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Last updated at Posted at 2021-10-28


import talib

単純移動平均(SMA: Simple Moving Average)
def SMA(price):
    sma = talib.SMA(price)
    return sma

"""加重移動平均(WMA: Weighted Moving Average)"""
def WMA(price):
    wma = talib.WMA(price)
    return wma

"""指数移動平均(EMA: Exponential Moving Average)"""
def EMA(price):
    ema = talib.EMA(price)
    return ema

"""2重指数移動平均(DEMA: Double Exponential Moving Average)"""
def DEMA(price):
    dema = talib.DEMA(price)
    return dema

"""3重指数移動平均(TEMA: Triple Exponential Moving Average)"""
def TEMA(price):
    tema = talib.T3(price)
    return tema

"""三角移動平均(TMA: Triangular Moving Average)"""
def TRIMA(price):
    trima = talib.TRIMA(price)
    return trima

"""Kaufmanの適応型移動平均(KAMA: Kaufman Adaptive Moving Average)"""
def KAMA(price):
    kama = talib.KAMA(price)
    return kama

"""MESAの適応型移動平均(MAMA: MESA Adaptive Moving Average)"""
def MAMA(price):
    mama, fama = talib.MAMA(price)
    return mama, fama

"""トレンドライン(Hilbert Transform - Instantaneous Trendline)"""
def TRENDLINE(price):
    trendline = talib.HT_TRENDLINE(price)
    return trendline

ボリンジャー・バンド(Bollinger Bands)
timeperiod=15, nbdevup=2, nbdevdn=2, matype=0
def BBANDS(price):
    upperband, middleband, lowerband = talib.BBANDS(price, timeperiod=20, nbdevup=2, nbdevdn=2, matype=0)
    return upperband, middleband, lowerband

"""MidPoint over period"""
def MIDPOINT(price):
    midpoint = talib.MIDPOINT(price)
    return midpoint

"""変化率(ROC: Rate of change Percentage)"""
def ROC(price):
    roc = talib.ROCP(price)
    return roc

def MOM(price):
    mom = talib.MOM(price)
    return mom

RSI: Relative Strength Index
def RSI(price):
    rsi = talib.RSI(price)
    return rsi

"""MACD: Moving Average Convergence/Divergence"""
def MACD(price):
    macd, signal, hist = talib.MACD(price)
    return macd, signal, hist

"""APO: Absolute Price Oscillator"""
def APO(price):
    apo = talib.APO(price)
    return apo

"""PPO: Percentage Price Oscillator"""
def PPO(price):
    ppo = talib.PPO(price)
    return ppo

"""CMO: Chande Momentum Oscillator"""
def CMO(price):
    cmo = talib.CMO(price)
    return cmo

"""ヒルベルト変換 - Dominant Cycle Period"""
def DCPERIOD(price):
    dcperiod = talib.HT_DCPERIOD(price)
    return dcperiod

"""ヒルベルト変換 - Dominant Cycle Phase"""
def DCPHASE(price):
    dcphase = talib.HT_DCPHASE(price)
    return dcphase

"""ヒルベルト変換 - Phasor Components"""
def PHASOR(price):
    inphase, quadrature = talib.HT_PHASOR(price)
    return inphase, quadrature

"""ヒルベルト変換 - SineWave"""
def SINE(price):
    sine, leadsine = talib.HT_SINE(price)
    return sine, leadsine

"""ヒルベルト変換 - Trend vs Cycle Mode"""
def TRENDMODE(price):
    trendmode = talib.HT_TRENDMODE(price)
    return trendmode

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