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闇のプログラミングAdvent Calendar 2021

Day 3


Last updated at Posted at 2021-05-26


  • エラーメッセージ
{'message': 'Application cannot perform write actions. Contact Twitter Platform Operations through https://help.twitter.com/forms/platform.', 'code': 261}
  • 原因は自動メンション機能が暴走したまま放置していたのでスパム報告されたっぽい。


  • 内容は「自動化機能を削除したので凍結を解除して」みたいのをDEEP翻訳にかけた。
    • 返ってきた返事はルール違反だから解除してほしかったら詳細情報送れ的なもの。

Thanks for reaching out. Your app has been restricted or suspended due to one or more violations of our Developer Agreement and Policy, Automation Rules, Display Requirements and/or Twitter Rules. Common reasons for this happening include:

Users reporting content posted through your app as spam (Tweets, RTs, favs, DMs, etc.)
Abusive use of automations, like auto-following/unfollowing  
Suspicious API usage, such as repeatedly hitting rate limits
Display violations regarding how you must show Tweets
This list is not exhaustive, so review our policy documentation to ensure that your app and your app’s users are following all of our rules.

Please respond to this email if you need further clarification, but note that we will only consider a request to lift this restriction after you provide us with the following information:

App ID and consumer key
Link to and instructions on how to log into your app to review it for compliance
A list of specific changes that you have made to resolve policy non-compliance
We will not respond to requests to lift restrictions that do not include this information.


Twitter Platform Operations
  • これに先ほどと同じ内容(appidやkey)を返信で送った。

    • どうやら1通目だけだと永久に放置されるという情報があった。
  • メンション送り過ぎだからスパム認定したと帰ってきた。知ってる。

Thanks for reaching out. Your app was restricted for sending a large volume of unsolicited and/or repeat @mentions. This is prohibited by the Twitter Rules: 

Spam: You may not use the Twitter service for the purpose of spamming anyone. What constitutes “spamming” will evolve as we respond to new tricks and tactics by spammers. Some of the factors that we take into account when determining what conduct is considered to be spamming are:

if you send large numbers of unsolicited replies or mentions;
if you send large numbers of duplicate replies or mentions;
Note that this behavior is not allowed regardless of whether or not it is automated. Per the Automation Rules if you are sending automated @mentions the recipient or mentioned user(s) must have requested or have clearly indicated an intent on Twitter  to be contacted by you. 

As a next step please respond to this email listing the measures that you have taken to limit this behavior on your platform. 

Please let us know if you have any questions. 


Twitter Platform Operations 
  • これに対してFunctionality for prohibited activities has been removed.Please re-activate the application.と送った。
    • 検討するとのこと。
Hello ${botName},

Thanks for that additional information. We can confirm that sending unsolicited @mentions is prohibited by our Automation Rules and the Twitter Rules on spam. We can only consider a request to reactivate your app after you agree to stop this behavior.

Twitter Platform Operations
  • 1週間たっても全く音沙汰が無いのでモジュール単位で自動メンション機能消したから解除しろって1日1回同じ内容のメールをやけくそで送った
    • 今日の朝に以下メールと共に凍結解除された。
Thanks for reaching out. Your app was restricted for sending a large volume of unsolicited and/or repeat @mentions. This is prohibited by the Twitter Rules: 

Spam: You may not use the Twitter service for the purpose of spamming anyone. What constitutes “spamming” will evolve as we respond to new tricks and tactics by spammers. Some of the factors that we take into account when determining what conduct is considered to be spamming are:

if you send large numbers of duplicate replies or mentions;
if you send large numbers of unsolicited replies or mentions;
Note that this behavior is not allowed regardless of whether or not it is automated. We have reactivated your app, but this behavior must stop. Going forward, only @mention users who have first @mentioned your account. Only include one @mention per user interaction. 


Twitter Platform Operations 

We have reactivated your app, but this behavior must stop. Going forward, only @mention users who have first @mentioned your account. Only include one @mention per user interaction. が太字で強調されていた。


  • 色々見ていると、明らかな違反をしてるアカウントでも凍結されてないし、正直凍結基準が分からない。個人開発だから別に良かったが、商用でAPIを使う際はルールを順守するのはもちろんAPI Keyを複数取得しておくと万が一の際に良いかもしれない。

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