = 10,000,000(計算値)
// C#のDateTime型に1日加算してTickの変化を見る
864,000,000,000[Tick/1D] = 864,000,000,000(計算値)

// 例えば、Tickで日数を算出。月によって1ヵ月の長さが当然違う。
26,784,000,000,000[Tick/1M 2023/01]
31[d(Tick)/1M 2023/01]

24,192,000,000,000[Tick/1M 2023/02]
28[d(Tick)/1M 2023/02]

26,784,000,000,000[Tick/1M 2024/01]
31[d(Tick)/1M 2024/01]

25,056,000,000,000[Tick/1M 2024/02]
29[d(Tick)/1M 2024/02]

            // C#のDateTime型に1秒加算してTickの変化を見る
            var t1 = DateTime.Parse("2023/01/01");
            var t2 = t1.AddSeconds(1);
            var tick_1s = 1 * 1000 * 1000 * 10; // Tickは100ns単位
            Console.WriteLine($"{t2.Ticks - t1.Ticks:#,0}[Tick/1s] = {tick_1s:#,0}(計算値)");

            // C#のDateTime型に1日加算してTickの変化を見る
            t2 = t1.AddDays(1);
            var tick_1d = 24L * 60 * 60 * 1000 * 1000 * 10; // Tickは100ns単位
            Console.WriteLine($"{t2.Ticks - t1.Ticks:#,0}[Tick/1D] = {tick_1d:#,0}(計算値)");

            // 例えば、Tickで日数を算出。月によって1ヵ月の長さが当然違う。
            t2 = t1.AddMonths(1);
            Console.WriteLine($"{t2.Ticks - t1.Ticks:#,0}[Tick/1M 2023/01]");
            Console.WriteLine($"{(t2.Ticks - t1.Ticks) / tick_1d:#,0}[d(Tick)/1M 2023/01]");

            var t3 = t2.AddMonths(1);
            Console.WriteLine($"{t3.Ticks - t2.Ticks:#,0}[Tick/1M 2023/02]");
            Console.WriteLine($"{(t3.Ticks - t2.Ticks) / tick_1d:#,0}[d(Tick)/1M 2023/02]");

            t1 = DateTime.Parse("2024/01/01");
            t2 = t1.AddMonths(1);
            Console.WriteLine($"{t2.Ticks - t1.Ticks:#,0}[Tick/1M 2024/01]");
            Console.WriteLine($"{(t2.Ticks - t1.Ticks) / tick_1d:#,0}[d(Tick)/1M 2024/01]");

            t3 = t2.AddMonths(1);
            Console.WriteLine($"{t3.Ticks - t2.Ticks:#,0}[Tick/1M 2024/02]");
            Console.WriteLine($"{(t3.Ticks - t2.Ticks) / tick_1d:#,0}[d(Tick)/1M 2024/02]");


Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019 Version 16.11.22
Microsoft .NET Framework
Version 4.8.04084


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