
More than 5 years have passed since last update.


Last updated at Posted at 2018-06-30


先日 BMP ファイル上に点や直線を描くルーチンを作りましたが、直線がギザギザしているので、アンチエイリアスをかけてみることにしました。


『フルスクラッチによるグラフィックスプログラミング入門』という本の 4.6.7 節を参考に、直線の小数部分の比で隣あう二点で色を背景色と平均化することで実現する事にしました。前回から簡単な修正ですみます。








      module m_bmp
          implicit none

          type :: t_bmp_file_header
              integer(2) :: bfType = transfer('BM', 0_2, 1) ! BitMap
              integer(4) :: bfSize          ! file size in bytes
              integer(2) :: bfReserved1 = 0 ! always 0
              integer(2) :: bfReserved2 = 0 ! always 0
              integer(4) :: bfOffBits
          end type t_bmp_file_header

          type :: t_bmp_info_header
              integer(4) :: biSize     = Z'28' ! size of bmp_info_header ; 40bytes 
              integer(4) :: biWidth
              integer(4) :: biHeight
              integer(2) :: biPlanes   = 1 ! always 1
              integer(2) :: biBitCount
              integer(4) :: biCompression = 0 !0:nocompression,1:8bitRLE,2:4bitRLE,3:bitfield
              integer(4) :: biSizeImage
              integer(4) :: biXPelsPerMeter = 3780 ! 96dpi
              integer(4) :: biYPelsPerMeter = 3780 ! 96dpi 
              integer(4) :: biClrUsed      = 0
              integer(4) :: biClrImportant = 0 
          end type t_bmp_info_header

          type :: t_rgb
              character :: b, g, r
          end type t_rgb 

          type :: t_bmp
              integer :: nx, ny
              type (t_rgb), allocatable :: rgb(:, :)
              procedure :: wr => wr_bmp
              procedure :: rd => rd_bmp
          end type t_bmp 

          interface t_bmp
              module procedure :: init_bmp 
          end interface t_bmp


          type (t_bmp) function init_bmp(nx, ny) result(bmp)
              integer, intent(in) :: nx, ny
              allocate(bmp%rgb(nx, ny))
          end function init_bmp

          subroutine wr_bmp(bmp, fn)
              class (t_bmp), intent(in) :: bmp
              character (len = *), intent(in) :: fn
              type (t_bmp_file_header) :: bmp_file_header
              type (t_bmp_info_header) :: bmp_info_header
              integer :: i
              associate(nx => size(bmp%rgb, 1), ny => size(bmp%rgb, 2))
                  bmp_file_header%bfSize      = 14 + 40 + 0 + (3 * nx + mod(nx, 4)) * ny
                  bmp_file_header%bfOffBits   = 14 + 40
                  bmp_info_header%biWidth     = nx
                  bmp_info_header%biHeight    = ny
                  bmp_info_header%biBitCount  = 24 
                  bmp_info_header%biSizeImage = (3 * nx + mod(nx, 4)) * ny
                  open(9, file = fn//'.bmp', access = 'stream', status = 'unknown')
                  write(9) bmp_file_header
                  write(9) bmp_info_header
                  write(9) (bmp%rgb(:, i), repeat(achar(0), mod(nx, 4)), i = 1, ny)
              end associate
          end subroutine wr_bmp

          subroutine rd_bmp(bmp, fn)
              class (t_bmp), intent(out) :: bmp
              character (len = *), intent(in) :: fn
              type (t_bmp_file_header) :: bmp_file_header
              type (t_bmp_info_header) :: bmp_info_header
              integer :: i
              character :: dummy(4)
              associate(nx => bmp_info_header%biWidth, ny => bmp_info_header%biHeight)
                  open(10, file = fn//'.bmp', access = 'stream', status = 'old')
                  read(10) bmp_file_header
                  read(10) bmp_info_header
                  allocate(bmp%rgb(nx, ny))
                  read(10) (bmp%rgb(:, i), dummy(:mod(nx, 4)), i = 1, ny)
              end associate  
          end subroutine rd_bmp
      end module m_bmp

      module m_pic
          use m_bmp
          implicit none

          type, extends(t_bmp) :: t_pic
              procedure :: point, point_sc, line, lineaa
          end type t_pic

