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AWS Lambdaの実装・運用で知っておきたかったこと

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AWS Labmdaの本格利用を検討して、調査・検証を行ったので、知見をまとめる。


  • 運用関連のこと
  • コードの実装関連のこと
  • cost関連のこと


AWS Lambaの運用周りの私見をまとめる。

aws cli使うか、スクリプト書いて、自前でCICD組むか、lambrollを使っちゃうのが良さそう。



既に運用済みのLambdaがあった場合、それをコードで管理できるようにする(terraform import的な)ことができなさそう。





nested application patternの確認

AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09'
Transform: AWS::Serverless-2016-10-31
Description: >
xxxx omit xxx
    Type: AWS::Serverless::Function # More info about Function Resource: https://github.com/awslabs/serverless-application-model/blob/master/versions/2016-10-31.md#awsserverlessfunction
      CodeUri: hello_world/
      Handler: app.lambda_handler
      Runtime: python3.9
      - x86_64
          Type: Api # More info about API Event Source: https://github.com/awslabs/serverless-application-model/blob/master/versions/2016-10-31.md#api
            Path: /hello
            Method: get
  PiyoFunction: ######### ABLE TO ADD second func HERE #########
    Type: AWS::Serverless::Function # More info about Function Resource: https://github.com/awslabs/serverless-application-model/blob/master/versions/2016-10-31.md#awsserverlessfunction
      CodeUri: fuga/
      Handler: app.lambda_handler
      Runtime: python3.9
      - x86_64
          Type: Api # More info about API Event Source: https://github.com/awslabs/serverless-application-model/blob/master/versions/2016-10-31.md#api
            Path: /fuga
            Method: get
xxxx omit xxx

削除するときは上記の箇所をけして、build → deploy で関連リソースとともに一緒に消してくれる。

$ sam build --profile assumed-profile-name
xxx omit xxx
CloudFormation stack changeset
Operation                                            LogicalResourceId                                    ResourceType                                         Replacement
+ Add                                                ServerlessRestApiDeployment47fc2d5f9d                AWS::ApiGateway::Deployment                          N/A
* Modify                                             ServerlessRestApiProdStage                           AWS::ApiGateway::Stage                               False
* Modify                                             ServerlessRestApi                                    AWS::ApiGateway::RestApi                             False
- Delete                                             PiyoFunctionHelloWorldPermissionProd                AWS::Lambda::Permission                              N/A
- Delete                                             PiyoFunctionRole                                    AWS::IAM::Role                                       N/A
- Delete                                             PiyoFunction                                        AWS::Lambda::Function                                N/A
- Delete                                             ServerlessRestApiDeployment52d2abd56c                AWS::ApiGateway::Deployment                          N/A

Changeset created successfully. arn:aws:***
2024-02-07 19:56:09 - Waiting for stack create/update to complete

CloudFormation events from stack operations (refresh every 5.0 seconds)
ResourceStatus                                       ResourceType                                         LogicalResourceId                                    ResourceStatusReason
UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS                                   AWS::CloudFormation::Stack                           sam-test-piyo                                       User Initiated
UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS                                   AWS::ApiGateway::RestApi                             ServerlessRestApi                                    -
UPDATE_COMPLETE                                      AWS::ApiGateway::RestApi                             ServerlessRestApi                                    -
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS                                   AWS::ApiGateway::Deployment                          ServerlessRestApiDeployment47fc2d5f9d                -
CREATE_IN_PROGRESS                                   AWS::ApiGateway::Deployment                          ServerlessRestApiDeployment47fc2d5f9d                Resource creation Initiated
CREATE_COMPLETE                                      AWS::ApiGateway::Deployment                          ServerlessRestApiDeployment47fc2d5f9d                -
UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS                                   AWS::ApiGateway::Stage                               ServerlessRestApiProdStage                           -
UPDATE_COMPLETE                                      AWS::ApiGateway::Stage                               ServerlessRestApiProdStage                           -
UPDATE_COMPLETE_CLEANUP_IN_PROGRESS                  AWS::CloudFormation::Stack                           sam-test-piyo                                       -
DELETE_IN_PROGRESS                                   AWS::Lambda::Permission                              PiyoFunctionHelloWorldPermissionProd                -
DELETE_IN_PROGRESS                                   AWS::ApiGateway::Deployment                          ServerlessRestApiDeployment52d2abd56c                -
DELETE_COMPLETE                                      AWS::Lambda::Permission                              PiyoFunctionHelloWorldPermissionProd                -
DELETE_COMPLETE                                      AWS::ApiGateway::Deployment                          ServerlessRestApiDeployment52d2abd56c                -
DELETE_IN_PROGRESS                                   AWS::Lambda::Function                                PiyoFunction                                        -
DELETE_COMPLETE                                      AWS::Lambda::Function                                PiyoFunction                                        -
DELETE_IN_PROGRESS                                   AWS::IAM::Role                                       PiyoFunctionRole                                    -
DELETE_COMPLETE                                      AWS::IAM::Role                                       PiyoFunctionRole                                    -
UPDATE_COMPLETE                                      AWS::CloudFormation::Stack                           sam-test-piyo                                       -
xxx omit xxx


