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デフォルトの malloc を差し替えずに tc_malloc を使う Linux編

Last updated at Posted at 2018-06-09



1 . ソースダウンロード
公式githubから最新のソース gperftools-2.7を落としてきました。
2. overrideコードの修正。 Linux向けに対応したのは以下。他のOSも同様に見えます。修正箇所はその他を参照ください。
* 関連するlibc_overrideヘッダー(src/libc_override_gcc_and_weak.h, src/libc_override_glibc.h)の上書き処理をコメントアウト
* unittestが通らずエラーになるため、src/tests/tcmalloc_unittest.ccでcfreeを定義
3. ビルド

sudo make install



修正のdiff -cr結果はこんな感じです。

diff -cr gperftools-gperftools-2.7_ori/src/libc_override_gcc_and_weak.h gperftools-gperftools-2.7/src/libc_override_gcc_and_weak.h
*** gperftools-gperftools-2.7_ori/src/libc_override_gcc_and_weak.h	2018-04-30 15:00:34.000000000 +0900
--- gperftools-gperftools-2.7/src/libc_override_gcc_and_weak.h	2018-06-09 16:05:54.671886411 +0900
*** 206,212 ****
  #endif /* defined(ENABLE_SIZED_DELETE) */
  #endif /* defined(ENABLE_ALIGNED_NEW_DELETE) */
  extern "C" {
    void* malloc(size_t size) __THROW               ALIAS(tc_malloc);
    void free(void* ptr) __THROW                    ALIAS(tc_free);
--- 206,212 ----
  #endif /* defined(ENABLE_SIZED_DELETE) */
  #endif /* defined(ENABLE_ALIGNED_NEW_DELETE) */
! #if 0
  extern "C" {
    void* malloc(size_t size) __THROW               ALIAS(tc_malloc);
    void free(void* ptr) __THROW                    ALIAS(tc_free);
*** 234,240 ****
    size_t malloc_usable_size(void* p) __THROW      ALIAS(tc_malloc_size);
  }   // extern "C"
  #undef ALIAS
  // No need to do anything at tcmalloc-registration time: we do it all
--- 234,240 ----
    size_t malloc_usable_size(void* p) __THROW      ALIAS(tc_malloc_size);
  }   // extern "C"
! #endif
  #undef ALIAS
  // No need to do anything at tcmalloc-registration time: we do it all
diff -cr gperftools-gperftools-2.7_ori/src/libc_override_glibc.h gperftools-gperftools-2.7/src/libc_override_glibc.h
*** gperftools-gperftools-2.7_ori/src/libc_override_glibc.h	2018-04-30 15:00:34.000000000 +0900
--- gperftools-gperftools-2.7/src/libc_override_glibc.h	2018-06-09 15:52:38.397338332 +0900
*** 69,75 ****
  // same implementations.  Since it only matters for redhat, we
  // do it inside the gcc #ifdef, since redhat uses gcc.
  // TODO(csilvers): only do this if we detect we're an old enough glibc?
  #define ALIAS(tc_fn)   __attribute__ ((alias (#tc_fn)))
  extern "C" {
    void* __libc_malloc(size_t size)                ALIAS(tc_malloc);
--- 69,75 ----
  // same implementations.  Since it only matters for redhat, we
  // do it inside the gcc #ifdef, since redhat uses gcc.
  // TODO(csilvers): only do this if we detect we're an old enough glibc?
! #if 0
  #define ALIAS(tc_fn)   __attribute__ ((alias (#tc_fn)))
  extern "C" {
    void* __libc_malloc(size_t size)                ALIAS(tc_malloc);
*** 83,89 ****
    int __posix_memalign(void** r, size_t a, size_t s)  ALIAS(tc_posix_memalign);
  }   // extern "C"
  #undef ALIAS
  #endif  // #if defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(__MACH__)
  // No need to write ReplaceSystemAlloc(); one of the #includes above
--- 83,89 ----
    int __posix_memalign(void** r, size_t a, size_t s)  ALIAS(tc_posix_memalign);
  }   // extern "C"
  #undef ALIAS
! #endif
  #endif  // #if defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(__MACH__)
  // No need to write ReplaceSystemAlloc(); one of the #includes above
diff -cr gperftools-gperftools-2.7_ori/src/tests/tcmalloc_unittest.cc gperftools-gperftools-2.7/src/tests/tcmalloc_unittest.cc
*** gperftools-gperftools-2.7_ori/src/tests/tcmalloc_unittest.cc	2018-04-30 15:00:34.000000000 +0900
--- gperftools-gperftools-2.7/src/tests/tcmalloc_unittest.cc	2018-06-09 16:11:29.761269583 +0900
*** 97,102 ****
--- 97,103 ----
  #include "system-alloc.h"
  #include "tests/testutil.h"
+ # define cfree free         // don't bother to try to test these obsolete fns
  // Windows doesn't define pvalloc and a few other obsolete unix
  // functions; nor does it define posix_memalign (which is not obsolete).
  #if defined(_WIN32)


デフォルトの malloc を差し替えずに tc_malloc を使う


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