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Rust勉強中 - その6 -> 浮動小数点数

Last updated at Posted at 2019-09-28


出田 守と申します。



OS: Windows10 Home 64bit 1903
CPU: Intel Core i5-3470 @ 3.20GHz
Rust: 1.38.0
RAM: 8.00GB
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Terminal: PowerShell


Rust勉強中 - その5



Rustの浮動小数点数はIEEE 754-2008の単精度、倍精度の浮動小数点数、正と負の無限大、正と負の0、NaNなどをサポートしています。


f32 -3.4028235e38 ~ 3.4028235e38


f64 -1.7976931348623157e308 ~ 1.7976931348623157e308



浮動小数リテラル 補足
1f32 f32型を宣言
1_f32 整数部にアンダーバー
1f64 f64型を宣言
1.0f32 f32型を宣言
1_.0f32 f32型で整数部にアンダーバー
1.1 f64型で型推論
1_.1 f64型で整数部にアンダーバー
1.1_1 f64型で小数部にアンダーバー
1. 小数点を付けてf64型で型推論
1e2 指数部を付けてf64で型推論(=100)
1_e2 指数部前にアンダーバー
1e-2 指数部を付けてf64で型推論(=0.01)
1_e-2 指数部前にアンダーバー



変換 結果 補足
1.1f64 as f32 1.1f32 f64型からf32型へ変換
1.1f32 as f64 1.100000023841858f64 f32型からf64型へ変換
std::f64::MAX as f32 inff32 f64型最大値からf32型へ変換
std::f32::MAX as f64 3.4028234663852886e38f64 f32型最大値からf64型へ変換
1i32 as f32 1f32 i32型からf32型へ変換
-1i32 as f32 -1f32 負のi32型からf32型へ変換
1f32 as i32 1i32 f32型からi32型へ変換
-1f32 as i32 -1i32 負のf32型からi32型へ変換
std::i32::MAX as f32 2147483600f32 i32型最大値からf32型へ変換
std::i32::MIN as f32 -2147483600f32 i32型最小値からf32型へ変換
std::i64::MAX as f32 9223372000000000000f32 i64型最大値からf32型へ変換
std::i64::MIN as f32 -9223372000000000000f32 i64型最小値からf32型へ変換
std::i32::MAX as f64 2147483647f64 i32型最大値からf64型へ変換
std::i32::MIN as f64 -2147483648f64 i32型最小値からf64型へ変換
std::i64::MAX as f64 9223372036854776000f64 i64型最大値からf64型へ変換
std::i64::MIN as f64 -9223372036854776000f64 i64型最小値からf64型へ変換
std::f32::MAX as i32 2147483647i32 f32型最大値からi32型へ変換
std::f32::MIN as i32 -2147483648i32 f32型最小値からi32型へ変換
std::f64::MAX as i32 2147483647i32 f64型最大値からi32型へ変換
std::f64::MIN as i32 -2147483648i32 f64型最小値からi32型へ変換
std::f32::MAX as i64 9223372036854775807i64 f32型最大値からi64型へ変換
std::f32::MIN as i64 -9223372036854775808i64 f32型最小値からi64型へ変換
std::f64::MAX as i64 9223372036854775807i64 f64型最大値からi64型へ変換
std::f64::MIN as i64 -9223372036854775808i64 f64型最小値からi64型へ変換