$ sam deploy --guided --profile assumed-profile-name
xxx omit xxx
CloudFormation stack changeset
Operation                                            LogicalResourceId                                    ResourceType                                         Replacement
* Modify                                             PiyoFunction                                        AWS::Lambda::Function                                False
* Modify                                             ServerlessRestApi                                    AWS::ApiGateway::RestApi                             False
Changeset created successfully. arn:aws:***
Previewing CloudFormation changeset before deployment
Deploy this changeset? [y/N]: y
2024-02-07 20:51:47 - Waiting for stack create/update to complete
CloudFormation events from stack operations (refresh every 5.0 seconds)
ResourceStatus                                       ResourceType                                         LogicalResourceId                                    ResourceStatusReason
UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS                                   AWS::CloudFormation::Stack                           sam-test-piyo                                       User Initiated
UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS                                   AWS::Lambda::Function                                PiyoFunction                                        -
UPDATE_COMPLETE                                      AWS::Lambda::Function                                PiyoFunction                                        -
UPDATE_COMPLETE_CLEANUP_IN_PROGRESS                  AWS::CloudFormation::Stack                           sam-test-piyo                                       -
UPDATE_COMPLETE                                      AWS::CloudFormation::Stack                           sam-test-piyo                                       -
xxx omit xxx

serverless framework

serverless の管理まわりの元祖っぽい


terraform import みたいなことができないのがネック。

❯ sls
(node:46239) [DEP0040] DeprecationWarning: The `punycode` module is deprecated. Please use a userland alternative instead.
(Use `node --trace-deprecation ...` to show where the warning was created)
Creating a new serverless project
? What do you want to make? (Use arrow keys)
❯ AWS - Node.js - Starter
  AWS - Node.js - HTTP API
  AWS - Node.js - Scheduled Task
  AWS - Node.js - SQS Worker
  AWS - Node.js - Express API
  AWS - Node.js - Express API with DynamoDB
  AWS - Python - Starter
  AWS - Python - HTTP API
  AWS - Python - Scheduled Task
  AWS - Python - SQS Worker
  AWS - Python - Flask API
  AWS - Python - Flask API with DynamoDB

❯ cat serverless.yml
service: aws-node-project
frameworkVersion: '3'
  name: aws
  runtime: nodejs18.x
  region: ap-northeast-1
  profile: assumed-role-name
    handler: index.handler

assumed-role 指定できる

AWS_SDK_LOAD_CONFIG=1 sls deploy --aws-profile=assumed-role-name
(node:41964) [DEP0040] DeprecationWarning: The `punycode` module is deprecated. Please use a userland alternative instead.
(Use `node --trace-deprecation ...` to show where the warning was created)
Deploying aws-node-project to stage dev (ap-northeast-1)
✔ Service deployed to stack aws-node-project-dev (106s)
  function1: aws-node-project-dev-function1 (1.4 kB)
Need a faster logging experience than CloudWatch? Try our Dev Mode in Console: run "serverless dev"


AWS_SDK_LOAD_CONFIG=1 sls invoke --function function1
(node:46864) [DEP0040] DeprecationWarning: The `punycode` module is deprecated. Please use a userland alternative instead.
(Use `node --trace-deprecation ...` to show where the warning was created)
    "statusCode": 200,
    "body": "{\n  \"message\": \"Go Serverless v3.0! Your function executed successfully!\",\n  \"input\": {}\n}"
test/sls-py-tuto/aws-node-project via  v21.1.0 on ☁️  (ap-northeast-1) [10h28m19s] on ☁️   took 4s
❯ AWS_SDK_LOAD_CONFIG=1 sls logs --function function1
(node:46887) [DEP0040] DeprecationWarning: The `punycode` module is deprecated. Please use a userland alternative instead.
(Use `node --trace-deprecation ...` to show where the warning was created)
INIT_START Runtime Version: nodejs:18.v20   Runtime Version ARN: arn:aws:**
2024-02-08 12:41:31.521 INFO    hogefuga
END Duration: 3.05 ms (init: 170.44 ms) Memory Used: 66 MB


Then, when you run sls test (your function must already have been deployed) it will make an HTTP request against the hello function and pass if the response has a status code of 200:


AWS_SDK_LOAD_CONFIG=1 serverless metrics
(node:51784) [DEP0040] DeprecationWarning: The `punycode` module is deprecated. Please use a userland alternative instead.
(Use `node --trace-deprecation ...` to show where the warning was created)
Service wide metrics
February 7, 2024 2:00 PM - February 8, 2024 2:00 PM
invocations: 2
throttles: 0
errors: 0
duration (avg.): 3.5ms



また、aws lambdaのサポートが終わりそう?
AWS SAM のwrapperで、cacheとかを使うっぽい?


