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Last updated at Posted at 2020-03-28



  • Name: centos8
  • Machine Folder: C:\Users(ユーザー)\VirtualBox VMs
  • タイプ: Linux
  • バージョン: Red-Hat (64bit)
  • メモリサイズ: 2048MB
  • ハードディスク: 仮想ハードディスクを作成する
  • ハードディスクのファイルタイプ: VDI (VirtualBox Disk Image)
  • 物理ハードディスクにあるストレージ: 固定サイズ
  • ファイルの場所とサイズ: centos8 16GB
  • 作成


  • ストレージ > "コントローラー:IDE"に"***.iso"を追加
  • ネットワーク > 割り当て: ブリッジアダプター
  • システム > 起動順序:ハードディスク=>光学
  • システム > ポインティングデバイス: USBタブレット


  • インストール言語 > 日本語
  • ソフトウェアの選択> 最小限のインストール
  • ネットワーク > Ethernet・オン (IPアドレスを覚えておく→
  • 時刻と日付 > アジア/東京 ネットワーク時刻・オン
  • KDUMP > "kdumpを有効にする"のチェックを外す
  • インストール先 > 完了
  • インストールの開始
  • rootパスワード
  • ユーザーの作成(→ hoge
  • 再起動


ssh-copy-id hoge@
ssh hoge@
echo 'hoge ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL' > /etc/sudoers.d/hoge
sudo dnf update -y
sudo dnf install vim tar -y



sudo dnf module enable 389-ds -y
sudo dnf install 389-ds-base -y


sudo -s

pwd=`pwdhash -s MD5 secret`
cat <<EOS | while read k v; do echo "s|%$k%|$v|g"; done >/tmp/x
fqdn        localhost
dsid        localhost
ds_user     dirsrv
ds_port     389
rootdn      cn=manager
ds_suffix   dc=example,dc=com
ds_bename   userRoot
ds_passwd   $pwd
inst_dir    /usr/lib64/dirsrv
config_dir  /etc/dirsrv
cert_dir    /etc/dirsrv
schema_dir  /etc/dirsrv/schema
db_dir      /var/lib/dirsrv/db
bak_dir     /var/lib/dirsrv/bak
ldif_dir    /var/lib/dirsrv/ldif
run_dir     /var/lib/dirsrv
lock_dir    /var/lib/dirsrv
log_dir     /var/log/dirsrv
tmp_dir     /tmp

for k in dse suffix-db; do
 cat /usr/share/dirsrv/data/template-$k.ldif | sed -f /tmp/x >>/etc/dirsrv/dse.ldif

#cp /usr/share/dirsrv/data/{60samba3,60radius}.ldif /etc/dirsrv/schema/

for d in /etc/dirsrv /var/lib/dirsrv /var/log/dirsrv; do
 chown -R dirsrv. $d

#find /{etc,usr/lib}/systemd/system/ -name "dirsrv*" -prune -exec rm -rf {} +
cat <<EOS >/etc/systemd/system/dirsrv.service
ExecStart=/usr/sbin/ns-slapd -D /etc/dirsrv -d 266354688

systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl enable dirsrv

#firewall-cmd --add-service=ldap --permanent
#firewall-cmd --reload



sudo systemctl start dirsrv


pwd=`pwdhash -s MD5 secret`
cat <<EOS | ldapadd -D cn=manager -wsecret
dn: dc=example,dc=com
objectClass: dcObject
dc: example

dn: ou=users,dc=example,dc=com
objectClass: organizationalUnit
ou: users

dn: uid=admin,ou=users,dc=example,dc=com
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
uid: admin
cn: admin
sn: admin
userPassword: $pwd


ldapsearch -D cn=manager -wsecret -b dc=example,dc=com -LLL
dn: dc=example,dc=com
objectClass: dcObject
objectClass: top
dc: example

dn: ou=users,dc=example,dc=com
objectClass: organizationalUnit
objectClass: top
ou: users

dn: uid=admin,ou=users,dc=example,dc=com
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: organizationalPerson
objectClass: person
objectClass: top
uid: admin
cn: admin
sn: admin
userPassword:: e01ENX1YcjRpbE96UTRQQ09xM2FRMHFidWFRPT0=


