• Doggy Day Care Wellness@doggydaycare

    We are a family-owned, in-home dog boarding and daycare service with over 10 years of experience providing loving and professional pet care.

  • Attorney Minsky@attorneyminsky

    Attorney Minsky and his team are dedicated to delivering top-tier legal representation with a client-first approach.

  • ASPE Inc@aspeinc

    ASPE Inc., established in 2000, is a specialized gas engineering company focusing on air separation and gas purification technologies.

  • Serbyte Development@serbytedevelopment

    "Use which ever of these you want: Short Version (For Directories & Profiles with Character Limits)"

  • Secretos Confesiones anonimas@secretosapp

    Secretos.app es una plataforma anónima donde los usuarios pueden compartir confesiones, pensamientos o experiencias sin revelar su identidad. Permite interactuar mediante comentarios y reacciones.

  • 梅干しとにらめっこ@first_step_by_step_

    モットーは「できるだけわかり易い記事を作る」 未経験からPGに転職後7年目。 業界にも少しづつ慣れ周りが見える→あせる→地方から東京案件に参画するフルリモSEへ。 PHP、TypeScript、C#、VBA、React、Angular(および自動テスト)を経験。 Azure資格取得、AI技術習得のため爆走中。アカウントはツールを使い自身でデザインしたもの。