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json-editorを使ってJSON Schemaから入力フォームを生成する処理サンプル

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    <title>JSON Editor Example</title>

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<div id="editor"></div>
(function() {
    var schema;
    if(!schema) {
        schema = {
            title: "Person",
            type: "object",
            properties: {
                name: {
                    type: "string",
                    description: "First and Last name",
                    minLength: 4,
                    default: "Jeremy Dorn"
                age: {
                    type: "integer",
                    default: 25,
                    minimum: 18,
                    maximum: 99
                favorite_color: {
                    type: "string",
                    format: "color",
                    title: "favorite color",
                    default: "#ffa500"
                gender: {
                    type: "string",
                    enum: ["male", "female"]
                location: {
                    type: "object",
                    title: "Location",
                    properties: {
                        city: {
                            type: "string",
                            default: "San Francisco"
                        state: {
                            type: "string",
                            default: "CA"
                        citystate: {
                            type: "string",
                            description: "This is generated automatically from the previous two fields",
                            template: "{{city}}, {{state}}",
                            watch: {
                                city: 'location.city',
                                state: 'location.state'
                pets: {
                    type: "array",
                    format: "table",
                    title: "Pets",
                    uniqueItems: true,
                    items: {
                        type: "object",
                        title: "Pet",
                        properties: {
                            type: {
                                type: "string",
                                enum: ["cat","dog","bird","reptile","other"],
                                default: "dog"
                            name: {
                                type: "string"
                    default: [
                            type: "dog",
                            name: "Walter"

    // Divs/textareas on the page
    var $editor = document.getElementById('editor');

    var jsoneditor;

    var reload = function(keep_value) {
        var startval = undefined; // TODO ここに初期値を入れる。入れないとjsonschemaの初期値となる。

        if(jsoneditor) jsoneditor.destroy();
        jsoneditor = new JSONEditor($editor,{
            schema: schema,
            startval: startval,
            theme: 'bootstrap3'

    //JSONEditor.defaults.options.theme = "//maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/4.4.1/css/bootstrap.min.css";
    // JSONEditor.defaults.options.theme = 'bootstrap3';
    // JSONEditor.defaults.options.object_layout = 'normal';
    // JSONEditor.defaults.options.show_errors = 'interaction';




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