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    using UnityEngine;

    /// Draws a circular reticle in front of any object that the user gazes at.
    /// The circle dilates if the object is clickable.

     * GvrReticle : カーソルの焦点クラス
    public class GvrReticle : MonoBehaviour, IGvrGazePointer {
        //焦点の円を作るセグメント(要素?)数 ※多分これが多い方が高画質?
        /// Number of segments making the reticle circle.
        public int reticleSegments = 20;

        /// Growth speed multiplier for the reticle.
        public float reticleGrowthSpeed = 8.0f;

        /// Private members
        private Material materialComp; //焦点として表示するマテリアル
        private GameObject targetObj; //焦点を合わせているオブジェクト

        /// Current inner angle of the reticle (in degrees).
        private float reticleInnerAngle = 0.0f;
        // Current outer angle of the reticle (in degrees).
        private float reticleOuterAngle = 0.5f;
        /// Current distance of the reticle (in meters).
        private float reticleDistanceInMeters = 10.0f;

        /// Minimum inner angle of the reticle (in degrees).
        private const float kReticleMinInnerAngle = 0.0f;
        /// Minimum outer angle of the reticle (in degrees).
        private const float kReticleMinOuterAngle = 0.5f;
        /// Angle at which to expand the reticle when intersecting with an object.
        private const float kReticleGrowthAngle = 1.5f;

        /// Minimum distance of the reticle (in meters).
        private const float kReticleDistanceMin = 0.45f;
        /// Maximum distance of the reticle (in meters).
        private const float kReticleDistanceMax = 10.0f;

        /// Current inner and outer diameters of the reticle, before distance multiplication.
        private float reticleInnerDiameter = 0.0f;
        private float reticleOuterDiameter = 0.0f;

         * Start : クラスが生成された時に呼ばれる
        void Start () {
            materialComp = gameObject.GetComponent<Renderer>().material;

         * OnEnable : オブジェクトが有効になった時
        void OnEnable() {
            GazeInputModule.gazePointer = this;

         * OnDisable : オブジェクトが無効になった時
        void OnDisable() {
            if (GazeInputModule.gazePointer == this) {
                GazeInputModule.gazePointer = null;

         * Update : フレーム毎に呼ばれる
        void Update() {

        /// This is called when the 'BaseInputModule' system should be enabled.
         * OnGazeEnabled : BaseInputModuleが有効になった時
        public void OnGazeEnabled() {


        /// This is called when the 'BaseInputModule' system should be disabled.
         * OnGazeDisabled : BaseInputModuleが無効になった時
        public void OnGazeDisabled() {


        /// Called when the user is looking on a valid GameObject. This can be a 3D or UI element.
        /// The camera is the event camera, the target is the object the user is looking at, and the intersectionPosition is the intersection point of the ray sent from the camera on the object.
         * OnGazeStart : 選択可能なオブジェクトを選択開始
        public void OnGazeStart(Camera camera, GameObject targetObject, Vector3 intersectionPosition, bool isInteractive) {
            SetGazeTarget(intersectionPosition, isInteractive);

        /// Called every frame the user is still looking at a valid GameObject. This can be a 3D or UI element.
        /// The camera is the event camera, the target is the object the user is looking at, and the intersectionPosition is the intersection point of the ray sent from the camera on the object.
         * OnGazeStay : 選択可能なオブジェクトを選択中
        public void OnGazeStay(Camera camera, GameObject targetObject, Vector3 intersectionPosition, bool isInteractive) {
            SetGazeTarget(intersectionPosition, isInteractive);

        /// Called when the user's look no longer intersects an object previously intersected with a ray projected from the camera.
        /// This is also called just before **OnGazeDisabled** and may have have any of the values set as **null**.
        /// The camera is the event camera and the target is the object the user previously looked at.
         * OnGazeExit : 選択可能なオブジェクトを選択解除
        public void OnGazeExit(Camera camera, GameObject targetObject) {
            reticleDistanceInMeters = kReticleDistanceMax;
            reticleInnerAngle = kReticleMinInnerAngle;
            reticleOuterAngle = kReticleMinOuterAngle;

        /// Called when a trigger event is initiated.
        /// This is practically when the user begins pressing the trigger.
         * OnGazeTriggerStart : 選択でのイベント開始時
        public void OnGazeTriggerStart(Camera camera) {
            // Put your reticle trigger start logic here :)

        /// Called when a trigger event is finished.
        /// This is practically when the user releases the trigger.
         * OnGazeTriggerEnd : 選択でのイベント終了時
        public void OnGazeTriggerEnd(Camera camera) {
            // Put your reticle trigger end logic here :)

