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d4_rake_dsl 10/19 :: Rakefile, Thor, DSL

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  • DSL(RSpecもその一つ,describe, it …)
  • Rakefile
    • rake git_auto
  • gem ranking
> bundle gem hello_rudy --exe --git --mit --test=rspec
> bundle exec exe/hello_rudy 
bundler: not executable: exe/hello_rudy
> chmod a+x exe/hello_rudy
> bundle exec exe/hello_rudy
bundler: failed to load command: exe/hello_rudy (exe/hello_rudy)
> edit hello_rudy.gemspecでイランlineを消す,修正する
> edit lib/hello_rudy.rbにputs "hello rudy"を追加
  • Thor
> gem install thor
> edit lib/hello_rudy.rb
> spec.add_runtime_dependency 'thor'
> bundle install
>  edit lib/hello_rudy.rb
> edit exe/hello_rudy
> bundle exec exe/hello_rudy
> rake install:local


  • my_help , my_halo ??


  • Thor ??

  • source ~/Desktop/lecture_22f/multi_scale_22_text/d4_rake_dsl/

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