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Best Security Operations Center (SOC) Practices for your organization

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Security ratings are increasingly important in security operations centers (SOC). To effectively contribute to the development of organizational-wide security culture, security analysts must learn to read, analyze, and report security ratings. Here, we go over how analysts may create a security operations center that effectively uses ratings to assess and reduce cyber threats.
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A security operations center serves as the focal point for an organization’s monitoring, detection, response, and analysis of cyber threats. The SOC constantly keeps an eye on everything, including internal network traffic, desktop PCs, servers, endpoint devices, the Internet of Things (IoT), databases, and other things.

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SOC team members often aren’t focused on creating the security strategy itself; instead, they’re there to put that strategy into action, which includes putting defensive measures in place as needed and assessing the fallout after an incident. Teams employ technology to collect data, check endpoints for vulnerabilities, and verify regulatory compliance while protecting sensitive data.

A clearly defined security strategy that is in line with corporate objectives forms the basis of the SOC’s activity. From then, a variety of tools, features, and functions must be used to build and maintain your infrastructure to deploy and support the plan.

Source: https://www.esds.co.in/blog/best-security-operations-center-soc-practices-for-your-organization/


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