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x 過去ログを見よ!!



#include <Arduino.h>
#include <Wire.h>

#define MAX_PAGE                   (7)
#define MAX_COL                    (127)

#define COMMAND_MODE               0x80 // continuation bit is set!
#define DATA_MODE                  0x40

#define SET_COLUMN_ADDRESS         0x21 // takes two bytes, start address and end address of display data RAM
#define SET_PAGE_ADDRESS           0x22 // takes two bytes, start address and end address of display data RAM

#define SET_MEMORY_ADDRESSING_MODE 0x20 // takes one byte as given above

#define SET_SEGMENT_REMAP_0        0xA0 // column address 0 is mapped to SEG0 (Reset)
#define SET_SEGMENT_REMAP_127      0xA1 // column address 127 is mapped to SEG0

#define SET_COMMON_REMAP_0         0xC0 // row address  0 is mapped to COM0 (Reset)
#define SET_COMMON_REMAP_63        0xC8 // row address 63 is mapped to COM0

void write_s(uint8_t *str1, uint8_t len1) {

  Wire.beginTransmission(  0x3c  );

  for (int ii = 0; ii < len1; ii++) {

    Wire.write(*str1 ++);




void setPageAddress(uint8_t start, uint8_t end)
  uint8_t databytes[6] = {COMMAND_MODE, SET_PAGE_ADDRESS, COMMAND_MODE, start, COMMAND_MODE, end};
  write_s(databytes, 6);

void setColumnAddress(uint8_t start, uint8_t end)
  uint8_t databytes[6] = {COMMAND_MODE, SET_COLUMN_ADDRESS, COMMAND_MODE, start, COMMAND_MODE, end};
  write_s(databytes, 6);

void setMemoryAddressingMode()
  write_s(databytes, 4);

//セットディスプレー Flip(画面に書き込む方向を決める)
void setDisplayFlip(int left, int down)
  if ( left == 0) {
    // column address   0 is mapped to SEG0 (Reset)
    uint8_t databytes[2] = {COMMAND_MODE, SET_SEGMENT_REMAP_0};
    write_s(databytes, 2);
  } else {
    // column address 127 is mapped to SEG0
    uint8_t databytes[2] = {COMMAND_MODE, SET_SEGMENT_REMAP_127};
    write_s(databytes, 2);
  }//end if

  if ( down == 0) {
    // Reset mode
    uint8_t databytes[2] = {COMMAND_MODE, SET_COMMON_REMAP_0};
    write_s(databytes, 2);
  } else {
    // Flip Up/Down (Need to rewrite display before H effect shows)
    uint8_t databytes[2] = {COMMAND_MODE, SET_COMMON_REMAP_63};
    write_s(databytes, 2);
  }//end if

void level_meter(int L1, int L2) {

  static int b_count = 0;

  static char dot_1ch[8];
  static char dot_2ch[8];

  //範囲の設定 (OLED内部のx,yカウンターを初期化してホームポジション0,0に)
  setPageAddress(0, MAX_PAGE);  // all pages
  setColumnAddress(0, MAX_COL); // all columns

  for (int y = 0; y < 64; y++) {

    if (L1 >= y){dot_1ch[b_count] = 1;}else{dot_1ch[b_count] = 0;}
    if (L2 >= y){dot_2ch[b_count] = 1;}else{dot_2ch[b_count] = 0;}

    b_count++; //0から7までのカウンターに1を足しこむ

    if (b_count > 7 ) { //8個たまると実行

      //L1 L1 L1 vL1 L1 L1 L1 L1 L1
      int a; //一時
      static uint8_t databytes[9] = {DATA_MODE, 0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0};
      static uint8_t databytes_null[9] = {DATA_MODE, 0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0};

      //空白1 8x2
      write_s(databytes_null, 1+8);
      write_s(databytes_null, 1+8);
      //L1 L1 L1 L1 L1 L1 L1 L1 L1 L1
      a =     dot_1ch[7] << 7;
      a = a | dot_1ch[6] << 6;
      a = a | dot_1ch[5] << 5;
      a = a | dot_1ch[4] << 4;
      a = a | dot_1ch[3] << 3;
      a = a | dot_1ch[2] << 2;
      a = a | dot_1ch[1] << 1;
      a = a | dot_1ch[0]     ;
      databytes[1] = databytes[2] = databytes[3] = databytes[4] = a;
      databytes[5] = databytes[6] = databytes[7] = databytes[8] = a;
      write_s(databytes, 1+8);
      write_s(databytes, 1+8);
      write_s(databytes, 1+8);
      write_s(databytes, 1+8);

      //空白2 8x4
      write_s(databytes_null, 1+8);
      write_s(databytes_null, 1+8);
      write_s(databytes_null, 1+8);
      write_s(databytes_null, 1+8);

      //L2 L2 L2 L2 L2 L2 L2 L2 L2
      a =     dot_2ch[7] << 7;
      a = a | dot_2ch[6] << 6;
      a = a | dot_2ch[5] << 5;
      a = a | dot_2ch[4] << 4;
      a = a | dot_2ch[3] << 3;
      a = a | dot_2ch[2] << 2;
      a = a | dot_2ch[1] << 1;
      a = a | dot_2ch[0]     ;      
      databytes[1] = databytes[2] = databytes[3] = databytes[4] = a;
      databytes[5] = databytes[6] = databytes[7] = databytes[8] = a;
      write_s(databytes, 1+8);
      write_s(databytes, 1+8);
      write_s(databytes, 1+8);
      write_s(databytes, 1+8);

      //空白3 8x2
      write_s(databytes_null, 1+8);
      write_s(databytes_null, 1+8);

      b_count = 0; //0から7までのカウンターをクリア

    }//end if b_count

  }//for y

  //while(1){} //debug


void display_begin(void) {

  Wire.begin(); //NanoC6
  //Wire.setClock(2000000); //速度の変更 (I2C高速化 2Mhz)
  //Wire.setClock(1000000); //速度の変更 (I2C高速化 2Mhz)
  //Wire.setClock(800000);  //速度の変更 (I2C高速化 800khz)
  Wire.setClock(400000);  //速度の変更 (I2C高速化 400kMhz)
  //Wire.setClock(200000);  //速度の変更 (I2C高速化 200khz)
  //Wire.setClock(100000);  //速度の変更 (I2C高速化 100hz)


  write_s( (uint8_t*) "\200\215\200\024\200\257", 6);

  //セットメモリーアドレシングモード (画面の終端に来たら画面の先頭に)

  //セットディスプレー Flip (画面の向きを変える)
  setDisplayFlip(0, 1);


void setup() {



void loop() {

  static int L1 = 0; //値
  static int L2 = 0; //値

  L1 = random(64); // ランダム
  L2 = random(64); // 0から63

  level_meter(L1, L2); //画面の再表示

  //delay(1000); //1秒待つ debug



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