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半教師あり学習(Semi-Supervised Learning)とは



  • 教師あり学習
  • 教師なし学習
  • 強化学習














  • 半教師あり分類学習
  • 半教師ありクラスタリング








  • 自己訓練 (Self-Training)[1]
  • 半教師あり混合ガウスモデル (semi-supervised Gaussian mixture models)[2]
  • 共訓練 (Co-Training)[3]
  • グラフベース半教師あり学習 (Graph-based Semi-Supervised Learning)[4]
  • S3VM(Semi-Supervised Support Vector Machine)[5]
  • PNU Learning[6]

PNU Learningを除いてはそれぞれ__モデル仮定__と呼ばれる仮定が必要です。モデル仮定とはラベル無しデータを学習に利用するためのデータに対する仮定であり、生成される分類器に対して大きな影響を与えて、真の仮定と大きく異なる仮定を採用した場合理想とは大きく異なる学習をすることが考えられます。対してPNU Learningはこのようなモデル仮定を必要としない半教師あり学習の手法として注目を集めています。

最近の半教師あり学習 "PNU Learning" の構成

ここでは私が個人的にすごいと思った手法のPNU Learningの構成について説明して、そのあとに実装例を紹介します。

  • PNU Learningの予測損失
R_\mathrm{PNU}^\eta(g) := \left\{
(1 - \eta) R_\mathrm{PN}(g) + \eta R_\mathrm{PU}(g) & \mathrm{if} \quad \eta \ge 0 \\
(1 + \eta) R_\mathrm{PN}(g) - \eta R_\mathrm{NU}(g) & \mathrm{otherwise}

上式に含まれる$R_\mathrm{PU}$、$R_\mathrm{NU}$、$R_\mathrm{PN}$はそれぞれPU Learning、NU Learning、PN Learningの予測損失に対応します。PU Learningは正のラベルを持つデータとラベルなしデータによる学習、NU Learningは負のラベルを持つデータとラベルなしデータによる学習、PN Learningは正のラベルを持つデータと負のラベルを持つデータによる学習で、これらを組み合わせて構成されています。この組み合わせの割合をハイパーパラメータ$\eta$によって調整できます。また、$g$はモデルになります。

  • PN Learningの予測損失
R_\mathrm{PN}(g) := p(y=+1) R_\mathrm{P}^+(g) + p(y=-1)  R_\mathrm{N}^-(g)

$p(y=+1)$、$p(y=-1)$ はそれぞれドメイン全体における正のラベルを持つ割合、負のラベルを持つ割合。ここで、

R_\mathrm{P}^+(g) := \mathbb{E}_\mathrm{P}\bigl[\ell\bigl(g({x}), +1\bigr)\bigr] \\
R_\mathrm{N}^-(g) := \mathbb{E}_\mathrm{N}\bigl[\ell\bigl(g({x}), -1\bigr)\bigr]

で、$ \ell\bigl(g({x}), +1\bigr) $は$ {x} $のラベルが正($+1$)のときの損失、 $\ell\bigl(g({x}), -1\bigr)$ は ${x}$ のラベルが負($-1$)のときの損失。

\mathbb{E}_\mathrm{P} と \mathbb{E}_\mathrm{N}

はそれぞれ正のラベルを持つデータの集合、負のラベルを持つデータの集合に対する期待値です。つまり、 $R_\mathrm{P}^+(g)$ と $R_\mathrm{N}^-(g)$ はそれぞれ正のラベルを持つデータに対する予測損失、負のラベルを持つデータに対する予測損失としてみることができます。

  • PU Learningの予測損失
R_\mathrm{PU}(g) := p(y=+1) R_\mathrm{P}^+(g) + R_\mathrm{U}^-(g) - p(y=+1) R_\mathrm{P}^-(g)

これはPN Learningの予測損失を基にして確率の周辺化などを用いて導き出され、この予測損失は正のラベルを持つデータとラベルなしデータのみで算出できます。


R_\mathrm{P}^-(g) := \mathbb{E}_\mathrm{P}\bigl[\ell\bigl(g({x}), -1\bigr)\bigr] \\
R_\mathrm{U}^-(g) := \mathbb{E}_\mathrm{U}\bigl[\ell\bigl(g({x}), -1\bigr)\bigr]


  • NU Learningの予測損失
R_\mathrm{NU}(g) := p(y=-1) R_\mathrm{N}^-(g) + R_\mathrm{U}^+(g) - p(y=-1) R_\mathrm{N}^+(g)

