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Ultimate Tips to Become a Stand-Up Comedian

Last updated at Posted at 2021-12-22

When it comes to comedy, stand-up comedy is one of the most personal and intimidating types of performance. It may seem an easy form of art; however, making the audience laugh live requires years of hard work, practice, and devotion to master stand-up comedy. Stand-comedy has become a popular form of performance in this generation. Lots of new faces come up every day to show their talent. But not everyone stands out to the audience. Stand-up comedy requires you to have patience, but not everybody has the determination to keep going no matter how many times they fail. Famous stand-up comedians like James Veitch are a living example of how focus and determination can take you to the peak of success, not to mention talent.

Becoming a stand-up comedian has its own benefits. Years of practice make you refine your humorous voice, uniquely connect with your audience, and perhaps establish a strong career in comedy. It makes you confident, in and out. Want to be a famous stand-up comedian? Well, you've come to the right place. Let's break down each point step by step.

What is Stand-Up Comedy?
In a basic sense, stand-up comedy is a form of comedy or performing art, where the comedian stands up on stage (literally) in front of an audience and says a pre-prepared routine that consists of random jokes and long humorous stories. Although different comedians have different performing styles, and it totally depends on your personality, let's talk about the common things in this art form:

Stand-up comedy is a one-person show: Usually, you may have seen people performing in groups in a sketch comedy. However, stand-up comedy has always been a solo gig or a one-person show.
Stand-up comedy is a performance: As mentioned, stand-up comedy is one of the toughest comedic art forms. And mastering it will require you years of practice and dedication. It is not just about ranting some jokes on stage; stand-up comedy requires you to have a stage presence and an aura that attracts the audience.
Stand-up comedy is mostly a pre-prepared show: You may have seen some comedians getting up on the stage, and improvising it on the spot, and winning all hearts. However, as a beginner, if you attempt to do the same, thinking you will wing it, a big no! The majority of the legendary stand-up shows result from many pre-prepared shows with lots of rehearsal and deliberate polishing, unlike on-the-spot comedy. For example, James Veitch's one of the most famous performances, 'What happens when you reply to spam emails.' The whole performance was a long humorous story, perfectly prepared with a lot of rehearsal and dedication.


How to Get Started with Stand-Up Comedy?
As a beginner, you must be confused about how to get started. Here are some tips you can follow to enter the world of comedy.

Enroll in a stand-up comedy course.

Although it is not mandatory to take classes to get started, it might be beneficial if you're having trouble getting started. Many comedy clubs offer courses; you can contact them and learn from experienced comedians.

Open mics are a great way to start your career.

Whether you attend a class or not, doing open mics can be a great way to start your stand-up career. Open mics allow you to perform in front of an audience and make you more confident.

Find your uniqueness.

As mentioned, stand-up comedy is one of the most personal and intimate forms of comedy. You can only stand out if you are genuine with your acts. Don't try to copy any comedian's personality, no matter how tempting it may seem. Instead, find out your uniqueness and pour that out in your act. Your uniqueness must be so transparent to the audience that they remember you for your acts. One of the famous examples is James Veitch and his performances.

How to Write a Joke?

Jokes are the building blocks to every stand-up comedy. The finest narrative is what links everything together. Writing a joke is easy, but writing a good joke requires some technique. Before writing a joke, understand the structure. Many comedians weave their jokes into tales or lengthier storylines, like how James Veitch forms hilarious storylines from his own experiences.

Every good joke has two crucial parts to it- the story build-up and the punch line. One cannot function without the other. The story build-up is necessary to bring out the information that gives a context, and the joke makes some sense. On the other hand, the punch line is the final sentence of the joke, which is what makes the joke iconic. If your conclusion is not up to the mark, your joke cannot leave a mark on the audience.

Next comes the practice. As a stand-up comedian, practicing how to compose a joke is crucial. Popular stand-up comedians say as jokes come and go out of your mind all day, it may seem easy to say a joke anytime on stage. However, although creating a five-minute joke may appear simple, delivering it on stage feels like an eternity. As a result, rehearsing writing and delivering it in front of an audience might boost your self-confidence.

How to Perform on Stage?

When you first start as a stand-up artist, you're unlikely to get a big gig or get a chance to perform in front of a massive audience or at a big event that pays you well. Getting a major opportunity as a newbie is especially tough at this moment, when stand-up comedy is at its zenith. However, you might begin your career by participating in local open mics or events. They are the foundations of your identity. After that, try telling the joke in front of your friends, family, or co-workers to see how they respond. Because they are the individuals who know you best, their candid comments may help you develop better jokes in your career. Apart from that, social media has been a major platform in recent times. As a result, you may share your videos on social media to get the most attention.

The Bottom Line

These were some essential tips for getting started as a stand-up comedian. Follow these steps and maintain a high level of patience to avoid succumbing to failure too quickly.193098254_327329122088328_887447707599267918_n.jpg


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