
More than 5 years have passed since last update.

Micronaut CLIのProfilesとFeatures

Last updated at Posted at 2019-02-13

Micronaut CLI?

Micronaut CLIというのは、Micronautが提供するCLIツールのことです(まんま)。

Micronaut CLI

The Micronaut CLI is the recommended way to create new Micronaut projects.

新しいMicronautプロジェクトを作る際には、このMicronaut CLIを利用して作成することが推奨されます。




$ mn create-app hello-world-groovy --build maven --features=groovy




$ mn -V
| Micronaut Version: 1.0.4
| JVM Version: 1.8.0_191




Micronaut CLIのprofile-infoコマンドに、Profileを指定して実行します。


service Profileの場合。

$ mn profile-info service
| Profile: service
The service profile

| Provided Commands:
  create-bean           Creates a singleton bean
  create-client         Creates a client interface
  create-controller     Creates a controller and associated test
  create-job            Creates a job with scheduled method
  create-websocket-client  Creates a Websocket client
  create-websocket-server  Creates a Websocket server
  help                  Prints help information for a specific command

| Provided Features:
  annotation-api        Adds Java annotation API
  cassandra             Adds support for Cassandra in the application
  config-consul         Adds support for Distributed Configuration with Consul (https://www.consul.io)
  discovery-consul      Adds support for Service Discovery with Consul (https://www.consul.io)
  discovery-eureka      Adds support for Service Discovery with Eureka
  graal-native-image    Allows Building a Native Image
  groovy                Creates a Groovy application
  hibernate-gorm        Adds support for GORM persistence framework
  hibernate-jpa         Adds support for Hibernate/JPA
  http-client           Adds support for creating HTTP clients
  http-server           Adds support for running a Netty server
  java                  Creates a Java application
  jdbc-dbcp             Configures SQL DataSource instances using Commons DBCP
  jdbc-hikari           Configures SQL DataSource instances using Hikari Connection Pool
  jdbc-tomcat           Configures SQL DataSource instances using Tomcat Connection Pool
  jib                   Adds support for Jib builds
  jrebel                Adds support for class reloading with JRebel (requires separate JRebel installation)
  junit                 Adds support for the JUnit testing framework
  kafka                 Adds support for Kafka
  kafka-streams         Adds support for Kafka Streams
  kotlin                Creates a Kotlin application
  management            Adds support for management endpoints
  micrometer            Adds support for Micrometer metrics
  micrometer-atlas      Adds support for Micrometer metrics (w/ Atlas reporter)
  micrometer-graphite   Adds support for Micrometer metrics (w/ Graphite reporter)
  micrometer-prometheus  Adds support for Micrometer metrics (w/ Prometheus reporter)
  micrometer-statsd     Adds support for Micrometer metrics (w/ Statsd reporter)
  mongo-gorm            Configures GORM for MongoDB for Groovy applications
  mongo-reactive        Adds support for the Mongo Reactive Streams Driver
  neo4j-bolt            Adds support for the Neo4j Bolt Driver
  neo4j-gorm            Configures GORM for Neo4j for Groovy applications
  netflix-archaius      Adds support for Netflix Archaius in the application
  netflix-hystrix       Adds support for Netflix Hystrix in the application
  netflix-ribbon        Adds support for Netflix Ribbon in the application
  picocli               Adds support for command line parsing (http://picocli.info)
  postgres-reactive     Adds support for the Reactive Postgres driver in the application
  rabbitmq              Adds support for RabbitMQ in the application
  redis-lettuce         Configures the Lettuce driver for Redis
  security-jwt          Adds support for JWT (JSON Web Token) based Authentication
  security-session      Adds support for Session based Authentication
  spek                  Adds support for the Spek testing framework
  spock                 Adds support for the Spock testing framework
  springloaded          Adds support for class reloading with Spring-Loaded
  swagger-groovy        Configures Swagger (OpenAPI) Integration for Groovy
  swagger-java          Configures Swagger (OpenAPI) Integration for Java
  swagger-kotlin        Configures Swagger (OpenAPI) Integration for Kotlin
  tracing-jaeger        Adds support for distributed tracing with Jaeger (https://www.jaegertracing.io)
  tracing-zipkin        Adds support for distributed tracing with Zipkin (https://zipkin.io)

function Profileの場合。

$ mn profile-info function
| Profile: function
The function profile

| Provided Commands:
  create-bean  Creates a singleton bean
  create-job   Creates a job with scheduled method
  help         Prints help information for a specific command

