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Cloud security management: 8 steps to evaluate cloud service providers

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Cloud security management: 8 steps to evaluate cloud service providers

Cloud computing gives many advantages to organizations, but these benefits are unlikely to be achieved if there is not appropriate IT security and privacy protection strategy in place. When migrating to the cloud, management must have a complete understanding of the potential security risks correlate with cloud computing and set realistic expectations with providers.

The next 8 steps will help business and IT decision makers analyze the information security and privacy implications of cloud computing and cloud security management in their businesses.

Cloud Security Management

Cloud security management: 8 steps to evaluate cloud service providers

1. Ensure effective governance and compliance

Most organizations have security, privacy and compliance policies and procedures to protect their intellectual property and assets.
In addition to this, organizations must establish a formal governance framework that describes the chains of responsibility, authority and communication.
This describes the roles and responsibilities of those involved, how they interact and communicate, and the general rules and policies.

2. Audit of operations and business processes.

It is important to audit the compliance of IT system providers that host applications and data in the cloud.

There are three important areas that must be audited by customers of the cloud service: the internal control environment of a cloud service provider, access to the corporate audit trail and the security of the installation of the cloud service .

3. Manage people, roles and identities.

The use of the cloud means that there will be employees of the cloud service provider who can access data and applications, as well as employees of the organization that perform operations on the provider system.

Organizations should ensure that the provider has processes that govern who has access to the customer's data and application.

The supplier must allow the client to assign and manage roles and authorizations for each of its users.

The provider must also have a secure system to manage unique identifications for users and services.

4. Proper protection of data

Data is the core of all IT security concerns for any organization. Cloud computing does not change this concern, but it presents new challenges due to the nature of cloud computing.

The security and protection of data must be guaranteed both at rest and in transit.

5. Enforce privacy policies

The privacy and protection of information and personal data are crucial, especially since many important financial companies and institutions are suffering from data breaches.

The privacy of personal information is related to the personal data that an organization possesses, which could be compromised by negligence or errors.

It is essential that the privacy requirements are addressed by the cloud service provider. Otherwise, the organization should consider looking for a different provider or not placing confidential data in the cloud.

Read also: Cloud servers and Cloud computing: How do you know your cloud data is protected?

6. Evaluate security considerations for cloud applications

Organizations constantly protect their commercial applications from internal and external threats.

Application security presents challenges for both the organization and the provider, and rely upon the kind of cloud implementation model (IaaS, PaaS or SaaS), there are different security policy considerations.

7. Networks and connections in the cloud are secure

Cloud service offer must allow block malicious traffic and legitimate network traffic. Unfortunately, cloud service providers will not know what network traffic your client plans to send and receive.

Therefore, organizations and providers must work together to establish security measures and provide the necessary tools to protect the system.

8. Evaluate security controls and physical infrastructure.

The security of an IT system is also based on the security of the physical infrastructure and facilities. Organizations must have the guarantee of the provider that there are appropriate controls.

Infrastructure and facilities must be maintained in safe and protected areas against external and environmental threats.

For example, physical printers must be locked or moved to a controlled access area. Protect access further by using a network printing security device to require user authentication to access the printer and help eliminate security breaches and reduce printing costs.

As organizations migrate their applications and data to cloud computing, it is essential to maintain the security and privacy protection they had in their traditional IT environment.

If you want to learn more about cloud security management, then kindly contact Cloud Computing training in Chandigarh.


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