これはPU Learningの予測損失と同様に導き出され、この予測損失は負のラベルを持つデータとラベルなしデータのみで算出できます。


R_\mathrm{N}^+(g) := \mathbb{E}_\mathrm{N}\bigl[\ell\bigl(g({x}), +1\bigr)\bigr]\\
R_\mathrm{U}^+(g) := \mathbb{E}_\mathrm{U}\bigl[\ell\bigl(g({x}), +1\bigr)\bigr]

[6]の論文ではPNU Learningは実験的に多くのベンチマークのデータセットで、既存の半教師あり学習の手法に勝る正答率を記録していて、さらに汎化誤差の理論解析もされています。

PNU Learningの実装例

PNU LearningのPythonを用いた実装例は下の通りです。

  • 必要ライブラリ
import time
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
from keras import datasets      #データセットのダウンロードにのみ利用
  • データの準備
(x_train, y_train), (x_test, y_test) = datasets.cifar10.load_data()
x_train = np.array(x_train).astype(np.float32) / 255.
y_train = y_train.reshape(-1)
x_train = x_train[y_train<=1]
y_train = y_train[y_train<=1]
y_train = [-1 if y==0 else 1 for y in y_train]
y_train = np.array(y_train).astype(np.int32)
x_test = np.array(x_test).astype(np.float32) / 255.
y_test = y_test.reshape(-1)
x_test = x_test[y_test<=1]
y_test = y_test[y_test<=1]
y_test = [-1 if y==0 else 1 for y in y_test]
y_test = np.array(y_test).astype(np.int32)

n_train = len(y_train)                  # number of train data
negative, positive = np.unique(y_train)
n_p = (y_train == positive).sum()       # number of positive
prior = float(n_p) / float(n_train)     # prior

input_shape = x_train.shape[1:]

# ラベルなしデータ生成

n_labeled = 100        # number of labeled data
n_unlabeled = 10000   # number of unlabeled data

n_p_labeled = int(prior * n_labeled)
n_n_labeled = n_labeled - n_p_labeled

perm = np.random.permutation(n_train)
x_train = x_train[perm]
y_train = y_train[perm]

# positive data as positive labeled data
x_p_labeled = x_train[y_train == positive][:n_p_labeled]

# negative data as positive labeled data
x_n_labeled = x_train[y_train == negative][:n_n_labeled]

# unlabeled data
if n_labeled + n_unlabeled == n_train:
    x_p_unlabeled = x_train[y_train == positive][n_p_labeled:]
    x_n_unlabeled = x_train[y_train == negative][n_n_labeled:]
elif n_unlabeled == n_train:
    x_p_unlabeled = x_train[y_train == positive]
    x_n_unlabeled = x_train[y_train == negative]
    raise ValueError('Unsupported parameters n_labeled or n_unlabeled')

x_train = np.concatenate((x_p_labeled, x_n_labeled, x_p_unlabeled, x_n_unlabeled), axis=0)
y_train = np.concatenate((np.ones(n_p_labeled), -np.ones(n_n_labeled), np.zeros(n_unlabeled)), axis=0)

# shuffle
perm = np.random.permutation(len(y_train))
x_train = x_train[perm]
y_train = y_train[perm]
  • モデル
def weight(shape=[]):
    return tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal(shape, stddev = 0.01))

def conv_layer(X, W, out_channel, stride=1):
    conv = tf.nn.conv2d(X, W, [1, stride, stride, 1], padding='SAME')
    biases = weight([out_channel])
    return tf.nn.bias_add(conv, biases)

def cnn_model(X, input_shape, activation_name):

    if len(input_shape) != 3:
        raise ValueError('Unsuported data shape' + input_shape)

    if activation_name == 'relu':
        activation_function = tf.nn.relu
    elif activation_name == 'softsign':
        activation_function = tf.nn.softsign
        raise ValueError('Unsuported activation name')

    W1 = weight([3, 3, input_shape[-1], 96])
    W2 = weight([3, 3, 96, 192])
    W3 = weight([3, 3, 192, 192])
    W4 = weight([1, 1, 192, 10])
    W5 = weight([input_shape[0] // 2 * input_shape[1] // 2 * 10, 512])
    W6 = weight([512, 128])
    W7 = weight([128, 1])