sudo tail /var/log/dirsrv/access
[20/Mar/2020:10:10:05.766918357 +0900] conn=5 op=3 RESULT err=0 tag=105 nentries=0 etime=0.0001688342
[20/Mar/2020:10:10:05.768214265 +0900] conn=5 op=4 UNBIND
[20/Mar/2020:10:10:05.768229611 +0900] conn=5 op=4 fd=64 closed - U1
[20/Mar/2020:10:10:17.772144572 +0900] conn=6 fd=64 slot=64 connection from ::1 to ::1
[20/Mar/2020:10:10:17.772236985 +0900] conn=6 op=0 BIND dn="cn=manager" method=128 version=3
[20/Mar/2020:10:10:17.772403024 +0900] conn=6 op=0 RESULT err=0 tag=97 nentries=0 etime=0.0000216976 dn="cn=manager"
[20/Mar/2020:10:10:17.772556217 +0900] conn=6 op=1 SRCH base="dc=example,dc=com" scope=2 filter="(objectClass=*)" attrs=ALL
[20/Mar/2020:10:10:17.772902599 +0900] conn=6 op=1 RESULT err=0 tag=101 nentries=3 etime=0.0000397831 notes=U
[20/Mar/2020:10:10:17.774684399 +0900] conn=6 op=2 UNBIND
[20/Mar/2020:10:10:17.774707013 +0900] conn=6 op=2 fd=64 closed - U1


1. 匿名での検索を許可(ただし検索結果は1件のみ→"nsslapd-sizelimit")
2. 上検索結果は("dn"と)"uid"のみ表示
3. 自分のエントリは全ての属性を表示

cat <<EOS | ldapmodify -D cn=manager -wsecret
dn: dc=example,dc=com
changeType: modify
replace: aci
aci: (targetattr="*")(version 3.0; acl "1"; allow(search) userdn="ldap:///anyone";)
aci: (targetattr="uid")(version 3.0; acl "2"; allow(read) userdn="ldap:///anyone";)
aci: (targetattr="*")(version 3.0; acl "3"; allow(read) userdn="ldap:///self";)

dn: cn=config
changeType: modify
replace: nsslapd-sizelimit
nsslapd-sizelimit: 1


  • 389ds同士 ☞ 参考

    • push方式 ☞ 手順
    • ADとの同期もこの方法の拡張
  • 389ds <=> OpenLDAP ☞ 参考

    • OpenLDAP => 389ds ... slurpdを使う方法
      • OpenLDAP2.4以降slurpdはない
    • 389ds => OpenLDAP ... "可能だが資料はない"とのこと
      • ☞ "389dsのSyncRepl対応"
      • 手順
  • 389dsのSyncRepl対応 ☞ 参考

    • 389dsをSyncReplプロバイダーにする方法
      • SyncReplプラグインの有効化
      • クライアント側にベースDNが必要
    • 389dsをクライアントにする方法はない


cd /tmp
openssl req -x509 -new -keyout key -out crt -nodes -days 3650 -subj '/C=JP/ST=Fukuoka/L=Fukuoka/O=Example/CN=example.com'
openssl pkcs12 -export -inkey key -in crt -out p12 -nodes -name Server-Cert
sudo pk12util -d /etc/dirsrv -i p12
sudo chown -R dirsrv. /etc/dirsrv

cat <<EOS | ldapmodify -D cn=manager -wsecret
dn: cn=config
changetype: modify
replace: nsslapd-security
nsslapd-security: on
replace: nsslapd-ssl-check-hostname
nsslapd-ssl-check-hostname: off

sudo systemctl restart dirsrv

sudo firewall-cmd --add-service=ldaps --permanent
sudo firewall-cmd --reload


cat <<EOS | while read k v; do echo "s|%$k%|$v|g"; done >/tmp/x
ds_suffix   dc=example2,dc=com
ds_bename   userRoot2
db_dir      /var/lib/dirsrv/db

cat /usr/share/dirsrv/data/template-suffix-db.ldif | sed -f /tmp/x | ldapadd -D cn=manager -wsecret

cat <<EOS | ldapadd -D cn=manager -wsecret
dn: dc=example2,dc=com
objectClass: dcObject
dc: example2