(-0.5f64).abs() 0.5
-0.5f64.abs() -0.5
0.5f64.round() 1
0.4f64.round() 0
0.5f64.trunc() 0
std::f64::NAN.is_nan() true




fn print_float_range() {
    println!("\n[print floating point range]");
    println!("f32:     {:e} ~ {:e}", std::f32::MIN, std::f32::MAX);
    println!("f64:     {:e} ~ {:e}", std::f64::MIN, std::f64::MAX);
    println!("f64_Inf: {}",          std::f64::INFINITY);
    println!("f64_Inf: {}",          std::f64::NEG_INFINITY);
    println!("f64_nan: {}",          std::f64::NAN);

fn print_float_literals() {
    println!("\n[print floating point literals]");
    println!("1f32:    \ttype={}, \tdigits={}", get_type(1f32),    1f32);
    println!("1_f32:   \ttype={}, \tdigits={}", get_type(1_f32),   1_f32);
    println!("1f64:    \ttype={}, \tdigits={}", get_type(1f64),    1f64);
    println!("1.0f32:  \ttype={}, \tdigits={}", get_type(1.0f32),  1.0f32);
    println!("1_.0f32: \ttype={}, \tdigits={}", get_type(1_.0f32), 1_.0f32);
    println!("1.1:     \ttype={}, \tdigits={}", get_type(1.1),     1.1);
    println!("1_.1:    \ttype={}, \tdigits={}", get_type(1_.1),    1_.1);
    println!("1.1_1:   \ttype={}, \tdigits={}", get_type(1.1_1),   1.1_1);
    println!("1.:      \ttype={}, \tdigits={}", get_type(1.),      1.);
    println!("1e2:     \ttype={}, \tdigits={}", get_type(1e2),     1e2);
    println!("1_e2:    \ttype={}, \tdigits={}", get_type(1_e2),    1_e2);
    println!("1e-2:    \ttype={}, \tdigits={}", get_type(1e-2),    1e-2);
    println!("1_e-2:   \ttype={}, \tdigits={}", get_type(1_e-2),   1_e-2);

fn print_float_cast() {
    println!("\n[print floating point cast]");
    println!("1.1f64        as f32 => {}{}",   1.1f64 as f32,        get_type(1.1f64 as f32));
    println!("1.1f32        as f64 => {}{}",   1.1f32 as f64,        get_type(1.1f32 as f64));
    println!("std::f64::MAX as f32 => {:e}{}", std::f64::MAX as f32, get_type(std::f64::MAX as f32));
    println!("std::f32::MAX as f64 => {:e}{}", std::f32::MAX as f64, get_type(std::f32::MAX as f64));
    println!("1i32          as f32 => {}{}",   1i32 as f32,          get_type(1i32 as f32));
    println!("-1i32         as f32 => {}{}",   -1i32 as f32,         get_type(-1i32 as f32));
    println!("1f32          as i32 => {}{}",   1f32 as i32,          get_type(1f32 as i32));
    println!("-1f32         as i32 => {}{}",   -1f32 as i32,         get_type(-1f32 as i32));
    println!("std::i32::MAX as f32 => {}{}",   std::i32::MAX as f32, get_type(std::i32::MAX as f32));
    println!("std::i32::MIN as f32 => {}{}",   std::i32::MIN as f32, get_type(std::i32::MIN as f32));
    println!("std::i64::MAX as f32 => {}{}",   std::i64::MAX as f32, get_type(std::i64::MAX as f32));
    println!("std::i64::MIN as f32 => {}{}",   std::i64::MIN as f32, get_type(std::i64::MIN as f32));
    println!("std::i32::MAX as f64 => {}{}",   std::i32::MAX as f64, get_type(std::i32::MAX as f64));
    println!("std::i32::MIN as f64 => {}{}",   std::i32::MIN as f64, get_type(std::i32::MIN as f64));
    println!("std::i64::MAX as f64 => {}{}",   std::i64::MAX as f64, get_type(std::i64::MAX as f64));
    println!("std::i64::MIN as f64 => {}{}",   std::i64::MIN as f64, get_type(std::i64::MIN as f64));
    println!("std::f32::MAX as i32 => {}{}",   std::f32::MAX as i32, get_type(std::f32::MAX as i32));
    println!("std::f32::MIN as i32 => {}{}",   std::f32::MIN as i32, get_type(std::f32::MIN as i32));
    println!("std::f64::MAX as i32 => {}{}",   std::f64::MAX as i32, get_type(std::f64::MAX as i32));
    println!("std::f64::MIN as i32 => {}{}",   std::f64::MIN as i32, get_type(std::f64::MIN as i32));
    println!("std::f32::MAX as i64 => {}{}",   std::f32::MAX as i64, get_type(std::f32::MAX as i64));
    println!("std::f32::MIN as i64 => {}{}",   std::f32::MIN as i64, get_type(std::f32::MIN as i64));
    println!("std::f64::MAX as i64 => {}{}",   std::f64::MAX as i64, get_type(std::f64::MAX as i64));
    println!("std::f64::MIN as i64 => {}{}",   std::f64::MIN as i64, get_type(std::f64::MIN as i64));