    h = conv_layer(X, W1, 96, 1)
    h = tf.layers.BatchNormalization()(h,training=True)
    h = activation_function(h)
    h = conv_layer(h, W2, 192, 1)
    h = tf.layers.BatchNormalization()(h,training=True)
    h = activation_function(h)
    h = conv_layer(h, W3, 192, 2)
    h = tf.layers.BatchNormalization()(h,training=True)
    h = activation_function(h)
    h = conv_layer(h, W4, 10, 1)
    h = tf.layers.BatchNormalization()(h,training=True)
    h = activation_function(h)
    h = tf.reshape(h, [-1, input_shape[0] // 2 * input_shape[1] // 2 * 10])
    h = tf.matmul(h, W5)
    h = tf.layers.BatchNormalization()(h,training=True)
    h = activation_function(h)
    h = tf.matmul(h, W6)
    h = tf.layers.BatchNormalization()(h,training=True)
    h = activation_function(h)
    h = tf.matmul(h, W7)

    return h
  • PNU Learningのクラス
class PNUlearn(object):

    def __init__(
        self, loss_name, minimizer_name, alpha,
        activation_name, input_shape, prior, eta=0

        self.loss_name = loss_name
        self.minimizer_name = minimizer_name
        self.alpha = alpha
        self.activation_name = activation_name
        self.input_shape = input_shape
        self.prior = prior
        self.eta = eta

    def t_P_index(self, t):
        return tf.maximum(t, tf.zeros_like(t))

    def t_N_index(self, t):
        return tf.maximum(-t, tf.zeros_like(t))

    def t_U_index(self, t):
        return tf.ones_like(t) - tf.abs(t)

    def R(self, index, y):
        n = tf.maximum(tf.reduce_sum(index), 1)
        return tf.divide(tf.reduce_sum(index * self.loss_func(-y)), n)

    def R_P_plus(self, t, y):
        return self.R(self.t_P_index(t), y)

    def R_P_minus(self, t, y):
        return self.R(self.t_P_index(t), -y)

    def R_N_plus(self, t, y):
        return self.R(self.t_N_index(t), y)

    def R_N_minus(self, t, y):
        return self.R(self.t_N_index(t), -y)

    def R_U_plus(self, t, y):
        return self.R(self.t_U_index(t), y)

    def R_U_minus(self, t, y):
        return self.R(self.t_U_index(t), -y)

    def R_PN(self, t, y):
        t = tf.reshape(t, [-1])
        y = tf.reshape(y, [-1])
        return self.prior * self.R_P_plus(t, y) + (1 - self.prior) * self.R_N_minus(t, y)

    def accuracy(self, t, y):
        t = tf.reshape(t, [-1])
        y = tf.reshape(y, [-1])
        return tf.reduce_mean(tf.maximum(tf.sign(y) * t, tf.zeros_like(t)))

    def R_PU(self, t, y):
        return self.prior * (self.R_P_plus(t, y) - self.R_P_minus(t, y)) + self.R_U_minus(t, y)

    def R_NU(self, t, y):
        return (1 - self.prior) * (self.R_N_minus(t, y) - self.R_N_plus(t, y)) + self.R_U_plus(t, y)

    def R_PNU(self):
        def PNPU(t, y):
            t = tf.reshape(t, [-1])
            y = tf.reshape(y, [-1])
            return (1 - self.eta) * self.R_PN(t, y) + self.eta * self.R_PU(t, y)
        def PNNU(t, y):
            t = tf.reshape(t, [-1])
            y = tf.reshape(y, [-1])
            return (1 + self.eta) * self.R_PN(t, y) - self.eta * self.R_NU(t, y)
        if self.eta >= 0:
            return PNPU
            return PNNU

    def fit(self, x_train, y_train, x_test, y_test, n_epoch, batch_size, verbose=True):

        start_fit = time.time()

        with tf.Session() as sess:

            x = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, *self.input_shape])
            t = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None])

            if self.loss_name == 'sigmoid':
                self.loss_func = tf.nn.sigmoid
                raise ValueError('loss name ' + self.loss_name + ' is unknown.')

            out = cnn_model(x, self.input_shape, self.activation_name)
            train_loss_f = self.R_PNU()(t, out)
            test_loss_f = self.R_PN(t, out)
            test_acc_f = self.accuracy(t, out)

            if self.minimizer_name == 'adam':
                minimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=self.alpha).minimize
                raise ValueError('minimizer name ' + self.minimizer_name + ' is unknown.')

