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Install Python 3 on Mac

Last updated at Posted at 2017-11-21

1. Install Python 3

I bet the current Python version on your Mac is 2.X.

python -V # "2.7.10" on my Mac (macOS Sierra)

If so, let's install Python 3.

brew install python3

In brew install log, I think you saw some instructions about setting PATH to your ~/.bash_profile. I did that like this.

export PATH=~/Library/Python/3.6/bin:$PATH

Then you can use Python 3 with python3.
* Note that you can still use Python 2 with python.

python -V # You can still use Python 2
python3 -V

2. Check if you can use pip3

pip3 is a package management tool for Python 3, like npm for Node.js, gem for Ruby, and is automatically installed when you install Python 3.

Run this.

pip3 -V

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