dnf module list
Name                         Stream             Profiles                                         Summary
389-ds                       1.4 [e]                                                             389 Directory Server (base)
ant                          1.10 [d]           common [d]                                       Java build tool
container-tools              rhel8 [d]          common [d]                                       Common tools and dependencies for container runtimes
container-tools              1.0                common [d]                                       Common tools and dependencies for container runtimes
freeradius                   3.0 [d]            server [d]                                       High-performance and highly configurable free RADIUS server
gimp                         2.8 [d]            common [d], devel                                gimp module
go-toolset                   rhel8 [d]          common [d]                                       Go
httpd                        2.4 [d]            common [d], devel, minimal                       Apache HTTP Server
idm                          DL1                common [d], adtrust, client, dns, server         The Red Hat Enterprise Linux Identity Management system module
idm                          client [d]         common [d]                                       RHEL IdM long term support client module
inkscape                     0.92.3 [d]         common [d]                                       Vector-based drawing program using SVG
javapackages-runtime         201801 [d]         common [d]                                       Basic runtime utilities to support Java applications
jmc                          rhel8              common, core                                     Java Mission Control is a profiling and diagnostics tool for the Hotspot JVM
libselinux-python            2.8                common                                           Python 2 bindings for libselinux
llvm-toolset                 rhel8 [d]          common [d]                                       LLVM
mailman                      2.1 [d]            common [d]                                       Electronic mail discussion and e-newsletter lists managing software
mariadb                      10.3 [d]           client, server [d], galera                       MariaDB Module
maven                        3.5 [d]            common [d]                                       Java project management and project comprehension tool
mercurial                    4.8 [d]            common [d]                                       Mercurial -- a distributed SCM
mod_auth_openidc             2.3                                                                 Apache module suporting OpenID Connect authentication
mysql                        8.0 [d]            client, server [d]                               MySQL Module
nginx                        1.14 [d]           common [d]                                       nginx webserver
nginx                        1.16               common                                           nginx webserver
nodejs                       10 [d]             common [d], development, minimal, s2i            Javascript runtime
nodejs                       12                 common, development, minimal, s2i                Javascript runtime
parfait                      0.5                common                                           Parfait Module
perl                         5.24               common [d], minimal                              Practical Extraction and Report Language
perl                         5.26 [d]           common [d], minimal                              Practical Extraction and Report Language
perl-App-cpanminus           1.7044 [d]         common [d]                                       Get, unpack, build and install CPAN modules
perl-DBD-MySQL               4.046 [d]          common [d]                                       A MySQL interface for Perl
perl-DBD-Pg                  3.7 [d]            common [d]                                       A PostgreSQL interface for Perl
perl-DBD-SQLite              1.58 [d]           common [d]                                       SQLite DBI driver
perl-DBI                     1.641 [d]          common [d]                                       A database access API for Perl
perl-FCGI                    0.78 [d]           common [d]                                       FastCGI Perl bindings
perl-YAML                    1.24 [d]           common [d]                                       Perl parser for YAML
php                          7.2 [d]            common [d], devel, minimal                       PHP scripting language
php                          7.3                common, devel, minimal                           PHP scripting language
pki-core                     10.6                                                                PKI Core module for PKI 10.6 or later
pki-deps                     10.6                                                                PKI Dependencies module for PKI 10.6 or later
postgresql                   9.6                client, server [d]                               PostgreSQL server and client module
postgresql                   10 [d]             client, server [d]                               PostgreSQL server and client module
postgresql                   12                 client, server                                   PostgreSQL server and client module
python27                     2.7 [d]            common [d]                                       Python programming language, version 2.7
python36                     3.6 [d]            common [d], build                                Python programming language, version 3.6
redis                        5 [d]              common [d]                                       Redis persistent key-value database
rhn-tools                    1.0 [d]            common [d]                                       Red Hat Satellite 5 tools for RHEL
ruby                         2.5 [d]            common [d]                                       An interpreter of object-oriented scripting language
ruby                         2.6                common                                           An interpreter of object-oriented scripting language
rust-toolset                 rhel8 [d]          common [d]                                       Rust
satellite-5-client           1.0 [d][e]         common [d], gui                                  Red Hat Satellite 5 client packages
scala                        2.10 [d]           common [d]                                       A hybrid functional/object-oriented language for the JVM
squid                        4 [d]              common [d]                                       Squid - Optimising Web Delivery
subversion                   1.10 [d]           common [d], server                               Apache Subversion
swig                         3.0 [d]            common [d], complete                             Connects C/C++/Objective C to some high-level programming languages
varnish                      6 [d]              common [d]                                       Varnish HTTP cache
virt                         rhel [d]           common [d]                                       Virtualization module