            if self.eta == 0:
                updater = minimizer(self.R_PN(t, out))
                updater = minimizer(self.R_PNU()(t, out))

            n_train = x_train.shape[0]
            n_test = x_test.shape[0]
            history = np.empty((0,6))


            train_time_sum = 0

            for epoch in range(1, n_epoch + 1):

                start_epoch = time.time()
                perm = np.random.permutation(n_train)

                for idx in range(0, n_train, batch_size):

                    if verbose:
                        bar_l = 30
                        progress = idx / n_train
                        bar = '>' * int(bar_l * progress) + ' ' * (bar_l - int(bar_l * progress))
                        print('\r{: >3} [{}] '.format(epoch, bar), end='')
                        print('{: >3}% {}/{}  '.format(int(100 * progress), idx, n_train), end='')
                        print('{:.2f}[sec]  '.format(time.time() - start_epoch), end='')
                    xi = x_train[perm[idx: idx + batch_size if idx + batch_size < n_train else n_train]]
                    ti = y_train[perm[idx: idx + batch_size if idx + batch_size < n_train else n_train]]

                    sess.run(updater, feed_dict = {x: xi, t: ti})

                train_time = time.time() - start_epoch
                train_time_sum += train_time
                if verbose:
                    print('\r{: >3} [{}] 100% {}/{}  '.format(epoch, '>' * bar_l, n_train, n_train), end='')
                    print('{:.2f}[sec]  '.format(train_time), end='')

                cal_size = 2000

                train_loss = 0
                for idx in range(0, n_train, cal_size):
                    xi = x_train[idx: idx + cal_size if idx + cal_size < n_train else n_train]
                    ti = y_train[idx: idx + cal_size if idx + cal_size < n_train else n_train]
                    train_loss += sess.run(train_loss_f, feed_dict = {x: xi, t: ti}) * xi.shape[0]
                train_loss = train_loss / n_train

                test_loss = 0
                test_acc = 0
                for idx in range(0, n_test, cal_size):
                    xi = x_test[idx: idx + cal_size if idx + cal_size < n_test else n_test]
                    ti = y_test[idx: idx + cal_size if idx + cal_size < n_test else n_test]
                    test_loss += sess.run(test_loss_f, feed_dict = {x: xi, t: ti}) * xi.shape[0]
                    test_acc += sess.run(test_acc_f, feed_dict = {x: xi, t: ti}) * xi.shape[0]
                test_loss = test_loss / n_test
                test_acc = test_acc / n_test

                epoch_time = time.time() - start_epoch

                history = np.vstack((
                        np.array([epoch, train_loss, test_loss, test_acc, train_time, epoch_time])

                if verbose:
                    print('train_loss {: .3f}  '.format(train_loss), end='')
                    print('test_loss {: .3f}  '.format(test_loss), end='')
                    print('test_acc {: .3f}  '.format(test_acc), end='')
                    print('epoch_time {:.2f}[sec]'.format(epoch_time))

            train_time_ave = train_time_sum / n_epoch
            total_time = time.time() - start_fit
            if verbose:
                print('\nTotal time  {}h{: >2}m{: >2}s'.format(
                    int(total_time / 3600),
                    int(total_time / 60),
                    int(total_time % 60)
                print('Average train time  {:.3f}[sec]\n'.format(train_time_ave))

        return history
  • 学習
learner = PNUlearn(
history = learner.fit(
    x_train, y_train, x_test, y_test, n_epoch=10, batch_size=1000










[1] Xiaojin Zhu. Semi-supervised learning literature survey. Computer Science, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Vol.2, No.3, p.4, 2006.

[2] Kamal Nigam, Andrew Kachites McCallum, Sebastian Thrun, and Tom Mitchell. Text classification from labeled and unlabeled documents using em. Machine learning, Vol.39, No.2-3, pp.103–134, 2000.

[3] Avrim Blum and Tom Mitchell. Combining labeled and unlabeled data with co-training. In Pro-ceedings of the eleventh annual conference on Computational learning theory, pp.92–100. ACM, 1998.

[4] Xiaojin Zhu, Zoubin Ghahramani, and John D Lafferty. Semi-supervised learning using gaussian fields and harmonic functions. In Proceedings of the 20th International conference on Machine learning (ICML-03), pp.912–919,2003.

[5] Kristin P Bennett and Ayhan Demiriz. Semi-supervised support vector machines. In Advances in Neural Information processing systems, pp.368–374, 1999.

[6] Tomoya Sakai, Marthinus Christoffel du Plessis, Gang Niu, and Masashi Sugiyama. Semi-supervised classification based on classification from positive and unlabeled data. In Proceedings of the 34th International Conference on Machine Learning, ICML 2017, Sydney, NSW, Australia, 6-11 August 2017, pp.2998–3006, 2017.

[7] 石川 周, 全 眞嬉, 徳山 豪, 制約付き最適化を用いた非負PNU半教師学習による過学習の抑制, The 81st National Convention of IPSJ


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