terraform import みたいなことができるのでこれ一択。

$ lambroll init --function-name=mukai-test --download --profile=assumed-profile
2024/02/08 22:14:32 [info] lambroll v0.14.7 with function.json
2024/02/08 22:14:34 [info] function mukai-test found
2024/02/08 22:14:34 [info] downloading function.zip
2024/02/08 22:14:34 [info] creating .lambdaignore
Overwrite existing file .lambdaignore? (y/n) [n]: y
2024/02/08 22:14:36 [info] creating function.json
import json
Overwrite existing file function.json? (y/n) [n]: y
2024/02/08 22:14:37 [info] completed
cat function.json
  "Architectures": [
  "Description": "",
  "EphemeralStorage": {
    "Size": 512
  "FunctionName": "hoge-test",
  "Handler": "lambda_function.lambda_handler",
  "LoggingConfig": {
    "LogFormat": "Text",
    "LogGroup": "/aws/lambda/hoge-test"
  "MemorySize": 128,
  "Role": "arn:aws:**",
  "Runtime": "python3.12"
$ ls
function.json   function.zip

$ unzip function.zip
Archive:  function.zip
 extracting: lambda_function.py
$ lambroll deploy --function=function.json --src="." --profile=assumed-profile
2024/02/08 22:16:33 [info] lambroll v0.14.7 with function.json
2024/02/08 22:16:33 [info] starting deploy function mukai-test
2024/02/08 22:16:35 [info] creating zip archive from .
2024/02/08 22:16:35 [info] zip archive wrote 307 bytes
2024/02/08 22:16:35 [info] updating function configuration
2024/02/08 22:16:35 [info] State:Active LastUpdateStatus:Successful
2024/02/08 22:16:35 [info] updated function configuration successfully
2024/02/08 22:16:35 [info] updating function code
2024/02/08 22:16:35 [info] State:Active LastUpdateStatus:InProgress
2024/02/08 22:16:35 [info] waiting for LastUpdateStatus Successful
2024/02/08 22:16:36 [info] State:Active LastUpdateStatus:Successful
2024/02/08 22:16:37 [info] update function code request was accepted
2024/02/08 22:16:38 [info] State:Active LastUpdateStatus:InProgress
2024/02/08 22:16:38 [info] waiting for LastUpdateStatus Successful
2024/02/08 22:16:39 [info] State:Active LastUpdateStatus:InProgress
2024/02/08 22:16:39 [info] waiting for LastUpdateStatus Successful
2024/02/08 22:16:41 [info] State:Active LastUpdateStatus:InProgress
2024/02/08 22:16:41 [info] waiting for LastUpdateStatus Successful
2024/02/08 22:16:45 [info] State:Active LastUpdateStatus:Successful
2024/02/08 22:16:45 [info] updated function code successfully
2024/02/08 22:16:45 [info] deployed version 1
2024/02/08 22:16:45 [info] updating alias set current to version 1
2024/02/08 22:16:45 [info] alias current is not found. creating alias
2024/02/08 22:16:45 [info] alias updated
2024/02/08 22:16:45 [info] completed


AWS Lambda自体を調査し、処理の高速化につながるものや注意点等をまとめる。

The function's class stays in memory, so clients and variables that are declared outside of the handler method in initialization code can be reused. To save processing time on subsequent events, create reusable resources like AWS SDK clients during initialization. Once initialized, each instance of your function can process thousands of requests.

LambdaFunction class はメモリに残り続けるので、初期化時になるべく、使いまわせるものをメモリ上に残す実装にすると、次回の実行時により早くなる。

The 10-second timeout doesn't apply to functions that are using provisioned concurrency or SnapStart. For provisioned concurrency and SnapStart functions, your initialization code can run for up to 15 minutes. The time limit is 130 seconds or the configured function timeout (maximum 900 seconds), whichever is higher.



For example, if your account has a concurrency limit of 1,000, you cannot reserve all 1,000 units of concurrency to a single function.


Reserved concurrency – This represents the maximum number of concurrent instances allocated to your function. When a function has reserved concurrency, no other function can use that concurrency. Configuring reserved concurrency for a function incurs no additional charges.

Provisioned concurrency – This is the number of pre-initialized execution environments allocated to your function. These execution environments are ready to respond immediately to incoming function requests. Configuring provisioned concurrency incurs additional charges to your AWS account.

Reserved concurrencyはただ、台数を割り当てるだけ。

Provisioned concurrencyは事前に初期化された環境を用意するので、リクエストをすぐに捌ける。

今回のような動的リサイズにはProvisioned concurrencyの設定を入れる方が良い。


リソースの割り当て大きくして、Provisioned concurrencyあげると、料金が高くなる。

With Application Auto Scaling, you can set your own scaling schedule according to predictable load changes.


Subsequent invocations processed by the same instance of your function can reuse these resources. This saves cost by reducing function run time.


To maintain your persistent connection, use the keep-alive directive associated with your runtime.

keep-alive を設定すると良い

This will reduce the amount of time that it takes for your deployment package to be downloaded and unpacked ahead of invocation.


AWSCodeDeployやAWS SAMを使わないとRolloing Deploymentができないので、デプロイ時に起動が遅くなる可能性がある。


Larger increase requests will take time to review, process, approve, and deploy. You can track your request case in the AWS Support console. Requests to increase service quotas don't receive priority support. If you have an urgent request, contact AWS Support.

同時実行数の上限の増加申請はAWS Support consoleから




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