         * GetPointerRadius : 内側の半径と外側の半径を取得??
        public void GetPointerRadius(out float innerRadius, out float outerRadius) {
            float min_inner_angle_radians = Mathf.Deg2Rad * kReticleMinInnerAngle;
            float max_inner_angle_radians = Mathf.Deg2Rad * (kReticleMinInnerAngle + kReticleGrowthAngle);

            innerRadius = 2.0f * Mathf.Tan(min_inner_angle_radians);
            outerRadius = 2.0f * Mathf.Tan(max_inner_angle_radians);

         * CreateReticleVertices : 焦点に表示するカーソルの頂点を生成
        private void CreateReticleVertices() {
            Mesh mesh = new Mesh();
            GetComponent<MeshFilter>().mesh = mesh;

            int segments_count = reticleSegments;
            int vertex_count = (segments_count+1)*2;

            #region Vertices

            Vector3[] vertices = new Vector3[vertex_count];
             * Mathf.PI
             * 円周率
            const float kTwoPi = Mathf.PI * 2.0f;
            int vi = 0;
            for (int si = 0; si <= segments_count; ++si) {
                // Add two vertices for every circle segment:
                // one at the beginning of the prism,
                // and one at the end of the prism.
                float angle = (float)si / (float)(segments_count) * kTwoPi;
                 * Mathf.Sin(a)
                 * aの角度のサイン(三角比)を返す
                float x = Mathf.Sin(angle);
                 * Mathf.Cos(a)
                 * aの角度のコサイン(三角比)を返す
                float y = Mathf.Cos(angle);

                vertices[vi++] = new Vector3(x, y, 0.0f); // Outer vertex.
                vertices[vi++] = new Vector3(x, y, 1.0f); // Inner vertex.

            #region Triangles
            int indices_count = (segments_count+1)*3*2;
            int[] indices = new int[indices_count];

            int vert = 0;
            int idx = 0;
            for (int si = 0; si < segments_count; ++si) {
                indices[idx++] = vert+1;
                indices[idx++] = vert;
                indices[idx++] = vert+2;

                indices[idx++] = vert+1;
                indices[idx++] = vert+2;
                indices[idx++] = vert+3;

                vert += 2;

            mesh.vertices = vertices;//Meshを構成する円情報の座標を与える
            mesh.triangles = indices;//Meshを構成する三角形情報の座標を与える

         * UpdateDiameters : 焦点カーソルの直径の更新
        private void UpdateDiameters() {
             * Mathf.Clamp(a,b,c)
             * aの値をb以上c以下の値にして返してくれる

            reticleDistanceInMeters = Mathf.Clamp(reticleDistanceInMeters, kReticleDistanceMin, kReticleDistanceMax);

            if (reticleInnerAngle < kReticleMinInnerAngle) {
                reticleInnerAngle = kReticleMinInnerAngle;
            if (reticleOuterAngle < kReticleMinOuterAngle) {
                reticleOuterAngle = kReticleMinOuterAngle;

             * Mathf.Deg2Rad
             * 値を度数法と弧度法で変換
            float inner_half_angle_radians = Mathf.Deg2Rad * reticleInnerAngle * 0.5f;
            float outer_half_angle_radians = Mathf.Deg2Rad * reticleOuterAngle * 0.5f;

             * Mathf.Tan(a)
             * aの角度のタンジェント(三角比)を返す
            float inner_diameter = 2.0f * Mathf.Tan(inner_half_angle_radians);
            float outer_diameter = 2.0f * Mathf.Tan(outer_half_angle_radians);

             * Mathf.Lerp(a,b,c)
             * cが0ならaの値が,1ならbの値が,0.5と中間ならaとbの中間の値が返る
            reticleInnerDiameter = Mathf.Lerp(reticleInnerDiameter, inner_diameter, Time.deltaTime * reticleGrowthSpeed);
            reticleOuterDiameter = Mathf.Lerp(reticleOuterDiameter, outer_diameter, Time.deltaTime * reticleGrowthSpeed);

            materialComp.SetFloat("_InnerDiameter", reticleInnerDiameter * reticleDistanceInMeters);
            materialComp.SetFloat("_OuterDiameter", reticleOuterDiameter * reticleDistanceInMeters);
            materialComp.SetFloat("_DistanceInMeters", reticleDistanceInMeters);

         * SetGazeTarget : 焦点を合わせているオブジェクトとの距離
        private void SetGazeTarget(Vector3 target, bool interactive) {
            Vector3 targetLocalPosition = transform.InverseTransformPoint(target);
            reticleDistanceInMeters = Mathf.Clamp(targetLocalPosition.z, kReticleDistanceMin, kReticleDistanceMax);

            if (interactive) {
                reticleInnerAngle = kReticleMinInnerAngle + kReticleGrowthAngle;
                reticleOuterAngle = kReticleMinOuterAngle + kReticleGrowthAngle;
            } else {
                reticleInnerAngle = kReticleMinInnerAngle;
                reticleOuterAngle = kReticleMinOuterAngle;




float reticleGrowthSpeed

void CreateReticleVertices()

void UpdateDiameters():ここでカーソルの円の大きさを更新




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