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Perl で ベンチマーク取得

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use strict;
use warnings;
use Benchmark qw/timethese cmpthese/;

my $hoge1    = qq(hoge) x 1;
my $hoge10   = qq(hoge) x 10;
my $hoge100  = qq(hoge) x 100;
my $hoge1000 = qq(hoge) x 1000;

# 計測したい項目を設定
my $bm1 = timethese(100000, 
    equal_hoge1     => sub { $hoge1    eq $hoge1       for(1..100) },
    regex_hoge1     => sub { $hoge1    =~ /$hoge1/     for(1..100) },
    regexo_hoge1    => sub { $hoge1    =~ /$hoge1/o    for(1..100) },

    equal_hoge10    => sub { $hoge10   eq $hoge10      for(1..100) },
    regex_hoge10    => sub { $hoge10   =~ /$hoge10/    for(1..100) },
    regexo_hoge10   => sub { $hoge10   =~ /$hoge10/o   for(1..100) },

    equal_hoge100   => sub { $hoge100  eq $hoge100     for(1..100) },
    regex_hoge100   => sub { $hoge100  =~ /$hoge100/   for(1..100) },
    regexo_hoge100  => sub { $hoge100  =~ /$hoge100/o  for(1..100) },

    equal_hoge1000  => sub { $hoge1000 eq $hoge1000     for(1..100) },
    regex_hoge1000  => sub { $hoge1000 =~ /$hoge1000/   for(1..100) },
    regexo_hoge1000 => sub { $hoge1000 =~ /$hoge1000/o  for(1..100) },


# 結果出力
cmpthese $bm1;

# ->
# Benchmark: timing 100000 iterations of equal_hoge1, equal_hoge10, equal_hoge100, equal_hoge1000, regex_hoge1, regex_hoge10, regex_hoge100, regex_hoge1000, regexo_hoge1, regexo_hoge10, regexo_hoge100, regexo_hoge1000...
# equal_hoge1:      0 wallclock secs ( 0.56 usr +  0.00 sys =  0.56 CPU) @ 178253.12/s (n=100000)
# equal_hoge10:     1 wallclock secs ( 0.59 usr +  0.00 sys =  0.59 CPU) @ 168634.06/s (n=100000)
# equal_hoge100:    1 wallclock secs ( 0.59 usr +  0.00 sys =  0.59 CPU) @ 168634.06/s (n=100000)
# equal_hoge1000:   0 wallclock secs ( 0.59 usr +  0.00 sys =  0.59 CPU) @ 168634.06/s (n=100000)
# regex_hoge1:      2 wallclock secs ( 1.45 usr +  0.00 sys =  1.45 CPU) @ 68917.99/s (n=100000)
# regex_hoge10:     2 wallclock secs ( 1.98 usr +  0.00 sys =  1.98 CPU) @ 50505.05/s (n=100000)
# regex_hoge100:    5 wallclock secs ( 4.80 usr +  0.00 sys =  4.80 CPU) @ 20811.65/s (n=100000)
# regex_hoge1000:  32 wallclock secs (32.54 usr +  0.00 sys = 32.54 CPU) @ 3072.95/s (n=100000)
# regexo_hoge1:     2 wallclock secs ( 1.31 usr +  0.00 sys =  1.31 CPU) @ 76335.88/s (n=100000)
# regexo_hoge10:    2 wallclock secs ( 1.72 usr +  0.00 sys =  1.72 CPU) @ 58275.06/s (n=100000)
# regexo_hoge100:   4 wallclock secs ( 4.31 usr +  0.00 sys =  4.31 CPU) @ 23223.41/s (n=100000)
# regexo_hoge1000: 30 wallclock secs (30.20 usr +  0.00 sys = 30.20 CPU) @ 3311.04/s (n=100000)
#                     Rate regex_hoge1000 regexo_hoge1000 regex_hoge100 regexo_hoge100 regex_hoge10 regexo_hoge10 regex_hoge1 regexo_hoge1 equal_hoge100 equal_hoge10 equal_hoge1000 equal_hoge1
# regex_hoge1000    3073/s             --             -7%          -85%           -87%         -94%          -95%        -96%         -96%          -98%         -98%           -98%        -98%
# regexo_hoge1000   3311/s             8%              --          -84%           -86%         -93%          -94%        -95%         -96%          -98%         -98%           -98%        -98%
# regex_hoge100    20812/s           577%            529%            --           -10%         -59%          -64%        -70%         -73%          -88%         -88%           -88%        -88%
# regexo_hoge100   23223/s           656%            601%           12%             --         -54%          -60%        -66%         -70%          -86%         -86%           -86%        -87%
# regex_hoge10     50505/s          1544%           1425%          143%           117%           --          -13%        -27%         -34%          -70%         -70%           -70%        -72%
# regexo_hoge10    58275/s          1796%           1660%          180%           151%          15%            --        -15%         -24%          -65%         -65%           -65%        -67%
# regex_hoge1      68918/s          2143%           1981%          231%           197%          36%           18%          --         -10%          -59%         -59%           -59%        -61%
# regexo_hoge1     76336/s          2384%           2205%          267%           229%          51%           31%         11%           --          -55%         -55%           -55%        -57%
# equal_hoge100   168634/s          5388%           4993%          710%           626%         234%          189%        145%         121%            --           0%             0%         -5%
# equal_hoge10    168634/s          5388%           4993%          710%           626%         234%          189%        145%         121%            0%           --             0%         -5%
# equal_hoge1000  168634/s          5388%           4993%          710%           626%         234%          189%        145%         121%            0%           0%             --         -5%
# equal_hoge1     178253/s          5701%           5284%          757%           668%         253%          206%        159%         134%            6%           6%             6%          --

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