dnf module info 389-ds
Name         : 389-ds
Stream       : 1.4 [e] [a]
Version      : 8010020191119214651
Context      : eb48df33
Architecture : x86_64
Repo         : AppStream
Summary      : 389 Directory Server (base)
Description  : 389 Directory Server is an LDAPv3 compliant server.  The base package includes the LDAP server and command line utilities for server administration.
Artifacts    : 389-ds-base-0:
             : 389-ds-base-0:
             : 389-ds-base-debuginfo-0:
             : 389-ds-base-debugsource-0:
             : 389-ds-base-devel-0:
             : 389-ds-base-legacy-tools-0:
             : 389-ds-base-legacy-tools-debuginfo-0:
             : 389-ds-base-libs-0:
             : 389-ds-base-libs-debuginfo-0:
             : 389-ds-base-snmp-0:
             : 389-ds-base-snmp-debuginfo-0:
             : python3-lib389-0:


パッケージ                               アーキテクチャー  バージョン                                    リポジトリー         サイズ
 389-ds-base                            x86_64        AppStream          1.9 M
 389-ds-base-libs                       x86_64        AppStream          994 k
 nspr                                   x86_64          4.21.0-2.el8_0                               AppStream          143 k
 nss                                    x86_64          3.44.0-9.el8_1                               AppStream          724 k
 nss-softokn                            x86_64          3.44.0-9.el8_1                               AppStream          472 k
 nss-softokn-freebl                     x86_64          3.44.0-9.el8_1                               AppStream          273 k
 nss-sysinit                            x86_64          3.44.0-9.el8_1                               AppStream           69 k
 nss-tools                              x86_64          3.44.0-9.el8_1                               AppStream          572 k
 nss-util                               x86_64          3.44.0-9.el8_1                               AppStream          135 k
 perl-Algorithm-Diff                    noarch          1.1903-9.el8                                 AppStream           52 k
 perl-Archive-Tar                       noarch          2.30-1.el8                                   AppStream           79 k
 perl-Compress-Raw-Bzip2                x86_64          2.081-1.el8                                  AppStream           40 k
 perl-Compress-Raw-Zlib                 x86_64          2.081-1.el8                                  AppStream           68 k
 perl-DB_File                           x86_64          1.842-1.el8                                  AppStream           83 k
 perl-Digest                            noarch          1.17-395.el8                                 AppStream           27 k
 perl-Digest-MD5                        x86_64          2.55-396.el8                                 AppStream           37 k
 perl-IO-Compress                       noarch          2.081-1.el8                                  AppStream          258 k
 perl-IO-Zlib                           noarch          1:1.10-416.el8                               AppStream           80 k
 perl-Net-SSLeay                        x86_64          1.88-1.el8                                   AppStream          379 k
 perl-Text-Diff                         noarch          1.45-2.el8                                   AppStream           45 k
 perl-URI                               noarch          1.73-3.el8                                   AppStream          116 k
 perl-libnet                            noarch          3.11-3.el8                                   AppStream          121 k
 python3-argcomplete                    noarch          1.9.3-6.el8                                  AppStream           60 k
 python3-ldap                           x86_64          3.1.0-5.el8                                  AppStream          226 k
 python3-lib389                         noarch        AppStream          954 k
 python3-pyasn1                         noarch          0.3.7-6.el8                                  AppStream          126 k
 python3-pyasn1-modules                 noarch          0.3.7-6.el8                                  AppStream          110 k
 checkpolicy                            x86_64          2.9-1.el8                                    BaseOS             348 k
 cyrus-sasl-gssapi                      x86_64          2.1.27-1.el8                                 BaseOS              49 k
 cyrus-sasl-md5                         x86_64          2.1.27-1.el8                                 BaseOS              65 k
 cyrus-sasl-plain                       x86_64          2.1.27-1.el8                                 BaseOS              47 k
 libicu                                 x86_64          60.3-1.el8                                   BaseOS             8.8 M
 openldap-clients                       x86_64          2.4.46-11.el8_1                              BaseOS             204 k
 openssl-perl                           x86_64          1:1.1.1c-2.el8                               BaseOS              77 k
