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Scala source code compatible with both scala/scalac

Last updated at Posted at 2014-10-16


This is the defacto standard of executable Scala script, using shebang (little bit verbose for explanation below).
これは 実行可能な Scalaソースの標準です。本来不要なobjectとか付いていますが以下の説明のためです。

#!/usr/bin/env scala
object hello extends App{
	println("Hello World");

Note: !# does not seem to be required if your Scala is 2.10(?)

Actually hello.main(args) is verbose. Because (cited from scala -help:

A file argument will be run as a scala script unless it contains only
self-contained compilation units (classes and objects) and exactly one
runnable main method.  In that case the file will be compiled and the
main method invoked.  This provides a bridge between scripts and standard
scala source.

So let's strip it.

#!/usr/bin/env scala
object hello extends App{
	println("Hello World");

Now the scala command is dumb. We need explicit main method. Unfortunately App trait cannot be used.
scalaコマンドは何も出力しなくなってしまいました。mainメソッドを明示しなければなりません。残念ながらApp traitは使えないのです。

#!/usr/bin/env scala
object hello{
	def main(args: Array[String]){
		println("Hello World");

Finally, to satisfy scalac, let's use http://qiita.com/ando-masaki/items/323c6b08e07ec4538c3d trick (//usr/bin/env go run $0 $@;exit).

//usr/bin/env scala $0 $@;exit
object hello{
	def main(args: Array[String]){
		println("Hello World");

Great. Now this source is compatible with both scala/scalac.

Finally, don't forget that there must be only one class/object or this trick won't work anymore.

I have found that similar technique can be applied to F#.
Make the file extention .fsx and make the first line //usr/bin/env fsharpi $0 $@;exit.


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