          interface t_pic
              module procedure :: init_pic
          end interface t_pic


         type (t_pic) function init_pic(nx, ny) result(bmp)
              integer, intent(in) :: nx, ny
              allocate(bmp%rgb(nx, ny), source = t_rgb(achar(0), achar(0), achar(0)))
         end function init_pic

         subroutine point(pic, ix, iy, rgb)
              class (t_pic), intent(in out) :: pic
              integer      , intent(in) :: ix, iy
              type (t_rgb) , intent(in) :: rgb
              if (ix > 0 .and. iy > 0 .and. ix <= size(pic%rgb, 1) .and. iy <= size(pic%rgb, 2)) &
                pic%rgb(ix, iy) = rgb
         end subroutine point

         subroutine point_sc(pic, ix, iy, rgb_fg, a)
              class (t_pic), intent(in out) :: pic
              integer      , intent(in) :: ix, iy
              type (t_rgb) , intent(in) :: rgb_fg
              real         , intent(in) :: a
              type (t_rgb) :: rgb_bg
              if (ix > 0 .and. iy > 0 .and. ix <= size(pic%rgb, 1) .and. iy <= size(pic%rgb, 2)) then
                  rgb_bg = pic%rgb(ix, iy)                                                     ! background color 
                  pic%rgb(ix, iy) = scale_rgb(rgb_fg, rgb_bg, a)                               ! linear average 
              end if   
          end subroutine point_sc

          type (t_rgb) function scale_rgb(rgb_fg, rgb_bg, a)
              type (t_rgb), intent(in) :: rgb_fg, rgb_bg
              real, intent(in) :: a
              integer :: ib, ig, ir
              ib = a * iachar(rgb_fg%b) + (1.0 - a) * iachar(rgb_bg%b) 
              ig = a * iachar(rgb_fg%g) + (1.0 - a) * iachar(rgb_bg%g) 
              ir = a * iachar(rgb_fg%r) + (1.0 - a) * iachar(rgb_bg%r) 
              scale_rgb = t_rgb(achar(ib), achar(ig), achar(ir))
          end function scale_rgb    

          subroutine line(pic, ix0, iy0, ix1, iy1, rgb)
              class (t_pic), intent(in out) :: pic
              integer      , intent(in) :: ix0, iy0, ix1, iy1
              type (t_rgb) , intent(in) :: rgb
              integer :: ix, iy, mx, my
              real :: dx, dy, x, y
              mx = ix1 - ix0
              my = iy1 - iy0
              if (mx == 0 .and. my == 0) then 
                  call pic%point(ix0, iy0, rgb)
              else if (abs(mx) > abs(my)) then
                  dy = my / real(mx)
                  y  = iy0 
                  do ix = 0, mx, sign(1, mx)
                      y = dy * ix
                      iy = nint(y)
                      call pic%point(ix0 + ix, iy0 + iy, rgb)
                  end do    
                  dx = mx / real(my)
                  x  = ix0 
                  do iy = 0, my, sign(1, my)
                      x = dx * iy
                      ix = nint(x)
                      call pic%point(ix0 + ix, iy0 + iy, rgb)
                  end do    
              end if    
          end subroutine line

          subroutine lineaa(pic, ix0, iy0, ix1, iy1, rgb)
              class (t_pic), intent(in out) :: pic
              integer      , intent(in) :: ix0, iy0, ix1, iy1
              type (t_rgb) , intent(in) :: rgb
              integer :: ix, iy, mx, my
              real :: dx, dy, x, y, a
              mx = ix1 - ix0
              my = iy1 - iy0
              if (mx == 0 .and. my == 0) then 
                  call pic%point(ix0, iy0, rgb)
              else if (abs(mx) > abs(my)) then
                  dy = my / real(mx)
                  y  = iy0 
                  do ix = 0, mx, sign(1, mx)
                      y = dy * ix
                      iy = int(y)
                      a  = abs(y) - floor(abs(y))                               ! weight
                      call pic%point_sc(ix0 + ix, iy0 + iy, rgb, 1.0 - a)       ! dot1
                      iy = iy + int(sign(1.0, dy * mx))                         ! adjoint dot 
                      call pic%point_sc(ix0 + ix, iy0 + iy, rgb, a)             ! dot2
                  end do    
                  dx = mx / real(my)
                  x  = ix0 
                  do iy = 0, my, sign(1, my)
                      x = dx * iy
                      ix = int(x)
                      a  = abs(x) - floor(abs(x))                               ! weight
                      call pic%point_sc(ix0 + ix, iy0 + iy, rgb, 1.0 - a)       ! dot1
                      ix = ix + int(sign(1.0, dx * my))                         ! adjoint dot 
                      call pic%point_sc(ix0 + ix, iy0 + iy, rgb, a)             ! dot2 
                  end do    
              end if    
          end subroutine lineaa
      end module m_pic