fn print_float_methods() {
    println!("\n[print floating point methods]");
    println!("(-0.5f64).abs()        = {}", (-0.5f64).abs());
    println!("-0.5f64.abs()          = {}", -0.5f64.abs());
    println!("0.5f64.round()         = {}", 0.5f64.round());
    println!("0.4f64.round()         = {}", 0.4f64.round());
    println!("0.5f64.trunc()         = {}", 0.5f64.trunc());
    println!("std::f64::NAN.is_nan() = {}", std::f32::NAN.is_nan());

fn main() {
    // println!(">> Integer type <<");
    // print_int_range();
    // print_int_literals();
    // print_byte_literals();
    // print_int_cast();
    // print_int_methods();
    println!(">> Floating point type <<");
$ cargo run                                                                                 Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.02s
     Running `target\debug\types.exe`
>> Floating point type <<

[print floating point range]
f32:     -3.4028235e38 ~ 3.4028235e38
f64:     -1.7976931348623157e308 ~ 1.7976931348623157e308
f64_Inf: inf
f64_Inf: -inf
f64_nan: NaN

[print floating point literals]
1f32:           type=f32,       digits=1
1_f32:          type=f32,       digits=1
1f64:           type=f64,       digits=1
1.0f32:         type=f32,       digits=1
1_.0f32:        type=f32,       digits=1
1.1:            type=f64,       digits=1.1
1_.1:           type=f64,       digits=1.1
1.1_1:          type=f64,       digits=1.11
1.:             type=f64,       digits=1
1e2:            type=f64,       digits=100
1_e2:           type=f64,       digits=100
1e-2:           type=f64,       digits=0.01
1_e-2:          type=f64,       digits=0.01

[print floating point cast]
1.1f64        as f32 => 1.1f32
1.1f32        as f64 => 1.100000023841858f64
std::f64::MAX as f32 => inff32
std::f32::MAX as f64 => 3.4028234663852886e38f64
1i32          as f32 => 1f32
-1i32         as f32 => -1f32
1f32          as i32 => 1i32
-1f32         as i32 => -1i32
std::i32::MAX as f32 => 2147483600f32
std::i32::MIN as f32 => -2147483600f32
std::i64::MAX as f32 => 9223372000000000000f32
std::i64::MIN as f32 => -9223372000000000000f32
std::i32::MAX as f64 => 2147483647f64
std::i32::MIN as f64 => -2147483648f64
std::i64::MAX as f64 => 9223372036854776000f64
std::i64::MIN as f64 => -9223372036854776000f64
std::f32::MAX as i32 => 2147483647i32
std::f32::MIN as i32 => -2147483648i32
std::f64::MAX as i32 => 2147483647i32
std::f64::MIN as i32 => -2147483648i32
std::f32::MAX as i64 => 9223372036854775807i64
std::f32::MIN as i64 => -9223372036854775808i64
std::f64::MAX as i64 => 9223372036854775807i64
std::f64::MIN as i64 => -9223372036854775808i64

[print floating point methods]
(-0.5f64).abs()        = 0.5
-0.5f64.abs()          = -0.5
0.5f64.round()         = 1
0.4f64.round()         = 0
0.5f64.trunc()         = 0
std::f64::NAN.is_nan() = true



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