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7 Easy Steps to Enhanced Domain and Page Authority

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There are hundreds of factories that Google uses to determine the search engine ranking of a website. One of the specials, which is very important, is the Domain Authority of a website. The Domain Authority is a metric that was developed by MOZ.

The more your domain's authority, the more likely it is that you'll be able to achieve a high search engine rank and get more and better traffic on your website. Your domain authority is also a good way to calculate the efforts made to your SEO services and compare your strengths with the website and compare your website to the competitor.

Domain Authority vs. Page Authority

Before we consider how factories of the Domain Authority are done? And how can you improve your site's domain authority? Try to understand why it is also important to increase the Page Authority. Page Authority is a similar metric, but instead of measuring the power of an entire domain or sub-domain, it measures the ranking strength of a single web page.

Domain Authority is scaled at 1 to 100 (1 worst, 100 best), which uses the MOZ-designed algorithm. Its calculation means that if your domain is in the range of 70 or 80 compared to the Authority 20 or 30 then it is very easy to improve your score. Between 40 and 50, the domain authority is considered to be average, between 50 and 60, the good is considered to be more than 60 excellent.

Step 1: Choose a good domain name

If you are just starting, choose a domain name that is similar to your website and business.
It should be something that is easy to remember, so that incoming users may not have any problem reaching your site because they may have forgotten your domain name. You can also buy an old domain so that you do not have to increase the age of a domain. If you already have a domain, make sure it never expires at least three to five years.

Step 2: Optimize Your On-Page Content

With Google search engine ranking, SEO is important for both your domain authority, so make sure that you optimize all on-page code, including your title tag, image alt tag and content.
Additionally, include variations of your main keywords, keep all your permalinks small and relevant, and create sidebar for new posts.

Step 3: Write Linkable Content

To earn high-quality links, you need to create high-quality content that is regularly published.
The better your content, the more likely it is that another official site will be linked to it. This means that your content will help you increase the rank of your website.

Step 4: Improve your internal linking structure

Many websites are so concerned about creating backlinks that they overlook the importance of internal links. Internal links help the user direct the things they are trying to find, which will benefit them in their user experience. This means that if they are lost in your blog post, they can easily find your link on your homepage.

Step 5: Remove the Bad and Toxic Link

You should go through your link profile and look for all backlinks that are bad or toxic. This will allow you to remove links from bad sources that may harm your domain authority instead of helping you. You should also remove any links posted on your website that leads to bad sites or break because they will also have negative effects. It may be a hassle to check on each link on your website.

Step 6: Make sure your website is mobile-friendly

A large number of online users reaches the web through a mobile device. In digital marketing, if your website is not yet optimized for mobile use, then you are behind others. This will not only damage your mobile search engine rankings, but you will lose lots of traffic. To check whether your website is mobile-friendly or not, you can see this mobile friendly test on the Google Developers page. This will analyze your web page and tell you how your site is mobile-friendly.

Step 7: Increase the loading speed of your Web-pages

Bad loading speed can have a bad effect on your bounce rate. Today's race In the race, people have very little patience and can not wait for the website to load, which is a long time to load the website, the website does not perform well and its rankings fall. You can access your website with PageSpeed ​​Tools by Google Developers


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