 perl-Carp                              noarch          1.42-396.el8                                 BaseOS              30 k
 perl-Data-Dumper                       x86_64          2.167-399.el8                                BaseOS              58 k
 perl-Encode                            x86_64          4:2.97-3.el8                                 BaseOS             1.5 M
 perl-Errno                             x86_64          1.28-416.el8                                 BaseOS              76 k
 perl-Exporter                          noarch          5.72-396.el8                                 BaseOS              34 k
 perl-File-Path                         noarch          2.15-2.el8                                   BaseOS              38 k
 perl-File-Temp                         noarch          0.230.600-1.el8                              BaseOS              63 k
 perl-Getopt-Long                       noarch          1:2.50-4.el8                                 BaseOS              63 k
 perl-HTTP-Tiny                         noarch          0.074-1.el8                                  BaseOS              58 k
 perl-IO                                x86_64          1.38-416.el8                                 BaseOS             141 k
 perl-MIME-Base64                       x86_64          3.15-396.el8                                 BaseOS              31 k
 perl-PathTools                         x86_64          3.74-1.el8                                   BaseOS              90 k
 perl-Pod-Escapes                       noarch          1:1.07-395.el8                               BaseOS              20 k
 perl-Pod-Perldoc                       noarch          3.28-396.el8                                 BaseOS              86 k
 perl-Pod-Simple                        noarch          1:3.35-395.el8                               BaseOS             213 k
 perl-Pod-Usage                         noarch          4:1.69-395.el8                               BaseOS              34 k
 perl-Scalar-List-Utils                 x86_64          3:1.49-2.el8                                 BaseOS              68 k
 perl-Socket                            x86_64          4:2.027-3.el8                                BaseOS              59 k
 perl-Storable                          x86_64          1:3.11-3.el8                                 BaseOS              98 k
 perl-Term-ANSIColor                    noarch          4.06-396.el8                                 BaseOS              46 k
 perl-Term-Cap                          noarch          1.17-395.el8                                 BaseOS              23 k
 perl-Text-ParseWords                   noarch          3.30-395.el8                                 BaseOS              18 k
 perl-Text-Tabs+Wrap                    noarch          2013.0523-395.el8                            BaseOS              24 k
 perl-Time-Local                        noarch          1:1.280-1.el8                                BaseOS              34 k
 perl-Unicode-Normalize                 x86_64          1.25-396.el8                                 BaseOS              82 k
 perl-constant                          noarch          1.33-396.el8                                 BaseOS              25 k
 perl-interpreter                       x86_64          4:5.26.3-416.el8                             BaseOS             6.3 M
 perl-libs                              x86_64          4:5.26.3-416.el8                             BaseOS             1.6 M
 perl-macros                            x86_64          4:5.26.3-416.el8                             BaseOS              72 k
 perl-parent                            noarch          1:0.237-1.el8                                BaseOS              20 k
 perl-podlators                         noarch          4.11-1.el8                                   BaseOS             118 k
 perl-threads                           x86_64          1:2.21-2.el8                                 BaseOS              61 k
 perl-threads-shared                    x86_64          1.58-2.el8                                   BaseOS              48 k
 policycoreutils-python-utils           noarch          2.9-3.el8_1.1                                BaseOS             250 k
 python3-audit                          x86_64          3.0-0.10.20180831git0047a6c.el8              BaseOS              85 k
 python3-libsemanage                    x86_64          2.9-1.el8                                    BaseOS             127 k
 python3-policycoreutils                noarch          2.9-3.el8_1.1                                BaseOS             2.2 M
 python3-setools                        x86_64          4.2.2-1.el8                                  BaseOS             600 k
 perl-IO-Socket-IP                      noarch          0.39-5.el8                                   AppStream           47 k
 perl-IO-Socket-SSL                     noarch          2.066-3.el8                                  AppStream          297 k
 perl-Mozilla-CA                        noarch          20160104-7.el8                               AppStream           15 k






