言語 | |||||||||||
Common Lisp | mapc | mapcar | mapcan | - | find-if | remove-if-not | remove-if | reduce | reduce :from-end t | some | every |
Scheme | for-each | map | append-map | filter-map | find | filter | remove, remp | fold, fold-left | fold-right | any, exists | every, for-all |
Clojure | - | map | mapcat | - | - | filter | remove | reduce | - | some | every? |
Erlang | foreach | map | flatmap | filtermap | search | filter | - | foldl | foldr | any | all |
Haskell | forM_, mapM_ | map | concatMap | mapMaybe | find | filter | - | foldl | foldr | any | all |
Caml Light | do_list | map | flat_map | - | find | find_all | - | it_list | list_it | exists | for_all |
Coq | - | map | flat_map | - | find | filter | - | fold_left | fold_right | existsb, Exists | forallb, Forall |
OCaml | iter | map | concat_map | filter_map | find | filter, find_all | - | fold_left | fold_right | exists | for_all |
F# | iter | map | collect | choose | find | filter | - | fold | foldBack | exists | forall |
Standard ML | app | map | - | mapPartial | find | filter | - | foldl | foldr | exists | all |
Rust | for_each | map | flat_map | filter_map | find | filter | - | fold | rfold | any | all |
Scala | foreach | map | flatMap | (collect) | find | filter | filterNot | foldLeft | foldRight | exists | forall |
Java 8 Stream | forEach | map | flatMap | - | - | filter | - | reduce | - | anyMatch | allMatch |
ECMAScript | forEach | map | flatMap | - | find | filter | - | reduce | reduceRight | some | every |
Python | - | map | - | - | - | filter | itertools.filterfalse | functools.reduce | - | any | all |
Ruby | each | map, collect | flat_map, collect_concat | filter_map | find, detect | find_all, filter, select | reject | reduce, inject | - | any? | all? |
Smalltalk | do: | collect: | - | - | detect: | select: | reject: | inject:into: | - | anySatisfy: | allSatisfy: |
Groovy | each | collect | collectMany | findResults | find | findAll | - | inject | - | any | every |
C# | ForEach (List<T>のみ) | Select | SelectMany | - | First | Where | - | Aggregate | - | Any | All |
Scala の TraversableLike#collect
は A => Option[B]
ではなく PartialFunction[A, B]
を引数に取る。 Function.unlift
を使うと A => Option[B]
を PartialFunction[A, B]
- ARLO GUTHRIE AND THE ORIGINS OF THE COLLECTION PROTOCOL: Smalltalk の -ect 系コレクションメソッドの名前は "Alice’s Restaurant Massacree" の歌詞に由来する
- any? vs. some?: exists 系のメソッドの名前について。 Kent Pitman は any/every, some/all という組み合わせが好みだったようだ。 Scheme の SRFI 1 は Yale T 流の名前になっている。
- 歴史的には、古の Ruby には
というメソッドが存在していた。このメソッドはその後 それらの別名に格下げされた後、Ruby 1.8.0で削除された。- その後時は流れて、 Ruby 2.6.0 で
が 導入される。
- その後時は流れて、 Ruby 2.6.0 で