| Provided Features:
  annotation-api        Adds Java annotation API
  cassandra             Adds support for Cassandra in the application
  config-consul         Adds support for Distributed Configuration with Consul (https://www.consul.io)
  discovery-consul      Adds support for Service Discovery with Consul (https://www.consul.io)
  discovery-eureka      Adds support for Service Discovery with Eureka
  graal-native-image    Allows Building a Native Image
  groovy                Creates a Groovy application
  hibernate-gorm        Adds support for GORM persistence framework
  hibernate-jpa         Adds support for Hibernate/JPA
  http-client           Adds support for creating HTTP clients
  http-server           Adds support for running a Netty server
  java                  Creates a Java application
  jdbc-dbcp             Configures SQL DataSource instances using Commons DBCP
  jdbc-hikari           Configures SQL DataSource instances using Hikari Connection Pool
  jdbc-tomcat           Configures SQL DataSource instances using Tomcat Connection Pool
  jib                   Adds support for Jib builds
  jrebel                Adds support for class reloading with JRebel (requires separate JRebel installation)
  junit                 Adds support for the JUnit testing framework
  kafka                 Adds support for Kafka
  kafka-streams         Adds support for Kafka Streams
  kotlin                Creates a Kotlin application
  management            Adds support for management endpoints
  micrometer            Adds support for Micrometer metrics
  micrometer-atlas      Adds support for Micrometer metrics (w/ Atlas reporter)
  micrometer-graphite   Adds support for Micrometer metrics (w/ Graphite reporter)
  micrometer-prometheus  Adds support for Micrometer metrics (w/ Prometheus reporter)
  micrometer-statsd     Adds support for Micrometer metrics (w/ Statsd reporter)
  mongo-gorm            Configures GORM for MongoDB for Groovy applications
  mongo-reactive        Adds support for the Mongo Reactive Streams Driver
  neo4j-bolt            Adds support for the Neo4j Bolt Driver
  neo4j-gorm            Configures GORM for Neo4j for Groovy applications
  netflix-archaius      Adds support for Netflix Archaius in the application
  netflix-hystrix       Adds support for Netflix Hystrix in the application
  netflix-ribbon        Adds support for Netflix Ribbon in the application
  openfaas              Adds support for OpenFaaS
  picocli               Adds support for command line parsing (http://picocli.info)
  postgres-reactive     Adds support for the Reactive Postgres driver in the application
  rabbitmq              Adds support for RabbitMQ in the application
  redis-lettuce         Configures the Lettuce driver for Redis
  security-jwt          Adds support for JWT (JSON Web Token) based Authentication
  security-session      Adds support for Session based Authentication
  spek                  Adds support for the Spek testing framework
  spock                 Adds support for the Spock testing framework
  springloaded          Adds support for class reloading with Spring-Loaded
  swagger-groovy        Configures Swagger (OpenAPI) Integration for Groovy
  swagger-java          Configures Swagger (OpenAPI) Integration for Java
  swagger-kotlin        Configures Swagger (OpenAPI) Integration for Kotlin
  tracing-jaeger        Adds support for distributed tracing with Jaeger (https://www.jaegertracing.io)
  tracing-zipkin        Adds support for distributed tracing with Zipkin (https://zipkin.io)


| Provided Features:


パット見て「一緒じゃないか?」と思うような気がしますが、よーーーーく見るとfunction Profileだけ、次のひとつが混じっています。

  openfaas              Adds support for OpenFaaS





## service Profile
$ mn profile-info service
| Profile: service
The service profile

| Provided Commands:
  create-bean           Creates a singleton bean
  create-client         Creates a client interface
  create-controller     Creates a controller and associated test
  create-job            Creates a job with scheduled method
  create-websocket-client  Creates a Websocket client
  create-websocket-server  Creates a Websocket server
  help                  Prints help information for a specific command

## function Profile
$ mn profile-info function
| Profile: function
The function profile

| Provided Commands:
  create-bean  Creates a singleton bean
  create-job   Creates a job with scheduled method
  help         Prints help information for a specific command






Micronaut Profiles


$ mn list-profiles
| Available Profiles
  cli           The cli profile
  federation    The federation profile
  function-aws  The function profile for AWS Lambda
  kafka         The Kafka messaging profile
  profile       A profile for creating new Micronaut profiles
  service       The service profile

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