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Last updated at Posted at 2023-11-20



latlon2mesh があったから、numpyの配列を指定できるように改良してみた。

import numpy as np

def latlon2mesh(lat, lon):
    lat60 = np.round(lat * 60, decimals=7)
    quotient_lat, remainder_lat = np.divmod(lat60, 40)
    first2digits = quotient_lat.astype(int).astype(str)
    last2digits = (lon - 100).astype(int).astype(str)
    remainder_lon = lon - lon.astype(int)
    first_mesh = np.char.add(first2digits, last2digits)
    first1digits, remainder_lat = np.divmod(remainder_lat, 5)
    remainder_lon60 = np.round(remainder_lon * 60, decimals=7)
    last1digits, remainder_lon = np.divmod(remainder_lon60, 7.5)
    first1digits = first1digits.astype(int).astype(str)
    last1digits  = last1digits.astype(int).astype(str)
    second_mesh = np.char.add(first_mesh, np.char.add(first1digits, last1digits))

    remainder_lat60 = np.round(remainder_lat * 60, decimals=7)
    first1digits, remainder_lat = np.divmod(remainder_lat60, 30)

    remainder_lon60 = np.round(remainder_lon * 60, decimals=7)
    last1digits, remainder_lon = np.divmod(remainder_lon60, 45)
    first1digits = first1digits.astype(int).astype(str)
    last1digits  = last1digits.astype(int).astype(str)
    third_mesh = np.char.add(second_mesh, np.char.add(first1digits, last1digits))

    print("1次メッシュ:", first_mesh)
    print("2次メッシュ:", second_mesh)
    print("3次メッシュ:", third_mesh)

lat0 = 34.875
lon0 = 135.1875

    np.array([lat0, lat0]),
    np.array([lon0, lon0]),

np.char.add がネストしているところがあるけど、ここカッコ悪い。。。

import numpy as np

def latlon2mesh(lat, lon):
    lat60 = np.round(lat * 60, decimals=7)
    quotient_lat, remainder_lat = np.divmod(lat60, 40)
    first2digits = quotient_lat.astype(int)
    last2digits = (lon - 100).astype(int)
    remainder_lon = lon - lon.astype(int)
    first_mesh = first2digits * 100 + last2digits
    first1digits, remainder_lat = np.divmod(remainder_lat, 5)
    remainder_lon60 = np.round(remainder_lon * 60, decimals=7)
    last1digits, remainder_lon = np.divmod(remainder_lon60, 7.5)
    first1digits = first1digits.astype(int) * 10
    last1digits  = last1digits.astype(int)
    second_mesh = first_mesh * 100 + first1digits + last1digits

    remainder_lat60 = np.round(remainder_lat * 60, decimals=7)
    first1digits, remainder_lat = np.divmod(remainder_lat60, 30)

    remainder_lon60 = np.round(remainder_lon * 60, decimals=7)
    last1digits, remainder_lon = np.divmod(remainder_lon60, 45)
    first1digits = first1digits.astype(int) * 10
    last1digits  = last1digits.astype(int)
    third_mesh = second_mesh * 100 + first1digits + last1digits

    print("1次メッシュ:", first_mesh)
    print("2次メッシュ:", second_mesh)
    print("3次メッシュ:", third_mesh)

lat0 = 34.875
lon0 = 135.1875

    np.array([lat0, lat0]),
    np.array([lon0, lon0]),



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