スレーブ側 (

cat <<EOS | ldapdd -D cn=manager -wsecret
dn: dc=example,dc=com
objectClass: dcObject
dc: example

cat <<EOS | ldapadd -D cn=manager -wsecret
dn: cn=replica,cn=dc\=example\,dc\=com,cn=mapping tree,cn=config
objectclass: top
objectclass: nsds5replica
objectclass: extensibleObject
cn: replica
nsds5replicaroot: dc=example,dc=com
nsds5ReplicaBindDN: cn=manager
nsds5replicaid: 65535
nsds5replicatype: 2
nsds5flags: 0


cat <<EOS | ldapadd -D cn=manager -wsecret
dn: cn=changelog5,cn=config
objectclass: top
objectclass: extensibleObject
cn: changelog5
nsslapd-changelogdir: /var/lib/dirsrv/changelog
nsslapd-changelogmaxage: 7d

cat <<EOS | ldapadd -D cn=manager -wsecret
dn: cn=replica,cn=dc\=example\,dc\=com,cn=mapping tree,cn=config
objectclass: top
objectclass: nsds5replica
objectclass: extensibleObject
cn: replica
nsds5replicaroot: dc=example,dc=com
nsds5ReplicaBindDN: cn=manager
nsds5replicaid: 1
nsds5replicatype: 3
nsds5flags: 1

for cn in; do
 cat <<EOS | ldapadd -D cn=manager -wsecret
dn: cn=$cn,cn=replica,cn=dc\=example\,dc\=com,cn=mapping tree,cn=config
objectclass: top
objectclass: nsds5ReplicationAgreement
cn: $cn
nsds5replicahost: $cn
nsds5replicaport: 389
nsds5ReplicaBindDN: cn=manager
nsds5replicaroot: dc=example,dc=com
nsds5replicacredentials: secret

ldapsearch -D cn=manager -wsecret -b cn=config '(objectClass=nsds5ReplicationAgreement)' -o ldif-wrap=no | grep ^dn: | while read -r dn; do
 cat <<EOS | ldapmodify -D cn=manager -wsecret
changetype: modify
replace: nsds5BeginReplicaRefresh
nsds5BeginReplicaRefresh: start

389ds => OpenLDAP のレプリケーション

389ds側 (

cat <<EOS | ldapmodify -D cn=manager -wsecret
dn: cn=Retro Changelog Plugin,cn=plugins,cn=config
changeType: modify
replace: nsslapd-attribute
nsslapd-attribute: nsUniqueId:targetUniqueId
replace: nsslapd-pluginEnabled
nsslapd-pluginEnabled: on

dn: cn=Content Synchronization,cn=plugins,cn=config
changeType: modify
replace: nsslapd-pluginEnabled
nsslapd-pluginEnabled: on

sudo systemctl restart dirsrv

OpenLDAP側 (CentOS7)

sudo -s

yum install openldap-clients openldap-servers -y

rm -rf /etc/openldap/slapd.d
cat <<EOS >/etc/openldap/slapd.conf
include    /etc/openldap/schema/core.schema
include    /etc/openldap/schema/cosine.schema
include    /etc/openldap/schema/inetorgperson.schema
include    /etc/openldap/schema/nis.schema
pidfile    /var/run/openldap/slapd.pid
argsfile   /var/run/openldap/slapd.args
database   bdb
suffix     dc=example,dc=com
rootdn     cn=manager,dc=example,dc=com
rootpw     secret
directory  /var/lib/ldap

systemctl start slapd


cat <<EOS | ldapadd -D cn=manager,example,dc=com -wsecret
dn: dc=example,dc=com
objectClass: dcObject
objectClass: organizationalUnit
dc: example
ou: example

cat <<EOS | sudo sh -c 'cat >>/etc/openldap/slapd.conf'
syncrepl rid=1

sudo systemctl restart slapd

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