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Developing a Proactive Security Strategy for your organization

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Cyber dangers continue to emerge at an alarming rate in today’s dynamic digital environment, endangering businesses of every size and in all sectors. Every day, there are more than 4,50,000 new malware samples alone, but researchers are also always finding new social engineering scams and zero-day vulnerabilities. It is no longer sufficient to respond to cyber threats reactively by patching vulnerabilities after attackers have exposed them to safeguard important digital assets. Instead, by implementing a proactive security policy, organizations must foresee dangers and respond to them before they materialize.

What Is a Proactive Security Strategy?

A proactive security strategy is an all-encompassing cybersecurity approach with the objective of identifying, foreseeing, and mitigating threats before they materialize into incidents. Due to their high profile and the extreme sensitivity of their data, large corporations and significant government organizations were the main practitioners of proactive security for a very long period. Smaller businesses could afford to take their time with cybersecurity because attackers didn’t give a damn about them.

Cyberattacks are no longer only directed at the most visible targets, though, as times have evolved. In 2021, 18% of SMBs faced six or more cyberattacks, while 60% of SMBs experienced one, according to the report The State of IT Security for SMBs in 2022-2023. Virtually every organization with internet-accessible IT infrastructure can anticipate being inundated with increasingly sophisticated attacks as a result of the rise of automated cyberattacks powered by artificial intelligence, and preventative measures won’t be able to offer a sufficient defense. Building a strong proactive security plan that is intended to stop both present and future cyber threats from generating data breaches and other mishaps is the best course of action.

The Primary Building Blocks of a Proactive Cybersecurity Strategy

An organization’s digital assets can be protected from cyber-attacks by using a proactive security strategy, which can be broken down into smaller building blocks.

Understanding of the Evolving Threat Landscape

It’s essential to stay up to date on new threats, attack techniques, and vulnerabilities if you want to be able to predict and be ready for attacks. Unfortunately, not all businesses employ or contract with the cybersecurity experts required to stay current with the constantly evolving threat landscape. They are therefore forced to resort to more expensive and ineffective reactive procedures because they are unable to change their security measures in a proactive manner.

source: https://www.esds.co.in/blog/developing-a-proactive-security-strategy-for-your-organization/


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