      program bmp_RW
          use m_pic
          type (t_rgb), parameter :: White = t_rgb(achar(255), achar(255), achar(255)), &
                                  &  Red   = t_rgb(achar(  0), achar(  0), achar(255))  
          integer, parameter :: nx = 640, ny = 480
          integer :: i, ix, iy, ix0, ix1, iy0, iy1, nr
          real :: x, y
          type (t_pic) :: pic2, pic3
          pic3 = t_pic(nx, ny)
          pic3%rgb = White
          do ix = 1, 50, 3
             call pic3%lineaa(1,  1, 640, 40 * ix, Red)
             call pic3%line(1, 51, 640, 40 * ix + 50, t_rgb(achar(255),achar(0),achar(0)))
          end do
          call pic3%wr('aa')
          pic2 = t_pic(nx, ny)
          pic2%rgb = White
          nr = 110
          do iy = 0, nr                                   ! Hinomaru
              ix = sqrt(real(nr**2 - iy**2))
              ix0 = nx / 2 - ix
              ix1 = nx / 2 + ix
              iy0 = ny / 2 - iy
              iy1 = ny / 2 + iy
              call pic2%line(ix0, iy0, ix1, iy0, Red)
              call pic2%line(ix0, iy1, ix1, iy1, Red)
          end do    
          call ray_x(1, 3 * nx / 18)                      ! kou-jyou 
          call ray_x(nx / 4, 6 * nx / 17)
          call ray_x(7 * nx / 16, nx / 2)
          call ray_y(ny / 7, 5 * ny / 17)
          call ray_y(8 * ny / 19, ny / 2)
          call pic2%wr('sun')

          subroutine ray_x(ixa, ixb) 
              integer, intent(in) :: ixa, ixb
              integer :: ix
              do ix = ixa, ixb                       
                  ix0 =  1 + ix
                  ix1 = nx - ix
                  iy0 = ny 
                  iy1 = 1
                  call pic2%line(ix0, iy0, ix1, iy1, Red)
                  call pic2%line(ix1, iy0, ix0, iy1, Red)
              end do
              ix0 =  1 + ix
              ix1 = nx - ix
              iy0 = ny
              iy1 = 1
              call pic2%lineaa(ix0, iy0, ix1, iy1, Red)
              call pic2%lineaa(ix1, iy0, ix0, iy1, Red)
              ix = ixa
              ix0 =  1 + ix
              ix1 = nx - ix
              iy0 = ny
              iy1 = 1
              call pic2%lineaa(ix0, iy0, ix1, iy1, Red)
              call pic2%lineaa(ix1, iy0, ix0, iy1, Red)
          end subroutine ray_x

          subroutine ray_y(iya, iyb) 
              integer, intent(in) :: iya, iyb
              integer :: iy
              do iy = iya, iyb
                  ix0 =  1
                  ix1 = nx
                  iy0 =  1 + iy
                  iy1 = ny - iy
                  call pic2%line(ix0, iy0, ix1, iy1, Red) 
                  call pic2%line(ix1, iy0, ix0, iy1, Red)
              end do    
              ix0 =  1
              ix1 = nx
              iy0 =  1 + iya
              iy1 = ny - iya
              call pic2%lineaa(ix0, iy0, ix1, iy1, Red)
              call pic2%lineaa(ix1, iy0, ix0, iy1, Red)
              ix0 =  1
              ix1 = nx
              iy0 =  1 + iya
              iy1 = ny - iya
              call pic2%lineaa(ix0, iy0, ix1, iy1, Red)
              call pic2%lineaa(ix1, iy0, ix0, iy1, Red)
          end subroutine ray_y
      end program bmp_RW

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