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サバイバルでの生き残り日数について① ―「ザ・ネイキッド」/How many days they can survive? -"The Naked and Afraid"①

Last updated at Posted at 2020-10-04

サバイバルでの生き残り日数について ―「ザ・ネイキッド」/How many days they can survive? -"The Naked and Afraid"



I really like "The Naked and Afraid" in the "Discovery Channel".
In "The Naked", a man and women have to survive for 21 days in a jungle, beach, or mountain. They only have 2 items they chose and they even do not have clothes.

When I watch it, I feel like teamwork and mental fullness bring success.
I would like to know more about the factor of success, and I try to analyze it. In the future, I would like to make an algorithm that estimates how many days the players will survive.

開始時のPSR値と生き残り日数/PSR at the start and the days they survived

Figure 1-1は自分自身でのPSR値と生き残り日数を比較したものです。グラフ内のラインは、最小二乗法による線形近似の結果を示します。

I considered the relation between their own PSR at the beginning and the number of survived days. I used the data only from season 1.
Figure 1-1 shows the relationship between their own PSR and the number of days they survived. The line in the figure is a linear regression line.

Figure 1-1


[生き残り日数] = 2.22 * [開始時のPSR] + 2.86

Players tend to survive for more days when they have higher PSR. On average, the number of survived days increases by 2.22 days when their PSR increase by 1. By linear regression, we get;
[# of survived days] = 2.22 * [PSR at the beginning] + 2.86

Figure 1-2は、Figure 1-1を男女別に見たものです。
Figure 1-2 shows the men/women data in Figure 1-1.

Figure 1-2



The two linear regression lines indicate that males tend to survive for more days when the PSR increase. If I think roughly, PSR at the beginning affects the number of the survived days less about women than about men. In another word, maybe women's physical or mental conditions tend to change more than men's during survival because the STD of the number of women's survived days is 30.17, bigger than men's.


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