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d8_d10_refactoring_tsutaya 11/16, 11/30, 12/7 :: refactoring

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動画の最後のところで,rspec spec/final_specが通らずに終わっていますが,それは,

# in movie.rb
class Movie

  def initialize(title, the_price_code)
#    @title, self.price_code = title, the_price_code #before
        @title, @price = title, the_price_code #after





  • 自分のdirectoryにd8_refactoringを作り,tsutayaのrspecが通るように修正せよ.
  • Refactoring Tsutaya に従ってrefactoringせよ.
  • state patternについて解説せよ.

  • source ~/Desktop/lecture_22f/multi_scale_22_text/d8_10_refactoring_tsutaya/

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