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Please tell me how to convert excel file to svg file programatically

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There are several ways you can convert an Excel file to an SVG file programmatically. One option is to use a library that is capable of reading and writing Excel files, such as the npm package "xlsx", and then use a library that is capable of converting from the Excel format to SVG format, such as the npm package "excel-to-svg".

Here is an example of how you could use these libraries to convert an Excel file to an SVG file in a Node.js application:

Install the xlsx and excel-to-svg packages:
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npm install xlsx excel-to-svg
Import the packages in your Node.js script:
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const xlsx = require('xlsx');
const excelToSvg = require('excel-to-svg');
Use the readFile function from the xlsx package to read the Excel file into memory:
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const workbook = xlsx.readFile('/path/to/input.xlsx');
Use the worksheetToSvg function from the excel-to-svg package to convert the worksheet to an SVG string:
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const worksheet = workbook.Sheets[workbook.SheetNames[0]];
const svg = excelToSvg(worksheet);
Write the SVG string to a file using the writeFileSync function from the built-in fs module:
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const fs = require('fs');

fs.writeFileSync('/path/to/output.svg', svg);
This example converts the first worksheet in the Excel file to an SVG file. If you want to convert a specific worksheet, you can use the workbook.Sheets object to get a reference to the worksheet by its name, and pass it to the excelToSvg function.

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const worksheet = workbook.Sheets['My Worksheet'];
const svg = excelToSvg(worksheet);
I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any questions.


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